Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 17: Zhenwu Giant City (2)

The tyrannical atmosphere is diffused in all directions, strands of strands are distributed in the air, intertwined with each other, forming an invisible large net covering the entire Zhenwu giant city, and everything is under the supervision of this large net.

Chen Zong keenly felt that the source of this big net, or the fulcrum of this big net, existed in every Zhenwu battle guard. It was the fusion of their breath and spiritual knowledge that formed this piece of surveillance. Big network of big cities.

In this way, isn't all privacy under the supervision of Zhenwu Battle Guard?

Chen Zong, who was about to enter the city, was a little confused.

Neither ordinary people nor practitioners are willing to expose their privacy, such as rest, who wants to be monitored, such as cultivation, who wants to be stared.

How exactly is Chen Zong, the advanced city will not say.

Stepping into Zhenwu Giant City, Chen Zong could feel different.


Each building is huge, towering high, like towering obelisks, standing between heaven and earth.

Chen Zong was not in a hurry to see the Zhenwu Battle Monument, but first found a place to live. After all, it took him one month to reach the Zhenwu Giant City, and it was still half a month before the Zhenwu Battle Monument was opened.

You can't eat and sleep in the past half month.

There are too many people entering Zhenwu Giant City, which has caused many restaurants to be full. Fortunately, there are hundreds of restaurants in Zhenwu Giant City. Chen Zong searched for more than 60 in a row and finally found a restaurant. There are free guest rooms, but only one is left.

Chen Zong didn't want to continue to search, and no matter what the remaining room was, there was always a place to settle down.

No matter how bad the environment is, Chen Zong has stayed, not to mention the fact that no matter how bad it is in this city.

However, the price is not cheap at all. It takes ten top-grade stones a day, and it is estimated that the ten-year Zhenwu Festival will be a fierce slaughter and make a lot of money. When the Zhenwu Festival ends, it will return to normal s price.

Ten days a day, the top grade yuan stone is not low, but it is nothing to Chen Zong. After all, the top grade yuan stone is tens of thousands within Chen Zong's appetite. In other words, there is no other use except to spend it. After all, he is extremely pure and superb. He can't keep up with the top quality stones. Only the best quality stones are useful.

Chen Zong immediately took out three hundred top-quality yuan stones and booked this room for a month.

Maybe prices will drop in half a month, but what about that?

If you used to be in a difficult situation, you would be careful, but now that you have enough wealth, your mind will not be focused on this aspect.

"Wait, we need this room." When Chen Zong was about to take the room key, a wild voice sounded, while a hand quickly grasped the key with lightning, trying to take it away.

Naturally, Chen Zong could not let this key be taken away and quickly grabbed it with one hand, but I saw that the palm of the person changed, dazzling like butterflies and flowers, and suddenly as fast as a snake out of a hole. Lightning, incredibly fast, and silent lightness, showing a brilliant martial arts.

Originally I thought that I had shown this martial arts skill enough to take down the monster, but unexpectedly, I grabbed and twisted my fingers and fell into an empty place. The key did not know when it fell into Chen Zong's hands.

"Give the keys out." The man's eyes flew into the extreme coldness, piercing Chen Zong like a sword.

"Get off!" Chen Zong was unwilling to cause trouble, but he was not afraid of it. The other party was so arrogant and unreasonable. Naturally, Chen Zong would not treat each other friendly.

"You dare to call me away, you know who I am." The youth of this triangular eye became colder, his eyes with a touch of coldness, his voice was extremely cold, and there was murder.

"What are you? How dare you treat Ming Shao like this? You know, Ming Shao is the nephew of the master of the Iron Armed Forces." Sharp, can't help frowning.

However, what she said changed the look of some people in this restaurant.

"Guest, otherwise I'll give you back these three hundred top-quality Yuanshi, you can go to other restaurants to have a look." This restaurant's buddy whispered to Chen Zong.

"No need, I live here." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said.

What is the Iron Armed Forces?

Chen Zong also heard Xu Zhanlong's mention before. It is one of the few eight-star forces in Zhenwu's upper realm. He is a brave and warlike army.

And among the entire Iron Armed Forces, there are not a few strong people in the sanctuary.

This person is the nephew of the master of the Iron Armed Forces, and he can be regarded as a good one. In addition, his cultivation is not weak in martial arts. It is no wonder that he is so high-flying and considers others as nothing.

But this time, his eyes were higher than Ding Fei, and he used the wrong object.

Chen Zong is unwilling to cause any trouble, but when troubles plague him, Chen Zong will not be afraid to shrink back. That is not his own philosophy or his own principles, in other words, not his own cultivation path, not his own kendo.

To practice the sword, you must go forward without fear.

Do not cause trouble for evil, but not afraid of things.

That restaurant buddy was also out of good intentions and didn't want Chen Zong to cause such trouble, but since Chen Zong said so, he didn't say anything more.

