Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 19: Zhenwu Battle Stele

After all, Tiezhan didn't dare to shoot, because this is Zhenwu Giant City. Once he shot, maybe he would not be killed in the face of the son of the Tiewujun army master, but he would definitely be expelled.

At this time, being expelled from the Zhenwu Giant City not only lost face, but also lost the opportunity to challenge the Zhenwu Battle Monument.

I ca n’t let it go, this feeling is very unpleasant, especially for people with a character like Iron War, it is extremely uncomfortable, extremely depressed, and their eyes are even more fierce and amazing, making people dare not look at them.

However, Chen Zong ignored it and left.

In this Zhenwu giant city, Chen Zong can't possibly take an shot, otherwise he will be expelled, and he will be beheaded, which is not good.

After wandering for more than half an hour, Chen Zong returned to the restaurant room. This room was relatively ordinary. The best rooms were booked by others, but for Chen Zong, this environment was not bad.

Instantly, Chen Zong eliminated all distractions and began to enlighten.

Taiyuan Moyun practice has reached the seventh level. Although both the eighth and ninth levels have been realized, they have reached a limit. It is difficult and difficult to improve further, unless they have enough experience to further stimulate their potential. Only OK.

And Chen Zong came out to experience this purpose.

Taiyuan Mo Yungong did not practice, but in other respects.

For example, swordsmanship, such as body, and so on, but in this room, it is really not suitable for practicing swordsmanship and the like.

It's just that the enlightenment of the Heart Sword Shinshu is not efficient.

In one year, Chen Zong only expanded the realm of heart from three meters to four meters.

The expansion of the scope is to increase the coverage of the realm of the mind, and nothing more.

Chen Zong didn't know how to continue enlarging and expanding, but what will happen in the end, but this true sword really helps him a lot. It is necessary to continue enlightenment until he is fully enlightened.

Saint Sword of the Heart!

Chen Zong is estimated to be inferior to the ancient ice emperor.

The next time, Chen Zong occasionally went out to eat some food, and then walked to the Zhenwu Giant City. As for the Zhenwu Battle Monument, it was completely blocked and could not be approached at all. It was far apart, and only a sword-shaped stone monument stood Above the earth, it pointed at the sky like a giant sword, exuding unparalleled mystery and majesty.

Far away, Chen Zong can appreciate the breath that seems to come from the ancient times, which is greatly shaken, but unfortunately, he cannot watch it up close, only when it is opened.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the last day. Tomorrow was the day when the True Martial War Memorial opened.

The sky was twilight. It was supposed to still be in a dream, but there was a lot of people in the real city of Zhenwu, and it was very lively.

Today is the day when the Zhenwu Battle Monument was opened. Naturally, everyone woke up early and set off quickly, and set off, and even did not sleep all night.

For the transcendental cultivator, as long as there is no battle or insight into what is costly and profound, no sleep for days and nights will have no effect.

"It's finally about to open."

"Yeah, I've been here all day."

Excited one by one.

The Zhenwu battle guards were also mobilized, and half of them were concentrated around the Zhenwu battle monument, forming a layer of defense.

As for the other Zhenwu Battle Guards, they are distributed around Zhenwu Giant City to monitor and prevent malicious generations from taking advantage of this opportunity to cause random destruction.

Under the order of Zhenwu battle guards, naturally no one would dare to run wild, everything entered in order, close to the Zhenwu battle monument.

Chen Zong slowly walked forward among the crowd, and the breath of the Zhenwu Battle Stele became more and more obvious and stronger.

The Zhenwu Battle Stele is dark in height, 100 meters high, and stands on the ground as if fused with the entire Zhenwu Giant City.

When the Zhenwu Giant City was originally built, it really did incorporate the breath of the Zhenwu Battle Stele. Over time, the two were connected in a vein.

Everyone was intercepted beyond the thousand-meter circle centered on the Zhenwu Battle Stele and could no longer be approached.

Chen Zong stared at the Zhenwu Battle Monument and looked up slightly. The Zhenwu Battle Monument was completely integrated. Although it was only a hundred meters high, it had a towering majestic as if it was 10,000 meters high, standing like a ancient sword mountain, suppressing everything .

Chen Zong also found that there are many light golden fonts on the Zhenwu battle monument, one after another.

According to Xu Zhanlong's earlier statement, that is the name left by those who have trespassed the Zhenwu War Tablets throughout the ages. It is a record. Therefore, not everyone can leave this golden name, only the first place in each session Have this qualification.

Chen Zong stared at those pale gold names, looking down one by one.

Jiang Tianjun!

West Lichen!

Zhang Zichu!


There are not many names, with a total of 39.

Chen Zong could not help but raise a question.

If according to Xu Zhanlong, this Zhenwu Battle Monument has existed for many years and opened once every ten years, then every time a first person will be born. In this case, why are only 39 people on the list and the name is pale gold of.

