Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 33: Warriors Sword (4)

Pretty elephant!

The two words rang from the mouth of Manji, and they rang out in all directions. The air shattered and shattered, and a terrible wave rolled up.

"Popularity!" Chen Zong stared at the very pole, not hurriedly, but looked carefully, feeling the terrible and tyrannical condensed with a trace of ancient breath, looking dignified and excited to spit out two words.


That is the ability that the refiner has, and only a profound attainment in the refinement can lead to mastery.

Spirit is a collective term for different practitioners who will be born to master different spirits because they practice different exercises.

The spirit possessed by the very pole is quite like the spirit.

A long, high-pitched voice sounded as if from the wild ancients, and a lifelike ghost image appeared above the body of the extreme pole, extremely strong, exuding an incredible shock.

Pretty elephant!

A wild elephant from the ancient times, it is a terrible wild animal with extremely powerful forces in the ancient times.

After inspiring the wild elephant spirit, the breath of the extremely extreme body became more horrible, and it directly oppressed, letting the air around Chen Zong be completely still, and the amazing pressure was suppressed on his body, with a reckless and wild taste, so that Chen Zong had a body Feeling of the ancient times.


This in itself has amazing repressive power.

At this moment, the extremeness is really a full burst.

"Next, let's fight as much as we can." In the roar, the terrible brutal elephant-like figure filled the whole body, and rushed to Chen Zong again, punched out with a punch, and his wild-like figure seemed to make a sound The extremely high-pitched Changming, the elephant trunk suddenly rolled in a roll, seems to be integrated into this punch, making the punch's power soar.

The ancient and wild elephants have simpler fighting methods and simpler attack methods. The nose is one of them, as are the long fangs and thick limbs.

The power released by the elephant's nose into the extremely fist was terrible, which made Chen Zong look dignified.

With such strength, he had to deal with all the strength.

This is a good opponent, so if that's the case, then beat him.

However, Chen Zong still did not take out Zhan Yuejian. After all, by using Zhan Yuejian, his strength will be stronger. At present, it seems that this is not necessary.

As for the wicked sword wrapped in the back, Chen Zong didn't want to use it.

Now, let's see if this man has the ability to let himself use the cut sword.

In the face of the brutal punch that came from the extremely violent killing, Chen Zong did not intend to dodge, and slashed out with a sword. This is how foolish it seems to many people.

After all, head-to-head combat is pretty good at being extremely good. Although Chen Zong is also powerful, it should not be compared with the masters who have inspired the spirits.

It is true that Chen Zong cannot be compared with Mangji if he calculates the strength of the body, but the super spiritual power cultivated by the seventh layer of Taiyuan Mo Yungong is also very magnificent and overbearing. This will also make Chen Zong's Very powerful.


The storm was raging, and his very arm trembled. The mighty punch was blocked by Chen Zongyi and even repelled.

The power released by Chen Zong's sword that erupted into 10% super spiritual power is even more terrible.

"It's so strong!" Quite extremely shocked inside, but he erupted into a force of 10%, and also inspired a pretty elephant-like spirit, and was repelled by the opponent in a frontal collision.


There are many people who feel incredible, one by one.

"It's pretty like hitting a mountain!" The horror shouted loudly, and the ambition became more arrogant, with its nose blowing and long screaming, as if blended into the body of the rude pole, and the rude pole also seemed to turn into a huge wild statue. Hit hard.

A collision of wild and ancient statues, but it can smash a mountain.

Of course, it is extremely impossible to smash a mountain, but the force of this collision was also very terrible. The air was directly crushed and exploded. The amazing coercion first struck and hit Chen Zong's body. This small feeling, as if in front of this blow, he looked like an ant and couldn't escape.

The next breath, his body will be crushed.

Saint-level lower grade martial arts!

Chen Zong's eyes flashed, the sword of the dragon was raised, the darkness of the sword was permeating in all directions, and one sword was cut off.


When it comes to power, the ten-edged swordsmanship sword is the weakest in the sacred level of martial arts, or each of the ten-edged swordsman swords is not strong enough.

Therefore, this sword, Chen Zong called ten-blade streak.

Ten sword lights were continuously cut off in an instant. The first sword light broke when it came into contact with the very body, and the second one broke.

The third is also broken, and the fourth is broken.

The fifth way is still broken.

The sixth way keeps the aggressive forward momentum under control.

The seventh order came to a complete standstill.

The spirit of the eighth way was so swaying, it seemed to be broken, and the whole person couldn't help leaning back.

The ninth pass was chopped, and the extremely lean back body could not be restrained, and his steps took a step back.

The tenth sword light is also the last sword light split, and the extremely uncontrollable face of the whole person even takes a dozen steps back, each step is extremely heavy, as if to step on the ground, but the hard ground is not affected at all. damage.

