Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 87: Rolling

Deep in the ruins of the giant city, the pavilion collapsed, the ground was broken innumerable, the pits were scattered, and the forceful atmosphere permeated in all directions.

The two-meter-tall, high-level, semi-holy, level demon dragon man's arms hang naturally, his fingers are slightly retracted, a long tail swings unconsciously in the air, and a pair of broken golden eyes stare at Chen Zong, extremely cold, as if Like the mirror cast by Wanzai Hanbing, Chen Zong is completely reflected in it.

Chen Zong's look was so dignified that the dragon and demon didn't take the shot, and he didn't take the shot himself first. Instead, he thought about it and recalled the battle just before.

The battle for the founder was very short, but he was hit and wounded in just three breaths, like light and electricity, but in Chen Zong's memory, he also found some places.

This discovery made Chen Zong startle.

Seems like ... everything seems to be in the hands of the other party.

In other words, the opponent seems to be extremely familiar with himself. All the timing and trajectory of the shots are mastered by the other party. Therefore, he can easily avoid his attack, and then follow his flaws and dead ends to hit himself.

Chen Zong couldn't believe it, but couldn't help but believe it, recalling the details of the fighting just now, it was true.

Everything about himself is in the hands of the other party.

At this time, the dragon and demon's body flickered slightly, and they didn't see how to behave. It seemed to lose all their weight and floated at an astonishing speed, approaching Chen Zong directly.

Chen Zong noticed that when the Dragon Demon approached himself, it was not a straight line, but a curved left and right, and it was scary fast. Every time he left and right, he left a trail of afterimages that stayed in the air for a long time. , Makes the speed of the dragon man demons seem faster, the true and the false are difficult to distinguish.

Chen Zong felt a little dazzled, and before he could discern it carefully, the dragon-demon demons had already killed him, raised it with one hand, and suddenly scratched with a claw tearing in the void, leaving a scratch in the air. , Terrible.

Before the claws of the dragon arrived, Chen Zong was terrified with that terrible killing, and his membrane was numb as if he had been hit by an electric current, and the reaction was even slower.

This slight difference put Chen Zong into danger at once.

Subconscious outbreaks of life and death many times, Chen Zong exerted ten shadows and ten phantoms to the extreme. It was difficult to distinguish between true and false and quickly retreated. The Chiyan Sword was raised in front of him, like an iron lock across the river.

Sure enough, the dragon claws of the dragon-human demon directly grasped Chen Zong's true body, and one claw broke through and tore everything and shattered everything, and the power was horrible.

This claw directly avoided the defense of Chiyan Liufeng Sword and hit Chen Zong's chest directly.

The super-spiritual defense was torn, and the refining dragon's defense was torn. This claw tears Chen Zong's chest, leaving a few claw marks that are deeply visible to the bone. Wanton destruction inside the body, destroying the vitality of Chen Zong.

The vandalism of the high-end semi-holy void demons is very horrible. Chen Zong can feel the claw marks on his chest are gray and black, exuding a trace of death, and his vitality is also affected, which is constantly being consumed by erosion.

The purple cloud and black star flames were burning, and the powerful flame force immediately spread away, destroying the invaders and invaders and destroying the incineration and purification, and immediately went to the claw marks on the chest, burning the claw marks, the original gray and black silence disappeared quickly and returned to normal.

Chen Zong quickly backed away from the high-level Nether Demon Dragon Man, his eyes gazed at each other, his supernatural knowledge also locked the other side, his thinking turned sharply, and he kept thinking about countermeasures.

This opponent is terrible.

What is terrible is not the strength of the other party's high-level semi-holy level, but the other party seems to have mastered everything about him, and he is almost as familiar with himself as he is. When he starts, he is mastered by the other party and fights back through the flaws.

Chen Zong has never experienced this kind of feeling before, and generally only has others let him experience it.

Of course, Chen Zong is also very clear that he is not without flaws, but the depth of his realm and accomplishment, so that he can minimize the flaws, maximize the flaws of the other party, and then attack and defeat the other party and kill the other party.

The same is true of the former Nether Demon.

But now the situation is reversed.

Chen Zong was completely passive.

Suddenly a thought came out, Chen Zong felt that this was also good. At least he could feel such helplessness. For himself, it was definitely a new experience, a new kind of sharpening, and perhaps the perfect ability to cultivate his own road. Play a good role.

Of course, the premise is that you can survive this battle and kill the other party, otherwise, everything is empty talk.

Chen Zong's will to live is extremely strong, because he knows that no matter what, there is hope only when he is alive. When he dies, everything is empty.

Survive first, then find a way to defeat and kill the opponent.

After being in a physical shape, Chen Zong once again exhibited ten shadows and ten blade kills, killing each other instantly. I don't know if it was an illusion. Chen Zong even found that the dragon and demon's face flashed a mockery, laughing at Chen Zong. general.

