Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 94: Sword defeated streamer

Bingji Shenglong grass is a rare holy medicine with high value, but it is useless to Chen Zong, because Chen Zong is not a blood cultivator.

The value of treasures in the world is relatively speaking.

The value is high when it is useful, and low when it is useless.

For bloodline practitioners, Frostweed Dragon Grass is extremely valuable and has to be removed at great cost.

Chen Zong asked Yu Nianxin to pick up the ice pole dragon grass.


Just as Yu Nianxin approached Bingji Shenglongcao and was about to pick it, a sharp sound came through the air at an astonishing speed, implying that everything was sharp and sharp.

At the same time, an extremely condensed silver sword-light assaulted through the sky like a shooting star every month.

Jian Feng was extremely cold, like Wan Zaihan's ice, which made Yu Nian's complexion change.

"Even sister picking." Chen Zong's voice sounded, making Yu Nianxin feel at ease, ignoring the terrible sword light that came from the assassination, he still took the ice pole dragon grass.

However, all elixir can not be picked recklessly, just like weeding, we must have proper strength and methods, otherwise we may be afraid of destroying its medicinal properties.

Let Yu Nianxin pick up the ice dragon grass with peace of mind, the heavy dragon sword came out of the sheath, the black sword light was destroyed like a lightning, and the silver sword light was directly broken, and the silver starlight disappeared into the snow .

Then, a silver streamer approached at an astonishing speed, as if a meteor crossed the gap.

The icy eyes stared at Chen Zong, with a hint of anger, as if the supreme king was provoked.

When the king was angry, his blood flowed thousands of miles.

The slender sword-shaped urns glowed an astonishing brilliance, breaking instantly into the sky, like a gorgeous meteor shower across the snow and ice, blasting towards Chen Zong, and each meteor-like sword horn carried terrible power and penetrated everything.

This breath made Yu Nianxin creepy, and a little bit, there was a thrilling feeling to be pierced.

Very strong!

Much stronger than the previous Huangfu Feihuang.

Can Chen Zong compete?

Yu Nianxin couldn't help feeling a little worried.

But I saw Chen Zong wielding a sword.

That sword is simple and glorious!

That sword is a natural fit!

That sword, the mystery is born!

All the silver meteor-like sword awns were under that sword, as if the snow and ice were collided with the sun.

"Jun-level strength." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes flashed a hint of brilliance, the sword drove straight into the momentum and killed.

There are only eight people in the Tianyuan Sanctuary who entered the ice emperor's realm this time, one king, two kings and five princes.

This person is one of the two monarchs, Liuguang Jun.

As a genius in the heavenly sanctuary, Liu Guangjun's vision and insight are extraordinary. Of course, he did not recognize the bottom of the ice dragon dragon grass, but instinctively felt that this thing is extraordinary, but beyond the elixir. Holy medicine.

The holy medicine corresponds to entering the holy realm. No matter what kind of holy medicine has its value, and it is not low.

If you can take it home yourself, whether it is dedicated to Zongmen or sold by yourself, you can have great gains, so of course you can't let go.

But now, Liu Guangjun didn't care about the holy medicine, all his mind was concentrated on Chen Zong.

Very strong!

This person should be a cultivator in Optimus Heaven and Earth. The strength is so strong that he is not inferior to himself and must deal with it with all his strength.

"Slinger sword!"

With a low drink, Liuguangjun burst into real strength. A sword condenses thousands of swordlights. The extremely condensed swordlights tear the sky. Its sword speed is extremely fast, its power is amazing, it penetrates everything and everything, it is stronger than just More than doubled.

Holy grade inferior streamer swordsmanship.

Chen Zong did not use the holy swordsmanship, but urged the heavy dragon sword with super-spiritual force, and responded with his sworddo realm and swordsmanship.

Because, Chen Zong is a little curious about the strength of Tianyuan Shengyu's junior genius.

At present, I have only fought with that mountain sword prince. I am very curious about the junior and even the genius.

The streamer sword stabs thousands of rays into a sword. The speed of light is extremely fast, and it has amazing penetration. It becomes more terrible under the cohesion, and the sword's sharpness is also triggered to the extreme.

One body and one sword broke.

That sword, the sword light is extremely bright, extremely dazzling, dazzling, shining in all directions, snow and cold.

In all fairness, this sword is very strong and very delicate. It represents Liu Guangjun's practice of the Liu Guangjian stab of Liu Guang Jian to a very proficient level. Although he has not yet mastered it thoroughly, he has been able to exert his due power.

This point is incomparable to Hou class genius.

Heavy Dragon Sword Cut!

The inky sword light shatters the vacuum, fully exerts the weight advantage of the heavy dragon sword, and is fiercely powerful.


The mighty sinking is like the suppression of a mountain, and it seems like the sky is collapsing. The sword is cut down and the power is unmatched. The amazing sword suppresses all directions. The snow and ice ground collapses in an instant.

One sword fell off, two swords collided, and the impact of pitch black and silver and white gave off an astonishing mighty power. The world also seemed to be entangled in black and white.

The earth-shaking sword rang out in all directions, shattering everything, making Yu Nianxin feel that the eardrum seemed to be torn, and the pain was endless.

