Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 39: At a loss

In the empty and dense room, the cold, icy, and astonishing evil spirits raged.

The two black robe figures stood, all of them exuding amazing breath fluctuations, while there were fifty-nine figures lying on the ground, one of them was still struggling a little, it seemed unwilling to fall down, and wanted to stand up. .

The other figure was still standing, with his back straight like a sharp sword, resisting the shock and suppression of this evil spirit.

It is Chen Zong.

"A little skill." The man in black robe was a little surprised.

At this moment, the intensity of the evil spirit is very high, and it has completely reached the level of entering the sacred realm. The other party can still resist it. It seems that there is indeed a good one in this batch of goods.

After about 10 more breaths passed, the amazing sorrow suddenly dissipated, but after a short breath, it completely retreated like a tide and disappeared without a trace.

Chen Zongru was relieved, but did not dare to relax at all, his eyes stared at the man in black robe sharply.

Obviously here, the black robe talent is the leader, Ming Daozi is not.

"The fifty-eight people, each worth ten yuan of Yuandan, this person is worth one yuan of Yuandan, this person is worth ten days of Yuandan." Heipao said with a wave of his hand.

"Sir, I agree that each of the fifty-eight people is worth ten yuan, but the value of this person is definitely more than ten yuan, one hundred yuan." Ming Daozi bargained, pointing to Chen Zong.

Chen Wu ’s performance in the Zhen Wu battle in the real city of Shenwu Shenwu is clear in his eyes, but he can be sure that this person is at least a king-level genius, and it is difficult to say whether he is an emperor-level genius.

After all, the outer realm is not comparable to the heavenly realm. The level of practitioners in the outer realm is generally inferior to that of the heavenly realm.

The value of a king-level genius is very high.

"Whether or not, you choose, if you don't want to, take them away." The attitude of the Heipao people is very tough, and he does not give Ming Dao the opportunity to raise prices.

Do you want!

If you just want to pay the price, just don't take people away.

The face of Ming Dao under the black robe suddenly sank.

For a moment, Ming Daozi also flashed a lot of thoughts. On this land, there are not no black forces like Heixa, but there are other things. He can indeed take these people away and sell them to other black forces.

It's just a pity that many years ago, he happened to know some of the contact methods of the Hexa organization, but the other black forces were unclear.

Moreover, this area is the largest black force, and other large black forces are far away and cannot be found.

If you leave with everyone here, you still do n’t know when you will be able to sell it. As for the killing, it ’s a pity that you took it from Zhenwu Shangyu hard.

After some weighing, Ming Daozi compromised.

Eleven Tianyuan Dan plus 58 Diyuan Dan can be regarded as a fortune, barely in sight.

"I hope you all can live." Ming Daozi said to Chen Zong with a smile before leaving, as the others were fainted and could not hear.

"Take it away." The somber voice of the Heipao people sounded. Suddenly, there appeared to be figures wearing black clothes from all corners. The action quickly appeared around the people like ghosts, one by one, and quickly left.

Chen Zong only felt the dark shadow flash in front of him, and a terrible force directly struck his neck. The force was very cold and tricky and very weird. He broke all his defenses in an instant and became dark in a coma.

"Sixty new blood, I hope there are several outstanding generations." In the laughter of the black robe, the figure retreated like a ghost and disappeared into the dark back room.


The ticking sound seemed to be ringing in the ear, very subtle, but extremely clear.

Chen Zong's eyelids trembled slightly, and suddenly opened, a horrible brilliance like a sharp sword burst out of the blast, without thinking, but the body has already taken the lead in responding. As if waking up from his deep sleep, his power broke out instantly, roaring in his body.

The next breath, Chen Zong's face changed greatly.

The abstention was gone, neither the heavy dragon sword at the waist nor the wicked evil sword behind it.

How is this going?

The drizzle continued to fall, hitting his head, face, and body, and the cold spread, which caused Chen Zong to calm down quickly.

Every scene flashed through my mind.

Zhenwu Battle!

Cotai Strip!

Ming Daozi!

A dark and secret room!

Heipao people!

Terrible evil shock!

The pictures are coherent, and Chen Zong's thinking becomes clear.

There is no doubt that my previous feelings were correct, and the source of the uneasiness was the Ming Dao.

The so-called saying of bringing back the heavenly sanctuary to worship Zongmen is probably false.

But here, maybe in Tianyuan Sanctuary, just where exactly is Chen Zong confused.

Originally, I didn't know much about Tianyuan Sanyu, and Ming Daozi never said anything about it. Now, it is even more unknown.

I can only be sure that he was sold.

"I was sold." When this thought appeared, Chen Zong suddenly cried and laughed.

