Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 6: Sailing


The breeze was blowing slowly, and the sound of the wind spread in the void. A cyan sword light fluttered quickly, swiftly passing through the sky and beheaded.

Chen Zong's eyes flickered, his body remained intact, and he pointed like a sword, crushing the blue sword.

At the moment when Jian Mang was broken, Chen Zong also felt a savage shock, but for Chen Zong, this sacrifice was not strong enough to affect Chen Zong's spiritual will in the slightest.

"freezing point!"

When the second sword was killed, the frost spread and condensed on the sword. The whole body frost was white, exuding an amazing chill, freezing the surrounding air, and the ice particles spread and swept across.


The ice sword penetrated the sky, and came with the extreme cold.

Chen Zong still did not pull out his sword, pointed his sword a little, and immediately collided with the sword's tip. With an ice sword, Chen Zong could feel an extremely cold and terrible force bursting at his fingertips, as if he wanted to break his fingers through To break the surface.

But Chen Zong's fingers were extremely tyrannical, and the ice sword cracked and shattered, turning into countless ice debris particles in all directions.

An amazing force recoiled, Yu Nianxin could not help flying upwards, and frost blue and light cyan colored wings seemed to fluctuate gently behind him, crossing a near-perfect arc like Fei Yan turning back, storms were crowding Frost came.

With a graceful body, ice and storm belonged to the left and right, as if two visions appeared in the sky.

Yu Nian's heart looked like the ice was spreading, and there seemed to be a storm of disillusionment in the depths of his eyes.

"Extremely cold ice sword."

A soft drink rang through the void, ice and storm merged on the sword, and a sword waved.

Suddenly, a dazzling seemingly ice-blue and cyan sword-light blasted like water and sky, and was magnificent and sharp.

Chen Zong's eyes were gazing, and he could see the composition of that sword light, it was countless ice and storm winds intertwined, like a storm tornado.

Chen Zong still did not pull out his sword, his sword was swiped, and Jian Guang was born, so mysterious.

The wind stopped, Yu Nianxin's long hair fell, as if the tsunami had calmed down, and the wings on the side of the body also receded into the body, and his arrogant breath decreased.

"Sister, the sword just before, already has the attacking power of the monarch." Chen Zong laughed, marveling at Yu Nianxin's progress.

One year!

It has been exactly one year since the departure of the Ice Emperor Realm and returned to Zongmen.

This year, Chen Zong has been retreating to improve himself as much as possible, while others are also constantly improving themselves.

Yu Nianxin, Fu Yunxiao, Gao Hongjing and Bai Xiyue were accepted as disciples by the four Taoist masters, and their strength advanced by the teachings of the Taoist masters.

Among them, the accumulation of the three of Fu Yunxiao, Gao Hongjing and Bai Xiyue reached the extreme. They could no longer accumulate the slightest. They could only seek a breakthrough. The three of them broke through to the semi-holy level six months ago and became low-level semi-holy level masters.

When it comes to talents, the three are among the top ranks in the Optima Realm. One broke through to the semi-holy level. Although it is a low-order semi-sacred level, their strength is much stronger than the ordinary low-order semi-sacred level.

In particular, Fu Yunxiao, although a low-level semi-holy level, can completely compete with the ordinary middle-level semi-holy level masters. As for Gao Hongjing and Bai Xiyue, they are worse. After all, they have not entered the ice emperor's secret place to get an opportunity.

For one year, Yu Nianxin took refining Bingjishenglongdan, and the purity of Fengshen blood veins was increased from 30% to 50%. Talents and potentials were also improved accordingly. Moreover, the Fengshen blood veins were also mutated. A power-ice.

In other words, Yu Nianxin's bloodline can no longer be called the Fengxian bloodline, but the cold wind and the bloodline. Naturally, Yu Nianxin also easily grasped the power of the ice of extraordinary mystery and cultivated to the ninth level.

Increased talent, increased potential, and variation in blood vessels have all contributed to the improvement of Yu Nianxin's strength. From the original stimulation of blood vessels to the general level of Hou level to the current level of Junjun level, there is still room for continued improvement.

For all these things, Chen Zong is happy for Yu Nianxin. For no special reason, he is happy.

"All three brothers, Fu, have gone out to practice, brother, do you plan to go out to practice?" Yu Nianxin took the sword and returned to the sheath, her long, white and jade fingers pinched her ears and shrunk her hair. There was a strange tenderness.

"I have now reached the limit in all aspects, and I need to go through it before I can go further." Chen Zong nodded.

"I still need to continue to practice and go out to practice after reaching the extreme." Yu Nianxin said softly: "Master brother goes out to practice, remember to be careful and keep your life up."

Immediately, Yu Nianxin dropped the white ring on his finger and handed it to Chen Zong.

"Brother, this is Feiyun Baojie, a speed-type secret treasure. After being stimulated, you can have six full speeds into the sanctuary in a short time." While talking, Yu Nianxin handed Feiyun Baojie to Chen Zong.

"Sister, I also have Feiyunbaojie." Chen Zongliang smiled out the white ring on his finger and said, "You can rest assured that I sacrifice my life more than anyone else."