Could it be said that the True Martial War Memorial has only been opened 39 times?

Unreasonable, at least as far as Chen Zong knows, the Zhenwu Battle Monument has been opened no less than a hundred times.

No less than a hundred times, but only thirty-nine people were among them. Xu Zhanlong's estimate was not true enough. This was not that Xu Zhanlong deliberately concealed it, but that he himself had misunderstood it.

But Chen Zong didn't mean to go deeper because there was no need for that.

How is it good to know why?

Presumably there is no such thing, so why spend unnecessary thoughts for it.

At this time, the four figures flew quickly from the direction of the city's main government, staying at the four sides of the Zhenwu Battle Stele, and each figure exuded a breathtaking atmosphere.

Chen Zong noticed that the breath of one of the figures fluctuated most strongly. By comparison, it would not be inferior to the five Taoists in Baiyun Mountain. It is estimated that they are the masters of Zhenwu Giant City.

As for the other three, although they are not as good as the master of Zhenwu Giant City, their breath is also very strong.

All of the four figures exuded a breathtaking breath, and when they saw their hands engraved, one imprint condensed in the void, emitting a dazzling radiance, like the scorching sun.

"On!" The earth-shattering voice sounded as if it had been transmitted from outside the sky, with a mighty thunder that roared through the void.

The roaring sound was endless, thunderous like a tsunami.

The four imprints fell instantly, hitting the Zhenwu Battle Monument, and suddenly, the Zhenwu Battle Monument shined brightly. The thirty-nine names above seemed to break away from the battle monument, swirling around the battle monument, shooting out incomparable Jinmang And shine in all directions.

Each golden name releases a different breath.

Magnificent, majestic, domineering, tricky, cold, secretive, cold, blazing, violent, pure, ethereal, peaceful, dark ... After about ten breaths, thirty-nine golden names fell back and imprinted on the True Martial War Memorial, And the Zhenwu Battle Stele is permeated with a layer of golden light, which flows like water on the monument that is 100 meters high.

"The Zhenwu Battle Monument has been opened, and it is entered in sequence according to the token number. Only ten people are allowed at a time, and those who violate the order are expelled directly."

"I ... I'm number one ... haha ​​..."

"Get out, get out, I'm number two."

"I'm number five."

The first entrants were numbered one to ten, and they were all excited, holding the tokens to the Zhenwu Battle Monument, passing the tokens in their hands to the Zhenwu Battle Guards who entered the sacred area, and allowed to pass. To the bottom of the Zhenwu Battle Monument.

The ten men stood in turn around the Zhenwu battle monument, stretched out their hands to run the spiritual power and pressed on the Zhenwu battle monument. Suddenly, an invisible force waved away, and the body of the ten was suddenly covered by the golden light like water, as if fighting with the Zhenwu. The steles are integrated into one.

At the same time, the thirty-nine golden glittering names on the Zhenwu battle monument quickly moved up and down, and then the names appeared one after another, distributed from top to bottom, totaling 1,000.

Those thousand names were left by those who challenged the Zhenwu War Tablets throughout the ages, and rank among the top thousand in ancient times.

I do n’t know how many years since ancient times, the True Martial War Monument has been opened once every ten years, and I do n’t know how many times it has been opened. Each time, thousands of people have participated in the challenge. Counting it out, there may be hundreds of thousands or even millions of people or even more Many people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And this thousand people are so many people as the best.

You have to know that if you want to challenge the Zhenwu Battle Monument, you must first pass the assessment of the Zhenwu Giant City War Department. Only in this assessment, most people will be selected. Only a small number of people are qualified. It is the true genius, the elite among geniuses.

Hundreds of thousands of millions and even more of the most outstanding one thousand talents, can imagine how outstanding.

One thousand names, thirty-nine are golden, emitting gold glitter, and down are silver and white names, about one hundred or more, and further down, are bronze names, about three Hundred, and then the name is black iron.

"The gold color is the highest, and the black iron color is the lowest. How to judge?" Chen Zong secretly curious.

Another point, is there a difference between the names of the same color?

Maybe you wo n’t know until you challenge the True Martial War Memorial.

Everyone has their own thoughts and ideas, some watch quietly, while others whisper and talk.

After about a few dozen breaths, suddenly, one of the golden lights shattered away, and a figure was also rebounded by invisible forces, flew away from the Zhenwu battle monument and flew a dozen meters away, sitting on the ground.

"So short."

"There must be no ranking."

When he saw the man bounce off, someone whispered.

The bounced person also looked stunned. After three breaths, he woke up and realized that he had failed the challenge. His results were terrible, and he couldn't help showing a bitter smile.

However, he only barely passed the assessment of the war department, and he could not get any good results in the Zhenwu Battle Stele. It was a challenge for himself, but his results were somewhat unsatisfactory.

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