Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 38: Bad news

Inside the majestic Tianyuan barrier, a figure shuttled quickly, as if under the magnificent waterfall.

In Cotai City, all 99 people except Chen Zong were fainted. Only Chen Zong was still awake. The impact of the strength of the Tianyuan barrier caused Chen Zong to undergo some inexplicable changes, as if from rough iron to Like iron.

After a while, Ming Daozi rushed out of the Tianyuan barrier. Below it was a sea of ​​ocean, the deep blue waters calmed down, and it looked like a huge sapphire inlaid on the ground.

Ming Daozi inspected Cotai City while flying, his face suddenly changed.


"Even forty died, and the waste, even the baptism of Tianyuan, couldn't survive it. It was really waste."

Death of forty will undoubtedly greatly reduce their income.

The original one hundred can only make up for some of the losses that year, but now there are only sixty, and there are even fewer that can be made up.

Scolding and scolding, Ming Daozi also knows that the baptism of Tianyuan is not simple. People who are not in the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary must have a way to pass through the Heavenly Yuan barrier, and at the same time they will accept the Heavenly Yuan baptism.

In the final analysis, people who are not in the Tianyuan Sanctuary will not have the breath and mark of the Tianyuan Sanctuary. They will not be able to be accommodated in the Tianyuan Sanctuary. They will be suppressed and rejected at all times. They will not be able to stay in the Tianyuan Sanctuary for a long time. discount.

Only through the baptism of Tianyuan, you can transform yourself inside, outside, and outside, and imprint the seal of Tianyuan Sanctuary in order to be recognized by Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Although the Tianyuan Sacred Realm is located in the Lingwu Sacred Realm, it is much brighter than the other upper and lower realms, belonging to two levels.

In other words, Tianyuan Sanctuary is the center and essence of Lingwu Holy Realm, and it is the middle realm of Lingwu Holy Realm.

Tianyuan baptism not only allows people in the outer world to get the recognition of the Tianyuan Sanctuary, but also has the qualification to enter and stay in the Tianyuan Sanctuary permanently. It will also change the nature of the practitioner and make it undergo a transformation, which is more conducive to future cultivation.

Of course, this is good, and the bad is dangerous.

Tianyuan baptism contains fierce danger, not everyone can afford it.

As it is now, one hundred geniuses have been baptized in Tianyuan, forty have died, and the mortality rate is as high as 40%, which is very amazing.

This is still the mortality rate below the sanctuary. If the baptism of Tianyuan at the sanctuary level is even more terrible, the mortality is higher, at least 80%.

This is also the reason why many people are not willing to enter the sanctuary of heaven.

The mortality rate is too high, and the higher it is, the more terrible it is.

In Cotai City, Chen Zong practiced as usual. Once he practiced, he felt that the speed of the nine spiritual wheels was 10% faster than before.

As fast as 10%, it may not sound obvious, but the actual situation is very obvious. The rotation speed of 10% means that the explosion speed of 10% is more and more terrible.

But Chen Zong couldn't get up, and didn't know why. Suddenly there was a little anxiety in his heart.

It seems that something bad is about to happen.

Unsettled, the efficiency of the practice is also greatly reduced, and even the inadvertent practice.

"What the **** is going on?" Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly. This feeling of uneasiness did not appear in vain, but a kind of ability that emerged after understanding the heart sword true scriptures and grasping the mystery of the heart sword, just like a talent. ability.

When it comes to things that are related to them, they often have a weak sense when they are near.

This induction does not necessarily occur every time, but if it does, it will not go wrong.

This trip ... dangerous!

However, Chen Zong did not know where the danger came from, and that was not something he could reach.


clam down!

Calm down, Chen Zong thought.

If there is a sense of danger, then it can be concluded that this trip is dangerous and it is dangerous to enter the heavenly sanctuary.

Ming Daozi is a strong man who has reached the peak of the sacred realm. To make him feel dangerous, it is difficult to imagine how big it will reach everyone in Cotai City.

This is one of them.

The second reason is that Chen Zong himself is not willing to think about it, that is, the danger comes from Ming Daozi himself.

After some speculation, Chen Zong felt that the second possibility was more likely.

The danger comes from Ming Daozi itself.

In other words, the so-called Ming Daozi's so-called leading a genius into the heavenly sanctuary to worship his ancestors is not true.

In other words, at the beginning everything Ming Daozi said was a complete conspiracy.

Even the so-called entry into the heavenly sanctuary is false?

Think carefully!

But everything is just their own guess. It is uncertain how the facts are.


An empty enclosed room.

Ming Daozi wore a black robe, with a hood and a hood covering his body up and down, sitting on a chair with a black, cold-smelling table in the middle, and the same dress sitting across the table The man in the black robe also covered the whole body, exuding a cold and mysterious atmosphere.

