Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 27: 76 days

Jianzhu Garden!

The wind blows the bamboo leaves, and the rustling sound is like a unique music, which pervades the world.

In the center of the 999 sword bamboos, there is a circular platform, with a figure standing in it, eyes closed, silent, as if silent between heaven and earth.

The blade-like bamboo leaves swayed gently in the wind, as if reflected in the heart.

Time passes, bamboo leaves are swaying, the figure stays still, and the breath is mellow, as if fused with this bamboo forest, one without distinction.

Gradually, I felt that figure disappeared and replaced with a sword bamboo.

one day!

Two days!

Three days!


One month later, if anyone enters here, one more sword bamboo will be found, from 999 to 1,000.

The most central sword bamboo stands up like heaven and earth, and suddenly becomes the king of sword bamboo, worshipped by 999 sword bamboos around it.

The breath is gradually changing, and changes everything around it subtly.

The two sacred powerhouses guarding outside the Jianzhu Garden were surprised.

"What a sharp breath."

"This is a fluctuation of sword energy."

The two of them were sent by the city owner to guard the Jianzhu Garden, but the people who knew it lived in the Chenzhu Garden were Chen Zong, who was the first in the True Martial War Memorial and the first in the overall list, an amazing genius.

But now, the strong fluctuation of Jianqi in the Jianzhu Garden has caused their surprise, and the fluctuation of Jianqi is still increasing, which is becoming more and more amazing.




The endless sword qi spreads out gradually from each sword bamboo, and gathers without dispersing and not emitting.

Gradually, with the passage of time, each sword-shaped bamboo leaf also began to permeate the sword-like fluctuations.

Like a sword!


Chen Zong seemed to be transformed into a sword bamboo, with a hint of sharpness constantly permeating from the deepest part of his body, flooding in all directions.

I am a sword, my heart is a sword, everything is a sword, and heaven and earth are swords.

A figure appeared over the sword bamboo garden, and there was a dim light around him, who was the true master of the city.

Looking down from the top, there was a smile on the face of the master of Zhenwu City, and he could see that at this moment, Chen Zong was in a state of extreme understanding, and the breath on his body became richer with time.

The Lord of Zhenwu City has already ordered that no one should be disturbed.

When you are enlightened, if you are interrupted or interrupted, the consequences will be serious.

In the other case, the enlightenment fails, and in the other case, the evil goes.

Therefore, interrupting others' enlightenment, such as the enemy of life and death.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, two months have passed, and there is only one month left before Zhenwu's extinction.


An astonishing and imposing atmosphere was brewing in Chen Zong's body, like a sky sword breaking through the void to burst out, but in an instant, this amazing breath was suppressed by Chen Zong.

Between the 999 strains, one after another moved in the direction of Chen Zong, as if in worship, with a breathtaking sharp breath, and gradually restrained.

The two sacred powerhouses guarded outside the Jianzhu Garden changed their looks. They only felt that there was a terrible sword qi in the Jianzhu Garden. The majesty of the sword qi made them feel a little palpitated.

It was only at the moment when the sword gas was about to erupt, but it was instantly restrained and disappeared without a trace.

After two consecutive months of meditation and enlightenment, Chen Zong's eyes opened, and a faint glow burst out, as if Jianguang pierced the sky through the sky.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes calmed down with a trace of indulgence like a sword.

"The effect of Zhenwu's light is really amazing." Chen Zong said secretly, a smile appeared involuntarily on his face.

Zhenwu's light can double its perception, but its own perception is very amazing, and it has been doubled, which is simply against the sky.

As soon as he got enlightened, Chen Zong's mind sent out countless inspirations. There were thousands of inspirations, and he was crazy.

For two consecutive months, Chen Zong's enlightenment continued to deepen and reached an indescribable state.

Now, the end of enlightenment is actually not the end of enlightenment, but it has reached a limit and must be digested, otherwise it is useless to continue enlightenment.

When he got up, Chen Zong pulled out the sword on his waist, and a sword slowly waved out. It seemed simple and ordinary, understated, as if writing a pen on a white paper. The strokes made were indescribable. Beauty.

Try hard!

Writing by ordinary people can only make people feel ordinary, even rough, but if a calligraphy master writes a stroke, it is the crystallization of hard work, it is the essence of spending countless sweats and consuming countless hours of precipitation and countless times, even the simplest one. , Will also contain a unique charm, even simple strokes, there will be a completely different aesthetic.

This is practice makes perfect.

This is true!

This is the realm!

This is the way!

Now Chen Zong wields a sword with this kind of charm and realm.

Sword after sword, Chen Zong slowly practiced, looking very ordinary. In the eyes of laymen, how simple it is, but in the eyes of laymen, each sword contains an indescribable mystery.

Practice sword!

Do not use super-spirit, nor use super-dragon, but simply practicing swords, for a long time, Chen Zong has never practiced swords like this. Now, when he swings his sword, he has a sense of incomparably long absence, but countless familiar.



A joy from the deepest heart, a joy from the deepest soul.



It's as if everything in this world has disappeared. Forget it, there is only sword and only sword training.

