Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 26: Detonate

In the Jianzhu Garden, the turquoise bamboo is as straight as a sword, pointing to the sky, and its leaves are as long as a sword's blade, like a steel blade.

This sword bamboo is a kind of alien species. Its hardness is comparable to that of magical artifacts, and its toughness of bamboo leaves is comparable to some spiritual artifacts. Its sharpness is as sharp as a sword. Weapon.

Of course, it's nothing if it's supernatural.

A total of 990 sword bamboos grow in this sword bamboo garden. The lowest one is three meters and the highest one is ten meters. The sequence is a unique scenery, and it continues to emit amazing sharp breath fluctuations. The practitioners of the ground can't get close to the cent.

Today, this sword bamboo garden is the place where Chen Zong settled, temporarily settled in the main house of Zhenwu Giant City.

Chen Zong was invited and became a guest of the city's mansion at the invitation of the Zhenwu city's host.

Zhenwu City Lord so invited, Chen Zong naturally did not reject the goodwill of the other party.

A figure came out of the Jianzhu Garden, strode out, and walked out of the main gate from the side gate toward the Zhenwu Battle Monument.

Today is the last day of the Zhenwu Battle Stele Challenge.

Also today, the general list on the True Martial War Memorial will be announced, and whoever can be included will be known at that time. Although it has been a little certain for a long time, but with my own eyes, it is always different.

It is also because of this idea that Chen Zongfang left Jianzhu Garden and came to the Zhenwu Battle Monument.

The last batch of challenges ended.

Then, the golden light masterpiece shone in all directions, and the golden majestic mass was soaring into the sky, as if going through the sky.

One by one, the names appearing on this golden pillar of earth, are exactly one thousand names on the original list.

All eyes were staring.

Immediately, the names above began to change.

Located at the highest point, the dazzling golden light shines like a ray of sunlight, as if endless mystery emerges and condenses, and a name also appears on it.

Chen Zong!

Seeing his name, Chen Zong smiled.

Others were shocked.

"Chen Zong was able to rank in the overall list, I already knew it, but why can his name be ranked first?" Someone asked a question.

From ancient times to the present, the order of names is generally in the order of before and after. Except for different colors, there seems to be no difference in strength between the same colors.

Why rank first?

No solution.

But Zhenwu City Lord knows the reason, and Chen Zong generally knows the reason, maybe it has something to do with getting through the Zhenwu Battle Monument himself.

Chen Zong has learned that the forty people did not reach the Zhenwu Battle Monument before, and all of them stopped in the fourth round.

In other words, as long as you challenge the fourth round, you can achieve a golden name.

New names appear one after another, and new names appear. Naturally, names are squeezed out and disappear.

However, no one name can have the special name of Chen Zong. Among the golden lights, there seems to be a layer of magic, even the other forty golden names.

Few people know what it means.

Next, Chen Zong, the so-called strong man, was not interested.

Of course, it is not that there is no strong man who wants to accept Chen Zong as a disciple, but it is a pity that Chen Zong is not at all interested.

The strong men of the five Taoist lords in Baiyun Mountain do not think they are qualified to teach Chen Zong, so what qualifications do some teachers have to teach themselves after entering the Holy Land.

The tenth anniversary of the Battle of Zhenwu also ended, and many people dispersed and left the Zhenwu Giant City, and the news rolled away like a storm, permeating the entire area of ​​Zhenwu.

"A cultivator in the heavenly realm can even rank first in the Zhenwu Battle Stele."


The first reaction of all those who got the news was disbelief.

How could the genius of DynaSky be ranked No. 1 in the Zhenwu Battle Stele?

However, this news is extremely real and extremely accurate. After being admitted by many people who participated in the Zhenwu Giant City, it must not be fake.

After many confirmations, more people were shocked.

The genius of Qingtian Shangyu was able to rank on the list of Zhenwu battle monuments, which is already amazing, not to mention the overall list, even ranking first in the overall list.

Can't understand!


"Oh, the number one in the overall list, did this break through the Zhenwu Battle Monument?"

As soon as the Xeons in the real martial arts got the news, they were all shocked, and then speculated that they would stay intact.

Open the Zhenwu Battle Monument, this is the first ever.

Suddenly, many powerful men sent messages to Zhenwu City Lord. Whether this is the case, Zhenwu City Lord knows best.


In the depths of Taiwu Mountain in Zhenwu Shangyu, a terrible breath suddenly rose into the sky, and then returned to silence.

Then, a very strange figure appeared in the void, as if out of nothingness, a black robe fluttered gently against the mountain wind.

"Thirty years of retreat, my wound was finally healed." The voice of the old man in black robe was filled with indifference, and the wind around him suddenly stopped dissipating, and his whole body seemed to be a vacuum.

"Thirty years, it's time to go back." The sound sounded, the old man in the black robe turned into a black streamer, leaving the depths of Taiwu Mountain at an alarming speed, along the way, into a city, and also heard the news. .

"Zhenwu battle monument."

