Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 13: Soul refining

The decagonal ground was surrounded by ten walls, and ten faint flames returned to the lamp, burning quietly, as if the years had passed.

The nine people who were thrown into the corner and slumped in the corner have already disappeared.

There is no way, the battle between Chen Zong and the Evil Lord is already at the level of sacred realm, the ground is small, and the terrible breath hits them, directly crushing nine of them to death.

This is the gap in strength.

The powerful man in the sanctuary can crush the transcendental realm simply by imposing.

As for Yang Lin, it was equally deadly.

Chen Zongan sat cross-legged in peace, constantly absorbing memories from Lord Xie Luo.

After absorbing the remnants and memories of King Taiyuan, this time there is no pressure to absorb it, it is almost a light road.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to absorb part of the memory of Lord Xie Luo. As for most of the memory, the processing method was the same as when he absorbed the memory of King Taiyuan before, let it go, and wait for a suitable opportunity before triggering.

For example, if you see something or encounter something, Lord Xie Luo will automatically emerge, so you can save yourself time and reduce your own load.

After all, Lord Xie Luo is a powerful sacred man from Guixuan Shangyu five thousand years ago. He has lived for more than two thousand years, and his memory is huge and complicated.

After being absorbed, everything of Lord Xie Luo was also known by Chen Zong.

He came from Xuan Shang Yu to be a master of the martial arts. However, after the martial art was destroyed, he fled into the heavenly kingdom. He was a seven strong man who entered the sanctuary before his death. In addition to having a strong practice and cultivation, because of adventures, There are also accomplishments in the soul.

Lord Xie Luo's method of practicing the soul is called Shifangxian Lianshu. After Chen Zong checked it, he groaned.

Shifangxie Alchemy, a rather evil cultivation method, can absorb the soul that devours living beings to refine it into its own soul, thereby enhancing its own soul strength.

To Chen Zong, the study of Gongfa and martial arts does not matter whether it is evil or not, mainly because of human heart.

A discipline of martial arts in the right way, the practice of human mind is not right and wrong, it is evil.

A wicked practice of martial arts is practiced by people who do not take it as evil, but accumulate virtue and do good, which is justified.

However, in any case, the ten-square evil refining technique is to improve the self by absorbing and refining the souls of others, which is really not the right way.

However, Chen Zong has always been taboo about these, or he would not have improved the blood condensing technique to refine the essence of the blood for his own refining and absorption in the Canglan world.

Of course, Chen Zong will not indiscriminately kill innocent people.

Regardless of the others, Chen Zong began to enlighten the Shifang evil alchemy.

In the past, Chen Zong has also obtained the method of refining gods. Unfortunately, his level is limited and it is useless now.

The Shifang evil refining technique is very delicate, but it is also relatively speaking. Combining the understanding brought by Chen Zong ’s stronger soul and the memory of His Holiness the Evil Lord, the mystery of Shifang evil refining technique is not long grasp.

Not to mention whether you will use the Shifangxie Alchemy to refine the souls of others in the future. For now, the Shifangxie Alchemy is very useful.

In fact, Chen Zong has always been worried.

That is, after absorbing the remnant soul of King Taiyuan and the soul of His Holiness the Evil Lord, although his own soul strength has increased greatly and he has obtained various memories of the two, he has also obtained some mixed ideas of the two.

At present, Chen Zong's soul is very powerful. With his powerful soul, he can suppress it without any interference, but no one can guarantee that it will not erupt in the future.

Shifangxie Alchemy can just eliminate himself from refining to prevent future troubles.

Shifang evil refining operation, Chen Zong suddenly felt a trace of the power of the soul permeated from the liquefied soul, and then, condensed into ten strands, belonging to the ten-party distribution, turned into a purple flames Burned silently.

The principle of Shifang evil refining is to turn the soul power into the fire of the soul, and set up the Shifang evil refining array to refine the soul.

What Chen Zong has to do now is to refine his soul and remove impurities that are not his own.

The Shifang Xuanlian Array turned into operation, ten purple faint flames burned violently, and the purple fire light instantly expanded and spread. Then, the large array turned, and the speed became faster and faster. The ten purple faint flames disappeared into ten pieces. The purple faint fire dragon shuttles constantly.

Every time he shuttled, Chen Zong gave out a wonderful feeling. It seemed that his soul was penetrated by some kind of power. This kind of power was invisible and inexistent, but it really existed. It seemed extremely hot and extremely cold.

Every time it was penetrated, Chen Zong felt an indescribable tear and piercing pain swept away in the soul, but when this severe pain had not completely spread, there was another indescribable ease and diffused .

Cold and hot!

Pain and comfort!

Heavy and easy!

All kinds of contradictions and comprehensive contradictions are constantly emerging, so that Chen Zong is not sure what it is like.

It seems that torture is a pleasure, pain and happiness.

Time passed slowly, and it was not known how long the past had passed.

The fire of ten purple faint souls was disintegrated into the power of the soul and re-submerged into the soul. Suddenly, an indescribable ease pervaded from the depths of the soul.

