Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 9: Smoldering Tomb

Two days passed, the sky was slightly twilight, and by the time Chen Zong had already left for Qianlin Pavilion.

As soon as he set off, Chen Zong felt a weak breath following him, as if he was following himself, which was to be expected.

After all, it ’s a secret realm. There are often treasures in the secret realm. Moreover, there are more likely to be strange fires in the heavens and the earth. It is also a kind of capital and wealth.

If it's a strange fire, then it's amazing. Once you can refine it, you can immediately increase your own strength.

Treasures are moving, and those who haven't bid for the quota naturally don't want to let it go, so they stare at those who get the secret place, and when they act, they will immediately follow and follow.

Just follow along, Chen Zong didn't care too much. This is Tianlin City. Tianlin City is a city with good public order. It has clear and strict specifications. No hands are allowed to fight in the city. Otherwise, Tianlin City's Tianlin Tiewei will let you know what regret is.

The Lord of the Tianlin City is a powerful late-stage sacred realm. The strength of the Tianlin Tiewei is also very strong. He has many strong sacred places, as well as many semi-sacred masters. terrible.

When entering Tianlin City, you must abide by the rules of Tianlin City.

If you do n’t violate the rules, what will you do?

Qianlin Museum is a very famous entertainment place and golden cave in Tianlin City. Here, there are echoing fine wines, beautiful beauties and jealous betting.

When Chen Zongyi stepped into the Qianlin Museum, the token in his hand instantly gave a sense of direction, which guided Chen Zong's direction.

The Qianlin Museum is very large and has many areas, like a maze. If you are not a familiar person or no one leads, you may get lost.

Following the token's guidelines, Chen Zonglai made a stop in front of a closed door, and then stopped.

"Please come in." A soft voice blew across the lake like a spring breeze, and came out from the door. Chen Zong pushed open the door and walked in. There were five figures inside, and his eyes fell on Chen Zong's face.

The breath fluctuations diffused by these five people are all extreme levels, and they are not weak.

The speaker was a young man with a spring-like smile on his face, which made people feel good at first sight.

And this person seems to be the leader.

"Sit down and wait for everyone else to come, I'll talk more about it." The face and smile of the young man said to Chen Zong with gentle eyes and polite manners.

Chen Zong sat down and did not intend to say hello to the other people. The other four people also had no intention to say hello to Chen Zong.

Time passed slowly, and five other people arrived one after another, stepping into this room.

"Everyone is here, so I'll explain this trip." The youth still had a smile on his face and smile: "First of all, I introduce myself, my name is Yang Lin, and I am a ninefold limit of transcendence, but I Is more than double the strength of the ordinary extraordinary ninefold limit. "

This kind of self-introduction made everyone feel a little interesting.

"As for my age and the practice of martial arts, etc., that's a secret, I believe you can understand." Yang Lin joked: "The secret place we are going to enter during this trip is called the Yinhuo Tomb, which is ancient A key left by a strong man, I happened to have access to the key, which was entered once, but the danger inside it was impossible for me to pass at all. "

"But as far as I know from the Yinhuo Tomb, I can enter up to ten people besides me."

"With eleven people including me, it is expected to break through the Yinhuo Tomb and get the treasures inside."

"But I can't always call on the street that I know the secret, there are places to provide it, so that it will either be treated as a lunatic or captured by the strong."

"That's why I auctioned places, except for you, who don't know how I look."

"You can bid for places at a high price. I believe you are not ordinary. Together, we can break through the tomb of Yinhuo and get the treasures in it."

"Brother Yang Lin, is there a strange fire in the yinhuo tomb?" A young man with a Chinese character face asked Shen Sheng.

"According to my speculation, there are many possibilities, but the probability of the strange fire of the earth is high, and the probability of the strange fire of the sky is extremely small." Yang Lin responded positively, and then smiled again: "The auction house at the auction It is inevitable that there will be a bit of exaggeration. "

"Everyone, I have a request to enter the Tomb of Yinhuo on this trip." Yang Lin turned his face again, his eyes glanced across the crowd: "I need the strange fire of the day and the earth, I hope you can help me get the strange fire of the world, as compensation. I will return all the top-quality yuan stones that you are bidding on, and I do n’t want any other treasures in the Yinhuo Tomb. "

"If you agree, then you can leave. If you don't agree, please leave the token and I will return Yuan Shi to you."

Suddenly, everyone was silent for a while, and one after another seemed to be thinking about what to weigh.

"Although you can't get the strange fire in the heavens and the earth, I believe that there should be other good treasures in the Yinhuo Tomb, and of course I will go."

