Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 88: Heart Sword Mystery

Bang Bang!

The sound, like a cymbal drum, sounded in rhythm and stirred in all directions.

The dragon's demon's tail is not light and heavy, and he is continuously beaten on Chen Zong's body at a uniform speed. The front and back are attacked again and again. The dragon man's demon seems to be playing, punching Chen Zong's body up and down.

With each strike, although the power is not the strongest, it is not light, as if to break Chen Zong's bones and bones. If Chen Zong's refining had an adult physique, he would have become a shred of meat.

It hurts!

Each beating will bring a burst of pain to the body. Waves of injustice followed by waves of invasion, which are constantly stacked and accumulated, becoming more and more intense.

But gradually, Chen Zong forgot the pain in his body, and countless spirits emerged.

From birth, the weather was weak, and it was regarded as a waste material. It was difficult to cultivate, and was ridiculed by countless people. However, he never gave up on himself.

Desperate sword sword cutting veins and spinal marrow washing and reborn, since then truly embarked on the road of cultivation, constantly sharpen the encounter of life and death crisis, through the life and death crisis again and again, to stimulate their potential again and again, to further improve themselves, step by step to the present.

Difficulties and hardships, alternate life and death, why has one's heart shaken?

Opportunity is in the body, shuttle between the two realms, how has one heart changed?

"One soul, two generations, one heart reflects all realms ..." Chen Zong couldn't help whispering, making the deepest voice in his heart.

Suddenly, the sword of the Heart Sword trembled gently, and the mystery of the Sword of the Heart Sword also flowed out. It was stuffed in Chen Zong's soul, and the characters exuding the light of Yinhui were filled with endless mysteries.

Suddenly, the mysteries that had not been realized before appeared.


Chen Zong groaned, as if the voice of the soul, was heard only by himself. The dragon and demon did not react halfway, still beating Chen Zong's body.

Countless awakenings have emerged, and aura of light such as the fireflies swarming deep in the soul, clearing the dark clouds and seeing the bright moon, the heart is transparent, the thinking is clear, and the awakening is astonishing.

"The True Sword of the Heart ... there is a heart first and then a sword ..."

Once suddenly realized, the mysterious self-emergence, Chen Zongfang only knew that his past understanding, there seems to be some deviation.

Have a heart first and then a sword.

Focus on the heart, supplemented by the sword!

With the heart as the inside and the sword as the outside!

Take the heart as the root and the sword as the leaf!

If the heart sword is likened to a big tree, then the heart is the root and the sword is the leaves.

If there is no sword in the heart, if the rhizome has no branches and leaves, it cannot grow upwards and become a giant tree.

With a sword and no heart, if there is no rhizome with branches and leaves, without the support of the rhizomes, the branches and leaves will wither and disappear.

In other words, there was no deviation in my previous understanding of the Heart Sword, but it was not deep enough to stay on the surface.

Regardless of how many levels of enlightenment of the Heart Sword Shinshu was at that time, it remained on the surface and did not grasp the true mystery.

Now, with a deeper accumulation, a stronger soul and understanding, he has gained some memory and cultivation experience of Taiyuan King, the strongest person who has entered the peak of the sacred realm. Such an unprecedented crisis of life and death, was hit by mad death on the body, and greatly inspired his potential between life and death.

The crisis of life and death has great horrors and great opportunities. Chen Zong now seizes the great opportunities, which belongs to him, and understands the deep mysteries of the true sword of the heart sword, which is also the true mystery of the true sword of the heart sword.

If this is not the case, it is not known how long it will take before Chen Zong can realize this.

Attention to the moment of mystery of the sword mystery, Chen Zong's body suddenly filled with a unique breath, the breath was very weak, like a candle in the wind, will extinguish and disappear at any time, but as if the buds broke through the ground, absorbing nutrients Gradually grow up, extremely tenacious.

When this breath was born, the Dragon Demon also seemed to realize that something was wrong. The broken golden erect pupil suddenly burst into an astonishing cold and murderous power. The tail that was beaten sharply intensified, and the power rose to the extreme, as if it could smash the mountains in one shot. Bang to Chen Zong.

The power of this blow was more than twice as strong as before, enough to directly knock Chen Zong's severely damaged body.

With a bang, the air shook endlessly, and the terrible vigour turned into a rolling shock wave that broke Chen Zong's body, and then rushed away at a rapid speed. He blasted the broken ground into a gully of several kilometers long, shocking .

The broken golden eyes of the dragon man demons reveal a touch of human dignity.

Fang Cai's violent full blow didn't actually hit the opponent's body. Just at the moment of the hit, the opponent's body disappeared, leaving only a lifelike phantom.

How did it disappear?

Can't figure it out.

It stands to reason that all human actions and actions of this human being have been mastered by himself. As long as he moves, he can infer the next movement and sniper.

How can it not be calculated?

As everyone knows, Chen Zong realizes the real mystery of the true sword of the heart sword: the mystery of the heart sword.

The mystery of the heart sword, taking the heart as the root, the heart as the source, the heart as the sword, and all power.

Chen Zong felt that he was exposed to a higher level of cultivation. But now, he still doesn't know enough. He is in a state of murmur. He seems to touch only a trace of fur, and he has never done it before.

