Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 18: qualifications

The gate opened wide, and the Quartet came.

That night, after a short break, Chen Zong left the restaurant and went to Zhenwu War Department.

The True Martial War Monument was opened only once every ten years. I do n’t know how many people will be attracted to challenge, but the number of challenges that can be accommodated at one time is limited to only ten. The length of the challenge varies, and on average, one day is estimated to be There are only two or three hundred people challenged. Even if it is started for a month, it is only for thousands of people.

But there are thousands more than tens of thousands of challengers.

Therefore, an assessment is set up, and only those who pass the Zhenwu Giant City War Department assessment are eligible to challenge the Zhenwu Battle Stele, otherwise they will obediently become audience members to witness others.

In addition to obtaining qualifications, it is also a ranking that has challenged the order. No one can get up and rob and disrupt the order.

When he came to the War Department, many people were waiting for the assessment. After Chen Zong received the number plate, he sat down and waited. In front of himself, there were 38 people who had not yet been assessed.

One by one, they entered the internal evaluation of the war department one by one. There were fewer and fewer people in front of Chen Zong, but there were more and more people waiting in line.

"Brother Chen, we meet again." Some surprise sounded, Chen Zong looked back, and a smile appeared.

Xu Zhanlong!

When Xu Zhanlong arrived here, naturally Xu Li and Ouyang Ting also arrived here.

Seeing Chen Zong, Xu Li frowned again, as if he couldn't wait to see Chen Zong. Ouyang Ting slightly froze. Some people unexpectedly didn't die on the way, but didn't say anything.

Xu Li and Ouyang Ting ignored Chen Zong, and of course Chen Zong would not bother them.

After chatting with Xu Zhanlong for a few words, they continued to wait for the assessment.

Chen Zong's turn soon.

"Brother Xu, I went in." Chen Zong stood up and said.

"Okay, I believe you can pass the assessment." Xu Zhanlong laughed.

"No wonder." Xu Li dismissed.

Without looking at Xu Li, Chen Zong walked into the war department.

"Cultivate?" There was a large expanse inside the war department. In order to facilitate the assessment, a big man wearing a black iron armor was standing next to him.

"Nine-fold limit of transcendence." Chen Zong said.

"Under the low-level semi-holy level, insist on ten breaths before passing the assessment." This big man said directly.

Ordinary transcendental Ninefold Limit faces the ordinary low-order semi-holy level, let alone insist on ten breaths, you will lose or even be killed in one breath.

After all, under normal circumstances, the gap between the transcendental limit and the lower-order semi-holy level is obvious.

"Come on, you can attack, you can defend, you can dodge, as long as you can stay undefeated under my hands, even if you pass." One of the three came out with a smile on his young face. meaning.

This person is the low-order semi-holy level among the three examiners. As for the other two, one is a medium-order semi-holy level and one is a high-order semi-holy level.

"Attention, I'm going to take a shot." The low-order half-holy youth smirked a smile, and the moment the voice fell, he shot it with a single palm.


If you do n’t do it, it ’s like a hurricane roaring in all directions, and it directly floods Chen Zong ’s body, completely filling the block with a radius of 10 meters, and a terrible force starts to rotate inside from 10 meters away. It ’s amazing. The force also continued to oppress from all directions to the center.

In this way, Chen Zong could not dodge, because the force was very strong, and swept everything in all directions to the center.

As soon as this move came out, Chen Zong was a little surprised. He had a glimpse of the leopard in the middle of his hand. This palm was powerful, but it was only stronger than the ordinary ninefold limit of the transcendental realm, and it had not yet reached the low-level semi-holy level, but this one The palm is exquisite and extraordinary, and the application level of power is very high. If Chen Zong really is only the strength of the nine extremes of transcendence, he will lose in an instant.

Unfortunately, Chen Zong is not.

In the face of this palm, Chen Zong also did not intend to dodge, and blasted out with one hand, but Chen Zongfang said that his cultivation is the ninefold limit of transcendental realm, so he did not use dragon power, but inspired super spiritual power. .


The strength released by this palm Chen Zong is slightly weaker than the opponent, but he concentrates the power on the palm, rotates it in the palm in a wonderful way, and gives out stronger power in the application of strength and martial arts accomplishments , Chen Zong is more intelligent.


The two palms collided, Chen Zong's body remained unchanged, but the person's complexion changed, and he immediately burst out a stronger force, pressing the palm of his hand suddenly, like the outbreak of Foshan flooding, and exploded to Chen Zong again.

The conversion of strength is very mellow, without half reluctance, and once again demonstrates brilliant martial arts skills.

However, for Chen Zong, that's all.

Without any clever martial arts or drawing swords, Chen Zong pressed the void with one palm, compressing and collapsing between super-spiritual operations and smashing everything.

With this palm colliding again, the low-level semi-holy man trembled, only feeling a terrible force, and the force continued to spread on the arm, making it difficult for him to regain strength , You can only keep back to unload your power.

