Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 96: King to King

The breath was as dazzling as the sun, and the breath was as deep as the night.

This is a unique breath, here it is the breath that belongs to only one person.

"The King of the Eclipse, you are finally here." A stream of joy emerged from Liu Guangjun and Assassin Longjun for no apparent reason.

Seeing the pathetic poor, they would be excited and excited about the appearance of the Eclipse King because of a non-Tianyuan sacred practitioner, which would never happen in the past.

But now, only the Eclipse King can help them clean up their shame.

If their situation returns to Zongmen, I do not know what kind of sensation will be caused.

Feeling this breath approaching, there was a smile on Chen Zong's face.

In the third floor of the Ice Emperor Palace, the two confronted each other, but because of the power of the Ice Emperor Palace, they were sent away, each of them fell to a different place, but in Chen Zong's heart, they were also eager and the sun The king fights.

Chen Zong is curious as to how strong the genius of the feudal prince of Tianyuan Sanyu is.

The eclipse king who came quickly also saw the figure of Chen Zong. Suddenly, his eyes shot out a splendid light, burning with the fiery heat of the sun.

No words are needed. At the moment when the eyes meet, both sides know what the other party means.


I saw the rapidly approaching Eclipse King stretched out a black-red light, even though his figure leaped high, his right hand stretched out, and his palm seemed to have a black-red breath disc rotating, turning into a black-red sunprint, diffused In a terrifying horror, the bombardment fell like a shattering world.

The astonishing heat burns everything, and the terrifying momentum destroys everything. This seal, whether it is strength or mystery, is extremely amazing, stronger than the streamer king and the thorn dragon king.

But Yu Nianxin didn't feel the suppression, different from before. However, when she stared at the black and red sunprint, she was creepy.

An idea was telling myself that the power of that Japanese seal was terrible and introverted. If you touched it a little, you would be wiped out.


A thriller came from the deepest heart.

Even if it is the force that ignites the bleeding pulse and urges its own strength to the extreme, it is definitely not an opponent, and it cannot bear this Japanese-Indian attack at all.

Can such masters cope?

Anxious Yu Nianxin couldn't help looking, but saw that Chen Zong had no fear at all, and those deep eyes on the calm face had a faint expectation.

From that Japanese seal, Chen Zong saw and felt more.

It was a highly condensed Japanese seal, seemingly small, but it contained terrible power inside, and it was extremely hot. Once it broke out, that power can destroy everything and burn everything.

With just one hit, you can see the gap between the Eclipse King and the Liuguang Army and the Dragon King.

The level of genius represents not only the level of strength, but also the level of genius. The level of genius is high, and the control and application of its own power will be more sophisticated, which will lead to a greater gap in strength.

This is a fundamental gap.

Therefore, the level of genius is very strict and very accurate. There is no example of a so-called king-level genius defeating a king-level genius, because those who can defeat the king-level genius at the same level can themselves be rated as a king-level genius.


The dark sword light tears the sky, and it seems to shatter the sky, and the horror is soaring into the sky.

The dark sword light collided with the eclipse of the sun, sending out an extremely shocking power, rolling away, shaking all directions, the ground was shattered, and the dark light was diffused, as if the night came.

The eclipse king was a little surprised, and the opponent took his own shot so easily, yes, very good, it is worthy of his real strength.

You know, after entering the ice emperor's secret realm, the eclipse king also got a lot of opportunities, and his strength is much stronger than before.

Great eclipse!

If it was said that the attack was just a tentative test, then the current attack is real strength.

An eclipse of the size of a mill disk appears, and when the air is shot down, the air is turbulent, as if a round of black and red sun is hitting the air.

The sun is sinking, darkness is falling, as if everything is covered, you ca n’t see or hear, but you can only feel an amazing enthusiasm. It seems to emerge from the depths of the body, and it seems to invade from the outside, burning itself, To be reduced to ashes, even the chill of the Ice Emperor's secret realm cannot resist the slightest.

Chen Zong felt his blood simmer as if he were about to be ignited.

But Chen Zong has the strange fire of Ziyun Hexingyan and other places, and he has amazing resistance to high temperature and heat. Unless it is beyond the level of Ziyun Hexingyan, it will be offset.

But now, the eclipse king ’s big eclipse can make Chen Zong's blood boil, indicating that the high temperature contained in it is extremely amazing, and it is not inferior to Ziyun Hexingyan.

Perhaps, this eclipse king also has a kind of heaven and earth strange fire, after all, the other party is a king-level genius, and the heavenly sacred realm is many times larger than Qingtian, and its resources are richer.

However, Chen Zong didn't know exactly. After all, he had never been to Tianyuan Sanctuary, everything was speculation.

But whether it's speculation or fact, all in all, the Eclipse King is a good opponent.