However, just being in contact with a trace of fur made Chen Zong have a great change. With a change of mind, he had no trace to avoid the brutal blow of the dragon and demon.

Before the change, the blow was absolutely unavoidable, he would be hit, and his back body was broken and died by death.

Take the elixir quickly to treat the injuries.

Very heavy!

very heavy!

Almost all the bones and muscles in the body are broken and broken, the muscle membrane is also broken, and the flesh is blurred.

If it weren't for Chen Zong's strong will and understanding of the mystery of the heart sword, he would have been unable to support it.

As the power of the elixir quickly dissipated, a cold breath permeated the whole body, gradually recovering from the injury.

This injury is not at all lighter than the injury that was hit by the first finger of Taiyuan Wang, of course, there is a difference between the two.

King Taiyuan caused serious injuries to Chen Zong with one finger, and the finger was extremely clever, but this dragon-man demon made many attacks, which was a little different.

In any case, it is a fact that Chen Zong was seriously injured.

The dragon demon seemed to be angry, sending out an amazing and sharp hissing sound, his claws pulled out to tear the space apart, tearing open cracks, grabbing pieces of debris, his tail blasting out, violent, shattering all.

In the face of the raging dragon-man demons, the destructive power is extremely amazing. Chen Zong has no intention of half-resistance. After all, he is now seriously injured.

Dodge and pull away.

Under the mystery of the heart sword, it is under control within a few meters of the circle. The ten shadows and ten imaginations have become more erratic, freed from the prediction of the dragon and demon, and are elusive. Even Chen Zong himself cannot grasp the next breath. Where will the show go, just follow the deepest feeling in the heart and guide in the right direction.

This feeling is a bit like a heartless sword, but more subtle than the mystery contained in the heartless sword.

However, the injuries are heavy. Every time he casts his powers, Chen Zong will suffer severe pain. Fortunately, the power of elixir continues to spread, alleviating the pain suffered by Chen Zong, and also allowing Chen Zong's injuries to heal slightly. The self-healing ability also gradually comes into effect, accelerating the healing of injuries.

Chen Zong exerted his stature to the extreme, and surrounded the entire city to continuously dodge the attack of the dragon and demon, and the dragon and the demon blasted out like crazy forces, and the giant city that was like a ruin was in this terrible Under incomparable attacks, it was further broken.

Time passed slowly. In the first few times, Chen Zong was almost hit by the dragon man demons, but as the application of the mystery of the heart sword became more skilled, the dragon man demons could hardly get Chen Zong.

"Three percent." Chen Zong's eyes flickered past.

The injury has recovered to 30%. Although it hurts a lot, it already has the ability of World War I.

He is recovering, but the dragon man and the demon keep firing, and the power is constantly being consumed.

Although the Void Demon in the War of Demons and Illusions is not a real Void Demon, everything is revealed by the Eternal Ice Emperor based on the real Void Demon, which is very close to the real Void Demon.

In this way, although these Void Demons are powerful, they are not endless.

Especially the shots under the fury of this void demon consume more power.


Chen Zong continued to wait, waiting for this Void Demon to consume more power.

The injury recovered to 40%, and the power of the dragon-man demons consumed more.

The mystery of the heart sword made Chen Zong's super spiritual knowledge more acute, and he began to notice that the breath of the dragon and demon was weakening.

The injury recovered to 50%, and the dragon demon suddenly calmed down ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It also realized that it was not good, and its own power was consumed a lot.

Celestial War Body!

Instantly, Chen Zong burst into the entry-level seven-pin secret method. The white crystal light permeated his arms, making his arms more powerful.

Chiyan Liufeng Sword was shot out of the air.

Ten Shadows and Ten Blades Kill!

The ten shadows and ten blade kills under the mystery of the heart sword became more and more fierce and fiercer.

Moreover, the ten shadows and ten blade kills did not appear at the same time as before, but first appeared one sword to kill the dragon man demons, the dragon man demons immediately dodged, and then the second figure appeared to kill with the sword, as if The dragonman demon's dodge route is predicted to be average.

The dragon and demons were frightened, and they shot out and condensed the remaining power.

The third figure shot again with a sword.

It is indeed a high-end semi-holy level of the Nether Demon. The strength is indeed very tyrannical, and the more flexible ten shadows and ten blades have killed, but they have not been able to kill them.

But Chen Zong made a second move.

Decisiveness ... double-edged blades return to one!

Killed with one sword, the two sword lights converged into one, and the power soared, which happened to appear on the path of the dragon and demon, and it was inevitable.

In the past, although Chen Zong knew the mystery of the ten-blade unification, he could not perform it. Now, under the mystery of the heart sword, he uses the heart as the root to control all powers, and initially displays the double-blade of the ten-blade unification.

The double-edged blades are unified, and the two swords light converge into one, and the power is doubled.


The astonishing sword light tears through the void to kill, and instantly collides with the claws of the dragon-man demon.

Chen Zong is doing all he can, and also exerting mysterious methods to explode all powers, as well as the tyrannical power of the purple cloud and black star inflammation, and the vanities and demons of the Void Demon are almost exhausted, more because of their strong physical strength. Oppose the enemy and stand tall.

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