Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 25: The first person since ancient times

(Good kind I can't help but ask, have you been abused as a dog today?)

"It's almost an hour, and it's not over yet."

"This time can be too long, is he really going to delay until the end of time?"

Outside of the Zhenwu Battle Monument, one after another, there has been much discussion.

"This son is too arrogant." Above the pavilion, an elder frowned and said very dissatisfied.

"Popularity also needs to find time, but now it is just taking up the time of others." Another elder was also very dissatisfied.

But no matter how dissatisfied they are, the challenge of the Zhenwu Battle Stele is outside interference, even if it is the Lord of Zhenwu City.

Therefore, we can only wait and wait until the natural end.

Suddenly, an unparalleled golden light bloomed at the top of the Zhenwu Battle Monument. The light seemed to come from the heaven of the gods.

It seems that there is a magnificent divine voice rolling from the inside of the Zhenwu Battle Stele, ringing through the void, but it seems that there is no sound.

"Master City Lord, this ... this is ... what is going on?" An elder was appalling.

This is the first time I have seen such a vision.

"What's going on?" Around the Zhenwu Battle Monument, staring with wide eyes, surprised.

The golden light appears, although it is rare, but it has been before, and the red phoenix is ​​the case.

But this kind of golden light that shines is the first time I have heard of it, not to mention that it also contains inexplicable mysteries.

Mysterious and myriad.

Immediately, thousands of golden lights gathered inward, and they were still engraving a name.

Chen Zong!

"Look, there's a new name."

"Chen Zong!"

"Is that the genius in Optimus Heaven."

"Golden name, golden name."

Suddenly, one by one, they couldn't tell what they felt and what they thought.

"Impossible!" Tie Ming was horrified to the extreme. How could a person from Optima Realm be able to achieve such an amazing achievement on the Zhenwu Battle Monument.

The iron battle is also a pupil shrinkage, shocked to the extreme.


For a while, the frightened mood spread.

Xu Zhanlong was stunned. He felt that Chen Zong's strength should be good and he was expected to be on the list, but felt that it was only the current list and it was more general.

It never occurred to me that Brother Chen's strength was so amazing and achieved such terrible results.

Xu Li and Ouyang Ting were completely dumbfounded. They only felt that their minds were frozen, but their faces were irreproachable, as if they were slapped fiercely.

Recalling their previous ridicule and disdain for Chen Zong, they all showed their shallowness and ignorance.

"What's going on, why hasn't Chen Zong left the Zhenwu Battle Monument?"

Suddenly someone exclaimed, one by one glanced across the gaze, and saw that Chen Zong was still under the Zhenwu battle monument, and the golden light filled it as if he and the Zhenwu battle monument were integrated into one.

"Golden masterpiece, magical magic ..." The eyes of Zhenwu City's gaze stared at Chen Zong who was still integrated with Zhenwu battle monument through the void, and his expression was extremely dignified: "Ancient legend, only by opening the Zhenwu battle monument can this kind of difference Elephant. "

Challenge the Zhenwu Battle Monument and get through the Zhenwu Battle Monument are two concepts.

According to Zhenwu City Lord, the challenge of the Zhenwu Battle Monument from ancient times to today has never been passed.

Even the forty brilliant geniuses on the list now cannot get through.

Now, it was opened up by a genius from the outer domain, or the Qingtian domain.

It's incredible.

Rao's thinking of Zhenwu City Lord was also incredible and shocking.

"It is said that if you open the Zhenwu Battle Monument, you will be able to get the gift from the Zhenwu Battle Monument. I do n’t know what the gift is?"

Inevitably, he is a little curious and even more envious, but that's all. As the master of a city, he is also one of the most powerful men in the realm of the true martial arts.

Indeed, Chen Zong opened the Zhenwu Battle Monument and received a gift from the Zhenwu Battle Monument.

This gift is a light of true martial arts.

This light of true martial arts is directly integrated into Chen Zong's soul, and its role is to double Chen Zong's understanding of martial arts, and the time limit is one year.


You must know that Chen Zong's current understanding is extremely amazing. Under the circumstances of multiplication, the speed of enlightenment cannot be imagined.

After receiving a light of true martial arts, Chen Zong's consciousness also returned to his own body, but was not bounced off, the golden light dissipated, Chen Zong retracted his hands, and felt unbelievable.

"I didn't expect to get through the Zhenwu Battle Monument, and there are still such rewards." Chen Zong was also ecstatic when he was shocked.

Wu Dao Dan, who was given to himself by the Taoist Master, can also increase his own understanding, but it has not doubled, and it can only last for one month, so that he can realize a lot of mysteries. Dan is much better.

The only thing that is not as good as Wu Daodan is the inability to control freely. From the time of obtaining the light of true martial arts, the duration of one year is calculated and not controlled by Chen Zong.

Thousands of eyes all focused on Chen Zong. It seemed that Chen Zong should be seen through, and the genius of the refining genius from Wan Gu Shang Yu was also shocked.