Chen Zong's first king-level opponent should be King Hao Yuan, but that's just a hint of King Hao Yuan's consciousness.

And now, it is a real genius, an opponent.

I believe it will be a good opponent.

Great eclipse of the sun, this strike is already the power of sacred-grade subordinate martial arts, and Chen Zong no longer retains strength.



One sword was raised, ten black sword lights tore through the sky and beheaded and killed, five to kill the eclipse, and five to the eclipse king.

After Chen Zong realized the mystery of the heart sword, his control over the ten-blades became more and more pure.

The power of each sword is very strong. Of course, Chen Zong also found that the power of the thousand swordsmanship is only the weakest among the sacrifices of martial arts.

Why is it the weakest because it is scattered.

The ten blades killed ten sword lights, each of which is very powerful, but that refers to comparison with spiritual martial arts, and comparison with other sage-level martial arts.

For example, now, a large solar eclipse issued by the Eclipse King is more powerful than any sword light that is extremely powerful.

Of course, the Thousands of Swordsmanship is not useless and has its advantages.

For example, after dispersal, mass killing can be done.

Once thousands of people have been cut to the third level, and one sword is killed, it is a thousand swords. When the strength is not as good as themselves, it is a killing weapon.

If you think about it, on the battlefield, a sword is a thousand powerful swords, and it can kill thousands or even thousands in an instant. How terrible.

This is the advantage of the Thousands Swordsmanship.

But Chen Zong also understands that if the ten swords with ten blades can be aggregated into one, the power can be increased several times even if it is not ten times stronger, then its power will not be inferior to other holy products. Martial arts.

In addition, there is another point, the Qianren Swordsmanship and Qianyingqianshenshu are very suitable.

The ten-blade slash can be combined with the ten shadows and ten fantasys to kill ten shadows and ten blades, which is even more amazing.

The sword light was broken, and the Great Eclipse was also cut.

The eclipse's body was shaken in mid-air, and after breaking the five sword lights, it turned into a large black-red fireball when it was shot down.


As if the sky is falling.

Although the practitioners at the level of transcendental level have the practice of sacred-level exercises and martial arts, there are actually few sacred-level means that can be exerted, and there is a gap between levels.

However, Chen Zong and Eclipse King are not ordinary geniuses. They have other means besides holy level means.

The two men fought fiercely, and at the same time as the martial arts of the holy level was deployed, the usual methods were also used, but with their accomplishments and ordinary attacks, they also had amazing mystery and power.




The battle was raging.

Yu Nianxin, Liu Guangjun and Assassin Dragon Jun looked terrified, and retreated, leaving those who were far away, afraid to approach the slightest, lest they be affected.

Liu Guangjun never thought that his strength was so terrible.

"King!" Liu Guangjun's lips were shaking.

How is this possible, how can a king-level genius appear in a small domain.

His lips were trembling, his arms were trembling, his heart was trembling, his body was trembling, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

Originally, Liu Guangjun was still thinking about Yu Nianxin's idea. To be precise, it was the idea of ​​the holy medicine on Dao Nianxin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But now, he has to dispel this idea.

He knew the horror of a king-level genius.

But immediately, Liu Guangjun's thoughts turned again, and his eyes shot out a touch of brilliance.

What about the king-level genius?

The other party is not a practitioner in the Heavenly Realm. Once the Ice Queen's secret realm is closed, they must leave and return to the so-called Optimal Heavenly Realm. It is even more difficult for Optimal Heavenly Realm to enter the Heavenly Realm. The strong are also difficult.

Moreover, Tianyuan Sanctuary is so huge that even if the other party enters Tianyuan Sanctuary, they may not find themselves.

Moreover, the Eclipse King is here, and immediately gets away at his own speed. The ice prince's secret realm is not small, and it is impossible for the other party to find himself.

All kinds of thoughts emerged, and a trace of inner greed reappeared.

Without further hesitation, while Chen Zong and the Eclipse King battled fiercely, the streamer exploded at the fastest speed, and even the streamer fusion technique was cast out, passing through the sky like a streamer, from the side. Bypass, draw a perfect arc, approaching Yu Nianxin.

Too fast, this speed completely exceeds Yu Nianxin's reaction.

Jian Guang then broke out and killed directly to Yu Nianxin.

To Liu Guangjun, a genius in Skyrim is nothing, if you kill it, you kill it.

I have to say that Liu Guangjun's grasp of timing is very accurate, but he doesn't know that Chen Zong who fought fiercely with the Eclipse King still has the power to keep his eyes on the surroundings.

When the speed of Liu Guangjun broke out, Chen Zong gave a bad feeling.

And seeing that Liu Guangjun turned into an aurora and approached the sister Yu Nianxin at an astonishing speed, Chen Zong knew the other party's intentions, and a killing consciousness breeded from the deepest part of his heart, and then burst out.

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