Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 24: Get through (below)

The robe was broken and cut by razor blades into rags and hung on the body, but Chen Zong didn't look embarrassed. Instead, he looked bright and glorious.

Storms surging and space trembling.

The bodies of the ten powerful opponents that were beheaded were reduced to nothingness, and they all gathered to the center. The rotation of the forces was too fast and condensed too quickly to form a vortex, and the sound of whistling sounded through the world like a storm.

Immediately, a ray of divine light appeared from above, and it was shot down like a divine light in the beginning.

In the roar, a figure appeared in the vortex of power.

This figure is still a young man with ordinary appearance, and looks the same as before. However, his eyes are extremely sharp, extremely sharp, as if he can pierce everything through the void.

A trace of sharp and boundless breath also permeated from his body, as if an invisible sword spirit generally set off a storm and raged.

Fifth round!

This is Chen Zong's opponent in the fifth round.

Extreme Reality Nine Limits!

The body is filled with amazing fluctuations in the kendo atmosphere. This kind of fluctuation is familiar to Chen Zong, and it is the third level of entry to kendo.

The strength of this opponent is stronger.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed with dignity, and his warfare became stronger.

The continuous fighting till now, although the body's spiritual strength is endless, however, the body will feel tired, but now, facing this opponent, Chen Zong feels excited and fighting.

The cultivation of the extraordinary limit of Ninefolds is much stronger than the initial stage of his own extraordinary Ninefolds. Under normal circumstances, it is completely crushed. With the third-level entry of Kendo, the strength is even more terrible. It belongs to the level of elite genius. .

Chen Zong also noticed keenly that his eyes seemed more agile than those before.

Too late to think, this young man killed himself with a sword.

The silver sword light glowed with a stunning forest cold like a meteor breaking through the sky. It was extremely fast and extremely precise. A sword penetrated everything.

Simplify complexity, kill with one sword.

Chen Zong's eyes lightened a little. This man's swordsmanship is really brilliant, much more brilliant than any of the previous four rounds, almost a qualitative difference.

Then, fight.

Everything breaks out, fight with all your strength.

Chen Zong issued a sword, and the sword light traveled, such as the volcano suddenly erupted, killing an extremely amazing force to smash everything.

The two swords collided at the rate of one hundred percent, and the amazing power stirred in all directions. The invisible sword gas swept away like a raging madness and shattered everything.

Chen Zong receded unconsciously.

The gap in power brought by the gap in repair is very obvious, and it is completely crushed. If it wasn't for its own kendo state, this sword would not only be unstoppable, it would even be killed directly.

But now Chen Zong is completely blocked, but he is repelled three steps without being injured.

The opponent's reaction speed was extremely fast. At the same time when a sword forced Chen Zong back, his feet moved forward as if water skiing, and a sword pierced the sky to carry the terrible power again to kill.

The speed of a sword, but carrying a mountain-like power, terrible.

Chen Zong's response was also extremely rapid, his shoulders shook away instantly, and Fei Yan returned from the side with a sword.

The person's response was also extremely rapid. A stabbed sword suddenly flashed, followed by the sword, rolled up a terrible storm of blades and blasted at Chen Zong.

Extremely flexible changes, extremely fast response, and overbearing strength have created an amazing strength.

Fight fight!

Jianguang shimmered like a rainstorm and shrouded in all directions, as if everything was bombarded into a fan. Chen Zong resisted a little.

Restricted by body and practice, even if the consciousness is beyond, it cannot be used to the fullest.

It's like your consciousness tells yourself that it can be faster and stronger, but the body is limited and the power is greatly reduced.

Because of the limitations of his body and cultivation, Chen Zong's strength could not be fully exerted. As a result, it was naturally difficult to prevail.

But Chen Zong was extremely tenacious, he just blocked the opponent's attack with the sword in his hand.

There are thousands of swords of light, like an invading rainstorm, and the power of each sword is extremely amazing, as if it will penetrate everything, thousands of swords of light fall, and crush all the ground.

Chen Zong's complexion changed slightly, his mind moved, and his body broke out at an alarming speed.

It was only because of the explosion of consciousness that the speed exceeded the limit of this body, causing damage to the muscles and bones of the legs, and pain in the legs.

Almost, it was just almost hit by that terrible swordman.

too strong!

This opponent.

Of course, if outside, such an opponent, Chen Zong, could kill dozens.

But here, with its own obvious restrictions, the strength of the opponent becomes terrible.

However, even if the muscles and bones of his legs were strained, Chen Zong did not care about it. In the final analysis, this is not his true body, and such pain can be restrained.

Defeat your opponents and kill them.

As for whether the enemy will appear after killing, Chen Zong does not know.

Not thinking so much, now, it is fighting.


Jianguang converged into one, extremely majestic, and suddenly shot down from above, as if the horror of skylight broke through the clouds.

