Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 36: leave

The mighty wind and the wind heard that the entire Zhenwu Shangyu and even the surrounding Zhenshu annihilation ended, and began to count the golden light marks owned by everyone.

Chen Zong possessed seven hundred golden light imprints, steadily entered the top hundred, and even ended up in the top thirty.

In addition, the geniuses such as Little Sword King and Little Sword King and Hong Fengling have good strength and luck. They are also in the top 100. Although the ranking is not high according to the number of golden light marks, they are in the top 100 anyway and get a place.

It was defeated under Chen Zongjian, and all the golden light imprints were lost, but the golden light imprints of other people were also captured later, and they were also included in the top 100.

One hundred people were filled with amazing breath fluctuations, like a tidal wave.

The eyes were full of hot meaning, staring at a figure over the sky: Ming Daozi.

The key to being able to go to the Yuan Sanctuary that day lies in this Ming Tao.

"Congratulations, you got the top 100 places." Ming Daozi condescended to overlook the crowd, his old face with a smile on his face: "Now, leave with me."

"That's so fast."

This is too fast, you know, this is the only time to complete the Zhenwu Peerless Battle, there is no pause at all.

"Hurry, hum, if you still want to stay, stay, the old man doesn't wait." Ming Daozi snorted coldly, not giving a good complexion, and frowning a strong man.

In the end, only compromises can be made.

After all, entering Tianyuan Sanctuary is difficult. Without the strong leader of Tianyuan Sanctuary, it is almost impossible to enter it.

Under the compromise, Ming Daozi waved a roll, and hundreds of geniuses were drawn into the space treasure, Jinguang City. Immediately, I saw Jinguang City quickly shrink, flew into the palm of Ming Daozi, took Jin Guangcheng, Ming Daozi body Xing Yukong left, blinking away in the eyes of a strong man.


Ming Daozi himself is a strong man entering the sacred realm, or a strong man entering the sacred realm from Tianyuan Sanctuary. The technique is extraordinary and the speed is very amazing. The whole Zhenwu upper realm can be compared with it, only a few Each.

As soon as the speed of Ming Daozi unfolded, it flew across the sky like an aurora, and quickly moved toward the direction of Tianyuan Sanctuary.

As soon as the geniuses who were taken into Cosmo City stayed in Cosmo City, they could not see everything they felt outside, even if they did not move.

However, since the other party is going to recruit a group of disciples for their ancestral gate, it is estimated that they will not stay in Zhenwu Shangyu, even if there is, it will be a short time.

In this case, let's leave it alone and practice well.

One hundred geniuses each chose a pavilion to live in and began to cultivate.

The duration of Zhenwu's Light is still there, the effect is still there, and the savvy is multiplied, Chen Zong becomes more smooth and efficient.

This time can be regarded as very useful time.

Each one is working hard to perceive and practice, and to improve himself as much as possible. After all, Tianyuan Sanctuary, it is a higher cultivation place, and there must be more geniuses.

Maybe they are among the best geniuses in Zhenwu Shangyu, but no one knows what happened after entering Tianyuan Sanyu.

Therefore, it is possible to improve as much as possible.

Time passes slowly, but in this Cotai City, it is hard to feel.

A fierce burst of excitement rang, and the roar rang, which caught Chen Zong's attention.

His body flickered, looking out through the window, and someone was fighting.

Enlightenment and battle are the main theme now.

Departing from Zhenwu Shangyu To reach Tianyuan Sanctuary, you need to leave Zhenwu Shangyu first, and after crossing Wangu Shangyu, you need to pass through an endless barren field.

The barren wilderness is wider and vaster than the frozen sea, and it also contains immense danger. That barren wilderness is called the dead wilderness.

Dead Wasteland, a very strange name.

Chen Zong had known before that he wanted to start from Zhenwu Shangyu to reach the edge of Tianyuan Holy Land, which was divided into two stages. One stage was to leave Zhenwu Shangyu and pass through Wangu Shangyu.

The second stage is the dead wasteland.

The first stage is very simple and the time is not long, but the dead wasteland in the second stage is at the speed of entering the sacred realm, and it will take several months to pass through. It means that nothing has been encountered. Dangerous situation.

If some danger is encountered, time will be delayed.

Therefore, from Zhenwu Shangyu to Tianyuan Sanyu, it will take several months or last year or even several years, it is hard to say.

Even if it is a few months, it is a period of time.

During this time, one by one to improve themselves as much as possible. At the same time of enlightenment, you also need to verify. Find an opponent to verify whether your enlightenment is correct and improve it.

Naturally, there will be fighting.

"Chen Zong, fight with me." At this time, someone called Chen Zong's name.

Chen Zong looked down and saw a figure with long red hair flying.

The three-dimensional features are very delicate, and they have an exquisite beauty. They have a noble and natural atmosphere. The exquisite armor is very close to the body. The raised and raised body is perfectly set off. Seemingly simple, but incomprehensible, it is drawn into a vivid phoenix pattern, as if to spread its wings.

