Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 77: Ancient Battle Stele (1)

"Sword thirty-seven!"

Many swords in a row have broken Chen Zong's defense, and Gu Jianxie felt great pressure.

After the offensive, his arrogant breath suffocated with it, as if the candle in the wind was about to extinguish, but it skyrocketed in an instant.


There was a faint rumbling sound, straight into Jiuxiao, crushing vacuum.

The ancient sword in the hands of the ancient sword evil lay in front of him, the sword body trembled, and a burst of rapid sword sounds were issued, and the amazing super-spiritual power fluctuated endlessly on the sword.


Suddenly, just moments ago, the ancient sword evil blasted out three seven twenty-one swords. The power of each sword reached the extreme, and the power of each sword was terrible.

This trick, whether in subtlety or strength and speed, reached an astonishing height, suddenly making Chen Zong's eyes suddenly blink.


The ancient Jianxie's swordsmanship is indeed very superb, sighing.

However, in this regard, he still cannot defeat himself. After all, Chen Zong's swordsmanship is not inferior to the ancient sword evil, and there is also a difference between strong and weak supernatural powers.

To form super-spiritual power, you need to practice the Holy Gong.

The more superb sacred-level exercises are, the more difficult it is to replace the original spiritual-level exercises, such as Taiyuan Moyun exercises practiced by Chen Zong. It is difficult for Chen Zong to replace Bai Yunji's true skill with such a secret technique.

The ancient sword evil practiced the holy-grade middle-class exercises of Wu Jue Tian Gong's sword, and also received the help of the strong masters of Jian Jue ’s pulse, so that he could not only practice that holy-grade middle-grade practice to The fifth layer is the continuous integration and transformation of the spiritual wheel.

However, the strong helped each other, and the consumption of the strong was too great. In the end, they were not able to completely transform the spirit wheel. It was only a preliminary transformation. After entering the ice emperor's secret realm, the ancient sword evil got some adventures, and finally took the last step to bring the nine spirits. The wheel is completely transformed and truly possesses super-spiritual power.

However, the fifth-grade Holy Grade Gong Gong method cannot be compared with the fifth-grade Holy Grade Gong Gong method.

In the slightest, why can't Chen Zong be more dignified.

Immediately, the solemn look on his face disappeared completely.

"Chen Zong, if you take my sword, I will lose." Gu Jianxie's voice became erratic, and the whole person seemed to lose all weight, almost flying, and his body seemed to be swaying , The air around the body is rippling with ripples, filled with inexplicable mysterious fluctuations.

Chen Zong did not take the lead, but waited for Gu Jianxie to take action, because Chen Zong had to take a look at what kind of swords and attacks that Gu Jianxie would perform.

Guess, it should be holy swordsmanship.

The ancient sword evil who possesses amazing kendo talents must also be enlightened to practice holy sword skills.

It ’s just that I do n’t know what level of holy swordsmanship the ancient sword evil cultivates. I think it should be a subordinate of the holy level, but I do n’t know what level of cultivation.

Among his peers, Chen Zong has only seen the first move of the Mountain Swordsmanship that is performed by the Mountain Sword Hou.

"A sword ... Flying Snow!"

Gu Jianxie's voice also became erratic. When his voice dropped, his swaying figure followed, and the whistling sound suddenly rang from all directions. It was a cold wind blowing wildly. Swept from time to time, waved and carried inexplicable Tianwei, freezing cold.

Just moments later, hundreds of meters in length were covered by the violent and extremely chaotic ice snowflakes, and the bodies of Chen Zong and Gu Jianxie disappeared, as if engulfed.


Amazingly cold!

One sword drifting snow is the first move of the holy class swordsmanship. Once cast, it will create a scene of snow drifting across the sky. The chill is amazing, especially when it is displayed in the ice emperor's secret territory. Let the temperature be lower.

If Chen Zong is not strong enough, the chill induced by this sword will be enough to freeze Chen Zong's body and lose all resistance.

But at this moment, Chen Zong was completely able to withstand this astonishing chill, only the super-spiritual power was slowly flowing in the body.

Chen Zong still did not move, let the ancient sword evil cast.

Gu Jianxie also knows this. Therefore, instead of rushing to exhibit the sword, he kept brewing and rising.

In an instant, Gu Jianxie could also perform the trick of a sword floating in the snow, but there was a big gap with the time to prepare for it. At least the power could be increased by 12% on the original basis.

With the strength of Gu Jianxie, the power is further increased by 12%, which is terrible.


After three breaths, the momentum of the ancient sword evil accumulated to the extreme, it could no longer accumulate and could not be contained, and a sword was assassinated.

The snow was shining to the extreme Jianguang tearing the sky, and the moment the sword came out, the snow and ice that fluttered in the sky also came to an instant, and the wind ceased.

Immediately, the icy wind and snow that stopped and stopped came to Chen Zong at a more amazing speed and strength, as if to suppress Chen Zong, a beam of cold to the extreme sword light penetrated from the wild snow and ice, silent Killed to Zong Chen.

It ’s not fast, but it is integrated with the snow and ice, which is difficult to distinguish. Of course, this is relatively speaking.

To Chen Zong, it is nothing, the strong perception has made Chen Zong "see" clearly.

