Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 5: Leap forward


Whether it is enlightenment or enlightenment martial arts or other, it will consume the spirit and even the mind.

The simplest, such as thinking, the brain will be consumed when it is running, and you will feel exhausted when you consume it. As you spend more time, your mind will become groggy and unable to move, just like a body that is hungry for several days and nights. , Without motivation, need rest and need recovery.

The stronger the mind, the stronger the spirit, and the longer you can stay enlightened, the longer you will remain.

Chen Zong ’s soul liquefaction is very powerful, and he absorbs the remnant soul of King Taiyuan and strengthens it by 20%. Many souls who have entered the sacred realm cannot compare with Chen Zong in their souls. Therefore, with each enlightenment, Chen Zong can last longer. .

But that does not mean that you will not be exhausted, and that the deeper the mystery you understand, the more you consume.

However, under the circumstance of enlightenment and enlightenment, and the cool breath permeates the whole mind, no matter how to enlighten, the mind is always clear and always at the peak.

For a month!

Thirty days!

Three hundred and sixty hours!

Taking full advantage of this period will bring great benefits to yourself.

Chen Zongke didn't know that this Dao Dan was the treasure of a magic cloud master's adventure. There were three capsules in total, two of which had been consumed, and the last one was reserved.

If Chen Zong is highly valued by the Taoist Master, and because Wu Dao Dan has no obvious effect on practitioners at this level, he will definitely not give this thing to Chen Zong.

The five Taoists gave treasures, which realized that Dao Dan had the highest value.

Under the enlightenment of Wu Daodan, the introduction of Lieshan Fire Prison Skills continued with the enlightenment.

The Lieshan Huolong Gong is different from other martial arts that Chen Zong has contacted before. There are no tenth, fifteenth, and twentyth floors, but three major realms.

The first heavy mountain and the second hell.

The third is the combination of the first and the second, which is called purgatory.

With the help of Wu Dao Dan, five days later, Chen Zong came to realize the first mystery, so that he could begin to cultivate. As for the latter two, the mystery of enlightenment was more difficult, and even if he came out, Zong's current practice cannot be cultivated.

Taking down Wu Dao Dan, Chen Zong found that Wu Daodan was a little smaller, and the coolness in his mind gradually dissipated.

Put away Wu Daodan, Chen Zong began to practice Lieshan fire prison.

The hot breath permeates the body, and the dragon power of the refining body runs in a more complicated and delicate route. Chen Zong feels that his muscles and muscles are bulging, and it seems to be stuffed with a burning iron, and it also contains an amazing Magnificent and overbearing.

The dragon power originally cultivated by Zhenyan Lian Gong also gradually transformed into strong mountain dragon power. This is a stronger horizontal power, a transformation of dragon power, and can be called super dragon power, and Super-spiritual.

Long Li kept running, surrounding the musculoskeletal muscles around his body. Chen Zong felt that his body was about to burn, his body gradually became red, and his body seemed to become heavy, like a mountain.

All dragon powers have been transformed into strong mountain dragon powers, but have not yet reached the level of super dragon powers.

Immediately, Chen Zong took a piece of essence blood Yuandan and took it. The strength of the essence blood Yuandan exploded like a volcanic eruption, impacting the whole body. Grow, and gradually reach the true limit of Longli.

A piece of essence blood Yuandan allowed Chen Zong's practice to reach the real limit of dragon power. Next, it is to compress the dragon power to make it super dragon power. This is more direct than practicing Qi, but also More rough, compressed, and constantly compressed.

Yun Gong, with a bang, seemed to have the flames spreading out, emitting an astonishingly hot and majestic atmosphere.

Chen Zong runs the dragon power on his fist and blows out with one punch. He just feels that this punch is coming out, as if he can destroy the mountains and destroy Yue.

When grabbing Zhan Yuejian, I also felt that Zhan Yuejian became a little lighter, which means that Chen Zong's physique was also strengthened with the strength of the refining dragon, and his strength was even more amazing.

In this way, the use of Zhan Yuejian will be more handy.

"The first level of Lieshan Fire Prison is basically practiced, and the rest is slowly polished until it is completely mastered. Then I can practice Lieshan Fire Prisoner." Chen Zong's eyes shot out a terrible brilliance , Said secretly.

The Fire Mountain Fire Prisoner is a complete martial art of the Fire Mountain Fire Prison. Although it is a martial art, it can be divided into two types.

The first is Lieshan Palm, and the second is Hellfire Finger, but if you practice to the highest level, you can combine the Lieshan Palm with the Firehound Finger to form a real strong mountain Fire prisoner. The power is even more amazing.

What Chen Zong has to cultivate now is Lie Shan Palm.

Martial arts training is the only way to cultivate the cultivation, and it is tantamount to mastering one more method. Maybe it will come in handy.

After the base of the fierce mountain fire prison, and then increased by Wu Dao Dan, in just three days Chen Zong came to the mystery of Lieshan palm and began to cultivate.

Boom boom!

Both palms run the strong mountain dragon power, and the crimson red dragon power permeates the palms, hiding under the skin of the palms, and blasting out. Each palm is like a mountain burning with flames.

