Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 23: Get through (on)

The third round of the sixth wave!

Chen Zong also faced six extraordinary and sixth-stage opponents at the same time, and his strength was even more amazing under the joint force.

With his feet light and fast, Chen Zong kept avoiding the sword light of six powerful opponents and counterattacked.

The sword is as swift as the wind, and fierce as lightning, the sword is dazzling and killing.


Following the flaws in the opponent's teamwork, one by one, they were killed.

Under the gap between the realm, the mastery of his own strength, and the comparison of martial arts accomplishments, Chen Zong can completely capture the flaws of the other party and then break them.

Kill kill!

After the sixth wave, the opponent immediately became seven.

This is also one of the difficulties. After passing one wave without any rest time, immediately entering the next wave, there is no chance of breathing.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you are strong enough, but if you just pass through one wave and immediately enter the next wave, you will be in a hurry or even lose.

Although the seventh wave only has one more opponent than the sixth wave, the threat rises linearly.

The eighth wave!

The ninth wave!

Tenth wave!

Ten opponents joined forces, and the battlefield suddenly became complete, threatening to rise in a straight line.

The ten sword lights seemed to be turned into thousands of sharp swords and attacked from all directions. Each sword was extremely sharp, extremely powerful and very fierce.

Jianguang's wave after wave, endless, endless, makes it difficult to find flaws, because the flaws are covered by the sword light assassination.

It seems that every inch of space is filled with sharp sword light, but Chen Zonghua is impossible. Under the strong perception, he just seeks the gap and moves more flexibly than the snake, avoiding sword light assassination.

In short, the challenge of the Zhenwu Battle Stele only restricted Xiuwei, but not the others. Although Xiuwei was restricted in other aspects, it could not be used to the fullest extent as his true body, but he gave a discount, but also Much more than their peers.

After adapting to the attack of ten powerful opponents, Chen Zong began to fight back.

However, the cooperation between the ten people is very tacit and complete. Chen Zong wants to break through, and the difficulty increases sharply.

Finding a chance, a sword swung open and turned into a lightning bolt.

One of them had a sword in his throat and blood shot out, killing him instantly.

Although these opponents are not real people, they are no different from real people under the mysterious power of the True Martial War Memorial. They have the same vitality, they will bleed, they will be injured, and they will die.

The opponent died one, and the remaining nine still joined together, but they were not as perfect as before, and the pressure was suddenly reduced, and Chen Zong was killed and killed one by one.

The third round passed.

There was no break in the fourth round and it came immediately.

Supernatural Nine Peaks!

This opponent's breath fluctuated, very arrogant, the sword light was extremely brilliant, and the sword was cut and killed, and the sword was magnificent, as if the huge waves of mountains and rivers came to death, as if to tear Chen Zong to shatter.

The might emanating from this sword felt stronger than the tenth wave of the third round.

The standard difference between the early stage of the extraordinary and the highest peak of the ninefold is very obvious, not a few percent, but several times.

In short, under the normal circumstances, the transcendence of the transcendence of the realm of the ninefold can easily kill the early stage of the transcendence of the realm.

But Chen Zong is not comparable to the ordinary extraordinary nine early stage.

In fact, the mystery to challenge the Zhenwu Battle Stele lies in this.

If it ’s all standard practice, no one can challenge much.

The challenge of the Zhenwu Battle Stele focuses not on cultivation but on realm and martial arts accomplishments.

This is also the characteristic of Zhenwu Shangyu, which is undoubtedly more suitable for Zhenwu Shangyu.

Chen Zong was not afraid, but he was so wary.

In the past, my own spiritual power far surpassed my peers. There has never been such a situation in the standard of spiritual power, and I have to face opponents who are better than myself.

Then this time, fight it.

With one foot on both feet, the overbearing force rushed up from the bottom, and Jianguang broke into the air.

This is a strong opponent and it is worthy of your own real strength to deal with.

Jianguang flashed his sword energy in all directions. After some fighting, Chen Zong also realized that his opponent ’s kendo realm had reached the second level of perfection.

The ordinary martial arts practitioners of the Ninth Level can reach the second level of martial arts, but most of them are about the second level. It is good to reach the level of success, and if it is complete, it is even more powerful.

And if it reaches the third level, it is a genius.

Chen Zong did not know the extent to which those people had challenged in the past. He did not think carefully or even think about it. This was his own challenge. Then, let his own skills pass.

The sword body collided, and the overbearing power burst out from the opponent's sword. This was the power crushing brought by the gap, but I saw Chen Zong's expression was cold, and his wrist twitched. With a superb state of art, he deflected the shocking terrible power in a clever way, and a sword cut across the blade of the opponent.

The opponent's response was very rapid. The long sword trembled, and countless collisions between the power bursts. Chen Zong opened the sword, but Chen Zong also took advantage of the situation to make the sword bounce and then chopped down with a more rapid momentum.

