Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 80: Eternal ice palace

With a bang, the ten-meter-high black stone smashed, and a figure bloomed with black and red rays, which seemed to erode the world. It looked like a black and red scorching sun from afar, and it was extremely terrifying. The breath fluctuates, devouring heaven and earth.

The black-red light was gradually restrained into the body, and the domineering atmosphere gradually disappeared. A young man wearing a dark red robe with a round of black embroidery patterns landed on the ground. His handsome eyes were full of indescribable domineering.

Eclipse King!

Not the king-level strong, but the king-level genius, the future king-level strong.

He successfully broke through the ancient battle monument of the king level, and obtained a lot of benefits.

"If anyone can get past the ancient battle monument of the king class ..." The Eclipse King stared into the distance as if looking through the void, and said to himself, then shook his head, and a smile of ridicule appeared on his face: " Impossible, except for me, there is no second king in this secret territory. "

Entering with them are two monarchs and five princes. They are only one king. As for the others, they are the geniuses of the so-called Qingtianshangyu. It is good to have Hou geniuses, let alone kings.

"It's a pity ..." The Eclipse King shook his head secretly and regretted it. If he could have one more king and passed the ancient war monument of the king, then he would encounter the greatest opportunity in the secret area of ​​the ice emperor.

It's a pity, it's a pity, but I can't regret it. After all, no one knows that this time there will be an ancient battle monument.

If you know in advance, you should contact one more king-level genius to enter.

That's it, you can only search for this ice emperor's secret territory as much as possible, tap all opportunities, and improve yourself as much as possible.

As for the so-called genius of Qingtian Shangyu, if you don't provoke yourself, then ignore it.

As a king-level genius, the future king-class powerhouse has far more vision and heart than ordinary people, and only the genius of the heavenly sacred field can enter the eye, and at least it must reach the king level.

Just like the Mountain Swordsman, even deeper in obsession, in the view of the Eclipse King, Qingtian Realm is really nothing, a small realm isolated from the heavenly realm, what real genius can be said at all.

Even if there is, it will stand out because of the lack of a sufficiently complete heritage.

As his thoughts turned, the Eclipse King set his mind right, and when he was about to leave the place, the earth shook and the situation changed suddenly.

The wind was rising, snow and ice were flying in the sky, as if the sleeping ancient monster was awake from the ground, and the sky was falling apart.

"What is it ..." The Eclipse King was suddenly shocked.

The ground shook, the endless ice storm swept from all directions, and gathered deep in the center of the ice emperor's secret realm.

The eclipse king looked uncertain, and immediately unfolded his body and quickly flew forward. The breathtaking breath of breath was permeated between heaven and earth, and the black-red figure was like a beam of the sun.

In the endless snow storm, it seemed that a silhouette of the palace appeared.

"Is it ..." The eclipse king could see that trace of outline, his heart was irresistibly excited, as if to jump out of his chest.

Immediately, another thought jumped out of the back of his mind, and the Eclipse King's eyes could not help flashing an extremely sharp cold mang, which was ejected like the light of the hot sun.

If it really happened that the great opportunity that Fang had just thought of appeared, then it means that another person in the secret territory of the ice emperor has passed the examination of the ancient battle monument of the king class.

And to pass the examination of the ancient battle monument of the king level, at least the talent of the king level.

In other words, besides himself, there is another king-level genius in this secret territory.

Five Hou?


It should not be them.

Although the genius level is not static, if you have enough opportunities, you can also improve it, but it is too rare and rare to want to improve your genius level.

After all, if you want to upgrade your genius level to a large level, you need to improve all aspects of yourself, these aspects are almost innate and difficult to change.

From upgrading to Hou, the difficulty will be relatively low. From Hou to Jun, the difficulty will be higher. As for upgrading from Jun to Wang, the Eclipse King has never recorded any records.

"Is there ... there is a king-level genius among the geniuses of Skyworld?" As soon as this idea emerged, it was irresistible, and the eclipse's eyes became more and more powerful, and the arrogant breath diffused out of his body. A black and red big sun outline is generated behind.

At this moment, the Eclipse King was extremely eager to know which king-level genius was left.

"When the ancient palace of the ancient ice is opened, you will probably enter it, and then I will know who you are." The Eclipse King said to himself, his eyes projected forward.

Eternal Ice Palace!

This is the greatest opportunity in the ice emperor's secret territory. After the ice emperor's secret realm gradually took shape, the ancient ice emperor entered the place and personally arranged it, in order to leave the geniuses who entered the ice emperor's secret real chance.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the ancient ice palace is sealed. Even if the ice emperor's secret realm is opened, it will only be unblocked if it meets certain conditions.

The first condition is naturally the appearance of an ancient battle monument.

The second condition is to open at least two ancient battle monuments.

