Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 90: inherited

The Ice Palace is huge, standing in the depths of the Ice Emperor's secret place, and the intense snow storm is raging endlessly. As a genius, people with insufficient strength can only look forward to sigh.

However, everyone has a chance to enter the ice emperor's secret realm, and their strength has been improved. Therefore, those who cannot enter the ice emperor's palace are a minority.

Only through the various evaluations of the Ice Emperor Palace can we step into the real Ice Emperor Palace. The evaluation is the same. As long as you have a certain strength and make the right choice, you can basically pass the evaluation.

Of course, if you make the wrong choice at your own expense, you will die here.

Like Chen Zong, after beheading and killing ten Nether Demons in the demon fantasy war, he did not choose to leave, but left the continuator. Only one person was Chen Zong.

Even the Eclipse King chose to leave after slaying ten Void Demons.

Of course, if the Eclipse King knows that he can choose to stay and cut off all the demons of the void, he can get treasures such as the drop of blood sword mark, it is estimated that he will choose to stay.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that he didn't have the same perception as Chen Zong. After all, the two people's cultivation methods were different.

After leaving the magical battle, Chen Zong was truly stepping into the Ice Emperor's Hall.

Standing on the slate of the Ice Emperor's Hall, Chen Zong organized the information just obtained.

The information is simple.

First: There are three levels of the Ice Emperor's Hall, and each level has a chance to exist.

Second: Everyone who enters the Ice Emperor's Palace has only one choice. What opportunity can be obtained depends on his choice.

Third: The first layer has the most opportunities, but it is also the lowest. It is the opportunities left by the stronger ones to enter the holy realm. The second layer has fewer opportunities and is stronger. It is the opportunity left by the powerful kings. The third layer of opportunity is the least but also the strongest, but the opportunity left by the great sacred realm.

Fourth: No matter what kind of opportunity you choose, you need to pass the assessment of those who stay.

Fifth: The first layer is the easiest. If you want to enter the second layer, you must break the barriers. The barriers to the third layer are stronger.

There is not much information. After finishing finishing quickly, Chen Zong stepped forward and walked forward. There was still an ice channel under his feet, which seemed to be a continuation of the previous ice channel.

go ahead!

When stepping out, Chen Zong came to a large hall.

In the hall, there are many stone monuments, with a total of ninety-nine. They are arranged in an orderly manner and are divided into eleven columns and nine rows. Each stone monument is separated by a hundred meters and has a large distance.

In front of some steles, some figures were sitting or standing cross-legged, shrouded in the breath of the stele, and seemed to be integrated with the stele for a short time.

Those people are accepting opportunities in the stele.

Choosing an opportunity, then, must pass a proper test to really get an opportunity. In this way, it is really difficult to get an opportunity in the Palace of the Ice Emperor.

Tried and tested again and again, but this is also the only way to select the true inheritor and carry forward the inheritance.

Chen Zong did not stay on the first floor for a long time. Although the opportunity on the first floor was very good, and it was enough to cause a **** competition, it was only the lowest level here.

Looking over the ninety-nine steles and looking forward, there was a light curtain flowing, and that was the barrier to the second floor.

One step forward, as if the breeze was slowly blowing, but quickly like lightning, appeared across the thousands of meters before the barrier, did not pull out the sword, but slashed out referring to the sword.

Jianmang is highly condensed, permeating the deep white clouds of deep water, tearing the sky.

In the demonic battle, time lapse is the same as the outside world. In other words, Chen Zong has spent a lot of time in the demonic battle, which is ten times or even a hundred times that of others. Chen Zong is still in the demonic battle with the void demons. At the time of the battle for life and death, other geniuses had already chosen to inherit, and even entered the second or even third tier.

If there are opportunities for multiple choices, Chen Zong will naturally make some choices on the first layer, and then enter the second layer or even the third layer. After all, choosing more and getting more lessons can better consolidate his foundation.

But unfortunately, there is only one chance. This is also the rule set by the ancient ice emperor. Preventing the geniuses who enter here from chewing and chewing is also an intangible test that tests whether you can choose the best opportunity for you.

Many times the path of cultivation is not the better the better, but the more suitable the better.

Because the higher the brightness, there is also the problem of inappropriateness. If it is not suitable, no matter how high the brightness, it is difficult to achieve any results.

Maybe not so clever, but it is very suitable for you, then you can master it completely, and then set new heights.

For yourself, Fang is the strongest.

Jian Guang cleaved, and the barrier was torn apart in an instant.

This barrier is indeed very strong, and it would be difficult to break it without the combat ability of the Hou class genius.

And Chen Zong, far superior to Hou class, even if he never pulled a sword, he is stronger than Hou class.

Tearing, a mouth appeared, Chen Zong's body flickered, as if a sword-like leap into it disappeared.

The second floor is almost as wide as the first, but there are fewer standing stones, only thirty-three.

Each stone tablet represents the inheritance of a powerful king.

