Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 79: Breakthrough under pressure

In ancient times, King Hao Yuan was also a well-known king. Regardless of his cultivation of realm or martial arts, he has reached an astonishing height. Even though it is only a consciousness now, he does not have the powerful strength and ability of the ancient king, but also has some ability. .

As soon as it is displayed, the application and control of sacred martial arts must be on top of Chen Zong. The pressure on Chen Zong is huge, but Chen Zong can't be a sword, and his potential is amazing. He simply resists the attack of King Hao Yuan. Under this pressure, we are constantly tapping our own potential and constantly improving ourselves, and the control of holy swordsmanship is becoming more and more pure and flexible.

Sacred martial arts and spiritual martial arts are different. They are two levels. Martial arts are prepared for those who enter the sacred realm. To cultivate sacred martial arts through the practice of transcendental realm, the original purpose is to cross the level and its difficulties. It ’s more difficult to control it easily.

King Hao Yuan is equivalent to an excellent sparring practice, allowing Chen Zong's control and application of holy swordsmanship to advance by leaps and bounds.

Of course, King Hao Yuan is not really a companion. If Chen Zong is not strong enough, he will be defeated by King Hao Yuan.

Sharpen life and death. Sharpen life and death. Sharpening the past is life.

This time, Chen Zong not only had to sharpen the past, but also defeated this body of King Hao Yuan, so as to get through the ancient battle monument of the king level and get rewards.


Hao Yuan Wang ’s holy class boxing techniques are constantly being performed, each punch is condensed with terrible power, and the majesty is immense and overbearing. With each punch, Chen Zong feels as if the power of the entire sea of ​​clouds has been killed. .

It seems that King Hao Yuan used not his own power but the power of heaven and earth.

"The power of the heavens and the earth ..." Under the tremendous pressure, Chen Zong was shocked and burst into aura.

Even though there is the memory of King Taiyuan, but the memory is the memory after all, it can only be used as a guide for reference, and it can not be truly mastered.

Want to truly master the mysteries of the martial arts of the Holy Class, more lies in itself.

In other words, the cultivation experience in King Taiyuan's memory is equivalent to giving Chen Zong a way forward and a door, but if Chen Zong wants to move forward, he must walk on his legs and push the door open.

Previously, Chen Zong just walked on the road and kept approaching that door. Now under the amazing pressure of King Haoyuan's holy fist, he was pushed forward by an invisible pressure and approached that door.

Then he pushed hard and pushed the door open.

A burst of light suddenly shone from the open door slit and fell on Chen Zong.

The mind is clear, the aura of light emerges, and countless mysteries flash out, all about the mystery of the thousand-edged sword-cutting sword technique, especially the ten-edged sword-killing trick.

In the memory of King Taiyuan's memory, there were some Chen Zong who didn't understand it at first, but they were confused, but now they are constantly mastered by Chen Zong.

"The deepest mystery of the ten-blade cutting is to normalize the ten-blade into a sword." A fascination emerged suddenly, and Chen Zong suddenly realized.

If you think about it, the ten blades are ten shots, and there are ten sword lights. The power of each sword light is extremely powerful. If the ten sword lights are merged into one, would it not be possible to increase ten times the power.

ten times!

Thinking of Chen Zong was very excited.

Tenfold increase in power, killing with one sword, to what extent that power should be overpowered, unimaginable.

King Hao Yuan punched in with a punch, Chen Zongfei retreated, and began to try to merge Jianguang.

When I think about it, it is beautiful and simple, but when I do it, Chen Zong finds it very difficult.

Wanting to fuse the ten swords together is simply powerless.

It feels as if I have a hundred pounds of power, but I want to drag a thousand pounds of weight, and do my best, but still do nothing.

"Did I think wrong?" Chen Zong couldn't help thinking, while performing ten shadows and ten magical statures, he constantly dealt with King Hao Yuan.

The ten shadows and ten imaginations are constantly changing. The ten shadows are extremely fast and flexible, but they are constantly broken under King Hao Yuan's double fists, and they almost bombard Chen Zong's body. Every time Dangerous.

Attempts to merge several times, it is still not possible, it is too difficult. It seems that there is a strong force resisting, forcing the fusion of counter-shock force, so that Chen Zong's blood surges, and his super-spiritual power almost collapses.

The road of forcible integration simply does not work.

And King Hao Yuan ’s fists became more and more terrible. It seemed to increase with the passage of time. The coercion became more and more amazing. Each punch exploded like a rock, and the pressure on Chen Zong was more amazing.

"No, I'm afraid I'll be killed by King Hao Yuan before I can grasp the ten blades." Chen Zong was blown away by a boxing, his blood was surging, and he couldn't help spitting out blood, and suddenly woke up.

Enlightenment requires opportunity and time.

Now there is an opportunity, but time is not enough. After all, Chen Zong's own heritage is still insufficient, and this heritage is directly reflected in the accumulation of sacred martial arts.

Thousand-edged sword cutting is the first sacred martial arts practiced by Chen Zong. Beginners practice, everything is strange. Although there is the memory of King Taiyuan, the practice time is still too short and insufficient.

