Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 4: Fire Mountain Fire

Five Taoists, each giving treasure.

The magic cloud master gave Chen Zong a pill, not a pill, but a pill, which seemed to be a treasure born in heaven and earth, called Wudaodan.

Wu Dadan is golden in color, and it seems to be filled with colorful brilliance. It fluctuates endlessly, and when he puts it in his mouth, he will temporarily enhance his understanding.

According to the Taoist Lord of the Cloud, this Goudadan can be used for almost a month.

One month refers to the full thirty days and three hundred and sixty hours.

In this way, Chen Zong received three life-saving secrets, namely, a ranged attack with a six-strength full-strength shot into the sanctuary, and a single attack with a six-stroke full-strength attack. 6, into the sanctuary six full speed flying secret treasure flying Yunbao ring.

The other two are different. The first one is the Chinese half-holy artifact cut Yuejian. This is not a secret treasure, nor a consumable. It can be used for conventional fighting methods, and of course, it can also be the same hole card.

If Chen Zongjian is used with Chen Zong's current strength, the strength will only be stronger, so when it comes to practical value, it will not be inferior to those three life-saving secrets.

In the end, Chen Zong is still unclear about the effect of Wu Dao Dan given by the Taoist Master. After all, Chen Zong's own understanding is very high, far better than ordinary practitioners, and it is difficult to say whether Wu Dao Dan is useful to himself.

After all, many treasures have their limits, and beyond that limit is useless.

After offering five holy-level exercises and seven holy-level martial arts, he obtained secret babies and so on. Chen Zong left and returned to his own cloud temple.

Hidden repair!

The next step is to retreat.

The ice prince and his party not only brought a lot of treasures to Chen Zong, but also a lot of exercises and many insights.

It was just that it was not suitable for good practice in the ice emperor's secret territory. Now I left, and returned to Baiyun Mountain with no worries. I can retreat with ease and reconcile all the insights of the ice emperor's secret party and improve them.

Accepted as a disciple by Feiyun Taoist, Yu Nianxin naturally practiced with Feiyun Taoist.

As for the Bingji Shenglong grass, it was naturally given to Yu Nianxin, and Yu Nianxin was made by Baiyun Mountain's alchemist to make Bingji Shenglongdan through Feiyun Taoist master. Taking it at that time can not only improve the purity of blood, but also May cause blood vessels to mutate and become stronger.

Within the Temple of the Clouds, Chen Zong did a good job cross-legged, thinking away from distractions, thinking about his own cultivation plan or goal.

"Next, I should first understand all five of Baiyun Mountain." Chen Zong said secretly.

Bai Yun's five different ways have their own wonders. Chen Zong found that using them to lay the foundation is very suitable and will be more helpful for his future practice.

This kind of discovery comes from one's own inner perception, and the other comes from the reference of Taiyuan's memory practice.

Not long after, his extremely clear mind made Chen Zong make a complete cultivation plan.

The first step: Learn more about Baiyun and further solidify the foundation.

The so-called sharpening of the woodworker is the reason.

Step 2: See and practice the sage-level martial arts and secret methods such as Taiyuan Moyun Gong, Thousands of Beheaded Swords, Thousand Shadows Thousand Phantoms, etc., to further enhance your strength.

The third step: Learn the mystery of the true sword of the heart sword, enhance the mystery of the heart sword, integrate all kinds of perceptions, improve the kendo realm, and look for the opportunity to break into the sword.

There is another step, that is, if you can get the fire-level holy refining exercises, you also need to spend time and energy to participate in the practice.

After the plan was formulated, Chen Zong immediately executed without wasting a minute and a second.

The huge contribution allows Chen Zong to get all the content of Baiyun Wudao without spending any contribution points.

One of the five roads has already completed the enlightenment, and the other four Chen Zong also have part of the refining cloud road and flying cloud road. Taoist.

The enlightenment of the five Taoists on the Baiyun Wudao is unique. Although they will not directly point to Chen Zong, they will give certain help and give themselves their own cultivation experience in the Five Clouds. .

The strong understanding, combined with the solid foundation and the five Taoist masters' respective opinions on Baiyun Wudao, allowed Chen Zong to have a deeper understanding, perfection and perfection in the magic cloud road. Tao masters, then Liuyun Tao masters, Tianyun Tao masters.

Only half a month has passed.

In such a short period of time, Chen Zong completely mastered the five avenues of Bai Yun and put them in the past. I dare not imagine, but now, he has done it.

It can be achieved. In addition to Chen Zong's stronger soul and stronger understanding, it also benefits from the cultivation experience of the five Taoists and the various feelings in the ice emperor secret and the cultivation experience in the memory of King Taiyuan.

The combination of various conditions made Chen Zong's extraordinary.

After half a month's retreat, Bai Yun's five Taos were fully understood and mastered. Chen Zong did not immediately proceed to the next practice, but walked out of the Yun Temple to take a look at the scenery of Baiyun Mountain.

In fact, since Chen Zong entered Baiyun Mountain, there is very little free time to appreciate the scenery here.

Looking at the heights of Yu Gongyun now is extremely beautiful.

