Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 95: Defeated Dragon King again

Liu Guangjun was pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. He stared at Chen Zong, shocked, shocked and incredible.

"Don't be complacent, my strength is not the strongest." Liu Guangjun condensed, he was unwilling.

Why is a peer in a remote small area better than himself?

"Is there a king level above the monarch level?" Chen Zong smiled slightly, and was not angry with the opponent's bad attitude because he could not commit it.

But it was a defeat under the sword.

"You knew it," Liu Guangjun said, surprised, and then smiled coldly: "Yes, with your strength, you can't stop the three Eclipse Kings ... ten moves."

Originally, Liu Guangjun wanted to say three moves. After thinking about them, the three moves were uncertain and changed to ten moves.

"I am looking forward to fighting the Eclipse King." Chen Zongwei smiled.

"Then I will complete you." Liu Guangjun smiled coldly. An arrow with the length and thickness of his fingers flashing in his hand suddenly appeared. I saw that Liu Guangjun gave a slight force, and the arrow shot out an extremely radiant laser And then.

An arrow through the clouds!

The streamer-like arrows exploded at high altitude, emitting an astonishing ray of light, rippling a vast breath, the breath was as deep as the sky and the sky.

"When the Eclipse King saw this signal, he would soon come over." Liu Guangjun stared coldly at Chen Zong, saying, "At that time, you will realize what failure is."

"Okay." Chen Zong nodded, ignoring the words behind Liu Guangjun.

Eclipse King!

Think back to the black and red hot sun outline that appears on the opponent's body and the kind of tyrannical atmosphere that seems like darkness is coming. The word eclipse is also appropriate.

Chen Zong has some expectations, looking forward to the arrival of the Eclipse King, how powerful is the king-level genius of Tianyuan Sanyu? What is the means?

Yu Nianxin walked not far from Chen Zong, and quietly waited.

After a moment or so, a fierce roar swept through at a speed that surpassed the sound strangely, pervading the arrogance.

But this kind of domineering is different from Chen Zong's previous feeling of the Eclipse King, and it is not so strong.

"Sting Dragon, how are you." Liu Guangjun frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"What happened to me." The comer's voice was thick, and there was a hint of overbearing: "If I didn't see your signal, would I come over."

"Say, what's the matter?" The comer continued, his figure also appeared in the light.

Armored on his body, tall and mighty, like a war general, holding the dark golden panlong war halberd in his hands looks even more overbearing and mighty.

One of the two princes.

Immediately, Gonglongjun's gaze swept across Yu Nianxin's face first, then fell on Chen Zong's face, and looked at Liu Guangjun again.

"The streamer will make you the person who has to release the flare, it will not be this person." Thorn Dragon Jun laughed at Chen Zongha.

He can see that this person is not a person in the Heavenly Realm, that is, from the so-called Optimal Heaven Realm.

Liu Guangjun is the genius of Tianyuan Saint Realm who was forced to release a signal flare, which is just funny.

Facing the mockery of Assassin Dragon King, Liu Guangjun's face sank and became angry.

"Assassinate dragon, don't be too proud, you will not be better than me when you face him." Liu Guangjun thought for a moment, disdain.

"Really, then you stare at the dog's eyes and take a good look." Thorn Dragon's temperament is different from that of Liu Guangjun, and the two have some contradictions. When he was so excited by the streamer, he raised his eyebrows and immediately angered. Immediately turned around, his eyes burst into a fierce light, staring at Chen Zong, the breathtaking breath of breath was directly shocked.

"The genius from Qingtianshangyu, come, let Benjun see what you can do." Thorn Dragon Jun moved to Chen Zong with his left hand and looked provocative.

"You are not my opponent." Chen Zong had no interest in doing it.

The difference in strength between the genius at the level of the king and the level at the level of the king is very obvious. Although the same level has the same level of strength, but even if the gap is large, it cannot be crossed, otherwise the opponent is not the king but the king Level up.

Having seen the methods and strength of the Liuguang sword, Chen Zong is not very interested in the genius of the junior level.

"It's a good thing to have confidence. Too much confidence is arrogant ignorance." Thorn Dragon Jun laughed without anger and anger. He felt like a dragon, but the other party was just a snake, maybe a bigger snake.

But the essential gap between snake and dragon is like Tianyuan.

Will the dragon be angry with the provocation of the snake.

Although not angry, the majesty of the dragon must not be offended.

Assassin Dragon King swung the dark golden war halberd in his right hand, and the crescent-shaped halberd slashed out to kill Chen Zong with a terrible hegemony.

Although this attack was only done by the assassin dragon king, it also has its own 50% strength. Even the Hou class genius must do his best to take over.

The assassin prince did not believe that a cultivator in a non-Tianyuan sanctuary could easily take his own blow.

As for why Liu Guangjun released the flare, he has long been forgotten.

The dark golden moon was smashed into the air, and Yu Nian's face changed. He had to use his full strength to excite the bleeding pulse in order to resist this attack.

