Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 32: Warriors Sword (3)

In the first battle, the mid-level semi-holy level was defeated, and dozens of golden light imprints were all captured by the brute.

"Not enough." Quite a grin, but he just smiled. The strength of the mid-level semi-holy master was just not strong enough for himself, or enough to let him burst out.

For the cultivator, only a battle of all strength can erupt.

Otherwise, this level of fighting does not even make my blood boil.

"There should be a lot of golden light marks on your body." Suddenly, a peaceful voice struck like a breeze, and fell into the ears of extremes.

It turned very quickly, and between the powerful body turning, the air fluctuated endlessly. It seemed to roll up a horrible storm, and his eyes burst out with amazing brilliance, staring at Chen Zong.

Immediately, a pretty sneer appeared: "Extreme Limits, hum, I have 212 golden seals here, but do you have the ability to get them?"

Chen Zong did not fully converge his breath, but was a natural fluctuation. Therefore, it can be seen that Chen Zong's cultivation is less than a semi-holy level. Since he is less than a semi-holy level and very pure and powerful, that is extraordinary The limit is reached.

Maybe the other party is a genius, a genius who can leapfrog challenge, but how about that, he is also a genius, who is also a genius who can leapfrog challenge.

If you wait until your practice breaks through to the intermediate semi-holy level, then the ordinary high-order semi-holy level is not your opponent.

Even now, it is not easy for ordinary high-level semi-holy to want to defeat themselves.

Now, it's really a joke that a transcendental limit on his own golden light mark is really a joke.

"Give up your golden mark, get out." Quite politely.

Even if he is a genius, he has no interest in shooting. He is extremely extreme and always only fights with strong opponents. The weak are not qualified.

"This Chen Zong's luck is so bad that he encountered quite extreme." Outside Jinguang City, a strong man who entered the sacred peak peak frowned slightly and shook his head and sighed.

According to their previous statements, Chen Zong had a lot of hopes to win one of the 100 places, but now he is very bad, and his luck is very bad.

Perhaps Chen Zong's strength can reach the ordinary mid-level semi-holy level, and even a few points stronger, but the extremely strong strength is stronger.

Unless there is a high-end semi-holy level of strength, otherwise, there is no way to counter the defeat of the very extreme.

Zhenwu City Master also frowned slightly, he was not very clear about Chen Zong's full strength, so he was unavoidably a little worried.

If Chen Zong loses this time, and then wants to continue to compete for the Golden Seal, the difficulty will increase a lot.

After all, if you lose, your momentum will also be frustrated, which will be somewhat detrimental to subsequent battles.

"It's really stupid. When I saw it, I didn't know how to avoid it, and I took it on my own initiative." There are also strong men who don't want to see Chen Zong. After all, Chen Zong is not a man from Zhenwu Shangyu.

"It is estimated that it is ranked first in the list of Zhenwu battle monuments, and it has swelled, thinking that it is the most powerful one." Others into the sanctuary also laughed.

In life, there is always someone who likes it, someone who doesn't like it, and no one can do everything.

These sacred places did not like themselves. Chen Zong actually didn't care, and didn't even know. Of course, even if he knew, Chen Zong ignored it.

How do you like yourself?

What if you don't like yourself?

Can it affect myself?


Not all.

I just saw a very extreme shot, the strength is indeed good, stronger than the ordinary mid-level semi-level, it suddenly reached between the middle-level semi-level and high-level semi-level, can be regarded as a quasi-high-level semi-level .

Such strength naturally attracted the interest of Chen Zong, and he planned to fight with him and defeat him to capture the golden light imprint.

One is war intentions, and the other is the golden seal of the opponent.

Quite militant, Chen Zong also likes to fight with powerful opponents.

However, according to the current situation, Chen Zong is looked down upon, thinking that Chen Zong is not qualified to fight him.

In this case ...

Chen Zong looked calm, raised his left hand at will and pointed forward like a sword, and suddenly there was a dazzling sword light running through the sky, carrying a terrible power to kill the wild pole at an amazing speed.

"Don't dare to shoot at me." A sneer flashed on Quiji's face, but his face changed slightly, because he felt the extraordinaryness of Chen Zong's sword.



The brute punched out, the fist and the sword collided in an instant, and a terrible wave of power exploded and swept across all directions, destroying everything.

The astonishing sound was sharp and tumbling like a tsunami.

The strength slammed on both sides, as if the hurricane roared and bombarded Qi Zong and Manji, but they couldn't shake them and let them take a step back.

As if they were rooted, the two stood still, as the reefs in the sea, they could not shake the slightest for thousands of years under the violent shock of thousands of waves.

"how can that be."

"He turned out to be very tough."

Outside Cotai City, many people went to the sanctuary, especially those who did not like Chen Zong's eyes.