"Chen Zong, come to Bai Yunfeng."

At this time, a voice was introduced into Chen Zong's ears through time and space, and it was the voice of Tianyun Taoist.

Chen Zong did not delay, and immediately took control of Yu Baiyun, hurried to Baiyun Peak, and entered the main hall of Baiyun.

The main hall of Baiyun is still a blue sky-like dome, with clouds of air floating, as if the real sky is infinitely high.

"Chen Zong, I came to you today to give you this thing." As Tianyun Tao's voice fell, a group of rays flew to Chen Zong, and the rays dispersed, revealing a piece of inherited spirit jade, fire. The red, sweltering fiery breath.

"This is ..." Chen Zong first stunned, then revealed a touch of joy, grabbed the fiery red inheritance Lingyu.

"In this inheritance, there is a fire-level holy body refining method and the accompanying martial arts, unfortunately, it is only a low-grade product." Tianyun Taoist pityfully said: "We will continue to pay attention to it in the future and see if we can Do you get more advanced exercises? "

"Thank you, Lord, for me it is enough for me now." Chen Zong said quickly.

In the current situation, even if it ’s Chen Zongsheng ’s middle class exercises, it may not be possible to practice. After all, the higher the level of exercises, the stronger it is, but it also means that it is more difficult to practice.

Holy grade is just right.

"This is three essence blood yuandan, I hope you can achieve achievements in refining." Tianyun Taoist gave another blood jade bottle, said.

"Essential blood Yuandan." Chen Zong was slightly surprised, this is a very top-notch refining elixir of the spiritual class, which is of great value.

"Thank you, Dao." Chen Zong's tone was more solemn and grateful.

After leaving, the main hall of Baiyun was left, and Chen Zong returned to the cloud hall again. This time, he changed his cultivation plan. He did not immediately enlighten himself on qigong and martial arts, but first accepted the inheritance of the inheritance of Lingyu.

A burst of information poured into Chen Zong's mind like a fiery torrent, and the characters glowed red, extremely hot.


Chen Zong only felt that countless characters condensed into a volcanic volcano in his mind, and continuously spewed out an astonishingly hot magma. The majesty was magnificent, and the magma was rolling away, covering all directions, like a hell.

Fire Mountain Gong Gong!

This is the name of this fire-level Holy Subordinate Body Refining Method, and I do n’t know where the Tianyun Taoist got it.

After the exercises were transmitted, it was Wushu's turn.

I saw an arm made of magma rushing out of the volcano in that hell, grabbed it in the air, as if to smash the vacuum, then opened it again, and turned it into a palm to shoot into the air, sinking vigorously Incomparably magnificent, as if a burning mountain was ramming.


As if the flame demon struck, the sky burst.

Immediately, the slamming palm also changed instantaneously, all the power concentrated on the index finger, burning through the astonishing flames, and the fingers under the flames were covered with black-red cracks, just like purgatory, moving up a little, and making another amazing sound. There was a sharp roar, and the power was more concentrated.

Fire Mountain Hand!

"Lieshan Fire Prison Gong ... Lieshan Fire Prisoner ... Good ..." Chen Zong opened his eyes, and a fascination flashed out.

Chen Zong is very satisfied with this holy-grade inferior body exercises and martial arts.

Then, you must first enlighten this body-building method. After enlightenment, practice, and after enlightenment is successful, enlighten the Mountain Fire Prisoner.

As far as the practice of refining the body is concerned, the practice of Taiyuan King can't get much effect ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Because Taiyuan has not achieved much in the practice of refining, even without refining.

Among the inherited spiritual jade, there are only the information of exercises and martial arts, and no other cultivation experience.

In other words, Chen Zong can only participate in enlightenment by his own understanding and accumulation of refining, which is more difficult than participating in enlightenment and practicing qigong.

After half a day of understanding, Chen Zong felt the difficulty and took out Wu Daodan.

But I don't know how much Dao Dan can play.

With Wu Da Dan in his mouth, a hint of coolness diffused away, spreading to the brain one after another, a coolness, which made Chen Zong feel refreshed.


Although I don't know how it works, at least it is effective, and it is also good to be able to increase it by a few points.

After all, Chen Zong's perception is very high, and it is a good thing to increase it.

Sometimes, the perception is increased slightly, but the effect is very significant.

It's like a person can lift a thousand pounds of weight with all his strength, but that's the limit, and adding two pounds to it is enough to crush someone.

As the cool breath spreads and becomes more and more comfortable, Chen Zong feels that all his thoughts have been eliminated and the spirit is highly concentrated. All this is not led by himself, but the breath of Wu Dadan is guiding.

"Begin to enlighten." Chen Zong immediately came to enlighten as soon as he thought.

With this realization, the gap is obvious.

It was only a long time before I realized anything, but now it seems that I have a feeling of understanding.

As time slowly passed, Chen Zong's mind remained clear for a while, and the refreshing breath kept moistening his mind, as if the brain was constantly replenishing the consumption of the brain, so that the brain was always at its peak.

Gradually, Chen Zong started on the enlightenment of the Fire Mountain Gong.

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