It's like removing heavy revenge and letting go of obsession, and seeking the freedom of being calm and relaxed, like riding the wind for nine days.

"Finally, the miscellaneous impurities have been completely refined and eliminated." A smile appeared on Chen Zong's face. This feeling was really good.

In the next breath, between the soul's waves, as if a vortex appeared in the center and was constantly rotating, slowly, a flame of pure purple light rose silently and suspended, floating above the liquefied soul, slowly burning, This burning seems to be eternal. It will not consume its own soul power, but will purify the soul a little bit, and also form a protection for its soul.

Although this trip did not get the strange fire of the heavens and the earth, and could not improve the purple cloud and black star inflammation, but devouring the soul of the Venerable Lord Luo, it also brought great benefits to Chen Zong.

Yang Lin said that there are things like heaven and earth in the tomb of the yinhuo, but he is not clear about it, but it is a confession granted by His Holiness the Evil Luo. The purpose is naturally to attract people to enter here for his refining and absorption.

Therefore, what Yang Lin referred to as the incomplete heavenly fire was actually the fire of the soul consecrated by His Holiness the Evil Lord's own soul by the tenfold evil refining technique.

The fire of the soul condensed by the practice of Shifangxie Alchemy also has high and low points.

For example, the soul fire of Lord Xieluo is Qingyouyou with a trace of gray, while Chen Zong's soul fire is purple Youyou, pure purple, a noble, mysterious, mysterious, and deep.

According to Lord Xie Luo's knowledge of Shifang evil refining and related soul refining knowledge, Chen Zong knew that the soul fire he had formed was more brilliant than that of Lord Xie Luo.

The gray soul fire is the lowest grade, the blue soul fire is the middle grade, and the purple soul fire is the top grade.

The fire of the soul of the Lord Luo is blue, but the grayness in it is slight, but it also shows that the fire of the soul of the Lord Luo is a lower level in the middle class.

The fire of Chen Zong's soul is pure purple, and even the self-generated **** light from the inside indicates that Chen Zong's soul fire also belongs to the top of the purple top grade.

When it is necessary to carefully divide, the fire of the soul can actually be divided into lower grade, middle and lower grade, middle grade, medium top grade, top grade, and top grade.

Then Chen Zong's soul fire condensed at this moment belongs to top grade.

But in the memory of Lord Xie Luo, the fire of the soul of Shangshangpin is not the highest, and there is it, but Lord Xie Luo does not know what it looks like.

Chen Zong didn't even care. It is also very good to have a top-quality soul fire.

The more powerful and advanced the soul fire is, the higher the potential of the soul, and the faster, purer, and more efficient when refining distractions and so on.

The fire of the deep and divinely-born soul burns, as if eternal, and below it is the liquefied soul, like an ocean.

According to the memory of Lord Xie Luo, this is also called the sea of ​​souls, which is a state of the soul way.

The level of cultivation of the Soul Road can be divided into several levels, from the beginning of the soul, the turning of the soul, the gathering of the soul, and the condensate of the soul, from low to high.

The so-called first light of the soul is the lowest level, which means that the ordinary soul begins to cultivate, giving birth to the first ray of soul. In this way, it is qualified to step into the so-called spiritual practice.

If you can't awaken the first light of the soul ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, there is no qualification for soul cultivation.

After the beginning of the soul, the next step is to turn the spirit into a gas.

The general soul is colorless, invisible and intangible, and there is no form. But when the soul is turned into gas, the soul power will become a stream of soul's breath and breath, permeating deep in the mind. At this moment, the soul Beyond ordinary people, have a better understanding and perception and so on.

Earlier, the strength of Chen Zong's soul was at the level of soul gasification.

The next step is for the soul to gather gas into the sea. This is a metamorphosis, highly condensed from a gaseous state to a liquid state, as if condensing water vapor into raindrops.

The soul power contained in them differs from tens to hundreds of times.

In this way, aspects such as perception and perception will be further enhanced.

But in fact, the enhancement of perception and perception is only incidental, not all. Some people increase a lot, but some people do not increase a lot.

For example, some people's perception is originally very ordinary, so even if the soul is ascended, the increase in perception is not much, but some people are originally superior in understanding, and the increase brought by the improvement of the soul will be more.

Chen Zong is the latter.

Of course, take a step back and say that the spirituality of the practitioners of the Soul Word is often not poor.

There is no difference between the beginning and the beginning of the soul, but from the beginning of the soul, there are early, middle, late, and peak points. The original Chen Zong was the middle period of the soul gathering. After absorbing and refining the soul of the Venerable Fellow Luo, it has reached Late.

According to the memory of Lord Xie Luo, there are very few, very few practitioners of the Tao of the Soul, ten million times less than the practice of the practice, because practice is more difficult than the practice of the practice, and the dependence on talent is more than the practice of the Qi. high.

However, Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a little excited because he had the cultivation talent of the soul.

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