Since getting the sword of the heart, cutting the veins, washing the bones and reborn, and embarked on the road of cultivation, step by step through all kinds of difficult setbacks and dangers to the present, Chen Zong's experience can be regarded as rich, many times richer than many people of the same generation.

But Chen Zong couldn't think of it, one day he was sold.

Not only were they sold, but also other geniuses. I am afraid that this is the only special experience they have had since their birth.

Inwardly, an indescribable hilarity emerged.

But funny and funny, Chen Zong couldn't relax at all.

Do n’t know where you are and where you are going?

At a loss!


After some inspection, the remaining things of Chen Zong are the three life-saving secrets given by the three Taoists in Baiyun Mountain.

Big cloud explosion!

Flying Cloud Flying Sword!


The reason why these three secret treasures have not been taken away is probably because they are integrated into their own relationship and hidden in the body.

After getting these three kinds of secret treasures, Chen Zong realized that the three Taoism masters had good intentions.

Under normal circumstances, the power to reach the six levels of entering the sacred realm is very difficult. It can also be refined. After refining, it can also be integrated into its own body. It can be released with the urge of its own ideas. Stored in the Na ring and then removed to release more than ten times faster.

After all, if you take it out of the ring, no matter how fast it is, it will be noticed by the other party and respond.

But if it emerges from one's own body, it becomes more secretive, suddenly, and swift.

Another benefit is that the three secret treasures are integrated into themselves, which is more secure and not easy to be taken away.

As it is now.

It can be said that in addition to the three kinds of life-saving secret treasures and one body for strength, Chen Zong's **** sword seal is also there. Everything else is lost and all are taken away.

The person who took it is undoubtedly the person in the previous Heipao or related person.

The Chonglong Sword is a gift from Sister Yu Nianxin. It represents a friendship and must be taken back.

Cutting Yuejian is a gift from the Lianyun Taoist, and it must be taken back as much as possible.

Silent evil sword, this sword is too mysterious, Chen Zong is hesitant to get it back.

After all, the mystery of this sword is completely unaware of it, and it is not good to carry it, and it is not safe to carry it.

Check it out at that time.

For now, figure out where you are.

Examine carefully, except that the ring and the sword are taken away, everything is normal, and your strength is not affected in any way, but there is a weird black mark on the back of the left hand. Frigid cold waves.

Stepping forward, in the drizzle, Chen Zong walked forward.

Underneath is soft grassy ground, with puddles of puddles of water, and the drops of water dripping, it seems that there is a stream of light, the sky is gray, and the drizzle is endless.

In the distance, sparse trees stand in the wind and rain.

I don't know when the wind will be strong and the rain will intensify. The drizzle will turn into a downpour and down, and every drop of rain will become heavy and cold.

The rain became more and more intense and violent. Between the heavens and the earth blocked Chen Zong's sight, it seemed that he could see nothing. Every drop of rain contained a trace of cold and cold air, which made Chen Zong feel cold and boned.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's physique was very tyrannical, and his blood was also very vigorous, so he resisted it.

But that kind of evil spirit is also constantly influencing the mind in the invisible, very subtle, a little bit subtle, like warm water boiling frog.

For Chen Zong, the impact of this kind of evil gas interference is too subtle, even if it is a hundred times stronger, it will not have any impact ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, it is really not very comfortable under the heavy rain.

The strength fluctuated, the breath diffused, a barrier appeared to cover the whole body, and the heavy rain was immediately resisted.

The twinkles of his eyes flickered endlessly, and he stared at the front, taking into account both the left and right sides, and the spiritual knowledge also spread.

The suppression of spiritual knowledge is more obvious.

At this moment, the outside world, inside a secret room, round and round mirrors are suspended in the air, reaching hundreds and thousands.

Chen Zong appeared on one of the mirrors.

"The first person to be sober seemed to be a little capable," said the black-robed man in the secret room who was responsible for monitoring thousands of mirrors.

"It does have some skills, I heard that this child is worth ten Tianyuandan." Another black robe man also said.

"Oh, ten Tianyuandan, this value should be one of the best in this batch of new blood, which is very good."

"It's more than good, but I heard that Elder Yin started the Baisha array personally, and everyone else was fainted. Only this person supported to the end and kept awake."

"In this case, we will have an amazing newcomer in Heisha, maybe there is still some hope to go to that headquarters."

Some information was revealed during the conversation, but unfortunately, Chen Zong was not present, otherwise, depending on the conversation between the two, they might be able to guess some situations.

Now Chen Zong doesn't even know where he is. He can only take one step at a time.

The torrential rain continued, and it came and went as quickly as possible, but in about a quarter of an hour, the torrential rain turned into a drizzle until it stopped.

After the rain, the ground was covered with water, but the sky was still grey, there seemed to be dark clouds, and it seemed to rain again at any time.

Chen Zong also saw a figure flying from a distance.

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