The sword suddenly changed the face of Chen Zong, and realized that this opponent was very strong and stronger than he thought.

Such strength already has the level of Baiyun Mountain Waizong compared to Gao Hongjing.

"It's terrible. Who can defeat this kind of strength?" Chen Zong could not help but have a doubt.

Even if the Wang-level genius wants to defeat such an opponent in this gap, it is not easy.

You have to know that all of the Wang-level geniuses are good in all aspects. They may be inferior to their opponents, but they have cultivated clever exercises, making their own power extremely incredible and pure, or possessing special bloodlines.

Like this, very ordinary body, very ordinary practice, and there is a great gap between the strength of the other side, which does not exist among the king-level genius.

Real genius is excellent in many ways.

Now that this body is limited, it is a short board. In other aspects, it is outstanding, and because of the limited body, it can't really play out.

Another outbreak, avoiding this majestic sword-light bombardment, Chen Zong looked dignified.

The opponent's spiritual power is also endless, constantly out of the sword, sometimes light as flying feathers, the trajectory is constantly changing, sometimes fast as the wind is sharp and sharp, sometimes majestic as mountains and heavy unparalleled, sometimes aggressive as water is violent.

With a sword in hand, this person interpreted the swordsmanship to the extreme, and the transition between the different swordsmanship was seamless, which surprised Chen Zong.

Even in the realm of Chen Zong, I admire him.

It can be said that this person is tapping the potential of Kendo's third realm to the extreme, and there is even more place for him to learn from.

Chen Zong no longer fights back, but keeps dodging and resisting, letting the opponent show more mystery of swordsmanship, so as to observe and comprehend and perfect himself.

Originally, Chen Zong thought that he had already tapped out the potential in the heart of Kendo's third priority, Yuxin Sword. Now it seems that this is not the case. At best, only 90% of it has been tapped, and 10% has not been tapped.

And if you want to break through to the fifth level of the Kendo realm, you must tap the full potential of the previous four.

Now, Chen Zong is rediscovering the potential of the third kendo realm.

This time to challenge the Zhenwu Battle Stele, it is really wise, otherwise it will not be known how long it will take Chen Zong to understand this.

The man seemed to have good wisdom. Seeing his repeated attacks could not defeat Chen Zong, his eyes flashed a cold light.

Immediately, the two words exploded like a thunder.

"The sword prevails!"

Chen Zong was stunned. The opponent had never spoken in the fighting. Chen Zong also felt that the other party could not speak. He was not a real person after all.

I didn't expect this person to speak.

The sound was billowing like a thunder, and it was dull as the mountains.

Chen Zong immediately felt a terrible coercion that fell from the sky, directly suppressing all the 100 meters of the circle, the pressure was so extreme that Chen Zong's body was instantly instantaneous, as if he could not move like a bondage. Crushed feeling.

This pressure is too strong, not only extremely powerful, but also carrying an astonishing sharp edge, it seems like a Taijian Jianshan wantonly exudes its own power.

The sound of rattling and rattling kept ringing, the ground shattered away instantly, and cracks continued to spread.

Chen Zong felt like his body was about to break apart.

When I looked up, I felt that my neck seemed to be twisted, and even my eyelids couldn't be lifted. The eyeballs oppressed by the amazing sword just saw a shadow over the sky, and saw a huge beam of sword light that filled the world. Shooting down ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong has a feeling that when this sword light is shot down, he will be crushed and die directly. When he dies, it is equal to the end of the challenge.

"With my current results, it is enough to be on the list, maybe it can be on the list, but I don't know what color the name will be." A thought flashed through Chen Zong's mind.

Immediately, Chen Zong finally broke out.

Field of Hearts!

In the previous battles, Chen Zong had never performed the realm of the heart. One opponent was not enough to let himself perform, and the other realm of the heart was magical, but the burden was also not small. With the current body, it was unbearable.

But now things have to be carried out. As for the follow-up, I can't bother, at most, it is the end of a defeat.

Now, but fight for it!

The realm of the heart erupted, covering an area of ​​four meters in an instant, and the horror pressure falling from the sky disappeared immediately. The wind disappeared like a strong wind, but Chen Zong also felt a terrible force emerged from the inside of the body and seemed to collapse the body Broken.

Under the pressure of a broken body, Chen Zong's feet suddenly exploded in strength, soaring into the sky, Jianguang crossed the sky, and a sword went up.


The two figures were staggered in an instant, and the two swords were reversing like parallel lines in an instant.

All the pressure disappeared instantly, and that figure quickly faded and disappeared. After Chen Zong's body rushed to the highest peak, it began to fall, and the realm of the heart was terminated, but this body was broken.

When he fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood couldn't help spitting out, his face was pale, his body was painful everywhere, Chen Zong could not help showing a bitter smile.

With this body's current situation, the next wave could not pass at all, but what surprised Zong Zong was that no opponent appeared late.

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