Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 92: grind

As a person lives and practices, he will face countless choices.

Either two, or three, or multiple.

Choice is very important. It will affect the future path of one person and one practitioner.

The wrong choice is to go to a dead end and go back again, which is inevitably a little late.

The right choice is to walk towards a bright avenue of hope.

So how can we make the right choice.

People's thoughts are sometimes confused, erroneous, and erroneous. They are not as accurate as they are all the time, because there are too many external disturbances and temptations, which affect their own thoughts and judgments.

Leave it to the heart.

The deepest heart is left to the deepest heart to make a choice.

Even if the ordinary practitioners leave it to the mind to make a choice, they may not be able to make the right choice, because most practitioners have a vague concept of the mind.

Chen Zong will not, especially after understanding the mystery of the sword of the heart, he has a deeper understanding of the way of the heart, quiet down, rid of all distractions, all interference, immersed in the deepest part of the soul, and handed the choice to the heart .

Don't be confused!

Follow the guidelines and choices of your heart and make the choice that suits you.

Heaven Robbery Sword Technique!

San Jie Li Feng!

Choose one, which one?

After half a quarter of an hour, Chen Zong's closed eyes opened momentarily, and a fascination like a sword light burst out.

"Senior, I choose the second one ... San Zong Li Feng!" Chen Zong's expression was extremely firm, his tone was extremely firm, and even the sky was broken.

"Good." Tianjie Jiansheng showed a smile, and immediately pointed out, as if ancient.

With no response from Chen Zong, the finger was on the eyebrow, and suddenly a message poured into the sea of ​​Chen Zong's consciousness like a torrent, and poured into the soul.

Ten Breaths!

Just for ten breaths, the fingers of the Heavenly Juggernaut were released.

"Good practice, I hope you can cast the sword with the three swords." The voice is faint and echoes in the heavens and the earth, and the body of the heavenly swordsman also fades, disappears with the wind, and seems to merge into the heavens and earth. , Everywhere and no longer exists.

The world still exists, Chen Zong did not leave, sitting cross-legged in the void, above an endless ancient wood forest, under the endless clouds, the breeze swept wildly.

Withdrawing his eyes and thoughts, Chen Zong eliminated all thoughts and began to sort out the information that came to his head.

San Jie Li Feng!

This secret suspicious sword sharpening sword created by the Heavenly Sword Sovereign in the Great Sacred Reality ended in just ten short breaths, but the information contained in it was extremely magnificent.

In addition, it can be called the mysterious and mysterious.

Even so, there is also a comment left by the Heavenly Robber Sword Master, which allows Chen Zong to refer to for a better understanding and facilitate cultivation.

Tianjie Jiansheng ’s Kendo realm has already surpassed Kendo ’s fifth realm. Therefore, Sanjie Lifeng was useless to him and did not practice.

However, Chen Zong's realm of Kendo is only the fourth realm, and San Jie Li Feng naturally plays a big role.

After some enlightenment, I have a deeper understanding of Chen Zong of San Jie Li Feng, and have basically grasped the mystery of it, but it is a pity that San Jie Li Feng is used to sharpen the sword, and its purpose is to create the sword. .

Now, Chen Zong ’s realm of swordsmanship is only the fourth emphasis on swordsmanship. Only after he breaks through and understands the prototype of swordsmanship can he formally practice the three-strength sharp front secret method. Now, he can only temporarily put it.

At the end of the enlightenment, the surrounding heaven and earth began to fade, and gradually disappeared.

Do not know how long in the past, Chen Zong suddenly sobered up, appeared in the third floor of the Ice Emperor's Hall, Wu Zi stood in front of the hundred-meter sword monument.

The sword stele is still permeated with Kendo, but it seems to have faded a lot, and Chen Zong does not know if it is his own illusion.

In fact, Chen Zong wasn't clear. The Heavenly Juggernaut left the inheritance that year, mainly the swordsmanship that day. The three swordsmanship front secret methods were just a whimsy, and passed on only once.

In other words, after Chen Zong got the inheritance of San Jie Li Feng, then someone came here afterwards. There is only one option, that is, the sword of Tian Jie.

Of course, these Chen Zong did not know, even if they knew, they would not care.

A voice sounded deep inside, urging Chen Zong to leave quickly.

Accept the lineage, and after the lineage is complete, you must leave the Ice Emperor's Hall.

At this moment, Chen Zong felt a blazing breath to lock himself in, a pair of blazing eyes gazing at himself with amazing power, as if to see himself through.

Chen Zong looked back, his eyes were opposite, faintly made invisible sounds, and invisible ripples stirred away.

"You are the king-level genius of Qingtian Heavenly Realm." The Eclipse King began, with some doubts and some certainty.

If it weren't for a king-level genius, it would be impossible to step into the third floor of the Ice Emperor's Hall.

"The king-level genius of Tianyuan Sanctuary." Chen Zong seemed to be asking the opposite.

"Interesting." There was a smile on Eclipse's face, and his eyes became dark and deep for a moment, and the edge of the pupil seemed to be rendered with a red light.

Then, behind the Eclipse King, there seemed to be a big dark red day, and his breath continued to grow, shining like a fiery sun.

