Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 89: Dripping Blood Sword


Jianguang tore through the sky, the sword marks lasted for a long time, and the golden cold and ruthless vertical pupils of the dragon-man demons shattered a mystery. It seemed impossible to believe that he would be beheaded.

Two points with one sword!

The dragon and demon's body disappeared, with extreme unwillingness.

With its strength, this human race should be killed in turn, but what happened in the middle made this human change, out of his control, and then slowly tortured himself to death.

Yes, this Void Demon Dragon Man with high-level semi-holy power was slowly worn away by Chen Zong.

In terms of absolute strength, Chen Zong is indeed inferior to this Void Demon Dragon Man, who can hardly get any benefits and may even be killed by the other party.

But Chen Zong, who understands the mystery of the heart sword, can more accurately control his own strength and the sword in his hand, so that one point of force exerts two points of power.

What's more important is perception. Perceiving everything within a few meters of the center of itself seems to be under control.

Perceived with the heart, it is more acute, and it is much more sensitive than the past. It can more accurately perceive the opponent's every move, especially after being familiar with the opponent's fighting style, it can also make accurate predictions.

Because of this, Chen Zongcai changed his previous fighting style and became truly arbitrary. He couldn't even predict his own consciousness, let alone the other side.

The other party can predict their own movements because the other party constantly observes their battles, remembers their every move and masters them, and then uses their super ability to make predictions.

That's a talented ability, which belongs to a small number of void demons.

The mystery of Chen Zong's heart sword is similar, but also different.

Chen Zong is not a prediction, but a perception, not a gifted ability, but a superb realm. It is a unique superb realm. The ability evolved from the superb realm is not born.

Compared with the high-end semi-holy Void Demon Dragonman, Chen Zong is still inferior to the other party in terms of absolute strength. Therefore, it took a bitter battle before he could kill the other party. The war is expected to continue.


This battle is really difficult. This difficulty is different from, but similar to, that of the Taiyuan consciousness.

So far, after entering the Ice Emperor's secret realm, Chen Zong has experienced the setbacks he has never experienced before, once the King Taiyuan and once the high-level semi-sacred Nether Demon Dragon Man.

The feeling of deep weakness and helplessness, straight into the heart and deep into the soul, that feeling is enough to collapse many people ’s minds, but Chen Zong resisted. As a result, it was naturally that his own mind and heart were subject to intangible tempering. More refined and tougher.

It is precisely this intangible grinding, combined with everything else, that Chen Zong's potential exploded in the crisis of life and death, and realized the deep mystery of the true sword of the heart.

A force came out of nowhere and fell on Chen Zong's body. Suddenly, Chen Zong felt that his injury was healed quickly, and the consumed power was quickly recovered.

The incredibly beautiful and comfortable feeling pervaded the whole body, and also pervaded the soul. His mind was clear, and Chen Zong thought further.

"First, the mystery of the Heart Sword is only fur. It is useful if the opponent level is equal to or slightly higher than me, but it is useless if the opponent level exceeds me too much." Chen Zong secretly said.

As for the opponent's level is not as good as himself, then there is no need to say more, no heart sword mystery is needed, and he can easily kill it.

"Second, the mystery of running the heart sword is very exhausting. It cannot be performed without a strong enemy."

Just the fur-level heart sword mystery, Chen Zongyi works and casts, covering a few meters around the body, the consumption of mental power is very scary.

Chen Zong was fully aware of this when he was at war with that dragon and demon.

Chen Zong speculates that perhaps the level of his own sword is too low, and the realm of the heart sword mystery is too high. If he cultivates to a sufficiently high level, he will show the mystery of the heart sword, and the consumption may not be so great.

However, the Mystery of the Heart Sword can also be used as a mystery, as a hole card and as a killer card.

After a while, the strength covering the whole body disappeared, Chen Zong only felt that he was refreshed and refreshed, and Shutai was extremely good. All injuries were healed, and the spirit of the whole person was restored to its peak.

Not only that, Chen Zong could feel that some of the dark injuries he had left in the past were also cured.

With the cultivation and continuous fighting, each practitioner has suffered injuries and deaths. Although healed, there will be a little bit of dark injury, which is insignificant, but when the dark injury continues to accumulate and increase, until a limit erupts, it will It's terrible.

Therefore, after practicing to a certain degree, many practitioners will remove the dark injuries as much as possible and use various methods.

Now, Chen Zong's all the hidden injuries have been eliminated, which is undoubtedly a pleasant surprise.

"Is this the reward for getting through the magic war?" Chen Zong couldn't help guessing.

In fact, the benefits of opening up the demonic battle to Chen Zong are extremely great, especially when it comes to understanding the mystery of the heart sword.

With unique power, let ’s call it the power of the heart or the power of the heart sword. This is a unique power that is different from spiritual power, dragon power, and even spiritual knowledge. Take control of yourself, like the realm.

