Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 97: Heaven's Strange Fire

Under the icy and snowy sky, a beam of extremely condensed Jianguang looks like aurora tearing the sky to kill Yu Nianxin.

Amazing breath hits the body, killing like tide makes Yu Nianxin's body and body unconsciously stiff, and the whole body is cold, even thinking seems to freeze under the extreme killing power of this volume of anime sky ice and snow.

The gap is too big!

At the next breath, Yu Nianxin will be killed by that sword and his appetite will be taken away.

It was said that when time passed, Chen Zong looked icy cold, and was full of murderous power. The murderous power swept across all directions, like a volcano hitting the sky. It was extremely powerful and shocking.

This astonishing horrific killing power instantly shocked the Eclipse King. How many kills would it take to accumulate such terror.

At the same time, the eclipse king also knew Liu Guangjun's actions, and his expression became furious before he became angry.

Instantly, the Eclipse King guessed that Liu Guangjun's speculative intentions were using himself.

A magnificent king-level genius, the future king-level powerhouse, involuntarily, how can others use it.

But the eclipse king also saw the flash of anger and strong murderous power in Chen Zong's eyes. At a moment, Chen Zong's figure flickered, like a figure killing like a sword.

Ten Shadows and Ten Blades Kill!

Chen Zong did not perform this trick when he just fought the Eclipse King, because he had not reached that level yet.

Liu Guangjun's speed is among the junior geniuses, which is very fast. Even compared with some kings, Chen Zong's speed is not slow in the kings.

At this moment, the eruption under the anger and the ground collapsed, making Chen Zong's speed to the extreme, faster than Liu Guangjun.

The first shot came first, and a sword, a shadow, and a blade broke and killed.

The heavy dragon sword sent out an extremely powerful power, instantly blocking the sword that Liu Guangjun came to assassinate at an extremely fast speed, bursting it with overwhelming power, and the second figure turned into a dark sword light, carrying a horrifying mountain-like killing power Xiang Liuguangjun.

This is not a previous test, but a battle of life and death, a battle in which Chen Zong broke out with real strength.

The strength gap between the king and the king appears.

Liu Guangjun only felt a terrible shock of force, which caused him to tremble endlessly, and his arrogant force seemed to be defeated in a disorder.

That dark sword light hits like a thunderbolt, causing Liu Guangjun's pupils to shrink sharply like a needle, an inexplicable astonishment emerges from the deepest part of the heart, from the deepest part of the soul, and the chill spreads throughout the body.

Stiff and numb, unable to move, can only watch the dark sword light blasted to death.

At this point, Liu Guangjun really understands the gap between himself and the other party, and a little regret flashes through his eyes.

Why greedy.

But if not, once the choice is made, the consequences must be borne.

"Stop!" The eclipse king roared, and a big eclipse of the eclipse blasted Chen Zong fiercely. If Chen Zong did not turn around to resist, he would be hit and wounded.

Although Liu Guangjun used his suspicion to make the Eclipse King angry, anyway, Liu Guangjun is a genius who comes from the same place as himself. If he is beheaded by a genius from other places, he will be ignorant. Light.

After all, it's under one's eyelids. Of course, if you don't see and don't know, it's another matter.

Liu Guangjun's face just flashed a beam of joy and fluke, and the Eclipse King shot, and he can certainly stop the other party.

Suddenly, the third figure of the third sword appeared, killing the eclipse.

To resist the dying moment, Chen Zong's sword also chopped Liu Guangjun's neck, chopped it off, his head flew high, and there was still a mixture of joy and surprise on the face, and a little regret.

"Streamer!" Thorn Dragon Jun's eyes split.

He and Liu Guangjun have repeatedly played against each other regardless of height, and are opponents, but to some extent, they can be regarded as friends.

Right in front of him, Liu Guangjun was beheaded and killed, an outburst of anger, and a murderous surge from the depths of his chest.


Spike Dragon World!

With full force, blood-red spirits roared like dragons, and the war halberds carried horrible power to smash the mountains like a bombardment to Chen Zong.

This blow seemed to smash Chen Zong into a powder pan, and the amazing coercion forced the air under the war halberd to form a vacuum, and numerous forces turbulently hit all directions, and the ground was broken and cracked.

A best-effort blow!

The fourth figure The fourth Jianguang appeared and killed.

One sword blocked Liu Guangjun's sword, one sword blocked the Eclipse King's Great Eclipse, one sword killed Liu Guangjun, and one sword repelled Dragon King.

Only in an instant, Chen Zong cast the ten shadows and ten blades to the extreme, extremely delicate.


After being resisted by the moment of the great eclipse, the seal chanted amazing power, and after smashing that sword light, it continued to bombard Chen Zong's body.

The power of the ten shadows and ten blades is indeed amazing, but the power of the big eclipse is stronger. This is the disadvantage of the sword of the thousand people. The power of the single sword light is almost the weakest in the martial arts.

However, it does not need to be strong, as long as it can block for a moment.

