Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 22: Battles inside the War Stele

Compared to Chen Zong, a genius from Qingtian Shangyu, the tyrant from Wangu Shangyu is undoubtedly more concerned.

After all, according to past experience, the geniuses of Qingtian Shangyu who come to Zhenwu Shangyu often cannot achieve much, and most of them are reduced to supporting. Even if there are a few excellent ones, they will eventually lose to Zhenwu Shangyu Even more powerful geniuses were in the crowd.

The geniuses of eternal world are different, especially the refined geniuses of eternal world, often leave a deep impression in Zhenwu Shangyu.

The discussions were all around, and the smile on Barbara's face became more obvious. He looked at Chen Zong provocatively, but Chen Zong ignored it.

Indeed, this bully is extremely vigorous and bloody, very amazing, and he can't compare with it, but how about it, refining is not his strongest strength.

When fighting for life and death, this bully is not his opponent.

Ten people approached the Zhenwu battle monument and stretched out their hands one after another.

Chen Zong felt only that his palms were shocked, and his palms were directly absorbed by the battle monument. Between the palms trembling, an indescribable force quickly struck from the battle monument, spreading to his palms, and then quickly as lightning as the tide Like fierce majesty, Chen Zong's whole body spread through his arms.

Just moments later, Chen Zong was wrapped in golden light.

When the whole body was covered with golden light, Chen Zong only felt that his consciousness was being pulled by an invisible magical power, as if he was detached from his body instantly, and kept flying forward, it seemed to enter a strange space. Within the strange, colorful and ever-changing.

It seemed a long time, and it was just a dying moment. Chen Zong felt that his consciousness had entered a space, and that space quickly expanded and formed a field.

The wilderness is vast and vast, with gravel on the ground, and occasionally grassy heads, which looks a bit desolate.

A trace of invisible power gathered from all directions, as if coming from a stream of rivers, enveloping one's consciousness.

Immediately, Chen Zong felt his body condensing.

In other words, the True Martial War Memorial draws its consciousness into this space, and then uses the power of the True Martial War Memorial to create a body for itself, which is really very mysterious.

In this way, even if it is a war death, it will not suffer any losses.

Not long after, the body has been condensed, exactly like his own, but the strength is different.

Feeling carefully, Chen Zong feels that his physical practice is the early stage of the nineth level of transcendental realm, and his spiritual strength is very ordinary, but it is only a standard level of supernormal state. The strength of practitioners in the early nine seasons.

"Sword comes." With a low sigh, Chen Zong grabbed in the void with his right hand, and the countless breath surging, the sword light swallowed, and a sword appeared in his hand.

This sword is not a heavy sword like the heavy dragon sword. After all, this body is just a standard body without refinement. It does not have such powerful power. Using the heavy sword will only consume more of its own power.

With such a small body, Chen Zong has not experienced it for a long time. He quickly moved his hands and feet and played a sword to adapt to this body as soon as possible.

The Zhenwu Battle Stele also seems to give Chen Zong some time to adapt to this new body.

After ten breaths, a body condensed hundreds of meters away in front of Chen Zongzheng, but in just three breaths, the body was condensed. It was an ordinary-looking young man with a dull look and a dull look, which looked like a scum .

But after a breath, the young man seemed to be endowed with spirituality, his stagnant eyeballs turned, and he came to life like a finishing touch, and his breath permeated with it.

The Beginning of Amazing Kyuju!

Chen Zong can feel the other person's breath fluctuations, which is the very standard of the extraordinary realm of Ninefolds, which is the same as his own body.

Is this your opponent?

A long sword appeared in the opponent's hand, and the sword trembled as the wrist turned. The sword blossomed and the sword dazzled.

call out!

At the moment the sound of the wind broke, a touch of Jianguang had pierced the sky and killed Chen Zong.

This sword is simple and powerful. It is a high combination of power and speed. It seems that there is no skill. In fact, it has been simplified to a simple skill.

This skill of swordsmanship is two points better than the beginning of the standard extraordinary realm.

Chen Zong was standing still, holding his sword to block, the opponent ’s sword changed immediately, as if it was cut off by a cloak. After being blocked by Chen Zong again, it changed instantly. One sword transformed into three sword shadows. Each of the sword shadows was filled with an extremely sharp atmosphere, as if three masters were attacking at the same time.

Chen Zong's body was immobile, and his steps did not move halfway. With a sword in his hand, he could easily resist all the attacks of the opponent.

Although the repair is the same, Chen Zong's swordsmanship is much better than the opponent. Kendo's swordsmanship is not restricted at all. If he fights back, when he can easily defeat and kill the opponent, he only takes a defensive posture. Seeing how difficult it is to evaluate the Zhenwu Battle Stele, I also learned about the opponent's martial arts accomplishments.

After about a dozen breaths, the other party tried all means, but they couldn't help Chen Zong. Chen Zong also knew the other party's level and came out with a sword.

