Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 10: 10 party evil refining

Yang Lin's voice seemed to come from all directions, and this green and flaming fire set off against each other and rendered even more horrible.

"Yang Lin, come out." Someone roared suddenly.

The situation now seems obviously wrong.

"Don't worry, my words haven't finished yet." Yang Lin's voice sounded again: "The strange fire in the heavens and the earth here is not the strange fire in the earth, but the strange fire in the sky. Although it is a bit incomplete, it is always heaven Strange fire. "

Everyone heard what they said, and they were excited for no reason.

Heaven's Strange Fire!

Even if it is a broken heavenly fire, its value is better than the earth's strange fire.

Moreover, as long as the strange fire of the earth is devoured, the incompleteness can be completed.

Chen Zong kept watching the surroundings, not letting go of everything, but found nothing special.

"To bring you here, you need to do it, otherwise you can't do it as soon as you resist." Yang Lin seemed to mutter to herself: "Fortunately, most of you agree, only one wants Withdrawing from it is also my good luck and timely action to bring you here, then, enjoy it. "

The sound went silent, as if it had never sounded, but the slightest feeling was permeated in everyone's heart.


Instantly, ten lights on ten walls burned fiercely as if poured by strong oil. The ground of the decagon was also trembling, the center cracked, and a decagonal altar slowly rose. Thick and palpitating.

"What a ghost place."

One by one was a little flustered.

"Don't panic, break the wall." A steady voice sounded, and the overwhelming spiritual power exploded in an instant, turning into an astonishing punch, as if rocking against one of the walls.

Break the wall and leave here.

With a loud bang, Shi Baotian's fist shattered, but the wall was intact, and only the air flow of bombardment continued to sweep away.

This scene suddenly gave up his fist.

how is this possible!

The power of his fist is very clear to him, how can a wall block it, and it will stop it, without any trace.

"Don't waste your energy, you can't break the wall." Yang Lin's voice sounded again, with a bit of gloating, without any kindness.

However, the people did not believe in evil, and burst out with full force and constant bombardment, but they were still unable to cause the slightest damage to the wall.

Chen Zong blasted out with a palm print like a mountain, condensing an astonishing fiery heat, which was the palm of the strong mountain.

This palm has low-level semi-holy strength.


The strong palm of the mountain blasted directly on the wall, sending out an astonishing sound. The terrible air waves were extremely hot and incinerated, and they were shaken away and rippled.

The wall also seemed to tremble slightly, the dull voice tumbling and rolling away, and an amazing shock force made Chen Zong's palm numb.

Looking up, the wall was intact and shocked Chen Zong.

This palm blasted out, even the Qipin Spirit Artifact would be smashed, and the Bapin Spirit Artifact could hardly bear and be damaged, but the wall was intact.

"I said it, don't waste your energy." Yang Lin's annoying voice sounded again.

The metamorphosis is abrupt, the raised decagonal altar opens, and a figure sitting cross-legged slowly rises.

Chen Zong's eyes swept away, gazing at the figure, and seeing that figure was shrouded in a black robe, he could not see his face, it seemed that there was darkness under his face.

But through the outline of the black robe, the man's body is very thin, as if skinny.

The cold and dead breath continued to permeate from the withered figure, as if a deadly and bleak wind passed by, leaving everyone unconscious.

"Kill him." Someone shouted again, changed his target immediately, and blasted at the dead figure.

Perhaps the source of everything is here.


That blow was amazingly powerful, and slammed into the withered figure, and it would be broken in the next breath.

At the moment when the blow was about to hit the withered figure, a thin palm-like palm protruded from under the wide black robe sleeve, grabbed the punch that came from the bombardment, shook it, and immediately dispersed. The opponent's strength flew it, his body crashed against the wall and made a dull sound, and a blood spit could not help but spit out, and his face was pale.

"Don't worry, you will all die soon." The yin voice sounded suddenly, as if the broken pieces of metal were sharply rubbing against each other, and there was a kind of husky that was scratched with dead wood, which seemed extremely harsh in everyone's ears. , Like a blunt saw cutting everyone's eardrums.

"What the **** are you, die to me!"

The thunderous sound rang and fell, like a thunder blast, the spear trembled, the gun body spun madly, and it shot out like a poisonous dragon bursting through the air. A shot seemed to be able to blast through the heaven and earth to the sitting figure.

But the tip of the gun was paused, grabbed by a skinny bird's claw, and trembled slightly. The man trembled slightly, and the man collapsed to the ground as if losing all strength.