After taking three steps back and unloading that power, I felt my arms numb.

"You passed the assessment." This person knew that he couldn't defeat the other party at all, this was a super genius.

The big man immediately handed over a token to Chen Zong. The token was half a slap in size, dark in color, and numbered on it, which was 3,358.

In other words, before Chen Zong, 3,357 people had already passed the assessment and obtained the qualification to challenge the Zhenwu Battle Monument.

According to the assessment of geniuses, those who want to pass must be real geniuses.

It really is amazing.

You know, there are dozens of days left, and maybe thousands more will pass the assessment.

With the numbered token, Chen Zong strode away.

"This son, at least can be ranked in the top 100 in this battle monument challenge." Said the Han Hanning who presided over the assessment.

"Top 100!" The face of the man who had just confronted Chen Zong changed suddenly, and then said quickly: "No way, it would be good to be in the top 1,000."

"Don't you notice, he has a sword around his waist." The big man's eyes were clear, and he said thoughtfully.

"Sword." The young man just woke up.

A sabre cultivator is either for the sake of good looks, but the person who pursues flashiness is generally not much better.

The other case is naturally better at one of the swords.

You have never drawn a sword, but you can knock yourself back with just palm to palm. You must know that the opponent ’s cultivation is different from himself.

"Perhaps the top 100 are promising." The young man secretly said.


"Brother Chen, passed the assessment." Seeing Chen Zong coming out, Xu Zhanlong greeted him with a smile on his face.

In his opinion, dare to leave Qingtian Shangyu and enter Zhenwu Shangyu to practice, he is certainly not bad at all. Passing an assessment should not be difficult.

"Passed." Chen Zongyang raised the token in Yang's hand and smiled slightly, immediately attracting a lot of attention.

We must know that the evaluation of the Ministry of War has lasted for half a month, and many people have been evaluated every day, but there are not many passers and the proportion is not high.

Xu Li twitched at the corner of his eyes and hummed coldly, Ouyang Ting was a little surprised, but said nothing.

After passing an assessment, it passed, and it was nothing special.

"Brother Xu, I leave first, and wish you to pass the assessment." Chen Zong laughed and said goodbye to Xu Zhanlong before leaving the war department.

After leaving the war department, Chen Zong did not return to the restaurant in a hurry, but walked on the vast streets of Zhenwu Giant City to feel the breath of this giant city.

As one of the three giant cities in Zhenwu Shangyu, Zhenwu Giant City is very prosperous. Under the night, the Zhenwu Giant City is full of lights and looks very dazzling and charming.

Men and women walk under the light of thousands of lights, as if the light of God.

This is because the ten-yearly Zhenwu Grand Event has also caused the flow of people in Zhenwu City to be ten times more than usual.

Stop and go, relax and enjoy the breath and charm of this ancient giant city.

Zhenwu Giant City is the oldest city in the realm of Zhenwu. Its background is very amazing, its atmosphere is very strong, and it has vicissitudes and simplicity.

"Brother, it is this person who despised our Iron Armed Forces." A sharp voice sounded into Chen Zong's ears, and immediately, two terrible momentums fell on Chen Zong.

There was a cold, sweltering breath, and a fierce fury.

When Chen Zong looked, he saw two figures striding through the crowd and stopped Chen Zong.

One of them was unfamiliar ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One I saw, it was the nephew of Tiewu Army's nephew, Tie Ming, with his cold eyes staring at Chen Zong, as if to pierce.

The other man was fierce and fierce, his eyes were extremely bright, and his rough face carried an indescribable power, like a tiger.

A name popped up in Chen Zong's heart.

War Tiger Iron War!

It is the son of the master of the Iron Armed Forces.

"What qualifications do you have to despise the Iron Armed Forces." The eyes of the Iron War exploded with horrific brilliance, full of terrible fierceness, as if terrified by a fierce fierce tiger. Like a storm, madly blasted to Chen Zong, his words screamed like a tiger roaring and roaring like a thunder.

Despising the Iron Armed Army?

Chen Zong himself never expressed his contempt for the Tiewu Army, and everything was naturally contrived by the Tieming, but it was just a sinister villain.

"The mind is a good thing." Chen Zong did not explain, because it was useless and could not be explained, but he said lightly.

I heard that iron warfare had a long hair fluttering suddenly, like an angry tiger, the whole body is bursting with amazing momentum, the eyes are extremely fierce, it seems to tear Chen Zong, the low-end semi-holy momentum is like a storm shock Octagon.

The terrible breath shocked away, and many people in the surrounding area stopped to watch and give pointers. Some people recognized the iron war, and they were even more exclaimed.

"If you want to do it, just do it. If you don't dare, just let it go." Chen Zong was not afraid.

Leaving aside the fact that Zhenwu Giant City cannot be operated, even if it is possible, Chen Zong is not afraid of the other party.

However, it is a genius with medium-level semi-holy level strength. Without high-level semi-holy level strength, it is impossible to compete with itself. If you dare to do it, you will be killed with a sword.

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