Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 8: Secret Place

The Lingwu Holy Realm is centered on the Tianyuan Sanctuary, and the four upper realms are distributed around, but there is a natural separation from the Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Going to the west, Qingtian Shangyu is Zhenwu Shangyu, and Chen Zong goes west.

In addition to the retreat in this year, Chen Zong did not fall into other aspects, and made a more detailed understanding of the four upper domains.

The four upper realms are Optimal Upper Realm, Zhenwu Upper Realm, Eternal Upper Realm, and Guixuan Upper Realm.

Originally, there was no distinction between the so-called Heavenly Sacred Realms. All of them originated from the First World War. Void demons invaded the spirit and sacred realm and caused too much damage. .

Among the four upper realms, Optimus Heaven Realm belongs to the most mediocre realm, which has all aspects, but is relatively balanced, and there is nothing outstanding.

The characteristics of Zhenwu Shangyu are the martial arts methods, which are better than Qingtian Shangyu. How outstanding is Chen Zong, who hasn't seen and experienced it with his own eyes, can't say one, so comparisons are written records of information.

On the other hand, the eternal realm is a realm with more body practitioners, and its number will not be less than that of qi practitioners.

In other words, Wan Gu Shang Yu is a paradise for practitioners of body cultivation. Chen Zong is longing for it. He just wants to go to Wan Gu Shang Yu, but must pass through Zhen Wu Shang Yu.

Gui Xuan Shang Yu pays attention to the realization of the realm and the mysterious realization, such as the cultivation of the realm, such as the mysterious development of extraordinary mystery and so on.

All in all, in addition to the Optima Realm, the other three realms are outstanding.

The three upper domains are all attracted to Chen Zong, making Chen Zong want to take a walk and take a look at some experience to better themselves.

However, everything can only start from Zhenwu Shangyu, because Zhenwu Shangyu and Qingtian Shangyu border each other, and it is easier to reach.

Along the way, in addition to rushing, Chen Zong is enlightened by the real sword of the heart and so on.

Sometimes there are some dangers, but with Chen Zong's current strength, as long as he is not a true sanctuary, it is difficult to bring Chen Zong a real threat.

Chen Zong will not be stupid enough to find trouble in the Holy Realm. It is a gap between the two levels of the semi-holy level and the great realm. No matter how powerful he is, he is not usually an opponent of the strong in the early stage of the Holy Realm.

Of course, Chen Zong has a life saving card, but it is not necessary, it is better to keep the life card.

After all, using a life-saving hole card to kill the strong in the holy realm does not have any sharpening effect on himself.

Under normal circumstances, those who enter the holy realm will not go to deal with a transcendental realm or even a semi-holy level.

Time flies, a month passed, Chen Zong continued to advance at an amazing speed, crossing more than half of the Heavenly Realm, and continued to the west near Zhenwu Shangyu.

After this month, although Chen Zong's strength has not improved much, his mood has widened accordingly.

Tianlin City!

This is a giant city and the first city that Chen Zong will step into this month.

The wind meal stayed for a month, and Chen Zong was eager for food and wine.

Around Tianlin City, giant trees are towering, as if it were a city standing in an ancient forest. With unique characteristics, when entering the range of Tianlin City, Chen Zong can feel the air is very fresh, all filled with the fresh and spicy fragrance of grass and trees.

This is a livable city.

Chen Zong walked on the wide street, and there were many trees on both sides of the street, which were lush.

Kobayashi Restaurant!

A very common name, but Chen Zong asked to learn that this is the most famous restaurant in Tianlin City. There is no one. Chen Zong naturally came by name.

Kobayashi Restaurant is nine stories high, and anyone from the first floor to the third floor can step in, but the fourth to sixth floors require transcendental practitioners to qualify.

As for the seventh to ninth floors, at least a semi-holy level is required to enter.

Chen Zong only stepped on the sixth floor, and did not go up to the seventh floor. Of course, if Chen Zong was willing, it was not difficult to step on the seventh floor. He just came to eat and could not do that.

Calling a table of fine food and wine, Chen Zong slowly enjoyed it, and drank fine wine and ate fine food, that was also a kind of enjoyment, a way to relax oneself after practicing.

Everyone has their own way to relax. For Chen Zong, wine and food is a good way to relax.

While enjoying delicious food and wine, Chen Zong also listened to the conversation of others.

"Auction." Chen Zong looked slightly. "Maybe you can check it out."

Maybe there is something in the auction that is suitable for you, even if it is not, it is a relaxation.

The auction was held three days later. Chen Zong ate the perfect wine and food, and then visited Tianlin City to enjoy the unique scenery of the city.

The way to cultivate is to relax.

If you go too far, you will collapse, and if you go too far, you will be able to practice better.

After one year of retreating, Chen Zong was tense most of the time. Going out to practice is a kind of relaxation, but it is also tense for a month to cross the mountains and cross the mountains.

After entering the city, rest for a while, and the spirit of the whole person will relax and feel comfortable, like immersed in the hot spring when tired, fatigue gradually disappeared.

Of course, this relaxation is not laxity, two concepts.