Jian Guang flashed through, the sky was torn as if it were tissue paper, and the opponent's body was also torn, divided into two.

The next breath, the abrupt change, and the separated body cut off, the endless breath came down and converged into two figures, each of which exudes the standard breath of the nineth stage of the extraordinary realm.

In other words, Chen Zong's opponents have also changed from one to two.

The two men held swords and killed them directly from the left and right sides. The swordsmanship was brilliant and straightforward, and they directly abandoned unnecessary gorgeousness, just for fighting and for killing the enemy.

Chen Zong also did not immediately kill the opponent, but resisted and let the other party to play as much as possible. Only after a dozen breaths did he fight back with a sword.

Then, the opponent became three.








When ten opponents were beheaded by Chen Zong, the ten beheaded figures instantly converged and reverted to one person, but exuded a more powerful atmosphere fluctuation.

Transcendental Mid-Kune!

This is, of course, the mid-level of the standard Exceptional Realm.

Under the standard revision, the gap between the early stage of Supernatural Realm and the middle stage of Super 9 is very obvious. Jianguang breaks through the air quickly and has an extremely fast speed. One sword turns into a dazzling light and kills Chen Zong, faster and more than the early stage of Super Reality Much stronger.

But for Chen Zong, it is not strong enough.

Although there is a gap in cultivation, it is not as good as the other party, but the control and application of their own power is much better than the other party.

Defend Defend resist, let the other party to fully play their skills, until after seeing through, Chen Zongyi sword counterattack lore.

Then, there are two extraordinary realms in the middle of the ninth.

After defeating the Beheaded, the opponent became three.

The greater the number of people and the better the cooperation between them, the greater the threat posed.



Until ten!

Ten opponents in the mid-nineth stage of the extraordinary world joined forces to form a siege circle and besieged Chen Zong, which immediately brought a lot of pressure on Chen Zong.

After all, the strength of the mid-level of transcendental realm is much stronger than the initial period of transcendental realm, and the increase under the joint is more obvious.

Chen Zong's footsteps moved, and he walked calmly and comfortably between ten opponents, starting to fight back while avoiding each other's attacks.

Chen Zong ’s realm of swordsmanship reached the fourth level of Ming Jianli. Although this heavy realm could not directly enhance Chen Zong ’s strength, it would allow Chen Zong ’s understanding and understanding of swordsmanship and mastery of linear improvement.

Dodge, block, and fight back.


Ten opponents died under Chen Zongjian.

The ten beheaded opponents re-aggregated again and turned into one, but exudes the breath fluctuations of the extraordinary Ninefolds.

Strength, stronger.

A sword stabbed out, and Jianguang's rapidness like cold electricity was stronger, faster, and more fierce than before. Chen Zong also felt keenly that his opponent's sword skills were also improved.

Power surged.

At this time, ten people who challenged the Zhenwu Battle Monument together have lost eight and have been bombarded. Only two are still being challenged. One is the refined genius from Vanguard, and the other is from Chen Zong, the genius of Optimus Heaven.

It's no surprise that Barbara can persist until now, but Chen Zong's persistence to the present has surprised many people.

Tieming triangle eyes are full of disbelief.

"The genius of Qingtianshangyu seems very unusual."

"It looks like he does have some skills. From the time of challenge, he can be included on the list."

"Impossible, he must be delaying time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tie Ming suddenly shouted, and immediately seemed to convince himself, his tone was more certain:" He definitely thought that the longer he stayed in the True Martial War Memorial, the better , So deliberately entangled with weak opponents to delay time. "

As Tie Ming said, many people suddenly realized.

Indeed, this practice has not been in the past.

Obviously stayed for a long time, even longer than those on the list, but the results did not make the list.


For a while, many people showed disdain.

If you don't, then admit it, and try to delay time, this will only make people look down on it even more.

But some people are still wondering, not so sure that Chen Zong is delaying time.

"Impossible, Brother Chen will not do this." Xu Zhanlong secretly.

Xu Li looked disdainful. He determined that Chen Zong was delaying time, and Ouyang Ting's expression seemed to be the same.

Chen Zong did not know how the outside world reacted and continued to challenge.

This is the way to challenge the Zhenwu Battle Stele. The opponents in the first round are just like themselves. The martial arts attainment is two points higher than the standard. They are divided into ten waves, and each wave adds one more person.

Now, Chen Zong has challenged the third round of the fifth wave.

In other words, Chen Zong also faced five opponents who had been reworked in the late 9th stage of the Transcendent Realm, and they were still able to cooperate with each other.

For a true genius, it is not difficult to pass the first round, and it is difficult to start the second round. If you can pass the second round, you are qualified to stay on the list. Of course, it is only a qualification. After all, There are only one thousand places, depending on the specific results.

If you reach the third round, you will be on the list.

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