"Well, since you are so impatient, the deity will give you the honor of being one with me." A strange laugh sounded, and he saw the man surging in a black robe, as if the wind was blowing.

The green and faint lights on the ten walls became more and more fierce, and flew away from the lights in an instant. Each flame seemed to have a distorted face, and the mouth that was opening like a deep black hole made an indescribable sound. Hearing, seemingly screaming, terrifying.

Immediately, the invisible power wave was swinging in all directions, making everyone feel dizzy and cold as if emerging from the soul.

"Spirit shock." Chen Zong's mind was dignified.

The strong soul and keen spiritual will allow Chen Zong to feel the impact of a cold, invisible breath, and to shake his spiritual will, but for Chen Zong, this kind of impact is far from enough.

But for the other nine people, it was enough to affect them, making them feel the coldness from their souls and feel dizzy.

"Shifang Xie Lian Zhen ... Kai!" The thin figure was printed with his hands, glowing a dark gray light, and suddenly printed on the altar below him.


The harsh sound rang out, and the waves went away. A ray of light bloomed from around the altar. There were dozens of rayes. Each ray was a unique mark. It looked very complicated, and the breath emitted was extremely evil.

"Come on, your flesh and your soul, all belong to me, and all of them are integrated into my body." The madman's words sounded, and the withered figure opened his arms, as if to embrace everything, to Everything belongs.

The ten flames instantly merged into the ten marks, the faint faint light masterpiece, covering all directions, wrapping everything up, and a powerful suction spread out in an instant, as if ten invisible ropes entangled Chen Zong. Ten people suddenly made a force and pulled ten people from Chen Zong to the altar.

In the process of pulling, Chen Zong could feel a terrible force eroding, spreading all over his body.

"what happened!"

"Get off, get me out."

Two of the nine people woke up in an instant and immediately felt the strange power invading the body, roaring loudly as their complexions changed, and at the same time a tyrannical spiritual force broke out, trying to smash the invading power.

It was just that their power broke out, but there was nothing they could do, such as shouting a tree, to no avail.

Nine people groaned endlessly, bearing the ultimate pain, because of the strength in their bodies, their flesh and even their souls were pulled by a terrible force to leave the body.

Chen Zong also felt it, but Chen Zong could withstand it. To this extent, the strength of Chen Zong was not very strong.


The heavy dragon sword came out of the sheath, and the invasion of the body was also smashed by Chen Zong. The dark sword light was blown out like a smashing moon, with an astonishing sharpness and majesty, and smashed into the altar like a vacuum Withered figure.

The figure was suddenly shocked, feeling the mighty power of the sword, and immediately wielding the robe sleeves to blast out a majestic force like mountains and rivers, roaring and smashing like the overcast sea.

Magnificent and extremely cold, Jian Guang was instantly broken, and Chen Zong felt the assault of amazing power, like the roar of the ice sea, and even made himself take a few steps back.

"So strong!"

Chen Zong was secretly surprised. Although he did not use his full strength, he was not able to compete with the ordinary low-level semi-sacred level, and was defeated ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

The power of that blow reached at least the mid-level semi-holy level.

In that blow, Chen Zong also saw that it was not the opponent's full strength and reservation.


This is a rival.

Chen Zong was extremely vigilant.

"How could strength be so strong!" Yang Lin, lurking in the dark, was even more shocked.

The reason why he put ten places out for auction, in addition to selecting ten more extraordinary realms, he also planned to earn a premium stone for his own cultivation.

Ten places, fully auctioned more than 20,000 top-quality yuan stone, make good use of it, enough for his strength to break through to the semi-holy level, and become more powerful.

I did not expect that among the ten extraordinary realms, there was such a powerful existence.

Suddenly worried, I regretted the practice of putting up a quota for the auction. I knew it would not do so.

Now, I just hope that the owner can kill this person, otherwise the trouble will be great.

"Well, yes, I didn't expect Yang Lin, a slave, to deceive you like this genius." The skinny man seemed delighted: "The deity can feel the powerful blood and soul contained in you, As long as you absorb your soul and flesh, your deity's strength will be restored to 10%. "

The terrible breath permeated with it, and the yin wind roared, and there seemed to be a cry of the ghost. For a moment, it seemed as if it was sneaking into a ghostly horror.

The nine of them trembled with their legs trembling and fell to the ground under this terrible momentum, and there was no resistance at all.

"These nine little bugs, let you live a little longer." Waved, Yin wind swept, the nine people were suddenly rolled to the side, so as not to be affected, immediately, a pair of green eyes under the black robe light up, staring Chen Zong: "Are you ready?"

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