Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 37: Tianyuan Baptism

(Why the update of Liu Dao tonight is so late, because it will be a little burst)

The sky was dark and motionless, as if a large curtain was motionless, and it looked very unreal.

As if under the false sky, there is an endless barren field, the field is endless, the gray breath is permeating everywhere, and the wind blows, it seems that the barren is constantly pervading.

Dead, desolate, desolate.

Thousands of birds fly, thousands of people disappear!

The vitality of the world here is so thin that the practitioners will feel uncomfortable here, and there are hidden dangers.

In the face of fierce danger, even the strongest in the sanctuary may not be able to survive.

Therefore, very few people are willing to come here.

But at this moment, there is a figure across the sky at an amazing speed, passing under the curtain-like sky, leaving a long scratch, slowly dissipating in the air.

Ming Daozi looked cold, flying alone on the dead wasteland, and couldn't see any other life. Even the living vegetation was difficult to see. Looking down, he could only see the dull barren land and many broken.

It seems that a long time ago, there was a terrible war here, leading to this destruction and barrenness.

Indeed, this deadly wasteland, like the frozen sea of ​​ice, also originated from the war with the demons of the void in ancient times.

It's just that there is an opportunity for the ice emperor's mystery in the ice sea, but there is no opportunity left in the dead wilderness.

"Take a hundred people back this time, and when I can add some of my losses back then." Ming Daozi's eyes flashed with joy.

Thirty years ago, in the First World War, he fled and left the Tianyuan Sanctuary, leaving the Yuanyuan Sanctuary. He fled like a bereavement dog. Not only was he badly damaged, but he also suffered heavy losses, leaving only the same treasure.

Fortunately, I have left Cotai City, or else it will be more troublesome.

Now, in the past thirty years, all his injuries have recovered, and he just took a group of people back, so that he can make up for some of his losses that year.

As for the hatred of the year, wait for the opportunity to report slowly.

"It's a pity those geniuses." Ming Daozi's eyes flashed cruelly.

Those geniuses, especially the one named Chen Zong, seem to surpass the king-level genius. If you take it for your own use and cultivate it well, you will definitely have amazing achievements in the future.

But unfortunately, I do n’t have the patience to teach a disciple, and it ’s not suitable for teaching a disciple.

Moreover, I have no means to control the other party, or to dispel the idea of ​​taking it for my own use.

"It's just, I don't know how many of those 100 people can survive the baptism of Tianyuan?" Ming Daozi said secretly, he naturally hoped that more people would pass the baptism of Tianyuan, but he couldn't interfere with this.

At the peak of the holy realm, his strength is magnificent. Ming Daozi, as a strong person from the heavenly sanctuary, is also extraordinary. Holy power is magnificent and pure. Flying at such a speed, the consumption is not too large, so he can fly for a long time It is also possible to fly directly to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Time flies, and months pass, Ming Daozi finally crosses the dead wilderness.

Ahead of it is an amazing torrent-like torrent. The torrent is deep in color, with a touch of purple and a touch of blue rippling like the water of a waterfall falling from the sky.

At a glance, the water of this purple and blue waterfall is endless. I don't know how high it is, how wide it is on the edge, and how immense it is. In front of it, Ming Daozi looks extremely small, just like a small ant.

"Finally back." Ming Daozi stared at the huge endless waterfall, excited.

After a lapse of thirty years, he finally wants to return to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

With a flash of body, Ming Daozi turned into a stream of torrents that rushed towards that layer like a waterfall, but that was not actually a torrent, but a force. It was almost immaculate and almost turned into a liquid world.

This is also the barrier of the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary. The barrier formed since the War of the Ancients will block people outside the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary.

Ming Daozi who rushed into that layer of Tianyuan barrier kept making a mark with both hands. The mark turned into a streamer to surround the whole body, so that he would not be excluded by the power of Tianyuan barrier.

The people practicing in Cotai City immediately felt a breath of majestic to extremely vigorous to extremely pure and infiltrating from the outside, flooding the entire Cotai City at an alarming rate, which could not be resisted and spread directly to the crowd.

This power seems to contain an unparalleled power, but in a short period of time, some people can not afford to pass out.

One hundred geniuses, with a limit of ten breaths, fell into fainting one by one.

The majestic strength enveloped the whole body, carrying an astonishing coercion like Tianwei, the coercion came to his body, and his body was unable to move directly, as if imprisoned and suppressed.

Chen Zong played with all his strength, but found that this power was really too vigorous and majestic. His strength was in front of him, just like a snake and a dragon. No, it was bigger than this gap.

Power comes from the outside world. There is no doubt about this, but why is there such a force, Chen Zong doesn't know it, he has no clue and can't imagine it.