Taking a dozen steps back and forth, the blood and blood in the arrogant body was violent, and his face was shocked.

I ... was shocked again.

"It's pretty like possession!" The mysterious method erupted, and the likeness of the likeness was instantly dissipated, fully integrated into the body of the pretty pole, which made the momentum of the pretty pole soar by several percent, and its strength increased greatly.

Immediately, the very extreme arms were covered with a peculiar layer of scale armor, which looked like the ancient and vicissitudes of the skin. It was a pair of arm guards, and it was also a medium-level semi-holy artifact.

At this time, the brute force was considered to be fully open, and the strongest power broke out.

Pretty like hitting a mountain!

With the same move, the power gap was doubled. The void seemed to collapse under this blow, and the extreme terror of Chen Zong's face was extremely dignified.

Very strong!

Such strength, suddenly reached the threshold of the ordinary high-order semi-holy level.

Of course, even the ordinary high-order semi-holy level also has secret methods and semi-holy devices. Once released, it will become more powerful.

In the face of this attack, Chen Zong still did not come out to cut Yue Jian, still did not cast the secret method, nor did he cast the realm of heart.

Because it's not needed yet, it's not that far.


Double edged one!

Suddenly, the five sword lights were cut off like folding fans that were opened and closed, and the power of each sword light doubled.

The first Jianguang shattered again, the second one followed, and the third one also restrained the impact of the brutal pole. The fourth one began to shake the brutal body, and the fifth Jianguang fell off. The figure receded again.

The same collision has the same ending.

Chen Zong had already seen that the full force broke out, so he had no intention of letting the other party play. While the other party was back, he stepped forward, and his body was slightly undulating, as if it was turned into a sword.

Ten Shadows and Ten Blades Kill!

Ten consecutive figures of ten sword lights flickered across the whole body, and each sword was amazingly powerful.

The face changed greatly, and he immediately waved his arms to protect the whole body, but he was continuously slashed, and a ray of blood shot away.

Ten sword wounds appeared on the pretty pole, and a dark sword light stayed on the pretty pole's neck, heavy and vigorous, sharp and overbearing.


I ... was defeated.

Before the battle, he felt that Chen Zong was not an opponent. When the battle started, he thought that Chen Zong could compete with himself. When the battle was fierce, he thought that Chen Zong had the ability to give himself full strength. I did not expect that in the end, he was himself. Lost.

Outside Cotai City, the strong men were shocked, even the true Wucheng Lord.

"The king-level genius is definitely the king-level genius, or one of the more outstanding king-level geniuses." Ming Daozi became more affirmative, his eyes twinkling, seeming to be thinking quickly.

"Give up the golden light imprint," Chen Zong said to Manji, withdrawing the heavy dragon sword.

It's pretty proud. Since it was defeated, it is not uncomfortable to surrender the golden light mark, but it will not depend on it.

There are 223 golden imprints, which is a lot more than what Chen Zong has now.

He got more than 200 golden light imprints, and Chen Zong possessed more than 300 golden light imprints.

After all, the total number of golden light imprints is nearly nine thousand, and the top 100 are selected. On average, everyone should get nearly ninety golden light imprints, and get more than three hundred, perhaps not the most, but it should be included in the top hundred. no problem.

But in order to be a bit safe, you still need to get some more golden light marks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 500! Chen Zong secretly set a goal for himself.

Five hundred golden light imprints can definitely be included in the top one hundred.

Of course, this is not to say that Chen Zong will not care after he has received 500 golden seals. Of course, if he has the opportunity, he will certainly get more golden seals.

Because no one knows if it would be better to get more golden imprints.

Taking a deep look at Chen Zong, he turned around and strode away. Although this battle was defeated, he still had a chance and he could capture the golden light of others.

In any case, be sure to get a chance to enter the heavenly sanctuary.

No one knows when the Zhen Wu Zhan Zhan will end, so the further you go, the more intense the battle will be.

Either the loser is in order to retake the golden seal, or there are already golden reporters who want to capture more golden seals.

Nowadays, regardless of whether he admires Chen Zong or dislikes it, Chen Zong has to admit that Chen Zong can definitely get one of the top 100 places to enter the heavenly sanctuary.

"If Chen Zong's talent is to enter the heavenly sanctuary and worship the gate, he will be better trained, and it will definitely fly into the sky."

"I don't know where Chen Zong will grow up in the future."

The voices of the powerful people continued to sound, and they were introduced into Ming Daozi's ears. The look of Ming Daozi remained unchanged, his face was light and gentle, and he was sneerous inside.


Indeed, entering Tianyuan Sanctuary and worshiping the ancestral gate, with this talent, can be focused on cultivation, and it is indeed promising.

but now……

Ming Daozi's thoughts were turning, and he was also thinking about when to end the battle of Zhenwu.

I didn't say how long it lasted before, everything, I saw Tao Zi's own thoughts.

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