Is this the strength of Tianyuan Sanyu genius?


Stifling horror.

But I saw Chen Zong's expression calm, light and windy, it seemed that he didn't feel the same.

At the moment when the dark golden moon was smashed into the air and killed in front of him, a black stroke seemed to be unfolding, and Jianguang swept away, passing through the sky, as if the night had come.

At the next breath, the dark golden moon was broken, and a dark sword turned into a moon-like swipe to kill it, quickly approaching the dragon, and the face of the dragon suddenly changed. .

Energetic like a dragon, roaring like a sea.


The void seemed broken under this blow.

The stabbing Dragon King's powerful attack is extremely terrifying, stronger than Liuguang Jun's sword, as if it can smash the mountains in one shot.

Liu Guangjun, as the name suggests, is good at speed, while Assassin Longjun, as the name suggests, is good at strength.

Both have their own strengths and weaknesses.

But if it is a fight, the two will not be able to separate the victory and defeat, after all, they are not the first time to fight, each time can not be divided.

Powerful, that's a kind of strength, and fast, it's also a kind of strength.

Strong and weak, it depends on personal application and play.

The thorn dragon prince blasted out, terrifyingly powerful, but at the moment of contact with that sword light, the thorn dragon jun's complexion suddenly changed.



The power contained in that sword was as arrogant and overbearing as Foshan Yue.

Under the impact of the astonishing force, the Dragon Dragon Jun retreated back and forth, leaving a deep footprint on the ice and snow every step of the way.

"Impossible!" Thorn Dragon Jun could hardly imagine, and Liu Guangjun was shocked.

Although he was defeated by Chen Zongjian, he also knew that Chen Zong's power was strong, but he did not expect that Chen Zong's power was even stronger than that of Assassin's Dragon King.

The strength of the Dragon Dragon King is very clear. Liu Guangjun, who has played with him many times, is very clear. It is because of this clarity that he knows the terrible power of the Dragon Dragon King. He believes that the strength of the cultivator in the Heavenly Realm cannot be as strong as it is. Compared with Thorn Dragon King.

However, it never occurred to him. On the contrary, in the confrontation of strength, the assassin dragon king fell behind.


"Stab Dragon World!"

The assassin prince was furious, and the power of the surge, the blood-red spirit filled the whole body, and the seemingly tall and mighty body also seemed to swell in a circle, the muscles swelled, it was very amazing.

His eyes burst out with astonishing astonishment, blood gushing like a demon.


The blood-red spirit resembled the war halberd like a dragon, as if a blood dragon roared out with the violent bombardment of the war halberd.

This blow was a full blow of the sacred-grade lower-grade martial arts, which changed the look of Liu Guangjun, which was even stronger than before.

Yu Nianxin couldn't breathe, even if she wasn't directly targeted, but the aftermath made her feel suffocated.

too terrifying.

Looking at Chen Zong, he still looked dull, as if the power brought by this attack did not exist at all.


The heavy dragon sword broke out in an instant, and still did not perform any sacred martial arts, but was driven by super-spiritual force, incorporating deep and unpredictable swordsmanship and power skills.

A sword is cut off, and the blood dragon seems to make a scream in an instant. It is directly chopped by a sword. The terrible inky sword light is directly killed on the dark golden war halberd. It crushes all the power covered on it, an amazing power. The shock caused the war halberd to shake.

A slap ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jilongjun couldn't curb his footsteps, backed up again and again, his chest became stuffy, and he seemed to be spitting blood with a fierce blow. After the blood was spit, the feeling of boring only weakened, but The severe pain spread quickly in the chest.

Thorn Dragon Jun was pale, his eyes glowed with incredible light, staring at Chen Zong, as if looking at an ancient monster.


This is absolutely impossible, it feels like dreaming.

How can a practitioner who is not in the heavenly sacred realm and a fellow practitioner of his own peers be stronger than himself, even if he is stronger than himself, how can he be more powerful than himself.

Even the Eclipse King is not as powerful as himself.

But it was a fact that he was repulsed directly, and that kind of horrible force bombarded was a fact. He didn't know what to do, and he knew it well.

Facts are facts. They are not recognized and still exist.

Seeing Thorn Dragon Jun being repelled and vomiting blood, Liu Guangjun felt a refreshing feeling in his heart, not only that he was defeated to vomit blood, but also his old opponent.

However, the strength of this cultivator in the Heavenly Realm is really terrifying.

It seems that only the Eclipse King can suppress him.

I hope that the Eclipse King will see his own flare coming, otherwise this time, the genius of Tianyuan Sanyu will be ashamed and left home.

One sword repelled and defeated Assassin Dragon King, Chen Zong did not shoot again. In the final analysis, these two are not enemies. Of course, if the other party has a killing intention, it is impossible to stand intact now. Definitely will come up with real strength to kill them on the spot.

The heavy sword returned to the sheath, Chen Zong continued to wait, waiting for the arrival of the strongest opponent.

At this time, a stubborn and unique breath spread from a distance.

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