Therefore, it is called the realm of the mind, which is more appropriate and appropriate.

As soon as the realm of the mind came out, within three meters of the circle, everything became extremely clear. Floating dust, air movement, and particle changes. Everything was under the control of Chen Zong, and all changes were being perceived in.

This is incomparable with eyesight and spiritual knowledge.

Just being aware of the realm of this mind is enough to overcome all rewards, not to mention, and to cure all dark injuries.

At this time, abnormal changes occur suddenly.

A ray of blood suddenly appeared from the distant western sky, turned into a **** meteor, and flew across the sky like a **** aurora, flying towards the ruined giant city.

The amazing blood smell spread, the blood was overwhelming, the blood was raging like a sea of ​​clouds, and it swept across the mountains.

Chen Zong's expression changed suddenly, his eyes burst out into an astonishing blood, staring at that blood light, the blood light was endless, with the terrible blood evil and sharp, it seemed that a blood sword across the sky separated the sky and the earth.

Amazing bloodshade and sharp impact came and fell on Chen Zong, causing Chen Zong to tremble, his body icy, and an indescribable feeling of paralysis permeating the whole body, unable to move.

Immediately, Chen Zong only felt the blood light spread into the sea of ​​knowledge, rendered into a blood red, the blood red light was extremely intense, it seemed to turn into a turbulent sea of ​​blood, and he wanted to flood and collapse Chen Zong's knowledge of the sea, together with Chen Zong Your soul will be drowned and swallowed, and it will fall forever.


With a low drink, Chen Zong persisted in his heart, and returned to the peak of his strong and **** spirit. He was extremely condensed, like a sword opening his head, bursting out with a sharp edge.


Resist the invasion of blood.

In the next breath, as if hallucinating, the blood in the sea disappeared, and the **** light covering the half of the sky gradually dissipated. A blood-red mark was suspended in front of Chen Zong.

The mark was bright red and bloody, and crystal clear. It was about the size of a baby's palm, and looked like a wide sword blade. Looking closely, it seemed to be intertwined with countless blood-colored sword qi.

"What is this?" Chen Zong looked stunned, staring at the blood-stained sword mark floating in front of his eyes in surprise.

All the breath of this blood-colored sword mark is restrained, but Chen Zong will not forget the scene just before, the magnificent power of the magnificent world, terrible, compared to the high-end semi-holy level of the void demons before, I do not know how many times to dominate.

Between the two is definitely not a level.

Reached out, and gently touched the blood-colored sword mark. Suddenly, the blood-colored sword mark glowed, tangling Chen Zong's fingers, and spreading to the back of Chen Zong's right hand with a thunderbolt, forming a brand.

The shape of the imprint was exactly the same as the blood-colored sword imprint, and a message permeated into Chen Zong's mind.

Dripping Blood Sword Mark!

This thing, named the Bloody Sword Mark, is a secret treasure.

Soon, Chen Zong knew what the blood sword mark was for.

Inside it is a holy top grade martial arts drop blood sword technique, and Chen Zong only needs to actuate with his own strength to release the sealed drop blood sword technique sword to kill the enemy.

"Holy class swordsmanship!" Chen Zong's heart was stunned.

Although I say that I have practiced the Holy-Class Top Grade Gongfa ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, martial arts is just the first-class sword of the thousand-level beheaded swordsmanship.

As for the holy grade sword technique, let alone, if there is no suitable opportunity, I don't know how to practice and talk about it.

And the dripping sword technique sealed in the dripping sword sword mark can be exhibited only by urging with its own strength. It belongs to the kind of sword practice which is practiced to perfection and only realizes the true meaning.

Of course, due to its own strength, the power of the dripping sword cannot be exerted to the extreme.

After all, the power of sacred martial arts can only be exerted to the utmost extent. Even so, the super-level spiritual swordsmanship of the full-scale sacred-grade swordsmanship that is exhibited is extremely amazing and terrible.

Chen Zong really wanted to try the power of the holy class swordsmanship to perfection, but he could only curb this idea, because according to the information from the drop of blood sword mark, the power of this drop of blood sword mark will be consumed Yes, it is urged to consume once, until the consumption is empty, it will disappear.

Therefore, every casting opportunity is precious and can only be used as a hole card.

"However, there is another function of the dripping blood sword mark, which is to let me understand the seal of dripping blood sword." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes were extremely bright.

The appeal of a holy grade sword is undoubtedly very large, several times larger than Taiyuan Moyun's finger, which is also a holy grade, so Chen Zong practiced swords.

"Then, I will try to enlighten myself." As soon as he thought about it, Chen Zong was silent in the blood dripping on the back of his right hand and began to enlighten.

After a few moments, Chen Zong turned pale and his eyes were a bit tired.


too difficult.

The holy grade sword is extremely mysterious, far better than the holy grade sword. With Chen Zong's understanding at this moment, it is difficult to understand.

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