Heat, heat, heat ... The incomparable blazing heat pervades all directions, and there is a kind of terror wave that burns and erodes everything and spreads out, as if night is coming and it is going to devour all light.


As if the swords are screaming, the back is straight, the astonishing sharpness rises from the body of Chen Zong, pierces the sky, and in the vastness, there is a sharpness and sharpness that penetrates everything.

Two distinct breaths struck and collided instantly, bursting into countless ripples.

See King!

If the dragon is fighting.

The king-level genius from Tianyuan Sanyu made Chen Zong interested, the strength of the opponent, the means of the opponent, and so on.

The Eclipse King is also very interested in Chen Zong. A genius from a remote small area such as Qingtian Shangyu has even reached the king level and can come here to accept the inheritance. There must be such a good method.

However, the two couldn't do anything, because a force descended on them, instantly suppressing their breath, and their bodies couldn't move like they were imprisoned.

In the next breath, the two of them were fading in each other's eyes, turning into a stream of light that seemed to rise up and disappeared.

It ’s like travelling through time and space, and I do n’t know how long it was. Chen Zong consciously came to his senses, only to find out that he was standing in the middle of a snowy field, with snow and cold wind blowing and cold chilling.

The sky and the sky are vast and empty. No one else but ice stones and ice numbers stand.

"Where is the Ice Emperor Hall?" Chen Zong swept quickly, but did not see the Ice Emperor Hall.

However, he has got a good chance in the Ice Emperor's Hall, and he should leave the Ice Emperor's Hall.

Entering the Palace of the Ice Emperor this time, Chen Zong's gain was beyond imagination.

One: Understand the mystery of the heart sword in the crisis of life and death, master the realm of the heart, and become a hole card.

The second one is to get the Sword of Dripping Sword, which is sealed with the top-grade Sword of Dripping Sword. It can be released by urging with its own power, powerful, and you can also learn the swords in it.

Third: After obtaining the secret method of the three-strength sharpening front, when the Kendo realm breaks through to the fifth realm, you can sharpen the sword.

With three gains, Chen Zong believes that no one can compare with him, even the Eclipse King.

"Ice Emperor's secret has not been closed, I still have a chance to find more opportunities." Chen Zong said secretly, as soon as the figure moved, the speed unfolded extremely fast, passing by on the snow, passing away.

Spiritual knowledge also permeated, covering a radius of 1,000 kilometers.

After comprehending the mystery of the Heart Sword, although Chen Zong's spiritual knowledge has not been enhanced, he has improved a lot in utilization.

The balance of consumption and recovery could only be maintained in the range of 100 meters originally, but now the coverage can reach kilometers as the utilization rate increases.

Within a kilometer, everything is so clear that even ten meters underground is covered by Chen Zong's spiritual knowledge, which is beyond the reach of the eyes.

Some treasures are buried under the snow.

In the depths of the Ice Emperor's Secret, in the Ice Emperor's Hall covered by a thousand kilometers of ice and snow storms, rays of light burst through the air, radiating randomly in all directions, instantly disappearing.

This is actually a means left by the ancient ice emperor, a disguised means of protection.

After all, every one who can be inherited in the Palace of the Ice Emperor has its own unique qualities. In ancient times, it can also be called a true genius, and it will continue to cultivate extraordinary achievements in the future.

Since it has been so hard to get the chance and inheritance, it has a great future. It would not be a pity if it was shot by someone with bad intentions.

The ancient ice emperor can not guarantee that someone will not be indifferent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can only use a few means to send everyone away from the ice emperor's palace, and fall to the ice emperor's secret place, as to whether the follow-up will be wronged Find and shoot, then it is not within the consideration of the ancient ice emperor.

After the last streamer left the Ice Emperor's Hall, the roaring sound was endless. The Ice Emperor's Hall began to sink a little bit, slowly disappearing into the ground and disappearing. Then, the kilometer of snow and ice surrounding the Ice Emperor's Hall also disappeared. Then it blows away, spreading in all directions, as if the impact of icy turbulence.

In just a few tens of minutes, the kilometer of ice and snow storm completely dissipated, and the ice emperor's palace, which contained the great opportunity standing in the depths of the ice emperor's secret place, disappeared.

This time, there are not a few who got the chance from the Ice Emperor's Hall, but there are also some people who can't enter it to get the chance. After entering a few, they failed to pass the assessment and died under the assessment.

After all, the Ice Emperor Palace contains great opportunities, and it also contains fierce danger.

It is almost impossible to want opportunities but not to face the dangers.

"My current strength, in this ice emperor's secret territory, can be a strong enemy for me, very few." Chen Zong said secretly.

Those ice monsters, according to Chen Zong's current speculation, should be a kind of evil life formed by the blood of the wicked monsters and mixed remnants, which belong to the life only in the ice emperor's secret territory.

No wonder there was a familiar feeling before.

However, the formerly powerful Boom Spirit is not much to himself now, even if it is a semi-sacred Boom Spirit, it is not his opponent.

Of course, if it is a high-level semi-holy ice spirit, it is definitely a strong enemy.

The opening time of the Ice Emperor's Realm was three months. So far, two and a half months have passed, and the last half month remains.

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