However, Yu Nianxin is not the same as he was now. He just resisted the shock of this amazing momentum and concentratedly picked the ice dragon grass.

The black sword light shattered, and the silver-white sword light shattered at the same time.

Liu Guangjun was very shocked. He could see that Chen Zong did not use the holy swordsmanship and did not use the holy swordsmanship to be able to compete with his holy swordsmanship. How strong is this person?

"Perhaps, it is not without practicing holy swordsmanship." An idea emerged from the heart of Liu Guangjun.

Although this possibility is low, it does not mean that it does not exist.

If the opponent does not practice holy swordsmanship, then this battle ...

"Streaming fusion." Suddenly, Liuguangjun exhibited the secret method, a seven-class secret method, and also practiced to Xiaocheng's secret method.

The silver-white light flows through the body, and every ray of light is diffused and very gorgeous.

At the moment when the mystery was being cast, Liu Guangjun's speed suddenly increased.

There are many secret methods, some directly increase the strength or attack power, some increase the speed, and enhance the ability to heal, etc., there are so many strange things.

Liu Guangjun's streamer fusion method is a secret method to increase the speed, increase its own movement speed, and also increase its own shot speed.

Speed ​​up!

Suddenly, Liu Guangjun approached Chen Zong, and disappeared in front of Chen Zong's eyes, leaving only a silvery white luster without trace.


A bunch of extremely condensed silver and white sword lights suddenly assassinated from all directions, as if there were more than a dozen streamers coming out to Chen Zong in a flash, each sword had a terrible power.

It's not that Liuguangjun has become more than a dozen, but that the speed is too fast.

The speed at which Liu Guangjun erupted at this time was indeed amazing.

Maintaining the status quo!

Heavy dragon sword in hand, five-foot sword circle is not broken.

A dozen swords were resisted by Chen Zong, and the tyrannical forces trembled on the heavy dragon sword and rushed away.


One sword smashed into an army like a mighty force, shattered everything, and forced the retreat of Liu Guangjun.

But I saw Liu Guangjun retreating at a rapid speed, approaching at an astonishing speed, trickling at an astonishing angle, as if he was all about persuading himself to approach Chen Zong, and his slender sword penetrated through the void to kill him.

At the moment of the slender sharp sword breaking through the air, Liu Guangjun left his finger and pointed at a little stroke from the sleeve of the robe, as if the soul snake was out of the hole, and it was unexpected and stabbed to Chen Zong.

Like the same purpose, it shows extraordinary combat capabilities.

With this move, Liu Guangjun defeated many powerful enemies.

However, Chen Zong is not comparable to those powerful enemies he encountered in the past. Under super perception, all actions of Liu Guangjun are under the control of Chen Zong.

Even though Liuguang Jun exhibited the streamer fusion technique to increase the speed greatly, it was impossible to avoid Chen Zong's perception.

Since the battle with the high-level semi-holy Void Demon in the demon fantasy war, he realized the mystery of the heart sword and mastered the realm of the heart, Chen Zong's perception has been greatly improved, even if the realm of the heart is not displayed, Its perception is also sharper and more precise.

To deal with an opponent like Liu Guangjun, you don't need to use the realm of heart.

The heavy dragon sword traverses the sky, and the extremely accurate resistance to the streamer sword's finger and thin sword is as if it had already known Liu Guangjun's attack trajectory, and it seems that it was Liu Guangjun's attack, and he fell on the heavy dragon sword himself.

This is the gap in the realm.

Regardless of the state of cultivation or the state of kendo, Chen Zong is above Liuguangjun, and other aspects are also above Liuguangjun ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In this way, a realm gap has been formed.

Liu Guangjun found that no matter how he made his sword and raised his proud speed to the extreme beyond the limit, he could not break through Chen Zong's defense circle.

Surrounded by a black sword, Chen Zong was firmly protected like an iron wall. No matter how he attacked, he couldn't help it.

At this time, Yu Nianxin has successfully picked the ice-cream dragon grass, and carefully stored it in a box made of ice jade, sealed and sealed, so that the ice can be kept to the maximum extent. The medicinal properties of the dragon grass are maintained for a longer time.

Of course, although the holy medicine is high-level, it can't resist the erosion of time. If it is stored for a long time after extraction, the medicine will slowly pass away, so that it will eventually decay.

Packing up the Hanbing Jade Box, Yu Nianxin looked back, seeing a beam of sword light around in all directions. The speed was so amazing that it was difficult for her eyes to capture.

That is the figure of Liu Guangjun. Under Yu Nianxin's gaze, it has turned into a sword light that surrounds all directions.

Yu Nianxin knew that he couldn't stop any blow from the opponent.

A figure stood on the ice and snow, and the dark heavy dragon sword was in his hand, which could easily resist all the attacks of the opponent without any injuries.

"If this is your best effort, this battle ends here." Chen Zong uttered a voice, and the understated voice sounded. At the moment, the heavy dragon sword also issued an extremely powerful power. Like the repression of Foshan Yue, the sky collapsed, and the terrible sword suppressed the earth, so that Liu Guangjun's figure also followed, as if bound.

Although it was only a moment, it was enough.


Liu Guangjun's body was shot down in an instant.

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