Before, he provoked Chen Zong to despise Chen Zong. Now think about how ridiculous his behavior and mentality at that time were.

That feeling was like a little snake provoking the dragon.

"Chen Zong's friend, please come and tell me." A majestic voice filled with majestic sounds and passed into Chen Zong's ears.

Chen Zong looked back and looked at a pavilion in the direction of his voice.

Many people also heard the sound, first a stun, and then startled.

Zhenwu City Lord!

Zhenwu City Lord actually invited Chen Zong.

You know, Zhenwu City Lord is a strong man who has reached the peak of the sacred realm. He is one of the strongest among the realms of Zhenwu. Chen Zong is just a transcendent realm. For little friends.

Instantly make many people jealous.

Chen Zong was also a little surprised, but did not feel flattered. After all, there were five Xeons who had reached the summit of the Holy Land in Baiyun Mountain.

However, since Zhenwu City Lord personally opened the invitation and did not overpower others, if Chen Zong refused, he would be a bit uninterested.

His body flashed, and Chen Zong went immediately to that tower.

After a while, Chen Zong stepped into the pavilion and went straight up to the top floor of the pavilion.

"I've seen your predecessors at the end of Kendo." Chen Zong glanced at the scene, all of them were experiencing amazing breath fluctuations, all of them were strong in the sanctuary, and the worst was in the middle of the sanctuary. Said.

"No need to be polite."

"But the old man looked away."

"I thought you were trying to win the favor, but I didn't expect it to be a shocking talent."

The elders have a good attitude.

This world is such a reality. Talented people are often more favored. The red phoenix let an elder talk about it, adopting an almost equal stance. Then Chen Zong, who also achieved the golden name as a challenge to the True Martial War Memorial, also Not inferior to that red phoenix.

The elders don't know yet. Chen Zong opened the battlefield of Zhenwu. Only a few people know this, and Zhenwu City Lord is one of them.

"Little friend, I'm the master of Zhenwu Giant City, the last name is Luo Minggu." The master of Zhenwu City said with a smile.

Chen Zong didn't feel anything special, but all the elders were shocked.

Zhenwu City Lord is one of the few strongest men who has entered the sacred realm and is one of the few in the realm of Zhenwu. Generally speaking, such a strong man will not arbitrarily report his name, especially a junior, a transcendental realm.

Don't say transcendental realm, even some people who have entered the holy realm do not have this qualification.

At this moment, the true master of the city actually reported his name. His attitude toward Chen Zong was as if he were treating a peer in his peers. He couldn't help letting an elder secretly horrify him. What kind of patience Chen Zong has, let the Lord of the city treat him this way.

However, they couldn't see it, and Zhenwu City Lord would not explain anything.

As for his status, why should he explain what he does?

As for Chen Zong, his face was calm. Although Zhen Wucheng had a distinguished and powerful status, Chen Zong was not an ordinary practitioner and would feel cautious and uneasy.

Take it easy.

"Senior Luo." Chen Zong saluted again.

"I don't know which one of your friends is from the Optimal Realm?" Zhenwu Lord Luo Gudao asked curiously ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Elders were equally curious, after all, Chen Zong is so outstanding that he must have an extraordinary background It is impossible for casual repair to reach such an amazing achievement.

So, what forces are able to cultivate Chen Zong's outstanding genius.

"Senior Luo, I'm from Baiyun Mountain in Optima Heaven." Chen Zong responded.

"Baiyun Mountain, that eight-star power."

"I know that Baiyun Mountain has five Taoist masters, each of whom has extraordinary strength."

The elders said one after another.

"It turns out that you are a high apprentice in Baiyun Mountain." Luo Gudao nodded: "I know the Master of the Yunyun Mountain in Baiyun Mountain."

Chen Zong looked moved.

The Lianyun Taoist himself is very good at fighting, but he is the best fighter among the five Taoist masters in Baiyun Mountain. Maybe he has fought with Luo Chengzhu without knowing each other.

As everyone knows, Chen Zong's speculation is inseparable from ten.

"I don't know if the friend got the reward of the Zhenwu Battle Monument after he got through it." Luo Chengzhu's voice sounded in Chen Zong's ear. It was a voice. Others could not hear: "I don't know what the reward is. Can you tell? "

"Get martial arts experience." Chen Zongdao did not say the light of true martial arts, it is too precious, it is difficult to guarantee that others will not lose heart, and his strength is far from the true martial arts master.

Therefore, speaking of Cheng Wuxue's experience is not so attractive, especially for a strong man who has reached the peak of the Holy Land.

Hearing Chen Zong's voice answer, the Lord of Zhenwu City had no doubt. He only knew that he would be rewarded for opening the Zhenwu Battle Monument. As for the reward, it was not clear. Wuxue had a very general mindset, but he wanted to be better. The following is useful. At most, it is to reach the level of the early stage of entering the holy realm. No matter how good it is, the middle stage of entering the holy realm is not attractive to yourself.

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