Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 91: kendo

The last stele bears the expectations and hopes of Chen Zong.

Kendo breath!

The suffocating kendo breath immediately made Chen Zong happy.

You practice your sword and are destined to follow the path of kendo. All other cultivation methods are aids to help you be stronger and help you to live better. You will chase the other side of kendo with your body.

This life is a sword, never die.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong stepped forward and stood in front of the stele that exuded the scent of Kendo. This breath gave Chen Zong a familiar feeling, where he seemed to feel it.

Of course, this is the legacy left by a great Kendo sacred realm in ancient times. Chen Zong is not an ancient person and cannot have any contact. However, King Taiyuan is an ancient age.

The scent of Kendo immediately reminded Chen Zong of the swordsman strong in King Taiyuan's memory. One sword waved, the sword light was 30,000 miles long, and he slaughtered into countless demons in the holy realm.

With a sword in his hand, he is invincible.

With a straight back like a sword, the amazing sharp edge suddenly diffused out of Chen Zong's body, straight into the sky, and instantly facilitated the breath of this heritage stele.

The sharp and sharp swords that belong to the same sword, like the roots, are immediately integrated with each other, regardless of each other.

All the thoughts in Chen Zong's mind disappeared in an instant, becoming extremely pure, and the world was shining like a sword.

The stone monument in front of me also melted away quickly, spreading quickly, as if turned into a world, mountains and rivers everywhere, sweeping in all directions, but a moment, a heaven and earth spread out like a scroll.

Great mountains and rivers are in sight.

Giant trees stand tall and tower like towering giant pillars, horrifying Chen Zong. These features have never been seen before. It seems that only untouched virgin forests have such huge trees as high as hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters.

There was a hint of vast air in the air, seemingly ancient.

Lifelike, like a real world.

Buzz ...

As Chen Zong looked around, bursts of humming sounded from all directions, from the infinite expanse of heaven, as if spreading out from the deepest part of his heart.

In the next breath, the endless sword light seems to emerge from the earth, and it seems to come from the endless sky, the roar of the mountains and the sea, the sword light is like waves, endless, the extreme majestic and sharp, it seems to be flooding the world It also drowned Chen Zong.

In the face of this endless stream of Jianguang, Chen Zong felt that he was so small, like a tiny dusty ant, insignificant.

As if being restrained and suppressed, unable to move, even his thoughts seemed to freeze, he could only watch the endless Jianguang approaching.

The next breath, he will be broken by the impact of the sword light, the soul flying away, completely disappearing between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, Chen Zong forgets everything else, forgets that he entered here to accept the inheritance, and only feels that the crisis of life and death strikes again.

It is more fierce than the life and death crisis of King Taiyuan. It is even more fierce than the life and death crisis of the high-end semi-holy Void Demon Dragonman in the demon fantasy war.

Even thinking is almost solidified, there is no resistance, can only wait for death.

"No ..." Subconsciously, Zong roared.

With the dawn of Kendo in front, how could he be stunned.

Not allowed, not allowed, absolutely not allowed.

I also want to climb to the top of Kendo, set foot on the other side of Kendo, take a look at the scenery of that peak, and appreciate the depth of the other side.

The desire and persistence at the deepest level of the subconscious broke out in an instant. The eyes of Chen Zong's eyes were rich and exuberant, and the arrogant breath seemed to rise into the sky.

At the same time, the mighty, endless and sharp sword light washed away and directly drowned Chen Zong, and everything tangible and intangible between heaven and earth was shattered into nothingness under this sword light.

Half a quarter of an hour!

The mighty swordsmanship lasted for half a quarter of an hour before they disappeared.

When Jianguang disappeared, a figure appeared in the heavens and earth, and his face was full of shock.

At that moment, Chen Zong thought that he was going to die, and that he would be drowned by the horrible sword light and torn into a fan.

But he persisted, and eventually he persisted.


It was too horrible. Chen Zong didn't want to bear it for the second time. It was even more horrible than the body of the soul consciousness of King Taiyuan.

"Jendo junior, you are very good, pass my test."

As Chen Zong struggled to get rid of this horror of endless sword-light through the body as if tore the body and soul, tearing and grinding, a vast, simple, and vast voice seemed to penetrate endless time and space from ancient times Advent.

When the sound rang, the winds of the sky and the earth stopped and solidified, and a darkness seemed to fall, as if the night was silent.

Chen Zong couldn't move. Under this voice, it seemed more terrifying than just Jianguang.

The light diffused and the night disappeared. A figure seemed to tear endless space and time from the ancient times. Time went backwards and backwards in space. It took a step from a vague to a solid and appeared in front of Chen Zong.

The familiar figure is exactly the King of Kendo in the memory of King Taiyuan, and the King of the Great Sacred Kingdom who practiced Kendo.

At this moment, he was standing in front of himself. Chen Zong felt that he could not breathe, and a trace of indescribable respect rose from the deepest part of his heart and diffused away.

