Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 34: Warriors Sword (5)

"I've got 560 golden light imprints, but that's not enough. My goal is one thousand, at least one thousand golden light imprints." A young man in black armor was rushing down the street with his hands on his head, spiritually aware. It spreads out and diffuses all around, and masters everything within a radius of 10,000 meters.

Although the golden light imprint now has enough to win one of the top 100, but more golden light imprints may make them rank higher.

Although he didn't say how high the ranking is, if he gets more golden marks, he may be valued more by his predecessor.

Many practitioners know that the benefits valued by a strong person are not small, which means more opportunities.

Not only does this person think so, other people think the same way.

With such an idea, the competition will naturally become more intense.

After a period of time, Quite extremely defeated many powerful opponents and captured many golden light marks, which should be enough to be included in the top 100.

However, this time it was quite learned, although he is belligerent, but he also knows how his strength is. He did not find the trouble of those powerful high-end semi-holy levels, but ran as soon as he saw it.

No matter what, first won the top 100 places to enter the Tianyuan Sanctuary and then say, only in the Tianyuan Sanctuary can he fight better.

This is not fear, but retraction of fists, for the sake of better energy and better punching.

"Seven hundred golden impressions." Chen Zong glanced at the back of his left hand, revealing a smile.

This amount has exceeded my previous expectations.

"It's fun now."

"Chen Zong is in trouble now."

Outside Cotai City, the strong men who were in the Holy Land were dismayed.

The street is long, with two ends empty, and a figure appears on each side, not intentionally, but unintentionally.

Unintentionally, two figures appeared, facing each other ten thousand meters apart.

One is Chen Zong, and the other is a young man with black armor. The whole body is filled with astonishing chill, as if darkness is falling, and even the surrounding air becomes dark.

This is a high-level semi-holy master.

"You are the Chen Zong who is the No. 1 in the list of Zhenwu battle monuments. Come on, let me see what you can do." The black armored young man smiled evilly, and the dark atmosphere fluctuating throughout his body became more and more intense.

As the voice fell, the youth's speed intensified, turning into a black streamer that instantly passed over thousands of kilometers, and came with an astonishing will of darkness.

Chen Zong only felt that the golden light around him became dim, as if darkness had fallen, covering himself.

The power of the high-end semi-holy level was revealed at this moment, and Chen Zongyan was waiting. At the same time, a trace of excitement emerged from the deepest heart.

Higher semi-holy level!

In addition to facing the high-end semi-holy level of the Nether Demon in the demon fantasy battle of the Ice Queen's secret palace, Chen Zong has never played against other high-level semi-holy levels. The Nether Demon is not in its heyday.

At a glance, Chen Zong not only did not have any intention to step back, but rushed forward, approaching each other.

"Oh, I dare to approach it proactively. I don't know how strong I am, but I have a good courage." The young black armored man was slightly surprised, and then smiled coldly.

What if there is courage, if there is not enough strength, courage will become vain, which is tantamount to self-death.

Zhenwu Battle Stele is on the top of the list, which represents potential, not strength.

"So, let me make you awake." The black armour young man's eyes flickered, and a layer of black light permeated on the five fingers of his left hand behind him. The black light was dark and deep, as if the night was falling, instantly However, the blade turned into a black blade to kill it.

From the moment of the shot, the dark blade fell to the front like a dagger, Chen Zong only felt that the light was dark, and immediately, the black dagger had already hit the front, too quickly.

It is indeed a high-level semi-holy master, and it was so extraordinary at the moment of shooting that it surprised Chen Zong.

However, Chen Zong's response was also extremely rapid. The heavy dragon sword turned into black light and burst out, emitting an amazing and magnificent power.


Under the sword, the black blade shattered, and the heavy dragon sword was also bounced. Chen Zong could feel a terrible force coming through the sword body.

The five fingers clenched abruptly, bursting out an astonishing power, as if they could crush the mountains, directly crushing the power from the attack.


The dark sword light was like a waning moon, breaking through the air, as if splitting the golden streets. The terrible sword pressure suddenly made the black armored young man look frozen.

"A little skill, it's worth my strength." A low groan, his hands turned into sharp claws, tearing the sky with darkness like the claws of a monster, and instantly grasping the moon-like sword air, suddenly twisted, weird The sound sounded, and the dark moon sword like a lingering moon suddenly shattered.

This hand also shows the extraordinary strength of the high-end semi-holy level.

The more extraordinary, the more excited Chen Zong was.

It's time to verify your strength.

Bully up, cut with a sword.

The terrible weight of 98,000 kilograms was urged to the extreme. In conjunction with Chen Zong's own powerful power, an even more astonishing power broke out. When it was cut off with a sword, it was like a dark sword mountain that was suppressed in the air.

The sword pressure is extremely amazing. It seems to be crushing the bottom, and the high-end semi-holy youth looks dignified.

