Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 14: Zhenwu Shangyu

The world is big, the times are endless in ancient and modern times, and the mystery of the mysterious world is endless. Human beings are intelligent, persevering, and mental. Therefore, they can observe the mysteries and create different paths of cultivation.

From martial arts training, body refining, soul refining, to palm fingers, fists, legs, swords, swords, swords, sticks, etc., there are many martial arts, which are more orthodox and partial.

Between heaven and earth, no one dares to say that he is proficient in all aspects, but there are majors that excel, but also minors and understanding.

Like Chen Zong, there are talents for practicing qi, refining, and soul refining. There are very few ancient and modern people.

Even if there is, but the corresponding potential has not been tapped, such as Chen Zong have all taken into account, it is very rare.

During his lifetime, Lord Xie Luo was the seventh strongest man in the sanctuary. Although he was not as good as Taiyuan King, he was also a well-known strong man. Naturally, his memory also had some sacred exercises and martial arts, but in terms of quality, It is not comparable to King Taiyuan. For Chen Zong, there is no need for cultivation, but he can use it as a reference to expand his horizons and deepen his accumulation on the holy level.

What Chen Zong paid most attention to was the accomplishment of His Holiness the Soul.

After all, the realm of the soul of Chen Zong has reached the level of the late gathering of the soul, which is better than many ordinary sanctuaries.

Generally speaking, the level of the soul of ordinary people and those who build the bases is relatively low. At most, it reaches the level of the first light of the soul, but there are also some arrogant people who have higher soul strength and can reach the level of soul gasification.

Transcendence is the first transformation of life, not only the transformation of the body, but also the corresponding promotion of the soul.

Therefore, basically every level of soul in the transcendental realm can reach the level of soulification, the difference lies in the early middle period and the late period.

At the level of entering the holy realm, this is the second transition of life.

The body will undergo metamorphosis again, and the soul will also undergo a transition, and the level will rise.

The leap of life in the transcendental realm is mainly reflected in the body, the soul is secondary, and the leap of life into the holy realm is equal to the body and the soul.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the soul entering the sacred realm can reach the level where the soul gathers the sea. Of course, it is only the lowest level in the early stage when the soul gathers the sea. In the middle of Juhai, there were very few.

It does not exclude that some people get adventures, so that the soul is promoted.

But the ascension brought by this transformation is because of the transition of life. It is a passive ascension. It is relatively loose, but the practitioner of the soul way can actively cultivate the soul, condense the fire of the soul, and let himself The power of the soul is more concentrated.

One is passive and the other is active. The difference between the two is like wood and steel.

The same pound of wood and steel have the same weight, but in terms of hardness, wood is not as good as steel.

In other words, as the soul gathers at the beginning of the sea, the soul of the soul cultivator will be more pure and tough.

Another point is that the practitioners of the soul can also practice various soul arts. The soul arts have all kinds of magic and have extraordinary effects.

This is also the first time that Chen Zong knew about the practitioner of the Tao of Soul. If it was not for the memory of Xun Luo, he would not know when.

After all, there are no practitioners of the soul in Baiyun Mountain, and even in the entire sky, it is difficult to find the practitioners of the soul.

One of the soul fires cultivated by Shifangxie Alchemy is to refine the soul impurities and make the soul more pure, and the second is to resist miscellaneous thoughts, resist the invasion of external evils, and resist the soul attacks of others.

In a sense, this soul fire is a soul art.

It is a pity that the inheritance of Lord Xie Luo was incomplete. Only the Shifang evil refining technique, the Shifang evil refining array, and a soul-controlling technique were available. In addition, there was no other soul technique.

After digesting all memories, the essence of the soul has also been improved. Although the strength has not been directly enhanced, it has been further enhanced in terms of its heritage. In general, Chen Zong has gained a lot.

With the memory of Lord Xie Luo, Chen Zong also knows how to leave this tomb of the Yinhuo, but Chen Zong did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he took out the appetite of the nine dead people and looked at it. wealth.

In addition, Yang Lin's corpse also appeared. He was the slave of Lord Xie Luo, and the soul was controlled by the Lord Xie Luo with soul control. The soul of Lord Xie disappeared and died, and Yang Lin's soul also disappeared.

Chen Zong was surprised when he took off the ring. Among Yang Lin's ring, there were more than 30,000 top-grade stones, and the top-grade stones were more than 1,000, while the middle- and lower-grade stones were hundreds of thousands. It is an amazing wealth.

"It's time to go." Chen Zong whispered, Chen Zong's hands were imprinted, and his body faded quickly, leaving the Yinhuo Tomb.

What happened here, except Chen Zong, is unknown.


In a quiet valley, a figure appeared, and it was Chen Zong.

Looking around, unfamiliar scenery, Chen Zong double-checked again, and immediately set off after distinguishing the direction.