Sword in hand, with one heart, unconfident and pure.

Chen Zong practiced this sword for half a month, without stopping for half a minute, as if he had endless power, which could never be consumed.




Finally awake, and the sword returned.

Chen Zong stood in place, his eyes closed again, standing still, his breath was completely restrained, restrained to the extreme, as if lonely.

A day later, Chen Zong's eyes opened and a smile appeared on his face.

Two months of enlightenment, half a month of sword practice, and one day of enlightenment totaled seventy-six days. At the end of this practice, the effect of the light of true martial arts was fully demonstrated.

"It's also time to leave and go to the Shenwu Giant City." Chen Zong secretly said, stepping out of the bamboo forest, toward the gate of Jianzhu Garden.

"Thank you both." Chen Zong walked to the gate of Jianzhu Garden, bowing and saluting the two sacred men.

After all, he was practicing, letting the two powerful men in the sanctuary act as guards and guarding the door. Although the other party obeyed the command line, Chen Zong would like to thank him anyway.

"You don't need to be polite to act on orders." The two laughed.

Being a strongman in the sacred realm but acting as a gatekeeper is naturally not a wonderful thing, but it also depends on who is acting as a gatekeeper.

If they are just ordinary practitioners, they are unwilling. Even if they obey the command line, their hearts will be upset.

But Chen Zong is not an ordinary cultivator, but the top of the list of Zhenwu battle monuments. He is a demon genius who is talented against the sky, or a Tianjiao who is valued by the true master of the city.

After saying goodbye, Chen Zong left Jianzhu Garden to meet the Zhenwu City Lord. After all, he had to leave for the Shenwu Giant City. He had to bid farewell to the Zhenwu City Lord.

"After more than two months of enlightenment, it seems that the little friend has improved a lot." Zhenwu City's master gazed at Chen Zong for a few moments and smiled.

"Tutor the Lord's blessing." Chen Zong laughed, one was humble, and the other was indeed related. After all, in the Jianzhu Garden, the breath emitted by Jianzhu made Chen Zong be inexplicably drawn.

It is also the traction of Jianzhu Garden's breath that deepens Chen Zong's enlightenment.

"It's your ability." Zhenwu Master laughed. He probably knew that Jianzhu Garden was useful to Chen Zong, but didn't think much.

"It's not too far from Zhenwu Giant City to Shenwu Giant City. You can arrive in one day by taking a sacred spacecraft. At that time, you and the deity will lead you?" The Lord of Zhenwu asked, without direct affirmation, but in a tone of inquiry. .

"Thank you for your kind intentions, but I want to go alone and enjoy the scenery of Zhenwu Shangyu." Chen Zong rejected Zhenwu.

Although walking with the master of Zhenwu City is fast and very safe, Chen Zong always has his own ideas.

Going alone and looking along the way is also a kind of experience.

From Zhenwu Giant City to Shenwu Giant City, it takes about ten days at the speed of Chen Zong, and now there are fourteen days left. The time is considered to be sufficient and more than enough.

"Okay." Zhenwu City Lord did not change the meaning of Chen Zong's thoughts, but respected, of course, this is also because Chen Zong himself is talented enough to let Zhenwu City Lord look at the relationship ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Otherwise, Listen to whatever you say and where you have any opinions.

"Citylord, I'll leave first." Chen Zongdao.

Although I arrived at Shenwu Giant City from here, it was about ten days at my own speed, and there were four more days, which is not enough in case of any accidents along the way, so it is better to start as soon as possible.

"Come on, Goodbye Shenwu Giant City." Zhenwu Lord laughed.

Saying goodbye to the Zhenwu City Lord, Chen Zong quickly left the City Lord's Mansion, and also quickly left Zhenwu City, leaving for Shenwu City.

Shenwu Giant City is located to the north of Zhenwu Giant City, and Chen Zong goes all the way north.

As he casts his power, his lightness is as silent as a feather, and he is as fast as the wind, making Chen Zong's speed to the extreme.

The shock from the Zhenwu Battle Monument has passed, but the news of the Zhenwu Battle is everywhere.

Compared to the Zhenwu Battle Monument, the news of the Zhenwu Battle is even more exciting.

After all, being listed in the Zhenwu Battle Stele is just for fame, but the substantial benefits are actually not great. However, Zhenwu has no chance to fight, but has the opportunity to leave Zhenwu Shangyu and enter the heavenly sanctuary that countless people yearn for.

Tianyuan Sanctuary, a holy land for cultivation, who doesn't want to go.

Entering the Tianyuan Sanctuary, you can get substantial benefits to take yourself one step further. Compared with the reputation of being listed in the True Martial War Memorial, it is obviously better to enter the Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Life is alive, chasing fame and fortune.

The name is important, but the benefit is also important.

But for the practitioner, the latter is obviously more practical.

In all directions, one by one the geniuses either acted alone or marched in groups to quickly march to the Shenwu Giant City.

Some of these geniuses go for the top 100, while others know they don't have such ability, but they want to see something. After all, the genius event is grand.

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