For three days, Chen Zong did not let go of the cultivation, but the current cultivation just keeps, but cannot be promoted. Therefore, Chen Zong walks in Tianlin City as if he were walking around and watching the atmosphere like an ordinary person. Invisibly, the state of mind has also been gradually improved.

Three days later, the auction will begin and entrants will need to demonstrate their financial resources.

Chen Zong's financial resources were naturally no problem. He entered the auction, and the revealed financial resources gave Chen Zong a VIP seat and an independent box.

While eating the fruits and looking at the auction items, Chen Zong did not take any action, not because he could not take the shot, but he did not want to, because although the items being auctioned were all good, they were not enough for himself.

"Now, ten places are being auctioned." The auctioneer spoke loudly, causing everyone to be surprised and interested.


What kind of places can be put up for auction?

"This quota is a quota for entering a secret place." The auctioneer also said that everyone's interest increased greatly.


Often also means opportunity.

"Secret places." Chen Zong also came to interest.

"According to the quota sender, there is a heaven and earth fire in this secret territory, and it may be a heaven and earth fire." The auctioneer's eyes flickered brightly, and the words uttered shocked everyone.

Heaven and Earth Fire!

This is already very attractive.

The magical fire of the sky has more than tenfold increase in attraction. You must be tempted to enter the sanctuary. After all, the magical fire of the sky is equivalent to the level of entering the sanctuary.

However, the strange fire of the sky is also extremely rare, the probability is very low, and the bigger one is the strange fire of the earth.

"The strange fire of heaven!" Chen Zong's eyes flickered sharply, his spine was as straight as a sword, and a sharp edge of breath flickered away in a flash. Fortunately, Chen Zong responded promptly, and quickly retracted his restraint, which did not affect the cabin. Beyond others.

What is the power of Heaven's Strange Fire? Chen Zong has seen it with his own eyes, and experienced it with his own hands. The power of the red shadow fire that was urged by the Eclipse King that day was very scary.

If it wasn't for the eclipse king's rough control of it, he might have to use the dripping sword mark.

Furthermore, he owns Ziyun Hexingyan, but the potential of Ziyun Hexingyan is Jiu Pin He Jiu Pin, which is difficult to improve.

Therefore, it is necessary to devour the strange fire that merges with other earths in order to break the boundary and become the strange fire of heaven.

If you can find the strange fire of the sky, it is also possible to refine it and devour the purple cloud and black star inflammation.

All in all, this is also a way to strengthen yourself.

If you can have the magical fire of heaven, maybe you can have a way to fight against the strong into the sanctuary.

Therefore, Chen Zong is very interested in this secret place.

"But there is one point, which is the limitation of cultivation." The auctioneer also said, "This secret realm can only be entered in a transcendental realm. The sender hopes to bid for this quota, and the cultivation is to reach the limit of transcendental realm. The stronger the strength, the better. Because the mystery is dangerous. "

Such a request is not strange to everyone, and this is normal.

In any secret situation, it is certain to have danger, and it is also normal to have cultivation restrictions.

Then, under the circumstance of restricting cultivation, the stronger the strength, the better, in order to obtain treasures through danger.

"Now, the first auction of mysterious places starts, and the starting price is 1,000 yuan of top stones, and the price increase must not be less than one hundred." The auctioneer's hammer fell, and the hammer exploded.

A thousand pieces of top-grade stone, this is an amazing price. Most of the transcendental realms cannot be obtained, and even some semi-holy levels may not be available.

Those who can come out are either very strong in the extraordinary world and can get more wealth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or have a high background and have family power as their heritage.

"One thousand and one." Someone said immediately.

"One thousand and two." After a little meal, someone immediately raised the price.

"Two thousand." Chen Zong bid, and directly added eight hundred top grade yuan stones.

In Chen Zong's view, this mystery is of interest to himself, and the first competition for ten places is often more peaceful, and the more intense the competition in the future.

Therefore, it would be better to add more prices and shoot it down at once.

Two thousand pieces of top-grade Yuanshi really shocked others.

But such a price is nothing to Chen Zong at all. You must know that the wealth that Chen Zong has accumulated so far is very amazing, especially after the killing of Liu Guangjun, Chen Zong got tens of thousands in his apprentice ring The top-grade stone and some of the top-quality stone, plus the original own, add up to more than 15,000 top-grade stone.

As far as Chen Zong is concerned, the role of Shangpin Yuanshi is very small. Whether it is retained or not is of little significance. It is better to use it and replace it with what he needs.

Two thousand top-quality yuan stones, Chen Zong immediately took a secret place.

The second place was also auctioned, with a maximum transaction price of 18,000.

The highest price for the third place was nineteen thousand.

The highest price of the fourth place reached 2,000.

The highest transaction price for the fifth to tenth places is between two thousand and two thousand three hundred.

Those bidding for the ten places received a token and a note, respectively. The token was black and showed a regular prismatic shape with a flame burning pattern on it.

The content written on the note is also very simple. Two days later, at the Qianlin Museum in Tianlin City, they met and went to the secret place suspected of possessing the strange fire of heaven.

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