But not to return to Lincheng that day, Chen Zong can be sure, as soon as he appears in Tianlincheng, he will be recognized immediately, which will cause many powerful enemies and trouble.

These troubles are unnecessary troubles.

They will definitely think that they have gotten the fire of heaven and earth, or know the relevant information, and try their best to catch themselves.

The way forward-Zhenwu Shangyu.

There is a long river between Qingtian Shangyu and Zhenwu Shangyu. The name is Tianwu Changhe.

The river was flowing endlessly, rolling continuously from west to east, and the alternation of sun and moon never stopped.

This river is thousands of miles wide, and it can be said to be the largest river in Qingtian and Zhenwu. It is amazing.

Those who enter the sacred realm can fly, naturally they can directly cross the Wuchang River in the sky, but those who are not in the sacred realm cannot fly in the air. If they want to cross the river, they must either cross the river with some precious flying spirits or Fly through some special means.

However, no matter which one is, it takes some time and a lot of strength to cross thousands of miles across the river.

Crossing the river is not that simple. There may be some dangers along the way. Therefore, in addition to those who enter the sacred realm, most people love to cross the river and choose to take warships.

The so-called warship refers to a large ship with offensive and defensive capabilities, which travels between the Tianwu Changhe.

After draught, this warship still has a height of twenty meters, which is very amazing. Its length reaches hundreds of meters and its width is forty to fifty meters. It is very huge. It has a huge three-story building above it, which can accommodate both Thousands.

Each person must pay one hundred top grade yuan to board the ship and cross the river, which is not cheap at all.

If you think about it, a thousand people, one hundred hundreds of top grade stones, add up to one hundred thousand top grade yuan stones, and the wealth is extremely scary.

Of course, driving such a huge warship will always consume Yuan Shi's power at all times.

Standing on the deck of the warship, facing the wind on the river, her long hair fluttered, and her coat fluttered with the wind, as if she were going to leave by the wind, chic and comfortable.

The river is vast and it seems to be endless. The rolling waves of the river are endless, rushing forward without interruption from the outside world.

Whether the night and day alternate, the day, the moon and the moon rotate, and the four seasons change, this long river is still so endless.

"Conviction!" Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly.

This is a kind of belief, a belief that has never gone forward, and is not shaken by foreign objects.

Rivers are non-living and non-intelligent life, and their unrelenting pursuit is that the laws of nature are a mystery between heaven and earth.

But the river is still like this, let alone a person.

Cultivation is originally a retrograde road. It is a path to the pursuit of life transition and transcendence. There are many difficulties and obstacles. If there is no fearless heart and a forward-looking mind, how can we go on.

For a time, Chen Zong only felt open-minded and clear-minded.

Experience is not just about fighting strong enemies.

Watching the sun rising and falling, watching the tide ebb and flow, enjoying the flowers blooming and thanking, and feeling its touch, what you have gained is experience.

For a moment, a smile appeared on Chen Zong's face, a smile from his heart.

This time, some people have come to understand the true meaning of the so-called experience. In the past, they had only a half-knowledge.

Hundreds and thousands of people stayed on the battleships, and some practiced or played in the house. However, there were some special services provided on the battleships at the cost of paying the corresponding yuan.

Others stood or sat on the deck to enjoy the scenery ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Some of them were chatting casually in groups, but Chen Zong was enjoying himself alone.

During the period, naturally, when someone saw Chen Zong's extraordinary style, he came forward to say hello, and wanted to talk, but Chen Zong's response was a little cold, which made those people bore back.

It ’s lonely to walk alone, to go alone, it ’s okay to call friends and accompany friends in groups, and go alone for thousands of miles with swords.

The speed of the warship was not slow, and the wind and waves moved forward, constantly crossing thousands of miles of the river.

There are also some dangers in the Tianwu Long River, such as monsters under the river.

It looks like a huge blue eel, which is tens of meters long. When it appears, it releases a terrible attack. It is like a thunderous bombardment on a warship. The warship also immediately starts protection against the attack of the giant eel monster. At the same time, an overwhelming blow was released, directly killing the giant eel.

In addition to the giant eel monsters, there are also some huge black fishes. The teeth are extremely sharp. They can chew the steel in one bite, which is very scary, but they cannot break the defense of the warship and are killed by the battleship.

"Finally, Zhenwu Shangyu."

Standing at the bow of the ship, Chen Zong gazed ahead, and the outline of the city on that land suddenly showed a smile.

Zhenwu Shangyu!

One of the four upper realms, the one that martial arts is best at.

But how prosperous his martial arts are, Chen Zong must have a good understanding.

As the crowd moved out of the battleship, Chen Zong officially stepped into the land of Zhenwu Shangyu.

Here is a pier, a pier belonging to the realm of Zhenwu. Standing on the pier, Chen Zong felt the atmosphere here carefully.

Sure enough, it's different from Optimus. The difference is hard to say.

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