"Interesting, there are such treasures in this little Zhenwu domain."

"Challenge the Zhenwu battle monument is among them ..."

The old man in the black robe seemed to think, his eyes gradually brightened, and there was a cruel flash in the depths of his eyes.

"Well, I'll take a group of so-called geniuses back home."

"That being the case, let me boil this Zhenwu domain again."


A message soon swept away, and Zhenwu Shangyu, which had just calmed down due to the challenge of Zhenwu Battle Stele, boiled again.

Three months later, Zhenwu Shangyu will hold the first Zhenwu extermination.

Anyone under the age of 100 who is under the sanctuary can sign up to participate, and will eventually select the one hundred strongest geniuses.

One hundred strongest geniuses can get rich rewards, and even have the opportunity to leave Zhenwu Shangyu and go to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

When this news was issued, it directly detonated the entire Zhenwu Shangyu, making many people crazy.

What lucrative rewards are not so attractive, what really has great appeal is Tianyuan Sanctuary.

The heavenly sacred realm is supreme, and it is the sacred place for cultivation practiced by countless people.

It can be said that although the Tianyuan Sacred Realm is also part of the Lingwu Holy Realm, it is separate from the four upper realms and other middle realms and lower realms, as if they were two worlds.

If the Tianyuan Sacred Realm is compared to a giant city, those four upper realms and other realms are like small remote places.

Which genius does not want to go to the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, go to a higher level of cultivation, and see more geniuses and strong men.

Unfortunately, the road to Tianyuan Sanctuary is closed.

In other words, without special conditions, it is impossible to enter Tianyuan Sanctuary, even if it can reach the periphery of Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Now, participating in the Zhenwu Peerless Battle, as long as you enter the top 100, you are eligible to enter the heavenly sanctuary, which is very exciting.

How to enter Tianyuan Sanctuary is not clear, but since there is such news released, there should be some way to do it.

"Little friend, this is a great opportunity." Zhenwu Chengzhu laughed.

"Indeed." Chen Zong also felt a little excited.

Tianyuan Sanctuary!

Chen Zong naturally wanted to go. It was just that he had asked the five Taoist masters. It was difficult and difficult. It was difficult to enter without specific conditions. It was just luck.

In other words, entering the heavenly sanctuary is an opportunity.

"Senior, why are you waiting almost this time?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking.

"As far as I know, a strong man in Tianyuan Sanctuary wants to return to Tianyuan Sanctuary, intending to bring a group of geniuses into Tianyuan Sanctuary, and pay homage to his ancestral gate." Zhenwu Lord laughed.

"That's it." Chen Zong stunned.

This argument is also reasonable.

After all, if a sectarian gate wants to continue, it must continue to recruit disciples, especially talented disciples.

Then lead a group of the best geniuses to return to the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary and worship inside their ancestors, and then they can further enrich their ancestors.

"With the ability of the little friend, the top 100 will definitely have your seat." Zhenwu Master laughed, this time contact, he somewhat understands Chen Zong's strength.

The first list of Zhenwu Battle Tablets, which represents talent and potential, is not absolute strength, but Chen Zong's strength is not weak. The ordinary low-level saint is not his opponent, even the ordinary middle-level saint. You can compete with ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and the conditions of participation in this true martial arts battle are limited, one is not to enter the holy realm, and the other is less than one hundred years old.

Those who are less than one hundred years old do not have many semi-holy ranks. Most of them are low-grade holy ranks, a few are medium-grade holy ranks, and even few people reach high-grade holy ranks.

In this way, it is also possible that Chen Zong's strength wants to obtain one of the hundred seats.

Of course, the Lord of Zhenwu also feels that Chen Zong is at most one of the hundred seats, and it is estimated that the ranking will not be too high.

But as long as you can get a hundred seats, you can go to Tianyuan Sanctuary. With excellent talent and potential, you can be trained by Tianyuan Sanctuary. You can quickly grow up, catch up with others, and become more powerful.

For a time, the entire Zhenwu Shangyu was boiling.

"Tianyuan Sanctuary, the first hundred seats, I will definitely get one." A tall figure suddenly stood up, bursting with an astonishing breath, as if the ancient monster was awakening straight into the sky, his eyes shot out amazingly Light.

"The first hundred seats, Tianyuan Sanctuary, I am here." A figure rushed out of the forest and passed through the sky.

Three months!

Three months later, the Zhenwu Zettai began and the top 100 were decided.

The location of the decisive battle is within the Shenwu Giant City.

Shenwu Giant City is one of the three giant cities of Zhenwu Shangyu. Although it is not as old as Zhenwu Giant City, it has the most comprehensive strength.

It is reasonable to choose Shenwu Giant City as the decisive battle for this true battle of Zhenwu.

At this moment, the interior of the Shenwu Giant City began to be reconstructed and built, which was used exclusively by Zhenwu.

And Chen Zong, also began to retreat.

With the increase of Zhenwu's light, the understanding has greatly increased. Taking this opportunity, I will fully participate in the cultivation and improve myself.

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