Red Phoenix Spirit!

Zhenwu Shangyu is recognized as the first genius of the younger generation.

As the first genius, she naturally has her pride, but Chen Zong, a genius from Qingtian heaven, even concealed her popularity, which made Hong Fengling very dissatisfied.

Before that, she planned to find Chen Zong in the first battle, but encountered Zhen Wu Zhan Zhan.

Compared to the battle with Chen Zong, the chance of Zhenwu's extinction is undoubtedly bigger and more worthy of attention.

At present, Hongfeng Ling has won the top 100 in Zhenwu Zhanwu, and is on his way to the heavenly sanctuary. It is also known that Chen Zong is among them.

In this case, the battle with Chen Zong must be carried out.

Hong Fengling did not know Chen Zong's record in Zhenwu Peerless Battle. She did not know that Chen Zong had defeated the brute with a mid-level semi-holy strength and a high-rank semi-holy master. Come to Chen Zong to take the initiative to fight.

"Hong Fengling." Chen Zong secretly said, his body appeared outside the pavilion, facing Hong Fengling face to face.

I have to say that this red phoenix is ​​not only talented, but also looks beautiful.

Generally, talented and beautiful female nuns are often more popular. This red phoenix is ​​among the true martial arts domains, and there are countless admirers.

Red Feng Ling's eyes were radiant and fiery, as if it were fiery, as if they could ignite wherever their eyes are, the amazing heat permeated the air.

"You are not my opponent." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said.

What Chen Zong said was naturally a fact, but it sounded too arrogant to Hong Fengling.

"Really, then try what strength you have on the top of the list of Zhenwu battle monuments." Hong Fengling grunted coldly, but his body was soaring.

"Then you get a shot," Chen Zongbu said.

The Red Phoenix Spirit is indeed a genius. It is even more brilliant than a junior genius. It may be close to a **** genius and its strength is also extraordinary.

But how about that.

Potential is potential, strength is strength, these are two concepts.

Potential means that in the future, it is expected to become more powerful and have more powerful strength, but strength is strength, and it is already strength.

Besides, the potential of this red phoenix is ​​not as good as its own strength.

Chen Zong was able to make a shot for the opponent once, it was already for the face.

The spirit of the red phoenix soared into the sky, his eyes became hotter, and a trace of fire rose from his body. Immediately, sharp and high-pitched screams rang out in all directions.

This tweet sounded a noble breath.

The fire rose and the flames burned, burning in the red phoenix, and eventually evolved into a phantom of a fiery phoenix. With wings spread out, a sky of flames scattered like a stream of flames, sweeping all directions.

"Tianfeng fierce fire!" With the sound of Hongfengling's voice sounding in all directions, the fierce phoenix shadow of his body suddenly slammed his wings, soared directly into the sky. After rushing to a height of tens of meters, the breathtaking breath that overwhelmed the whole world.

This breath of arrogance can not be ignored even if it is an ordinary middle-level semi-holy level.

This blow was the supreme blow of the Red Phoenix spirit.

If she wants to challenge Chen Zong, naturally she won't despise Chen Zong. When she hits, she will do her best.

The fierce phoenix phantom, which has a size of tens of meters, instantly fell down and fell down, as if it were a meteor. The terrible flames soared against the sky, and the flames burned, as if all around was burned to ashes.

The fiery phoenix approached Chen Zong for a moment, pecked suddenly, the strength of the whole body was concentrated on the sharp mouth.

This blow has been overwhelming.

"very scary!"

"It is indeed the first genius of Zhenwu Shangyu. This strength is really amazing." A middle-level semi-holy class was impressed.

To replace this blow with one's own, one must also face up and must show strength to deal with it.

But for Chen Zong, this need not be the case.

The fiery phoenix was shot down, and the heavy dragon sword in Chen Zong's waist was instantly sheathed and turned into a black light tearing the sky to kill the fiery phoenix.

Suddenly, Jianguang collided with the sharp mouth of the phoenix, a meal in the void, and the next breath, an astonishing mighty power burst out, and the dark light rushed away like a cross of the sea, destroying everything.

I saw the mighty phoenix phoenix crumbled under this blow, and eventually disappeared into the heavens and clouds.

Hong Feng Ling was extremely shocked, shocked to the extreme.

The blow of his full strength was blocked and defeated, which shows that Chen Zong's strength must be above himself.

Moreover, he hit it with all his strength, but looking at Chen Zong, it seemed that he did not do it with all his strength.

In other words, Chen Zong's strength is much stronger than himself.

After figuring this out, Hong Fengling's war will be restrained immediately.

"Next time, I will fight for you again." Hong Fengling's eyes gazed hotly at Chen Zong, without the frustration of defeat, but with high fighting spirit.

But now it is not Chen Zong's opponent, and next time, it is not an opponent. Although Hong Fengling's talents will continue to improve, Chen Zong is also talented and will continue to improve.

The gap will remain.

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