The fifth figure The fifth sword light killed Xianglong Jun, just avoiding the blow of the big eclipse, which hit the ground, the mountain shook, and the ice and snow ground was blasted out of a huge pit. hole.

When the sword was reached, the assassin's face was horrified. The anger filled seemed to be poured by ice water. He calmed down instantly, chilled his body, his back trembled suddenly, and he unconsciously straightened. The cold current permeated the whole body. I feel like my mind is rigid, even my body is difficult to move.

Not only is the power of Chen Zong the sword, but also the murderous power of Chen Zong.

You know, in the Canglan world, Chen Zong has killed and killed many demons, and even killed millions of demons in the Demon's Depth, and entered the forbidden area to kill many void demons.

Such a killing, almost no one among his peers, even if most of the sanctuaries are not as strong as Chen Zong, killing so many souls.

In particular, the demons have higher levels of life than ordinary human races, and the void demons have higher levels of life than demons.

Although there is no special method for this kind of murderous spirit, the outburst under anger is like the impact of a torrent dyke, which is enough to make people who are inferior to themselves lose their sight instantly.

This was the case with the former Liuguangjun, as is the case with the current Dragon Dragon.

But this time, the Eclipse King reacted faster.

The body flickered, as if a big black-red sun fell in the air, carrying horrible power and smashing everything.

This attack was extremely powerful, and Chen Zong gave up Assassin Dragon King and broke through.

Amazing momentum swelled away, terrible forces burst out in all directions, the ice and snow ground collapsed, and countless ice and snow were also melted under the heat.

Chen Zong kept backing down, and the heavy dragon sword continued to shake.

The power of the eclipse king was terrible.

Assassin Dragon King reacted in an instant and immediately pulled back and stayed away from Chen Zong.

Now he has calmed down. Although he hated Chen Zong because of Liu Guangjun's death, he didn't dare to show it because of the difference in strength and because of the horrific killing that Chen Zong showed at that moment. The evil spirit does not know how many creatures have to be killed to be able to form.

The eclipse Wang Fei retreated to the ground, hundreds of meters away from Chen Zong.

Originally, they were just fighting each other. At this moment, they began to change their taste, and there was a trace of murderousness lingering in all directions.

"You shouldn't kill him." The eclipse king looked stunned, his eyes and pupils seemed to burn like a **** and red sun, and there was an indescribable anger in his voice.

"He **** it." Chen Zong's answer was very direct and decisive.

Damn it!

Originally he left him alive, but he did not expect to take the shot against Sister Yu while he was playing against the Eclipse King, **** it.

"It's a pity." The eclipse king shook his head, and there was a regret in the eyes.

It seems that he is sorry for Chen Zong's talent, his life, and his future.


The eclipse's body suddenly burst into an astonishing flame. The flame was extremely red, but its edge seemed to be surrounded by a black shadow.

"A strange fire in the heavens and the earth!" That breath fluctuation instantly made Chen Zong judge it. It is the strange fire in the heavens and the earth: "The inside is red, the edges are dark like shadows, the breath is fiery and cold, and the strange fire of the sky is dark.

Heaven and Earth Fire is a collective name, which is divided into two major levels: Earth's Fire and Heaven's Fire.

The strange fire of the earth is equivalent to the level of transcendental realm, and the strange fire of heaven is equivalent to the level of entering holy realm.

The gap between the two is very obvious. After all, there is a heaven-like gap between the transcendental realm and the sanctified realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this moment, when the Eclipse King uses the strange fire level of the dark shadow of the day At the time of the fire, the horrible power spread, hundreds of meters filled with amazing high temperatures, everything was burned to ashes, and a hint of coldness permeated the period.

Chen Zong stepped back quickly, because the terrible high temperature made his body boil and burn, and the coldness made him feel stiff, which was very bad for himself.

The eclipse king's face was dignified and his brows frowned, apparently urging the red shadow tombstone is also a great burden to him.

That ’s right, the heavenly fire at the level of the sacred realm is motivated by the level of the transcendental realm. The load is very large, as if a child is going to play a big sword. It hurts itself.

In the original battle with Chen Zong, the Eclipse King did not intend to use the power of the Red Shadow Under Fire, which was too strong and difficult to urge. Even if he could bomb each other, he would have to pay some price and suffer some injuries.

Therefore, this red shadow is only used as a hole card, and will not be cast until the critical moment.

But now that Liu Guangjun is beheaded and killed, no matter for what reason and for whatever purpose, he is killed under his own eyes, no matter how he must avenge him.

Chen Zong's strength is very strong. The Eclipse King knows that with his conventional strength, he can't kill the opponent at all. Even if he uses secret methods, at most it is defeat.

Defeat and kill are two concepts.

Therefore, the only way to kill Chen Zong is to use the power of Red Shadow.

The power of Chiyingminghuo is terrible. Even the true stronggoers do not dare to fight against it, and use it to deal with an extraordinary state, even if it is a king-level genius, it cannot bear it.

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