It didn't take long for someone to make a statement. Immediately, one by one, you do n’t have to be a strange fire of the day and time, but other treasures will be owned by everyone. As for how to allocate it, it is a matter of ten people.

"Okay, thank you all." Yang Lin seemed relieved with relief.

However, on the face of it, who knows how to think inside, who knows.

Chen Zong has not spoken, watching quietly.

This Yang Lin is very modest and makes people feel good, but Chen Zong, who understands the mystery of the heart sword, feels a little different, and faintly feels that this is not the case for Yang Lin.

It seems that this trip is not so simple.

Before you get here, everything is as usual, but when you come here, you can see it personally, and the deep inside feeling tells Chen Zong that this Yang Lin is fake, and that this trip will be dangerous. This danger is not the so-called break The danger of mystery, but other dangers.

After comprehending the mystery of the Heart Sword, Chen Zong's perception of danger was even deeper.

Since it was dangerous, Chen Zong decided to withdraw.

Maybe there will be gains, but it may also be a conspiracy.

Combining all the previous conditions, combining every sentence that Yang Lin said, and the deepest feeling in his heart, Chen Zong decided to withdraw.

Although he has a lot of hole cards, he is not sure how dangerous the danger is.

Perhaps it is within the scope of their own resistance, combined with Yang Lin's, it is not impossible, but it may also exceed their own resistance.

Cultivate the world, the more you continue to cultivate, the higher you become, the more you know, the more you know how small you are.

The world is too big and too many means. No one can understand everything.

A Xeon may also be wounded or even killed by an oversight.

The purpose of Chen Zong is to go to Zhenwu Shangyu to practice. This so-called secret world is just an experience on the way, which can be owned or abandoned.

Even if there is a real fire in it, you can't run a risk with conspiracy.

Dangers exist in many places. Some dangers have to be taken, but some dangers can be avoided, especially those with conspiracy.

"Brother Yang Lin, I quit." Thinking quickly, Chen Zong said quickly.

Suddenly, the other nine people were all confused, and the smile on Yang Lin's face was frozen instantly. A gleam of cold light and a gleam flashed in the depths of his squinting eyes, and then the smile widened: "Why did this friend quit? Do you also Want a world of fire? "

"It's a bit difficult, after all, the strange fire of that day is what I need." Yang Lin seemed to be distraught to himself: "Friend, otherwise, I will compensate you for a thousand top-quality stones. How about that? "

While talking, Yang Lin walked slowly, raised his hands to open ten slender fingers, and at the next breath, the ten fingers were bent, and a handprint was instantly condensed.

Suddenly, a wave of cold breath swept away, and the token in the hands of everyone suddenly released a mysterious and cold wave of breath, wrapping them up instantly.

Too fast, even beyond his own reaction speed.

Chen Zong's look changed slightly, and he immediately encouraged a burst of power, and the chilly atmosphere was shattered, and his body disappeared in an instant, along with nine other people who disappeared.

As if entering a dark place, reaching out with five fingers, and falling out of his control, it seemed to fall into the abyss.

In the room, Yang Lin opened his eyes, his eyes were covered with coldness and embarrassment, and his face didn't have a half-smile: "It was a **** thing that I wanted to quit, and it almost made me lose. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said, Yang Lin's hands were printed, and his body faded and disappeared.

"The breath is gone?"

"what happened?"

There are many people lurking outside the cabin, all of them are paying attention to this place. After all, they are also very interested in the mystery, especially the strange fire in it.

Although it is impossible to enter, as long as you follow these people, maybe you can find where the secret place is, and then you can intercept it.

Unexpectedly, the breath disappeared directly.

With a bang, the door was opened and there was no one inside.



"Where are you all?"

"Have they ever been out?"

"No, the door hasn't opened since they entered."

These people are destined to find no trace of those eleven.


For a moment, and for a long time, ten people were standing on the ground one after the other, and all around was dark. Immediately, the green and flaming fires spread out, shining all around, rendering everything a layer of blue-gray, emitting an unspeakable Frigid.

There are ten lamps, which are regularly distributed on the surrounding walls, and the walls are very strange, showing a decagon shape.

In other words, the ground beneath Chen Zong's ten feet is a decagon, and four meters high on each side and each wall are green and ghost-like lamps.

It's not big, it's only about 100 meters round and about 5 meters high.

"This is where?"

"Is this the Yinhuo Tomb?"

"Where is Yang Lin?"

Several people spoke one after another and searched around.

"Everyone, let me tell you the good news." Yang Lin's voice sounded suddenly, but it didn't sound kind, but there was a hint of darkness and sharpness: "Here is the tomb of Yinhuo, and there is indeed a strange fire in the world. "

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