Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 15: Zhenwu Giant City (1)

Hewu City is a big city near the Tianwu Changhe River, and people are very busy.

Following the crowds, Chen Zong walked towards the gate of Hewu City leisurely and comfortably, but his expression was light, but his perception was also raised. All the surrounding movements were included in the perception. If there is a semi-movement, immediately Be able to respond.

It is better to be more cautious in unknown places.

However, under normal circumstances, cities often have their own city guards to maintain law and order, so it seems that Hewu City is a scene of living and working.

When I first came to Chen Zong's habit, I naturally collected some information first and made some understanding first.

In addition, by the way, taste the delicious wine and food of Zhenwu Shangyu.

A place has its own characteristics. That's why it's called different.

Looking for a restaurant that looks good, Chen Zong chose a window seat to sit down, and the sight was better.

The customs and customs of Hewu City are closer to the Optima Realm, perhaps because this city is the closest to the Optima Realm.

Chen Zong was eating peaceful food with the characteristics of Qingtian Shangyu while listening to the conversation in the restaurant, his mind was calm.

The content of the conversation is very complicated. Some talk about where to go for fun, some talk about other people's experience, and some talk about the recent practice.

There are sincere conversations, coping with imagination and conspiracy, and conversations full of routines.

Life is full of miniatures.

"This time His Holiness the Dragon Gun publicly accepted his apprenticeship. I don't know who can see?"

"Not only His Holiness the Dragon Gun publicly admitted, but also His Holiness the Lord and the Lord of the Swordsmen also stated that they were openly accepted. It is said that only those who are among the top 100 of the True Martial War Memorial have the opportunity to worship them as teachers.

"Speaking of which, the Ten-Month True Martial War Memorial opens, and this is the time."

"Zhenwu battle monument." Chen Zong's ears moved slightly, and finally heard a message of interest.

"As soon as the Zhenwu Battle Monument opens, countless geniuses will be poured into the Zhenwu Giant City, such as the blossoming of flowers, which is really exciting."

"I don't know what kind of genius will appear at this session and whether it can surpass the past."

Under all kinds of conversations, the mention of only a few words gave Chen Zong a more intuitive understanding of the so-called Zhenwu Battle Stele.

The Zhenwu Battle Stele can be said to be a treasure in the realm of Zhenwu. Of course, the Zhenwu Battle Stele does not have any ability to attack and kill. The only ability is to locate the ranking.

As for how to locate, from the crowd's only words, Chen Zong also only made some simple guesses. Whether it is so can only be determined by himself.

The True Martial War Monument was opened once every ten years, and the ranking was ranked, but everyone who was below the sanctuary was eligible to participate. As for those who were included in the list, although they would not get any rewards, they would be regarded as disciples by some sects or strong men If you have a teacher, you will be famous for Zhen Wu Shang Yu, a household name.

Fame and benefit run through a person's life, and practitioners are hardly spared.

Fighting for fame and fortune is inherently instinctual, and the acquired environment continues to strengthen.

It is not only famous for itself, but also the forces behind it. Its prestige has greatly increased, and it is expected to recruit more talented disciples to continue to grow.

Even if you don't care about the prestige of what kind of force and what kind of influence, but learn that many geniuses are gathered, it is inevitable to have a higher and lower idea.

Therefore, the Zhenwu Battle Monument opened once every ten years, and it is also known as the Zhenwu Grand Event.

Of course, this title has not been officially recognized, but it is also widely spread, and secretly acquiesced by many people.

Zhenwu event!

A title makes it upgrade.

"Zhenwu Giant City is one of the three oldest giant cities in Zhenwu Shangyu, and I don't know how far away it is from Hewu City?" Chen Zong secretly pondered. Chen Zong was very interested in the Zhenwu Battle Monument. Experience and interest are naturally involved.

There is still a month and a half before the opening of the Zhenwu Battle Monument, and I don't know if I can arrive on time.

Drinking perfect wine with perfect food, after calling Xiao Er to check out, Chen Zong also asked about it, and left.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know. It looks very young, so you can't see through, maybe a genius."

Chen Zong asked about the Zhenwu Giant City and did not cover it, so many people in the restaurant heard it, watching the back of Chen Zong leaving one by one, secretly guessing.

"I guess, this person should not be a person from our Zhenwu Shangyu, but a genius who has just come from Qingtian Shangyu. Otherwise, he would not ask where the Zhenwu Giant City is."

"The genius of Qingtian Shangyu, ha ha, that can't be compared with the genius of Zhenwu Shangyu."

"That's right, the genius of Qingtian Shangyu didn't want to get a good place on the Zhenwu Battle Stele."

Chen Zong did not know the words of these people. After asking about Xiao Er of the restaurant, he quickly left the restaurant, then left Hewu City, and flew southeast.

The position of Zhenwu Giant City is southeast of Hewu City.