Immediately, I saw that the dragon demons' footsteps seemed to take root, but the body shook like a pendulum, avoiding every sword of Chen Zong.

Understatement and calmness.

Chen Zong kept throwing swords, the speed of the sword became faster and faster, and even increased the speed at the expense of strength, beyond the limit, but in a flash, the dragon and demon were completely covered by the sword light of Chiyan.

However, Chen Zong, who keeps sending out swords, became more and more frightened, because his sword speed became faster and denser, covering all around, but he still could not hit the dragon and demon. He swung left and right and turned every sword of Chen Zong Avoid, as if you have the ability to predict, you can know the angle and trajectory of Chen Zong's sword in advance, and even the speed is calculated.


No, Chen Zong fought with hundreds of void demons, eight low-level void demons, and two middle-level void demons. Everything was taken into account by this high-level void demons, and his extraordinary abilities, Everything about Chen Zong is also recorded, and analysis and calculation are made to master Chen Zong's every move.

It sounds terrifying, but it is like this, as if it has mastered Chen Zong's routine and all reactions, unless Chen Zong does not move, with a little movement, he can quickly speculate on Chen Zong's next action.

Half a quarter of an hour!

Chen Zong came out of the sword at a high speed for half a quarter of an hour, but he did not even touch the horns of the dragon man demons, and the dragon man demons did not fight back. They just kept standing and dodging, and never moved his feet. The attacks were avoided.

Immediately, it seemed that the dragon-demon demon didn't want to dodge any more. He raised his hand and flicked it gently, a terrible force hit the Red Flame Streaming Sword, and struck it straight away. Chen Zong.

Chen Zong only felt that finger turned into a giant crossbow that penetrated the sky, and came with a terrible force.

Refined dragons rushed, Ziyun Heixingyan was burned, and super-spiritual power went straight through. In a moment, the three forces converged into Chen Zong's left-handed sword finger, turned into sharp swords and burst out into the air.

At the moment when **** collided, Chen Zong only felt that the power on his sword finger was crushed in an instant, a terrible force shocked, the sword finger seemed to be broken, the arm rebounded and bent, and the body quickly retreated.

But this finger hit hard, and the Void Demon Dragon Man was also uncomfortable. His elbows flexed uncontrollably and bounced back. The force of force struck the fingertips, and a burst of feeling seemed to be diffused, making it look slightly different.

Every reaction of the other side Chen Zong has been taken into account.

"It turned out that it wasn't much more powerful than me." A hint of Mingwu came to mind.

The high-level semi-sacred dragon-human demon is very powerful, but Chen Zong found that he will not be much stronger than himself. The reason why the other party can hurt himself or because the other party can explore everything The move seems to have mastered the battle.

Then, if you want to break the game, you must change.

How to change?

Change from yourself.

But change is not easy.

Chen Zong's combat skills, etc., have only gradually formed over decades. Nowadays, it is impossible to change if you want to change.

The Dragon Demon also seemed to test the strength contrast between himself and Chen Zong, and shot again, killing him with one claw.

Chen Zong also tried to change, blocking the opponent's claw, but unexpectedly the tail was drawn suddenly, the terrible power seemed to break the mountains ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ directly hit Chen Zong's back, crushing all defensive forces, Seems to crush Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong couldn't help spitting blood, the hot pain behind him was so painful, it seemed to be crushed, and the terrible void of evil force once again invaded his body and destroyed it.

The dragon-demon demon's arms crossed around his chest again, but a tail was unsteady, like a giant whip constantly beating out. It could be long or short, and seemed to be able to appear anywhere in the body, like a poisonous snake like a python. The same haunting, clever and fierce, every time the beating will give out an incredible power.

Boom boom!

Chen Zong lost his resistance directly, and his entire body continued to tremble, allowing the dragon and demon's tail to slap. With each slap, a terrible force blasted into the body, wantonly damaging Chen Zong's body, and every time Chen Zong was beaten, Spitting blood, his complexion became paler and his breath waned.

But with each beating, Chen Zong's eyes became brighter and brighter, as bright as the light of God.

The slightest change of breath was subtle and subtle, like boiling a frog in warm water. Even the dragon demon had never noticed the slightest. It seemed to be playing, having fun, playing very smoothly and having a great time.

This dragon and demon clearly possesses amazing wisdom and bad habits. It clearly has the strength to kill Chen Zong, but instead of killing Chen Zong, he continuously shoots at Chen Zong.

As everyone knows, under this attack, although Chen Zong has caused great harm, it also has the potential for Chen Zong to erupt under pressure. The oppression of the life and death crisis has caused Chen Zong's mind to emerge. Enlightenment, countless mysteries emerged, and countless pictures flashed past.

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