After Taiyuan Moyun Gong replaced Baiyunji True Gong, the conversion of spiritual power into super spiritual power also allowed Chen Zong's perception to break through the original boundaries and become more powerful.

The heavy dragon sword trembled, making an amazing dragon groan, roaring into the sky, and immediately, a beam of dark sword light shattered the square ice and snow, as if it had bombarded a vacuum, such as carrying the horror of the ancient mountains, and chopped it down.

This sword suddenly changed the look of the ancient sword evil, as if he had become small in front of him, even if he exerted his holy swordsmanship such as a sword floating snow, it seemed to be standing in front of a mountain, standing high in the mountains.

This is the gap between levels and the realm.

You should know that Taiyuan Moyun Gong is the top sage-grade superb method, while Chen Zong ’s realm of Kendo has reached the fourth level, which is above the ancient sword evil in any aspect.

This gap is the crushing in the realm, the insurmountable crushing.


The strength of Yijian Piaoxue was suddenly broken under Chen Zongyi sword, and the terrible force rushed away, causing the ancient sword to retreat in succession, the sword trembled endlessly, and the arm was numb, **** and surging, and the super-spiritual power was also disorderly.


Inevitably, it is a real defeat.

You know, this sword is already your strongest sword.

Of course, you still have the secret method that you haven't cast, however, the other party has never cast the secret method.

"You won." Gu Jian's look was extremely complicated, and he said unwillingly and admirably to Chen Zong.

From childhood to great practice, Gu Jianxie has been smooth sailing, defeating countless peers and surpassing many previous generations. Fortunately, his mentality is also very tough, so that he can't bear the failure and becomes mad.

Chen Zong nodded secretly. People like Gu Jianxie have experienced setbacks, and they have made greater progress.

"Farewell." The evil voice of Gu Jian flashed down and disappeared into the snow.

Staring at the back of Gu Jianxie's departure, Chen Zong looked back and moved forward again.

The strength of this ancient sword evil is indeed very good. It is not weaker than that of the previous mountain swordsmen, and even the two of them fought. Chen Zong felt that the victory of ancient sword evil would be greater.

Of course, the premise is that Gu Jianxie also has a semi-holy artifact.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Zong has a clearer understanding of his current strength.

Gu Jianxie's strength is not weaker than Shan Jianhou, but he can't help himself. Furthermore, Chen Zongke didn't use the sacred sublime swordsman swordsmanship to fight, but only used super spiritual power to make Gu Jianxie helpless.

However, how strong he is now, he does not have a bottom.

"But I don't know how many geniuses Tianyuan Sanyu entered into the ice emperor's secret territory?" Chen Zong's eyes flickered brightly: "I don't know if any of them is stronger than Shan Jianhou?"

Chen Zong sincerely hopes to have it, and also hopes to fight with him, to prove his strength, and to see the level of genius in Tianyuan Sanyu.


"Ancient battle monument, this time there is an ancient battle monument, ten meters high, is it the king-level ancient battle monument? This king is really a man born in luck." The eclipse king in the one king of Tianyuan Sanyu stared at the one in front. The ten-meter-high black stone monument felt the extremely amazing and mysterious atmosphere fluctuations emanating from it, and a smile suddenly appeared.

The ancient battle monument is an ancient monument left by the strong in the ancient times. It contains unpredictable strength and an assessment. If it can pass its assessment, it can benefit from it.

"This ancient battle monument hasn't been broken yet, let me get through." The eclipse king smiled a little, his smile filled with unparalleled self-confidence, as if looking down at the earth like a god.

Immediately, the eclipse's figure flashed, and rushed directly to the ancient battle monument without collision. His body merged into the ancient battle monument instantly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ disappeared as if entering the water.

A flash of light passed by, and the atmosphere of the ancient battle monument also restrained and became ordinary.


"What is this?" Dongli Qingyu stared at the black stone monument six meters high in front of him, wondering secretly.

"Brother Qingye, this stele looks extraordinary." Said another son of Dongli.

This is a manifestation that the overall heritage of Qingtian Heavenly Land is not as good as that of Tianyuan Sanctuary. They do n’t recognize this is an ancient battle monument, they do n’t know it is an opportunity, and because the ice emperor ’s secret place has n’t appeared for a long time, Dongli The Xeons of the family were not mentioned.

"Take a look at me." Dongli's green queen flickered like a snake, and approached the stele instantly. He stretched out his left hand to wrap a layer of spiritual power, and touched the stele gently.

But like a reflection of the water surface, the stone stele undulates the layers of fine ripples, shocking Dongli Qingyu.

Immediately afterwards, Dongli Qingyan left her hand forward and sank into it.

"Don't ..." A speculation emerged, and Dongli Qingyu also stepped forward, disappearing into the stone.

"Gone?" The genius behind Dong Lei stared with wide eyes and shouted in surprise: "Brother Qingye."

No one responded. The genius of Dongli also approached the stele and reached out to touch it, but he felt a burst of hardness and coldness, and it was so cold that he couldn't help snoring and released his hand.

I dare not touch it, but looked carefully around the black stele, but could not see anything mysterious.

"Wait, I'll wait for Brother Qingyu here for three days. If the brother hasn't shown up yet, I'll leave here." The man said to himself, sitting cross-legged next to the stone monument, waiting for cultivation.

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