This great sacred Kendo Xeon is ordinary in appearance, but his breath is unique, like a round of sun between heaven and earth, shining in heaven and earth, shining in all eternity.

"See the predecessors in the end of Kendo." Chen Zong's body was straight, his arms crossed and his arms crossed.

This is a respect for the kendo predecessors, and also for the ancestors who slayed the void demons in ancient times.

No matter how the other person's personality is, these two points alone are enough to make Chen Zong pay sincere respect.

"Kindo Junior, you have passed my test, you are qualified to know my title." The Kendo Xeon spoke, and the sound did not sound so vast, more real, but deeper, as if imprinted: "My name ... God of Robbery. "

"Heavenly Sword Master!" Chen Zong muttered silently, only feeling that there was an unspeakable throbbing from the deepest part of the heart, from the deepest part of the soul.


These two words seem to contain Huanghuang Tianwei.


Holy Sword!

Kendo Holy!

What honor is called glory.

"Jiandao Junior, entered into my inheritance sword monument, passed my test, deserved my inheritance." Tianjie Sword Saint ignored the shock and thoughts of Chen Zong's heart, and said again: "In this heritage sword monument, My two heritages, you choose one. "

"The first lineage is the sword technique that I practiced when I entered the holy realm.

"The second inheritance, the path that I once opened up, is called San Jie Li Feng, which is a unique secret method, but this method, I have not cultivated fruit."

When hearing the first lineage, Chen Zong was shocked.

Holy class best swordsmanship!

This is undoubtedly the pinnacle of sacred martial arts. There may be sacred martial arts on top, but very few. After all, looking at spiritual martial arts, spiritual quality is rare. The first-class gem is very rare, and the entire Skyrim domain is well-known.

Maybe there is a spiritual masterpiece of martial arts in the Yuan Sanctuary that day, but the Holy Class can be compared to the spiritual master. Even if there is a masterpiece, there are absolutely very few.

The sacred-class superb martial arts is enough to cause countless strong men in the sacred realm to compete for life and death.

Chen Zong was very emotional, very emotional.

Saint-level best swordsmanship, also known as Tianjie Swordsmanship, and the other party is called Tianjie Swordsmanship, from which we can infer the terribleness of this swordsmanship.

Maybe it's the top level of the holy class.

But immediately, Chen Zong calmed down as if poured cold water.

Of course, the holy class swordsmanship is very good and very powerful, but the premise is to practice it.

With his current background and realm, he has no clue about the sacrificial sword technique of saint-class top grade, let alone the sacrificial sword-level saint technique of saint-level top grade.

Once obtained, it is estimated that it will be useless for a long time.

After all, the more sophisticated martial arts, the more it is necessary to have a strong background and solid foundation as a basis to understand and practice. At the holy level, the accumulation of Chen Zong is just the beginning, and practicing martial arts at the holy level is OK, but It is not easy for the Holy Class to be superior. As the Holy Class is more difficult, the Holy Class does not need to say more.

The road is step by step, there is no step to the sky.

Rice is eaten bite by bite.

There must be a foundation for everything.

Such as building high-rise buildings, lay the foundation and sturdy the wall before building.

Everything is precious, no matter how simple and doubtful is precious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No matter how ordinary doubts are mysterious, many truths coexist.

After realizing this, Chen Zong quickly calmed down and thought about the second lineage.

San Jie Li Feng!

You can't see anything from a single name, you can only get some simple information, the way of cultivation and the secret method from the words of the Heavenly Robber Swordmaster.

"The juniors are brave, can the seniors say more than three?" Said Chen Zongning.

"Three calamities and sharp fronts were created by all my senses in the later period. The sharpening of swords is the most important thing. If they are learned, they will hopefully surpass me." Tian calamity sword prince did not say much, but simply said, but made Chen Zong's face slightly. Changed.

Sword intention!

The five realms of Kendo, Ming Jianli is the fourth realm, and the fifth realm is the palm of the sword.

However, San Jie Li Feng is sharpening his sword, and the word supreme is how to understand it?

Xi Cheng, who is expected to surpass the Heavenly Robber Swordmaster, how to say?

In an instant, countless thoughts burst out.

With the strength of Chen Zong's soul at this moment, thousands of thoughts can burst out in one breath.

Immediately, Chen Zong captured another point.

The Heavenly Robbery Sword Technique is the sword skill that the Heavenly Robbery Sword Master practiced when he entered the sacred realm, and the Sanjie Lifeng was created by the latter period.

Thoughts burst out and collided, and Chen Zong's eyes became brighter and brighter. Although the information that Tianjie Jiansheng said was very small, it did not hinder Chen Zong's guessing.

Tianjie Jiansheng did not urge, but quietly waited for Chen Zong as an option.


How to choose?

The first Heavenly Robbery Swordsmanship that inherits the saintly quality?

The second line inherits the secret method of the Three Robbery Fronts without knowing the effect?

Immediately, Chen Zong exhaled a long breath and closed his eyes slowly, then, he gave his choice to his heart.

Follow the deepest voice inside.

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