According to that little second ... uh ... okay ... after all, that little two is just a base-building practice, so the time he said is not counted, but it is estimated that one and a half months should be enough to reach Zhenwu Ju himself. City, participate in the Zhenwu Battle Stele.

As soon as his body skills were exerted, Chen Zong was like a swift and swift blast, and with a feather like lightness, as if the wind blew, he swept forward far away.

The avenue to the southeast of Hewu City is wide and long, with trees beside it.

The dust was rolling ahead, and a convoy was moving at an unpleasant speed. A figure was extremely fast, and it seemed to pass through the dust and quietly, passing by the convoy.

"So fast!"

"That's a semi-holy master."

The guards on the convoy were surprised, because the strongest of the entire team was nothing but extraordinary, and they were shocked by the speed of the figure.

After passing the team, Chen Zong ignored others and kept moving forward at a high speed, but in fact this is not Chen Zong's full speed, but only part of the speed, which is equivalent to the ordinary low-level semi-holy speed. It will be much faster.

Of course, maintaining this speed is not a burden to Chen Zong, and the consumption and recovery of power are the same, so that he can persist for a long time.

The sun rises, the moon falls, and the day and night alternate, and in a blink of an eye it is just a few days later. Chen Zong has been away from the Hewu City, but I don't know how far away it is from the Zhenwu Giant City.

The sun is sinking and the night is falling. A round of moon hanging on the sky, emitting a faint faint light, the stars are dim, and the world is silent.

There was a night wind blowing, the bonfire swayed, and the figure under the light of the fire also changed.

With a pot of wine in his hand, Chen Zong slowly tasted the delicious barbecue he made.

Continuously rushing, even if the power consumption and recovery are flat, but it will be boring for a long time. At this time, it is better to stop and rest, but to relax your body and mind.

After eating the barbecue and drinking the fine wine in the pot, Chen Zong slowly lay down and looked up at the night sky.

The crescent moon was like a claw, quiet and deep.

Staring at the meniscus, Chen Zong looked calm and calm, and all thoughts seemed to be missing.

Gradually, the whole person seems to have entered a state of honghong innocence, as if it is extremely peaceful, so quiet that everything seems to have ceased to freeze, but everything around him is clearly presented to him.

Thinking nothing, the whole person relaxes and seems to become idle.

Like a ray of wind in the night, like a stream flowing leisurely.

Relax to the extreme, deep into the bones, deep into the soul, completely undisturbed.

When the crescent moon was sinking and a ray of morning light lit up from the eastern horizon, Chen Zong also seemed to be awakened to life. I do n’t know when the closed eyes opened, the eyes were clear and deep, as if they were bottomless like an abyss, and As high as the sky.

The mind is transparent and the body is comfortable. It seems to remove the dust and relax.

His body shook and his strength blended.

Chen Zong didn't expect that it would be just one night, and he would relax to this point, as if to relax to the deepest part of his body, and exhaust all fatigue.

Comfortable, the comfort of the deepest body.

At the beginning of the exhibition, Chen Zong continued to hurry, while learning the mystery of the true sword of the heart while he was on the road, in the final analysis, Chen Zong still felt that the true sword of the heart was essential, especially when he grasped the mind. After the domain, this feeling is more intuitive.

In an instant, half a month passed, during which Chen Zong passed through several big cities, but did not stay, just bought some fine wine and drunk on the road and left.

On the night sky, lightning flashes thunder ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The bright thunder flashes like a dragon flying, sending out earth-shattering roars, and the raindrops that are like the size of a thumb are shot down from the sky, every drop is heavy, and ordinary people are Under such a rainstorm, it is difficult to resist and easy to die.

It was a torrential downpour, a lightning flash, a thunderstorm, and a dark night.

Chen Zong, who had been on the road for a long time, planned to take a break and saw the fire in front of him, emanating from an old house.

As he approached, Chen Zong also felt that the waves of breath coming out of the stone house were obviously not weak, and he made speculations instantly.

"People, it's raining outside, please allow me to enter the house to shelter from the rain." Chen Zong appeared at the door of the stone house, and said softly.

It is speculated that several people in the house should not be the original owners of the stone house, but they are usually people who enter the house to shelter from the rain. However, since the other party entered the stone house first, he is not an overbearing person.

Three sights fell on Chen Zong's face, and quickly swept across.

"His joke, this stone house is not my thing, anyone can come in to shelter from the rain." One of the handsome young men laughed.

The other man and woman did not speak, and it seemed that they could not see anything from Chen Zong, but the man frowned slightly, it seemed that he did not like Chen Zong's arrival, or he did not like to have nothing to do with the three of them. People enter this stone house.

"Thank you." After Chen Zong spoke, he didn't stop. He stepped directly into the stone house. He sat down at the corner of the stone house, leaned against the wall, turned his hands, and a pot of wine appeared.

While drinking, Chen Zong also watched the pouring rain outside the house.

"Friend, since you are alone, you might as well come over here to bake fire." The handsome young man invited.

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