The inheritance in the Ice Emperor's Hall comes from the strong men of the First World War, and most of them have fallen. Of course, for many years since ancient times, the strong men of the First World War either died on the spot or were severely damaged and it is difficult to survive to this day. .

Although it is said that the higher the realm of cultivation, the higher the number of Shou Yuan, but that refers to Shou Yuan in theory. It is Shou Yuan who lives without a fight and does not get hurt.

The battle will be attributable, and the injury will be attributable. Intangible cost is at the expense of one's own life.

Of course, this consumption is almost imperceptible, and only when the injury is too severe and suddenly broke out and is incurable can it really be manifested.

Dark injuries will also affect Shou Yuan.

The dark wound is cured, which also means that the consumption of Shouyuan is slowed.

It has been too long since ancient times, and the severely invaded strongmen could not support it at all, or they fell completely, or they remained like a conscious body like a remnant of the King Taiyuan.

On the second floor, there are thirty-three inheritance steles, which belong to the feudal class of the powerful kings. Chen Zong has a few moves, but there is only a small move.

Since there was a snack, Chen Zong did not rush into the third floor, but walked through each stone monument.

Immediately, Chen Zong saw the figure of Sister Yu Nianxin Yu, and suddenly a smile appeared, and she was relieved subconsciously.

After being dispersed before, Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a little worried, but now she saw Sister Yu, she was at ease.

But what about Brother Fu Yunxiao?

The first layer was not seen, and the second layer was not seen.

Didn't you enter the Ice Palace?

Or any other reason?

Each person has his own destiny, which is self-sustainment from life and death, and it is useless to worry about it.

Chen Zong didn't bother Yu Nianxin, because at this moment, Yu Nianxin's breath and the stone stele are integrated, and it seems that he is accepting the inheritance.

Quickly walked past the stele and felt its breath carefully.

Of the thirty-three steles, only nine were chosen to be passed on.

In addition to Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong also saw Huangfu Feihuang and Gu Jianxie, and also saw the chief disciple of Taiyan Mountain Waizong and the chief disciple of Tianxuan Ancient Temple. In addition, the four are very strange and should be from Tianyuan Sanctuary genius.

In addition to the nine stone steles that are being passed on, among the other 24 stone steles, three of them make Chen Zong feel right to inherit them.

One is filled with the breath of Kendo, one is filled with the refining body, and one is filled with the fiery flame.

"Let's go to the third floor first," Chen said in secret, Chen Zong's figure flickered, appeared before the barriers on the second floor to the third floor, and split again with a sword.

The deep white cloud of the mighty sword light is extremely compressed and condensed, like a light sword cut away.


That barrier actually blocked Chen Zong's sword.

As a last resort, Chen Zong pulled out the heavy dragon sword and beheaded again. This time, the barrier was ripped out of a hole, and Chen Zong stepped into it.

The third floor is completely different from the first floor of the second floor. It is not so big, and there are not so many standing stones, just four.

Each of the four stone monuments is 100 meters high and is distributed in four directions. There is a person sitting cross-legged under one of the stone monuments. The whole body is filled with amazing breath fluctuations. At first glance, it seems that there is a round of black and red sun all over the body.

This person is undergoing inheritance, while Chen Zong stares at the other side, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"King-level genius ..." The tone was a little certain.

This person must be a king-level genius from Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Look back, no matter if the other party is a king-level genius or what ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is from Tianyuan Sanctuary or where it comes from, Chen Zong didn't think about it, didn't plan to bother, his eyes moved, and the other three have been scanned. The outgoing stele, observed carefully, sensed the breath fluctuation.

The inheritance of each stone monument has its own unique atmosphere. Excluding all thoughts and perseverance, we can perceive whether the inheritance is truly suitable for us.

Cultivation is best only if it suits you.

The four hundred-meter-high black steles are all left by the Great Holy Realm. As for whether they fell, Chen Zong does not know. After all, the strength of the Great Holy Realm is extremely powerful, and Shou Yuan is even more amazing. Almost can live with the world, even if it is severely damaged, there are means to survive.

Except for the stele that is suspected of being inherited by the king-level genius of Tianyuan Saint Realm, the breath of the other three steles is clearly understood by Chen Zong.

The breath of a stele emanates from the icy cold, as if it can freeze all things, freeze the world and even the space and time, Chen Zong guessed that this may be the legacy of the ancient ice emperor.

Indeed, that is the legacy of the ancient ice emperor.

However, this heritage is not suitable for the Eclipse King, so the Eclipse King did not choose, nor was it suitable for Chen Zong, and Chen Zong did not choose.

The breath fluctuation from another stone monument is extremely magnificent, as heavy as the earth, and capable of carrying everything.

This kind of breath fluctuation also shows that its heritage is not suitable for Chen Zong. Therefore, Chen Zong did not choose, and the Eclipse King did not choose this inheritance.

If the last stone tablet is not suitable for him, then Chen Zong will return to the second floor to select a suitable inheritance, perhaps a lower level, but more suitable for himself.

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