Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 76: Ancient sword evil

Beyond the ice cave, a ten-meter-high ice stone towers, filled with ice-blue forest cold light, and the amazing cold air continues to spread out from it.

This kind of ice stone is formed by countless cold air condensing and condensing over a long period of time. Its weight is a thousand times that of the same volume of stone in the outside world, and its hardness is naturally even more amazing.

Chen Zong stood in front of this 10-meter-high ice stone, his eyes condensed and stared, but this time he wanted to use this ice stone as a target to test his strength, or his attack power.

There is no sword drawing, but the sword is referred to as a finger, and a burst of super-spiritual power is applied instantly, and the breath of super-spiritual will be diffused away. And overbearing.

The sword finger stroked lightly, and a ray of deep color seemed dark to the extreme and pale to the extreme. The light of the sword suddenly swept across the sky, killing the ice stones tens of meters away.

The soft sound of a click sounded, the vast, majestic and overbearing sword light was like breaking bamboo, and the ten-meter ice stone was cut directly from it.

Chen Zong was a little shocked.

It is estimated that before such a piece of ice stone was placed, it can be easily broken by using the power of the centering sword by itself. Now, it can be easily broken only by referring to the sword with a ray of super-spirit, and it has not yet exerted any Swordsmanship.

Chen Zong's thinking turned sharply, and the gap was constantly estimated.

"The power of the fifth layer of Taiyuan Mo Yungong is equivalent to the power of the seventh layer of Baiyun Ling Xiaogong."

"The power of the fourth layer of Baiyun Lingxiao Gong is not as good as that of the Sword of Concentration."

"The power of the fifth layer of Bai Yun Ling Xiao Gong is similar to that of the Sword of Concentration."

"The power of the fifth layer of Taiyuan Mo Yungong is far better than that of the sword of concentration."

"The random blows released by the power of the fifth layer of Taiyuan Mo Yungong are more powerful than the previous magic swordsmanship."

"Now the power of the Sword of Sorrow cannot be used, because the level of the dragon power of the refinement cannot keep up, and it cannot be integrated with the super-spirit, but my strength of physical training is strong enough to easily defeat the previous mountain sword. "Chen Zong secretly thought.

In other words, should I now have the strength of a junior genius?

But whether this is the case, Chen Zong is not very sure. Only when he encounters a strong opponent in a war can he be more clear.

In other words, Chen Zong is now so powerful that he can't accurately calculate it.

The powerful strength brings stronger confidence. A smile of self-confidence hangs in the corner of Chen Zong's mouth, his eyes are clear, his body flashes, and he has no trace.

When the fifth layer of Taiyuan Moyun Gong replaced Baiyunji true power, the power of each operation was super-spiritual, and also belonged to the limit of spiritual power, but its power was not inferior to semi-holy power, and the basic power was stronger and exerted The attack becomes more and more powerful, and naturally, the faster and faster the cast.

The spiritual consciousness pervaded a hundred meters, and Chen Zong was not vigilant because he was so proud of his strength.

Increased strength is a good thing, and increased confidence is also a good thing, but you need to be more vigilant in order to live better.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to feel a sharp sword power permeating the air, as if there were countless invisible sword qi freely tearing the sky.

"So amazing Jianwei." Chen Zong secretly startled.

This kind of sword power proves that the opponent's accomplishments in one of the swords are amazing.

Immediately, that Jianwei seemed to find Chen Zong in general and swept one after another, rolling up an invisible storm of sword gas, shocking Chen Zong relentlessly, and seemingly to smash Chen Zong into pieces.

"Ancient sword evil." Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly.

This sword qi was a little familiar, and instantly reminded Chen Zong of Wu Jiantian Palace's chief disciple Gu Jianxie.

This sword strength is much stronger than when confronting outside the Blizzard secret, indicating that the ancient sword evil has a good harvest in the ice emperor's secret territory, and further enhanced its own strength.

"Outside, you are the first to leave Blizzard's secret place. Now, use my sword to try if you have the first qualification." The sharp sword light flashed as if tearing the sky and leaving a sword mark slowly Dissipated, a figure exuding an astonishing sword-qi fluctuation appeared in front of Chen Zong, the tone was extreme.

Ancient sword evil!

Gu Jianxie's eyes burst out with unparalleled brilliance, as sharp as a sword, can pierce everything staring at Chen Zong, it seems that Chen Zong should be pierced.

Gu Jianxie's whole person is like a razor-sharp sword sword, constantly emitting amazing sharp waves.

His breath surprised Chen Zong, and the harvest was really big, but the words of Gu Jianxie made Chen Zong a little speechless.

Just because he was the first to leave the secret place of Feixue, he had to compete with himself for the first place.

What is the reason for this?

From the perspective of Chen Zong, it is actually difficult to understand the mentality of Gu Jianxie.

After all, Chen Zong was weak and weak in blood since he was a child. He has no talent for cultivation at all. It would be impossible for him to embark on the cultivation path unless he has received the sword of the heart, sword and veins.

After embarking on the cultivation path, it is not smooth sailing, but continuous encounters with powerful enemies, continuous trials and hardships, various killings, and life and death.