"Huh, it's just a tentative shot. It's quite true that it hasn't come up with real strength." Some smirks who have entered the realm of sneer.

It was true that the collision that had just happened was just a tentative shot, but quite extremely felt that Chen Zong was not weak.

Perhaps, they are qualified to play against themselves.

"Take the punch from me, then you are qualified to use your full strength." Quite loudly, slamming the fist, and the semi-sacred dragon power surged out of the body like a stream of rivers and poured into the arms.


The brutal punch blasted out, as if the dragon had blasted out, giving out an astonishing might, as if to smash the void with a punch.

Although it is not all-out, the power of this punch is also arrogant enough to reach the level of the ordinary mid-level semi-holy level.

Even mid-level semi-sage masters must face up.

Whether or not he can qualify for the full strength depends on whether Chen Zong can block this punch.

If it is unstoppable or difficult to resist, then it will force Chen Zong to hand over the golden light mark.

The heavy dragon sword slammed into a ray of darkness and shattered a vacuum.

From the sword to the fall, the speed is extremely fast, only in an instant.

This sword, however, gave full play to the astounding weight of the heavy dragon sword of 98,000 kilograms and burst out.

The power of this sword directly surpasses the ordinary mid-level semi-holy level.

The fist was broken and shattered in an instant, and the terrible power contained in a sword burst out instantly, impacting and crushing.

Suddenly his face changed suddenly, but his eyes burst into excitement.

"Battle!" With a loud roar, the pretty body seemed to swell a punch in an instant, the muscles bulged high, filled with amazing explosive power, his arms spread forward with his five fingers, and seemed to break the void. Like closing.

Jian Guang shattered under his very hands.

"Okay, you have the right to let me do my best." I was very excited, and felt that the threat posed by Chen Zong was stronger than just the middle-level semi-holy level.

The answer to him was Chen Zong's second sword.

The black sword was extremely bright, and a sword smashed into the air, and its strength was overwhelming.

Suddenly, the very body shook suddenly, and the whole person was charged, as if bursting into the air like a group of meteorites, and the momentum was surprisingly powerful.


The void seems to be broken, but here, it can't affect anything. The interior of Cotai City is too tough. Even the low-level strongest in the sanctuary cannot destroy the slightest, let alone the people who have not yet entered the sanctuary.

After the very pole smashed Jianguang, his arms swelled, and the amazing power exploded. The terrible semi-sacred dragon power filled the fist, and one punch followed by another.




Every punch of the extreme pole burst out with incredible strength, each punch seemed to be able to smash the mountains, one punch followed by another punch, and it seemed that Chen Zong would be crushed.

The more you punch, the more you get excited and excited, the stronger your breath is, the blood is running, your body is red and hot, and it is filled with amazing hot waves.

Seeing Hunxinxi, Chen Zong had no intention of stepping back. The heavy dragon sword was in his hand. One sword came out with one sword, and each sword also issued an amazing power. In the downwind.

"how is this possible."

"How could Chen Zong have such strength."


Outside Cotai City, one by one stunned into the sanctuary.

"I did not expect a genius in a real martial arts area, but such geniuses can still appear." Ming Daozi was even more shocked.

At the level of transcendental level, you can have intermediate-level semi-holy strength, which is the ability that the king-level genius has ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even in the heavenly sanctuary, there are not many king-level geniuses.

And this junior at the extraordinary level turned out to be a king-level genius, and, among the king-level geniuses, he was not ordinary.

"It's a pity." Ming Daozi said in shock, but there was a trace of brutality in his eyes.

"Okay!" Quite a bit more and more excited.

Punch out punch out!

Keep punching!

Crazy punch!

Only punches!

He didn't think about why Chen Zong was just a transcendent realm, but he was able to burst into such a mighty strength, because he didn't need to think much about it, as long as he punched out, as long as he fought, the battle was hearty.

Chen Zong was also very excited. This rampant fighting method also made him enthusiastic.

In the practice of refining, it is indeed very much better than yourself, but refining is not the only means or the strongest means.


The mighty sword broke and fell, and Jian Guang's majesty was repressive and majestic.

Under this sword, the extremely crazy offensive was immediately contained, and then, the force continued to impact, and it was repulsed.

"It knocked me back." Quite a bit shocked, and he felt incredible.

Positive head-to-head fights are the ones who are best at it. After all, he is a refiner and has a strong body. He has been focusing on close fights for many years and is very good at it.

However, it was so unbelievable that he could not defeat the opponent, but was repelled by the opponent with a sword.



The extremely fists were clenched tightly, and the muscles on his arms bulged with a green tendon like a python, which shook slightly because he was too excited and too excited.

"Very elephant!" With a violent drink, the astonishing momentum burst suddenly.

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