The raspy golden iron and iron symphony sounded, and the dark claws appeared on both hands, grabbing again.

Suddenly, thousands of claws tore through the void to kill them, and shattered the dazzling sword light.

The shadow of the claws spread out like a dark cloud rolling over the mountains, submerging Chen Zong's body, and under the claws, each claw burst out with an astonishing sharpness, tearing everything.

Just moments later, Chen Zong was swallowed up by the dark claws.

But the eyesight of those who entered the sacred realm was extraordinary, and they saw Chen Zong among them.

It seems that Chen Zong was engulfed, but in fact there wasn't one sword in his hand. The sword circle was five feet long and unbreakable. The heavy dragon sword waved lightly like nothing, and quickly moved like aurora lightning, blocking thousands of claws.

In terms of absolute power, Chen Zongke is not weaker than the high-end semi-holy level. The super spiritual power cultivated by the seventh-level Taiyuan Mo Yungong is indeed amazing. In addition, Chen Zong's decent cultivation practice is The physical strength brought by it is very terrifying.

The claws collapsed and Chen Zong was intact. The black armored young man's eyes narrowed and the cold light flickered endlessly.

"Hei Mi Claw!"

With a low drink, I shot again, and the claw shadow turned into a thousand, it seemed to be the same as the previous shot, but the mystery contained in it was more unpredictable.

Chen Zong was once again obscured by the thousands of black claws, but this time, thousands of claws did not come to death, but instead surrounded Chen Zong's body, seemingly serpentine opportunistic movement.

Suddenly, a dark claw with amazing luster penetrated the shadows of heavy claws, and came with a terrible darkness, a claw tearing the sky between silent and silent, killing Chen Zong with terrible power .

Chen Zong's complexion suddenly changed.

Although this attack is also a sacred-grade lower-level martial art, its power is more terrible than the sacred-grade lower-level martial arts.

Similarly, a sacred martial art is displayed in the hands of low-level and high-level half-level, and its power is obviously different.

After all, sacred martial arts is suitable for the sacred martial arts to perform. Only the true sacred martial arts can fully tap the potential of the sacred martial arts and fully release its power, and the semi-sacred martial arts is the state after all The level is not enough, and it can only show some power.


Ten Blades Kill!

The dark sword light was broken, and when the tenth was broken, that claw was also broken.


Double edged one!

Chen Zong immediately exhibited the second move, five more strengthened Jianguang broke.

This is a strong opponent, and you need to give it all to fight.

Black Mi Claw!

With the same claw, its power has doubled directly.

Claw shadow and Jianguang are broken again, but this high-grade semi-sacred one claw has already attacked Chen Zong's chest, and the next breath will penetrate Chen Zong's chest and scratch the heart.

When in danger, Chen Zong stepped back and did not hesitate to procure the secret method.

Celestial War Body!

This mystery is still an entry level. The level of the Seven Pins of Mystics is very high, and it also has an increase effect on entering the sanctuary. It is difficult to improve, even if Chen Zong's understanding is amazing, it takes time to cultivate well, not to mention a reference. When you realize the mystery, you can cultivate to the corresponding level.

The introduction of the entry-level Tianjing Warfare is enough to increase Chen Zong's strength by several percent.

One sword was cut off, and that one claw was split open directly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The terrible force invaded, and the landslide blasted out.

The young man's complexion suddenly changed, and he was prompting the secret method without hesitation.

As a high-ranking semi-sacred class, he also practiced a lot longer than Chen Zong. Now when he casts a secret method, it is a six-class secret method of Dacheng level, with a significant increase in strength.

"Black Shark!"

One claw was killed, and the astonishing shame condensed in it, as if the slaughtering life was horrible, and it was more terrible than the previous black claws, straight to the heart.

But the mind is a very strong part of Chen Zong. Such an impact will not have any effect on Chen Zong.

Resist completely, but the power of that one claw is really amazing.

The heavy dragon sword returned to its sheath in an instant, and Zhan Yuejian appeared in his hand.

The weight of Zhan Yuejian is far greater than that of heavy dragon sword. It weighs more than 100,000 kilograms. It also contains a powerful mid-level and semi-sacred power. Now with a sword in hand, Chen Zong's attack power also follows. Get a huge boost.


Zhan Yuejian splits, the terrible Jianguang is raging in the sky, and suddenly changes the color of the opposite side.

It never occurred to him that this man could burst into a terrible strength, too arrogant.

"Black Skytalon!"

The third move came out, and the power of this move was even more terrifying, which was several times stronger than the previous black shawl.

You have to know that the increase in strength to this extent is amazing.

As soon as the black claws came out, the overwhelming darkness descended, and a huge black claw with an amazing luster, grabbed from the nothingness, shattered everything like the devil's claws in the void, and like the moon in the water. Light and mysterious.

One claw fell, and Chen Zong gave birth to an unavoidable feeling. It seemed that the world was in the envelope of this claw.

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