This power is immeasurably unparalleled, constantly infiltrating into his body from the outside, as if to break his body from the inside. In front of this power, whether it is his super-dragon or super-spirit Can't move.

The nine spiritual wheels were completely stopped by the suppression, and the external majestic force was constantly squeezed, and they were squeezed into their own spiritual wheels and into their muscles and muscles in a brutal and rough manner.

At the same time, bursts of tear-like pain came from the body. This kind of pain is like the innumerable swords squeezed into the body and twisted and cut.

Under the pressure of this terrible force, nine cracks appeared, spreading quickly, and the sound of clicking and clicking kept sounding, and the scene of Chen Zong's horror suddenly appeared.

The first spiritual wheel couldn't bear the pressure and broke apart. This spiritual wheel was connected with Chen Zong's body and blood, as if it were his own hands and feet. A broken, unspeakable pain swept the whole body.

But the body was suppressed by the bones and bones, unable to move at all, the soul's powerful willpower was extremely amazing, and he could only soberly bear the pain, making the pain more clear, more intense, and more terrifying.

One hundred geniuses had passed out of fainting, and were constantly impacted by powerful forces, and their bodies became chaotic and chaotic.

Suddenly, a muffled sound rang from the nose of a genius, and his body trembled suddenly, even the suppression of that powerful force could not be completely contained.

Immediately, blood spilled from his eyes, noses, ears and mouth.

Qiqiao bleeding!

Died by fate!

Tianyuan baptism is very good, but there is great danger. Those who cannot bear it will die under the impact of Tianyuan baptism.

One after another was fainting, but Chen Zong was still awake.

On the strength of the soul, Chen Zong is the highest. Therefore, such an impact will not allow Chen Zong to pass out, but he will not pass out, but will have to suffer more pain.

Chen Zong's facial features were almost distorted, a tiny bit of blood leaked out of the Qiqiao, it was too painful, and the spirit chakras collapsed. The pain was beyond words.

The Nine Spirit Wheels were all shattered, and the majestic power seemed to crush their bodies as well.


Among the terrible majestic forces, there was an astonishing coercion that fell into the sea of ​​knowledge, and seemed to break Chen Zong's knowledge of the sea.

This amazing power can not only target the physical strength, but also the knowledge of the sea.

Failure to survive is death, and survival is new.

At this moment, Chen Zong, hovering on the edge of severe pain, was nearing death.

The Tianyuan barrier is very long, Ming Daozi constantly shuttles, and the power of the Tianyuan barrier is constantly infiltrating into the Cotai City, and it is impossible to stop the slightest.

One hundred geniuses and ninety-nine fainted. Only Chen Zong was awake.

The reason is that Chen Zong's soul is extremely strong and can withstand this coercion.

Keeping awake, Chen Zong suffered tremendous pain, and at the same time, he felt the change of his body.



It feels amazing.

The pain is incomparable, and there is an indescribable comfort.

After the majestic pure power continued to destroy and destroy everything, he began to rebuild. Chen Zong could clearly see that everything in his body was changing and rebuilt.

The nine destroyed spirit wheels have also been reconstructed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The indescribable comfort permeates the whole body.

It seems the same.

Very cool.

After the severe pain, it was indescribable comfort.

It seems the same as cutting the veins.

"Did we already reach the Heavenly Sanctuary?" Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

When I first arrived from the lower realm to the Optimal Upper Realm, after a baptism, I felt like I was born and reborn, but I did not suffer any pain.

This time, however, it has suffered indescribable pain, and now it is comfortable.

More comfortable than it was then.

After the construction of the Nine Paths, the musculoskeletal membrane of the body seems to have undergone some kind of transformation, as if it was replaced with a new one, but it is extremely familiar. This is originally what belongs to you.

But Chen Zong was still keenly aware of the difference.

The structure of the visceral musculoskeletal muscle membrane is more compact, as if it was made of rough iron by continuous hammering and forging into fine iron. It is still iron, which has not changed in essence, but has a significant difference in density.

The practice of self-cultivation has not improved, nor has its strength increased, but its bearing capacity has improved significantly.

The Nine Spirit Wheels have also become closer, and it seems that they have also changed from iron golems to refined iron.

It seems that the super-spiritual power filled with the nine closer spiritual chakras has also undergone some changes, but for a while, Chen Zong couldn't tell what kind of changes it was.

But no matter what, it's a good thing that I have survived and changed.

Chen Zong speculated that it may have something to do with Tianyuan Sanctuary.

After all, from the records of various classics, Tianyuan Sanctuary is very different from other realms, which is close to the difference between two different worlds.

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