Immediately, the two realized that this conversation seemed a little weird. Chen Zong couldn't help but smile and couldn't tell what it felt like, but Yu Nianxin nodded and his cheeks were slightly red.

"Sister, I'm leaving, see you later." Chen Zong laughed and turned away.

Yu Nianxin stared at the back of Chen Zong's departure, standing silently, his eyes soft and watery.


After one year of retreat, Chen Zong transformed and absorbed all the gains of the Ice Emperor's Secret Realm and his team. Both Qi training and refining made great progress.

As Chen Zong himself said, he has reached the extreme in all aspects.

Of course, this extreme is not the true extreme of himself in the transcendental realm, but the extremity of the present. Chen Zong feels that he is at the level of transcendental realm and there is still room for continuous improvement.

Therefore, I intend to go out to practice, in order to sharpen myself, so that I can further solidify the foundation.

The more solid the foundation, the thicker the accumulation, the greater the benefits after the breakthrough, at least the improvement in cultivation will be faster.

The higher the revision, the more difficult it is to improve, and the more time and energy it takes to improve each time. If the foundation is continuously consolidated when the revision is lower, the accumulation speed will increase sharply.

Of course, this is a patent that belongs to the real genius, not a genius, but of course strives for a faster breakthrough, because accumulation has no effect on them, it will only waste more time.

This time, Chen Zong intends to march all the way through the heavens of the sky and go to the other heavens to take a look and walk.

Practice ten years of sword-walking for thousands of miles.

"I don't know if I can compete with the ordinary high-grade semi-holy level with my current strength. Who wins?" Chen Zong secretly thought while leaving Bai Yunshan.

Although the Void Demon equivalent to a high-level semi-holy level was previously killed by himself, it was not the heyday when the Void Demon consumed a lot of power.

Although his strength has improved significantly compared with a year ago, Chen Zong is not sure how strong the high-end semi-holy level was during the heyday.

Whether it can be countered is unknown.

According to the genius classification in ancient times, those who can compete with ordinary middle-level semi-sages are ranked as kings, and some powerful kings can even defeat ordinary middle-level semi-sages masters.

As for the emperor level, that is a higher level, and the gap between the king level and the king level is much larger.

For example, the strength of the junior genius is equivalent to the ordinary low-level semi-holy level and the middle-level semi-holy level.

The emperor-level genius can at least compete with the ordinary high-order semi-holy level.

Powerful emperor-level genius can even defeat the ordinary high-ranking semi-holy level.

If you now have the strength to compete with the ordinary high-grade semi-holy level, does it mean that your genius level is not the king level, but the emperor level?

Thinking of this, Chen Zong could not help shaking.

Emperor-level geniuses are rare even in the prosperous times of ancient practice.

As for the super ancient genius above the emperor level, that seems to be a legend. King Taiyuan had never seen it in his own life.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Zong smiled slightly, quickly left the boundary of Baiyun Mountain, and went further away.

Many years ago, Chen Zong also left Baiyun Mountain to go out to practice, but at that time, he encountered Wanbao's secret realm and entered into it. He was forced to return to the Canglan World with his sword.

Therefore, Chen Zong is relatively new to Optimus.

This time, Chen Zong intends to take a good tour, sharpen himself during the tour, improve himself, and then enter other upper realms.

The heavy dragon sword hangs on the waist. As for the more powerful Zhan Yuejian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is contained in the ring of abstinence and usually fights. Chen Zong does not plan to use Zhan Yuejian. In short, he will Use it as a small hole card.

As for the Red Flame Liu Feng Sword, Chen Zong is dedicated to Baiyun Mountain. After all, the Red Flame Liu Feng Sword is only a low-order semi-sacred weapon, while the Zhan Yuejian is a more powerful medium-order half-sacred weapon. Chiyan Liufeng Sword is useless to Chen Zong, it is better to dedicate it to Zong Men and leave it to someone with fate.

People vote for me and I report it with Lee.

The Sword of Extinction cannot be included in the ring, and Chen Zong packs it behind his back.

Crossing the mountain forest and crossing the river, Chen Zong was getting farther and farther from Baiyun Mountain, and once again came to the realm that originally entered the secret place of Wanbao.

Keep going forward is Tiandaoguan.

Tiandaoguan is the boundary of the boundary. Crossing Tiandaoguan means that one boundary enters another.

Tiandaoguan is a canyon. Legend has it that many years ago, a knife powerhouse split a mountain with one knife. After the sword was closed, several figures stood on one side, eyes were extremely sharp, and they were constantly staring at the passing people.

Generally, those who leave the gate and enter the gate have to cultivate themselves, at least they are extraordinary, even if they are building a base, they are also accompanied by masters.

Chen Zong didn't come here, he had to enter the customs and then go out.

"Stop." Suddenly, a figure flashed and intercepted in front of Chen Zong: "You are suspicious, give up your appetite for inspection."

"Xu Shixiong." Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly.

Those who stopped themselves were familiar, and Chen Zong recalled it with a little thought. It was Xu Shixiong who forced himself to hand over the cashier in Wanbao's secret realm a few years ago and had no choice but to kill himself.

The grievances of that year, Chen Zong had already been set aside, and he would not deliberately pursue them, but he did not expect that they would meet again today, and the other party would also force himself to hand over the payment ring.

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