There are ancient war monuments in the records of Qingtianyuyu, but they are rare, and they appeared a long time ago. It is the first time that the ancient ice palace appears.

The records left by the ancient ice emperor remain in today's heavenly sanctuary, of course, the heavenly realm is even more unclear.

"Emperor Palace of Emperor Gubing ..." Chen Zong's eyes twinkled brightly, his shoulders twitched lightly, his body flew out like a wind and light, and quickly left in the direction of vibration.

After defeating Hao Yuan's conscious avatar, Chen Zong got the benefit of breaking through the ancient battle monument of the king level, and was empowered by powerful power.

With this, Chen Zong practiced Taiyuan Moyun Gong to the sixth floor.

The sixth layer of Taiyuan Moyun Gong is the highest level that Chen Zong has come to understand. As for the seventh layer above, if you have n’t really learned the mystery yet, you ca n’t practice.

However, the sixth layer of Taiyuan Mo Yun Gong allowed a super-spirit to be further refined and majestic, which directly enhanced Chen Zong's strength.

In addition to the increase in the level of exercises, it is the growth of combat skills.

In the past, Chen Zong ’s opponents were at an extraordinary level, but now his opponents have begun to improve, especially Wang Hao ’s and other opponents, which has opened up Chen Zong ’s vision.

After this battle, Chen Zong also adapted to the battle with powerful martial arts enemies with holy martial arts, and mastered the sword blade sword sword technique first.

In a word, the strength has greatly increased.

"Presumably the other person who passed the ancient monument of Wang-level is the King of the Heavenly Realm of Heaven." Chen Zong said secretly as he hurried.

The shock was very large, almost affecting the entire ice emperor's secret place, and the surviving geniuses felt that one by one burst out at full speed towards the source of the shock.

Although I don't know what happened, some experience and cognition tell them that once there is abnormal movement, there is often something big to happen, and it is likely to be an opportunity.

Great opportunity!

Why did everyone enter the ice emperor's secret place?

It's not about the chance here, who wants to let go.

Deep in the center of the Ice Emperor's Secret Center, a strong ice storm is raging endlessly. Surrounded by a strong ice storm, it is a huge and transparent palace made of ice.

The palace stood as if immortal.

"Eternal King of Ice, the King is here." The eclipse king's body stunned with breath, the breath was substantiated, and his body seemed to be wrapped in a round of black and red sun, breaking directly into the intense snow storm. .

The storm was raging, madly sweeping, ice and snow were cut and strangled, as if the body of the Eclipse King was frozen and hanged, but it was resisted by the round of black and red scorching sun outside the Eclipse King and melted away.

Running all the way, approaching the palace of the ice emperor.

Geniuses approached in other directions, plunging into a strong snow storm, and his face suddenly changed.

The power contained in the snow storm was too strong and amazing, as if numerous masters were slamming and smashing like swords, and the pressure was extremely great.

break out!

The overwhelming power spreads all over the body, and it is the use of martial arts to smash the snow storm that has swept across and keep moving forward.

But it was only a few hundred meters forward, and while still half a distance away from the Ice Palace, he was cut and injured by a strong ice storm blade.

As soon as he was injured, it was as if the fuse was broken, the defense was broken, and Thousands of Miles fell apart.

It was too late to step back, and the sound of crickets continued to sound ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ On this day, the last roar and roar filled with unwillingness was issued, and it was cut and strangled and broken in the intense snow storm, Fate fell here.

Great opportunities often mean great danger.

If you want to enter the ancient ice palace, you must first cross this kilometer of snow storm zone.

Kilometers, seemingly short-lived, can pass by in an instant in ordinary time, but at this moment it seems like the nature.

A genius who just arrived saw the scene of being strangled hundreds of meters by the ice and snow storm, and his face suddenly changed. He was about to dwell into the body of the ice and snow storm, and stopped outside the snow storm.

He looked stunned. After thinking for a few breaths, the genius turned his power to cover his arms, slowly stretched into the snow storm, and felt the power in it.

Very strong!

The power of each hit is very strong, but if it is only to this extent, you should be able to block it, successfully cross the kilometer of ice and snow storm zone, and approach the palace.

Spiritual power runs, stepping out, stepping into the snow storm, and moving forward quickly, but his face is more and more dignified.

Because, the more you go in, the stronger the ice storm becomes, and the threat will increase.

According to the intensity of this increase, the kilometers of ice and snow storm zones are likely to become their own graves.

Grit your teeth and have to use your hole cards.

The light flows around the whole body, and the speed bursts out in an instant.

Struggling to advance, resisting the invasion and cutting of the ice and snow storm, at the moment when the light shattered, successfully passed the kilometer of ice and snow storm zone and appeared in front of the ice palace.

Each figure was filled with lights of different colors, approaching each other, and then broke into the frozen snow leopard zone and headed for the Ice Emperor's Hall.

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