But if you do n’t realize the ten-blade reunification, how can you strengthen your strength and defeat King Hao Yuan?

Chen Zong exerted his ten shadows and ten magical statures to the extreme. The ten shadows were constantly changing, constantly avoiding the attack of King Hao Yuan, while thinking sharply.

The powerful soul gave Chen Zong an amazing understanding and super-thinking. Under this powerful pressure, Chen Zong's thinking was more acute than usual.

"For the time being, the ten blades cannot be unified, then I will control the ten swords with ten blades, and attack and kill them." Chen Zong suddenly thought.

Killed with a sword.

Suddenly, ten sword lights broke out and slayed, but did not get what they wanted.

Ten sword lights were crushed, and the arrogant and imposing force also repelled Chen Zong.


Chen Zong is out again.


This time, the first Jianguang was shot through the air, and with the nine Jianguangs killed, one of them overlapped with the first.



Chen Zong showed up again and again. His superb spiritual knowledge and amazing understanding and his amazing control over his own power made Chen Zong continue to improve and become more and more proficient.




Each time the next Jianguang fits into the trajectory of a Jianguang, the power of beheading will increase accordingly, allowing Chen Zong to gradually recover the disadvantage.

"Ten Blades Swords ... Ten Blades Kill!"

With a violent drink, Chen Zong slashed out with a horrible power bursting out of the heavy dragon sword, killing everything in the air.

A dark sword light tears the sky like a waning moon and kills King Hao Yuan, but when this sword light collides with King Hao Yuan's fist, it collapses instantly, and King Hao Yuan's fist continues to blast toward Chen Zong like a bamboo.

The second inky sword light follows the trajectory of the first, and then comes out, and then the third, fourth, fifth ...

With the first sword light, there are nine consecutive sword lights killing the same trajectory.

The second sword light was crushed by King Hao Yuan's fist, but the third sword light broke King Hao Yuan's fist.

King Hao Yuan was suddenly shocked, he quickly blasted another punch, broke two sword lights, and punched again. After the two fists alternated, he shattered ten sword lights one after another, but himself quit again and again. In three steps, the magnificent and indomitable prestige of Cai Fang was also interrupted.

Chen Zong stepped forward and once again waved his sword to kill.

Ten Blades ...

Only then did Chen Zong feel the shortcomings of it, and the connection between the ten sword lights was not round enough, and he could continue to improve.

This time, he forced Wang Haoyuan back three steps.

The third beheading, King Hao Yuan retreated again.

For the fourth time, Chen Zong raised his sword, and when he took a step forward, an astonishing momentum broke out, but this was just a trick.

Ten shadows and ten magical bodies were cast, which caused the fist fisted out by King Hao Yuan, but Chen Zongzhen appeared on the side of King Hao Yuan, and the heavy dragon sword was mercilessly cut off.


Ten consecutive sword lights were shot through the air, following the same trajectory, looking from the side, it looks like an open folding fan, and it looks like the folding fan is closed. It is extremely gorgeous.

King Hao Yuan deserves to be a powerful king in ancient times. His reserved consciousness is also very amazing. He reacts instantly, slipping, turning and turning as if gliding on the water. The front object is Chen Zong, and his fists are extremely terrifying The force blasted out.

The two fist stones were shocking, and the sea of ​​clouds collapsed.

Shidao Jianguang was crushed again, but King Hao Yuan practiced backwards, his body was unstable.

At this moment, a thin blade of sword light across the sky, silently and silently, killing King Hao Yuan like a ghost.


When that sword light slashed to King Hao Yuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ King Hao Yuan suddenly flashed a touch of platinum light, blocking Chen Zong's sword.

"Defense martial arts!" Chen Zong was suddenly shocked.

So far, King Hao Yuan has come up with another means.

"Continue the battle!"

In fact, until now, a lot of strength has been consumed. To continue fighting, you still need to rely on your own strong will.

Ten Blades ...

Shows time and time again, so that Chen Zong's mastery of the ten-blade combo became more and more proficient.


Ninety-nineth time, ten blades were killed in a row, ten black sword lights were beheaded and killed one after another.

This time, the connection between the ten sword lights reached the extreme.

King Hao Yuan's fists were shattered, and his body shook back and forth. Defensive martial arts performance blocked Chen Zong's slashing, but at the same time, Chen Zong performed another ten-blade kill.

Defensive martial arts was immediately broken.

One sword is brilliant!


Although the response of King Hao Yuan was quick, it was still a little slow, enough to decide life or death.

The dark sword light instantly passed King Hao Yuan's neck and cut it off.


Chen Zongfang was relieved to see that King Hao Yuan's head was severed and his body began to fall apart.

This battle is indeed too hard, but this battle also has a lot of gains. I have a deeper understanding of Ten Blades, a better control, and mastered the skills of Ten Blades. solid foundation.

After the collapse of King Hao Yuan's body, a breath of breath suddenly emerged, appearing above Chen Zong's head, gradually condensing and forming, turning into a huge funnel-shaped pouring down, aiming at Chen Zong's Overhead.

Chen Zong didn't dodge because he felt this thing was good for himself.

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