At that time, when Chen Zonggang was given the sword of heart, the talent for cutting veins and marrow was greatly increased, but it could not be compared with the present. It can be said that Chen Zong's talent was gradually improved with the passage of time and the continuous life and death.

If there is not enough life and death to stimulate the potential, the current talent is certainly not the case, it will be lower.

The ancient swords are different. They are children of the Qipin family. They have shown amazing talent since childhood. It is said that when they were born, they had three hundred feet of sword light, and they were cited as the future strong swordsman.

Therefore, the elders of Wu Jue Tian Gong Jian Jue brought back to Wu Jue Tian Gong Jian Jue and carefully cultivated them.

Since then, the growth rate of the ancient sword evil is also very amazing, covering the peers of Wujietiangong, the first test in all kinds of schools.

Regardless of whether other forces came to Wujietiangong for communication or Wujietiangong to other forces for communication, Gu Jianxie was the first among his peers, and he could even defeat some people who were much older than himself.

The first, the first and the first are always the first. They have long been deeply rooted in Gu Jianxie's heart, striving for the first.

Unlike Chen Zong, rankings without substantial benefits are meaningless to Chen Zong.

Striving for first place is often because getting the first place has greater benefits, and it is of great help to your own cultivation and improvement of strength. If not, Chen Zong doesn't care, and he can let it go.

Since Gu Jianxie wants to do it, let's do it. Chen Zong also wants to see how Gu Jianxie's strength, especially the sword technique of Gu Jianxie.

Gu Jianxie regarded Chen Zong as his opponent, and as a powerful opponent, he would not be slighted.

The sharp breath permeates the whole body, turning it into an invisible sharp sword straight into the sky, as if to break the clouds.

Immediately, the long sword behind Gu Jianxie came out of the sheath, and turned into a dazzling beam of sword light that tore up the sky, and came to assassination with a breathtaking charm.

Fast as lightning.

When the sword came out of the sheath, it had already crossed hundreds of meters and killed Chen Zong.

The speed of this sword surprised Chen Zong. Before Chen Zongfu paid a breakthrough, it was not easy to catch the sword.

but now……

There is no need to pull the sword, a trace of super-spiritual operation covers the fingers, and it refers to the sword lightly, and the point of the sword is instantly and extremely accurate.

With the sound of a clang, a terrible force burst out, turning into ripples and continuously impacting in all directions, tearing everything and crushing everything.

The appearance of the ancient sword suddenly changed, and his sword was blocked, or blocked by the other finger.

how can that be.

Even though this sword is only a tentative move, it only uses 50% of its power, and it should not be blocked in such a simple way.

Realizing that Chen Zong's powerful ancient sword evil face became more dignified, his eyes became sharper.

Holding his breath, his eyes were dazzling to the extreme, and his breath became more violent and terrible, and a kind of decisive flavor permeated it, as if it were an absolute jewel.


It is another sword that is killed, and it is true. There is no gorgeous skill, and some are just a perfect combination of power and speed. It is a sword specially created for fighting and killing the enemy. This sword is the essence of the ancient sword. Qi and spirit all evoked to the peak.

This sword, no more hands, just to defeat Chen Zong, to prove his first.

Fight for the first. Sword for the first.

Determined and determined, it is very strong. From the eyes of Gu Jianxie, Chen Zong can feel it very clearly.

And the sword of Gu Jianxie is extremely delicate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In Chen Zong's view, it contains many mysteries, all of which are amazing, but after Gu Jianxie practiced a variety of swordsmanship to the extreme, Learn the essence of various swordsmanship and melt it into a sword into a sword.

With the bounce of the thumb of the left hand, the heavy dragon sword suddenly turned into a beam of sword light and ejected, and the right hand snapped, and the heavy dragon sword blasted forward lightly.

Since Taiyuan Moyun Gong replaced Baiyunji True Gong, Chen Zong was unable to use the power of the centering sword, but the power of the supersoul was many times stronger than the power of the centering sword.

About to estimate the power of Gu Jianxie, Chen Zong only used a small amount of super spiritual power to limit his strength, so that he would not defeat Gu Jianxie with one sword.

No matter how strong Gu Jianxie is, he is not his opponent. Chen Zong is very confident, and Chen Zong wants to see Gu Jianxie's swordsmanship.

As the heir to Wujietiangong ’s sword, he is also the chief disciple of Wujietiangong ’s ancestor. The ancient swordsmanship is very clever, and the realm of swordsmanship is also superb. This will help Chen Zong to some extent. , Expand your accumulation and precipitation on swordsmanship.

A sword was blocked by Chen Zong, the evil look of the ancient sword became colder and stronger, and the sword came out again.

The sword is absolutely!

A sword followed a sword, causing an amazing blade storm, madly killing Chen Zong, and the power of each sword was very powerful, reaching only 50% of that sword.

Chen Zong could not help but be surprised. Such strength was indeed terrible, and Chen Zong felt that the power used by Gu Jianxie was not pure spiritual power or semi-holy power, but a power stronger than spiritual power .

Super Spirit!

That's right, Gu Jianxie also replaced the Holy Gong Method with the Holy Gong Method and became the basic strength, which transformed the spiritual power into super spiritual power and greatly increased its strength.

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