On the surface, it seems that the power of Lieshan Palm is not very strong, but it is introverted. Once it is hit, the strong power of Lieshan will burst out and destroy the target.

The strong mountain dragon power combined with the arrogant strength of the body itself makes each hit more terrible.

Refining practitioners of the same level tend to be more domineering than qi practitioners. Of course, refining practitioners need more resources.

Relatively speaking, the mysticism of refining exercises and martial arts is not as good as practicing qigong exercises and martial arts, but the power is not weak at all, and refining together depends on resources.

Time flies, one month has passed since Chen Zong practiced Lieshan Fire Prison and Lieshan Fire Prisoner. This month, Chen Zong gave up other cultivations and devoted himself to practicing physical exercises and martial arts.

With Chen Zong's super savvy and control over his own strength, he cultivates and has made obvious progress every day.

"A strong mountain!" With a low sigh, Chen Zong's body suddenly appeared a burning shadow of a mountain, and it seemed like a volcano filled with an incredible momentum. This momentum was majestic and overbearing. It feels very different from the practice of practicing Qi Xiuwei.


This is courage!

The spirit is only mastered by savvy practitioners.

For example, when Tuoba's anger erupted, the bronze-colored flames around him were a kind of spirit.

Qi is a collective term that will show differences in form and breath according to the different exercises practiced by practitioners. But Qi also has the same thing: amazing strength and impact.

As soon as the spirit comes out, the mind of the practitioner is more stable, and the spiritual will is as if defended, and it can resist stronger impact and external invasion.

And when the spirit is shot, the power will also increase to a certain extent.

In the ancient times, spirit was a sign of distinguishing whether a cultivator became a master or not, or whether he was a strong one.

But now, even in the giant heavenly gate, there are not many young disciples who have mastery of courage.

"Now on the strength of refining alone, I should not be inferior to the original Tuoba Fury." Chen Zong said secretly.

After entering the ice emperor's secret, Tuoba Fury will certainly have a chance, and his strength will be more powerful.

However, Chen Zong is not a pure cultivator, and pure cultivation is not real strength.

After stimulating the spirit of the strong mountain, Chen Zong shot it with a palm, the strong force of the strong mountain was restrained on the palm of the hand, and the air suddenly shook, making a dull sound, as if the cymbals were roaring.

The scorching breath permeated, and hot waves swept across all directions.

Without comparison, Chen Zong is not sure how powerful this palm is, but in the sense, it is not weak at all, and he may reach the level of Hou class genius.

"Refining to this level is almost the limit." Chen Zong said secretly.

After all, the Fire Mountain Gongshan is not as good as Taiyuan Moyun Gong. The strength cultivated naturally has a gap.

Furthermore, Chen Zong's refining talent is considered good, but it is still not comparable to Kendo's talent.

The shortcomings in refining the body made up for it. Next, Chen Zong will start the third step of cultivation, that is, the enlightenment of practicing qigong.

Taiyuan Mo Yun Gong seventh floor!

It is not easy to learn about this seventh layer, but there is the memory of King Taiyuan as a reference, and the difficulty is reduced many times.

one day!

A day later, Chen Zong grasped the mystery of the seventh layer and continued to understand the eighth layer.

The eighth level of enlightenment is even more difficult. If Chen Zong came to enlightenment entirely ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I do n’t know how many months it will take, but Taiyuan King ’s cultivation experience is infinitely shortened.

Two days!

Ninth floor!

Three days!

After realizing the mystery of the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors of Taiyuan Moyun Gong, Chen Zong naturally began to cultivate the seventh floor.

The difference between enlightenment and cultivation is equal to the difference between theory and practice.

The theory is always easier.

Therefore, even if Taiyuan King's cultivation experience is used for reference, the seventh-level cultivation is not so easy.

The Nine Spirit Wheels kept turning, the super-spiritual force rushed through the body, and it was running day by day, day by day. Chen Zong's body was sitting still, as if turning into a statue.

Time flies, and suddenly, an overbearing breath burst out from Chen Zong's body, impacting in all directions, this is a more powerful super-spiritual breath.

For half a month, the seventh layer of Taiyuan Mo Yungong was completed.

Chen Zong's eyes opened, and the sky pierced through the sky like a sword.

On the seventh layer, the super-spiritual power cultivated by Taiyuan Moyun Gong has become more and more pure and powerful, which means that Chen Zong's strength has gone further.

Refining is only to make up for Chen Zong's weakness. Today, it is the strongest strength enhancement.

When trying to cultivate the eighth floor, Chen Zong found that it was very difficult. Even if there is the memory of King Taiyuan as a reference, it is just as obscure, it seems to be the limit.

In this case, Chen Zong enlightened on the Qianjian Sword and the Qianying Thousand Phantom.

That Taiyuan Moyun pointed out that Chen Zong also intends to enlighten him. If he can practice one or two, it will also be very beneficial to himself. After all, it is the holy grade martial arts that is matched with Taiyuan Moyun. They can increase each other, so that the power is further enhanced.

After the thought flashed, Chen Zong eliminated all thoughts and began to enlighten.

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