"How many pieces of goods?" Ming Daozi's black robe said, his voice was cold gray, like rough metal rubbing. It was extremely harsh and sounded very uncomfortable.

With the sound of the sound, the original dark room seemed more gloomy.

"Sixty." Ming Daozi said in a low voice, looking more and more mysterious.

"You should be very clear about our rules. Although we are not afraid of trouble, we do not want to cause unnecessary trouble." The man in black robe said again.

"Rest assured, these sixty pieces of goods are not from the Heavenly Sacred Land, but from the outer land." Ming Daozi said.

"Oh." The man in black robe raised his voice slightly, and seemed a little interested, but he didn't ask much: "Well, since people who are not in the heavenly holy realm, there will be no trouble. Now, Take out the goods and look at the pricing. "

"I tell you, out of the sixty items this time, there are a few unusual items, one of which can even reach the king level, not the ordinary king level. I doubt it may reach the emperor level." Ming Dao Son said as he took out Cotai City.

"King level ... Emperor level ..." The man in the black robe smiled coldly and didn't care.

People outside the region, where the king-level emperor level, can reach the quasi-king level is good.

When the other party said so, it was undoubtedly to raise the value of the goods.

Ming Daozi controlled Cosmopolitan City, and suddenly, the golden light shone out, and the light flew forward to fall in the empty space of the secret room, and sixty figures appeared.

It was the geniuses who came from Zhenwu Shangyu with Ming Daozi. Because of the baptism of Tianyuan, forty died, and only sixty were left.

Sixty people, such as Chen Zong, originally stayed in Cotai City. They didn't know when they would be able to come out. They were suddenly rejected by an irresistible force and appeared here.

Each one was at a loss, and quickly reacted. Looking around, they immediately found themselves and others in a secret room. The light was dim and the atmosphere was cold, which made them very uncomfortable. Filled with every inch of air, it shuddered when it attacked the membrane.

Chen Zong's soul is the most powerful and the most perceptive. Standing here, he is very disturbed, as if he would be killed at any time.

The terrible evil that permeates the air is everywhere, insanely invading, sticking to the membrane, like the cheekbones, making Chen Zong feel slightly numb.

A terrible place, the sense of crisis in the heart rises instead.

"Senior Ming Dao, have we arrived yet?" A high-ranking semi-sage-level master asked subconsciously, which was a normal response.

After all, what they knew at the beginning was that they would enter Tianyuan Sanctuary with Ming Daozi, and then worship inside the gate to start cultivation.

But now it looks like something is wrong.

No one is a fool.

"It is indeed here." Ming Daozi laughed suddenly, and that laughter was very different from that in Zhenwu Shangyu. There was a kind of gloom and mockery.

Suddenly, everyone's hearts sank a little, Chen Zong's brows frowned, and the feeling of uneasiness grew stronger.


In an instant, as if the ancient fierce beast awakened from his deep sleep, the breathtaking cold and fierce scent of breath spread out from all directions in an instant, as if Foshan collapsed and collapsed like a tsunami.

Sixty geniuses from Zhenwu Shangyu gathered together, as if to be crushed and crushed, and the coldness was astonishing as the mountains, and everyone only felt that their bodies were torn apart.


This breath is terrible.

For a moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seemed that everyone was entering Jiuyou Hell, and it seemed to be frantically cut by the icy forest cold sword. It seemed to be fragmented.

One by one, their faces suddenly changed, and the working methods immediately urged one's strength to increase their momentum as much as possible to resist the impact of this cold and cold air.

"It's so strong." Chen Zong was also terrified. This kind of evil was even more arrogant than his own. It was simply beyond description.

To form such evil spirits, it is horrible to know how many souls will die.

For a moment, Chen Zong just felt like he had entered a sea of ​​wickedness, and he felt numb and hard to move.

Under the shock of this terrible evil spirit, some 60 geniuses began to collapse when someone couldn't bear it. Once collapsed, the cold evil spirit left.

One by one could not support the ground.

"This level is really average," said the black robe man secretly.

In the end, only a few people were still struggling to support, making the black robe man seem to look a little higher.

"It's okay," the man in the black robe secretly said.

But these people fell one by one, and in the end only two people remained, one was Hong Fengling and the other was Chen Zong.

Hong Fengling's consciousness has begun to blur at this time, her body is shaky, but she always has a strong belief to support her. Don't fall, you must hold on.

But the limit is the limit. In the end, Hong Fengling is still unwilling to fall down, leaving Chen Zong alone.

Chen Zong is still supporting, the powerful soul's amazing will, and the evil spirit itself is very powerful, so that it can support it.

However, the evil spirit converged from all directions. The evil spirit pressure that originally fell on other people was concentrated on Chen Zong at this moment, which made the pressure to the extreme.

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