He has been a buddy for more than ten years in this restaurant. He has seen all kinds of people, and he knows how to protect himself. He reminds one of his intentions that it is the limit.

"Give up the keys, kneel down and scratch your head, and I will spare you this time." The youth of the triangular eyes stared at Chen Zong ruthlessly, saying every word with an astonishing forest cold, as if vomiting. Like the core, the chill of the air is permeated with chills.

"What can you do if you don't spare me?" Chen Zong asked, his eyes looked as if he was looking at a mentally disabled person. Then, Chen Zong motioned to the restaurant buddies to take him to the room.

"Good ... very good ..." Ming Shao's viper-like triangular eyes flashed with an astonishing cold light, extremely wicked, extremely sharp, and extremely spicy. If his eyes could kill people, then Chen Zong's back would be full of scars.

Looking at the back of Chen Zong's departure, Ming Shao's heart was so high that he was like a volcano inside the volcano, and he was going to erupt from the crater.

But at the moment when anger and murder were about to spread out, Ming Shao stopped it.

This is because it is inside the Zhenwu Giant City, because at this moment in the Zhenwu Giant City, the Zhenwu Battle Guards can all monitor it. Once he breaks out, he will soon arrive here.

He was expelled in the light, and beheaded in the worst, even the Iron Armed Army could not save him.

The Iron Armed Forces are indeed very strong, and they can be regarded as eight-star forces in the same way as the Zhenwu Giant City. However, the Zhenwu Giant City has a longer history and a deeper history.

Furthermore, he is only the nephew of the master of the Tiewu army, not his own son, and the meaning is different.

Deported, he humiliated himself, the Master of the Iron Armed Forces also lost his face, and even lost his qualification to challenge the True Martial War Memorial.

Being beheaded is even worse, and everything is lost.


Hold back first!

"I will kill you." After swearing secretly in the heart, Ming Shao left the woman with a spirit of anger.

"Guest, you shouldn't have conflicted with that Ming Shao just now." The man couldn't help but say again: "Although he didn't dare to do anything in the Zhenwu Giant City, he would definitely get out of it if he left Zhenwu Giant City, and he would be in trouble at that time. Now. "

"What's the point of this?" Chen Zong asked with a smile, only to know that this person was the nephew of the master of the Tiewu Army, and nothing else was clear.

"He is the relative and nephew of the Master of the Iron Armed Forces. He is also a member of the Iron Armed Forces. In the Iron Armed Forces, he and the Master of the Iron Armed Forces are hailed as Iron Armor Shuangjie. The semi-sacred masters did not lose the battle, but it is said that they are ruthless and hateful, and they are called vipers. "This guy is also well-informed.

In fact, the guys in each restaurant are more informed than the general practitioners. After all, practitioners come to the restaurant to eat or live every day. If the conversation is not confidential, it will not be covered up deliberately. Therefore, as a restaurant guy, every day Hear some different news.

The buddies of the restaurant are also cultivators. Although their strength is not high, as a cultivator, the memory is generally not worse.

Listening to the words of the man, Chen Zong just nodded slightly, without any other expression.

Able to fight the low-level semi-holy level without losing, then it shows that this person's genius level is a good grade, but it is very good, but that's all.

The ordinary king-level genius is not his opponent, let alone a hou class ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so what is the strength of Tiewu Shuangjie? Chen Zong asked curiously.

"The other one of Tiewu Shuangjie is even more powerful. It is an iron war known as a war tiger. Now it is a low-level semi-sacred master. He once killed and injured the middle-level semi-sacred." The man's tone was full. Marvel and admire.

The strong are often more respected. This is an irrevocable fact, no matter where it is.

Listen to the folks say, then this iron war genius level may be quasi-junior level, of course, may also reach the monarch level, but even if it is the real monarch level, Chen Zong will not pay too much attention.

If you don't reach the level of the king, you really don't have the qualifications to care about yourself. This is capital.

"Do you know any other genius news, all said to hear it." Chen Zong asked again.

Hearing Chen Zong's words, this guy seemed to find a confidant, and immediately spoke out the geniuses he knew one by one, like a few family treasures, the name of each genius, even his hobby, etc. , Have been made clear.

Chen Zong did not interrupt the other party, but listened carefully to make a simple judgment on the genius level of Zhenwu Shangyu.

After talking about it for almost an hour, the gangster stopped before talking about dozens of geniuses.

"Guest, basically that's all I know. I still have to go to work, or else I will be reprimanded by the shopkeeper." The buddy also realized that he had delayed a lot of time, and said quickly, leaving in a hurry.

"Wait a minute." Chen Zong said, and immediately took out ten top-grade Yuanshi and handed it to the other party as the explanation and compensation for the time delay.

"Thank you, thank you, and I wish you a good place on the Zhenwu Battle Stele." The guy bowed and smiled again and again.

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