With the sword in hand, the two fought close to each other. The small range of swords was more dangerous. Each shot killed the opponent, which was more terrible than the assassin with a fatal blow.

This is the battle of swordsmanship between life and death.

If someone is watching, they will hold their breath and heartbeat will be extremely excited, even blood boiling.

Too exciting and dangerous.

Each confrontation is stimulating everyone's heart and challenging everyone's nerves.

But Chen Zong enjoyed it because it felt so wonderful, as if dancing on the tip of a knife, it was very exciting.

"But it's not enough. This level is not enough. An opponent of this strength is not enough."

A voice sounded suddenly, as if whispered, and became thunderous again.


Chen Zong instantly drew three swords, one sword resisted the other's sword, one sword burst open, and one sword drove straight in.


The death of the opponent immediately turned into the peak of the two extraordinary realms, the second realm of kendo.

The pressure on Chen Zong is even greater.

However, Chen Zong, who has adapted to the first wave of pressure, is even more amazing in the face of more powerful opponents.

In fact, although this body is very ordinary, one thing is that with the constant fighting, Chen Zong's own potential has also been continuously stimulated.

Another point is that the spiritual power of this body is endless and cannot be used up.

Otherwise, if it is only a normal level of spiritual power, the previous rounds of battle have already been exhausted, and no matter how powerful, you can't defeat the opponent with a strong discipline by virtue of realm and martial arts accomplishments.

Even if Chen Zong's realm of Kendo reaches the fourth level, he cannot defeat an extraordinary realm without the blessing of strength by virtue of his superb Kendo realm.

Unless Chen Zong ’s Kendo realm can break to the fifth level, the surge in strength is expected.

Chen Zong also did not use any special swordsmanship, because the depth of kendo attainment combined with the brilliance of martial arts attainment allowed each of Chen Zong's swords to exert his power to the fullest.

This means that the power of Chen Zong's sword can reach the level of the spirit-level best swordsmanship. In this way, what kind of spirit-level swordsmanship is required?

No need!

In the final analysis, all graded swordsmanship evolved based on basic swordsmanship and incorporated all kinds of strength and mystery to have amazing power.

Then, when one's realm is mastered to a certain degree, high-grade martial arts can't keep up with his own realm. Until now, only sacred martial arts can make himself stronger.

However, such an opponent is not enough to allow him to perform holy martial arts.

In addition, it is not easy to practice the martial arts in the early stages of the Supernatural Realm.

The third wave of the fourth round, three extraordinary opponents of the ninefold peak.

In the fourth round of the fourth wave, the opponents of the Supernatural Nine Peak reached four.

Chen Zong is under increasing pressure, but Chen Zong is getting more excited.

It's been a long time, I haven't experienced such a pressure and such a battle for a long time, and my blood is boiling. The whole person seems to be burning.

At this moment, Barbara has already been challenged and failed.

A bronze-colored name appeared on the Zhenwu Battle Stele.

The bronze-colored name immediately caused a commotion, but it was enough to make it into the overall list.

I am very satisfied with my own results ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but I can't help but see that there are still people who are challenging, especially the other party is from Skyworld.

"This man is too shameless."

"It's still stalling."

"Well, it won't help any longer, and at most he will be bounced off."

For one hour, this is the upper limit of the Zhenwu Battle Stele Challenge. No matter how challenging the challenge is, an hour will break away.

Within the battle monument, Chen Zong fought fiercely with ten other extraordinary ninefold peak opponents.

The pressure was so great that Chen Zong was a little suffocated. In the face of the attacks of ten powerful opponents, Chen Zong supported it hard and felt like he was following a wave like a flat boat, and he could be hit by a huge wave at any time. broken.

Dodge Dodge Dodge!

Chen Zong raised his perception to the extreme, constantly evading attacks, and those who could not avoid them were blocked with swords, and the force of imperial impact came, causing the sword to tremble.

There are evidences before and after the left and right advancement. Chen Zong's face is cold, his eyes are extremely sharp, as if he can penetrate all the obstacles and explore all the imaginary. Under the strong perception of Chen Zong, ten long swords are continuously beheaded and killed. But they are extremely close, as if they were beheaded.

The body and footwork are performed to the extreme, and they constantly dodge the attacks of ten opponents and wait for the opportunity.

The robe on his body was cut and torn as if it was a rag strip, and even the skin was affected, and a few sword marks appeared, but Chen Zong seemed to be unaware of it and ignored it.

The spiritual power runs, the sword points to a stab, and the sword from the assassination is broken. The sword of the right hand turns into a streamer to tear through the sky, piercing the opponent's eyebrow directly.

Chen Zong's left-handed sword finger was also affected by the blood flow.

But the beheading of one person was immediately broken and the threat was greatly reduced.

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