Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 40: Situation (on)

(Four more, ask for a monthly ticket)

After the drizzle, the air is extremely humid. With a sip, there is a fragrance of grass. The fragrance has a pungent pungent smell, and it is difficult to say exactly what the smell is.

A swift motion like a slick light film flew across the grass, the terrible wind cut across like a sword, chopped off countless dark green grass, and the swarf fluttered with the air sweeping behind him. The front rushed out, with a little bit of sadness.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the figure approaching himself at an astonishing speed.

It was a cold-looking young man. When he saw himself, he seemed to find a prey. The corner of his mouth hung a hint of cricket. His eyes were dazzlingly cold, as if he wanted to penetrate everything.

The icy coldness mixed with the chill after the rain came like a storm.

Chen Zong stood still, waiting for the other party to arrive.

"Seeing that I didn't leave, is I sure ... or is this person new?" The young man who flew by thoughts flashed through his face and name in his mind. By comparison, he knew that this person It should be new.

The newcomers are stupid and completely ignorant of the situation.

In this case ...

The smirk and moping on the youth's face disappeared, and the icy gaze was restrained, with a mild smile, it seemed that it suddenly changed from killing to friendly.

The two are far apart, thousands of meters away, and the expression on this young man's face is also very subtle. Between changes, it is difficult to judge the change without a caring person and observing the details.

However, Chen Zongwu felt sharp, and immediately saw its changes clearly.

"Hello friend, my name is Guiyi, what do you call it?" The youth appeared in front of Chen Zong, his face was permeated with a sense of modesty and friendliness, and he looked harmless.

If Chen Zong hadn't seen the cold in the eyes of the other person and the corners of his mouth, he would probably have been blinded.

"Chen Zong." Chen Zong stared at the other person, reported his name, and carefully observed any slight expression on the other side.

However, the other person heard his own name, but there was nothing strange, just a normal smile a little more.

"But Brother Chen doesn't know the situation here?" Guiyi asked with a smile.

"Ask?" Chen Zong moved slightly.

I did n’t know what was going on here, but my eyes were confused, and it was time to understand the information.

"It's called Yusha Secret Realm." Ghost Wing didn't seem to hide it, and said with a smile.

"Yu Sha secret realm?" Chen Zong frowned slightly. "How can I leave?"

"Leave ..." Ghost Wing seemed surprised, and walked at random, then immediately smiled bitterly: "Brother Chen, entering Yusha's secret realm and leaving is not an easy task, only if one condition is met, that is ... ... "

At the moment when the voice had not fallen, a terrible killing suddenly broke out from the strange heart, the eyes were cold and icy, the force of power burst out, and the whole person burst into an instant, as if looking at the prey and finding the best The timing of the poisonous snake.

Very close, but only two meters.

For ordinary people, it takes a little time to cross the two meters, but for the practitioners with high strength, the two meters are only instantaneous and instantaneous.

This was a long-planned blow, and it was also a lore. It only required to kill the opponent, leaving no room for it.

From laughing to talking about violent shooting and killing moves, the whole process is changing very quickly, like lightning and thunder. If you change to a more general practitioner, you can't resist it. Immortality will also be severely damaged, making it difficult to show your strength.

But from the beginning, Chen Zong has remained highly vigilant, and even if the other party's attitude changed, Chen Zong was not relaxed.

The moment the opponent shot, Chen Zong felt.

This attack was as weird, treacherous, and terrifying as the venomous snake came out of the hole. The icy coldness covered Chen Zong's whole body.

One hit kill!

But in a moment, a trace of pride in Ghost Wing's eyes disappeared, replaced by shock.

This long-planned mortal blow didn't hit the opponent. What was hit was just an afterimage.

So fast!

Good response!

So fast!

At the moment when the thought just rose, but there was no time to make other responses, a palm of arms carrying the horrible force to destroy the mountains was bombarded behind him.

Ghost Wings can clearly hear the sound of the shattering of the power of the body, the sound of the bones breaking behind, and even the sound of their blood irritating the viscera being squeezed to be broken.

A horrible high temperature rushed into the body like a torrent of magma, as if to burn the body, the blood spewing out emits amazing heat, and when it is sprinkled on the wet grass, the water vapor rises and Up.

One palm!

With just one palm, the ghost wings with low-level semi-holy strength were severely damaged, and the fiercely hot force was surging in the body, as if to completely destroy the body and burn it completely.

The whole body of Ghost Wings fell forward to the ground, covered with heat and weakness, struggling to get up for a while, but suddenly it seemed as if a mountain was heavily pressed on its back.

It was a foot, and that foot was on the back, so humiliating that he couldn't move, just like a mountain.

"Tell everything you know." Chen Zong stepped on the other's back with one foot. The arrogant force made it difficult for the other to move, and he was directly suppressed. His eyes looked down with a chilly, high-pitched voice, and his voice was unshaken .

From the beginning, Chen Zong saw the jealousy and murder on his face, but he didn't know what the idea was and then converged, but Chen Zongke did not relax his vigilance and kept watching the other side.

As soon as the other party shot up, Chen Zong had full control.

Of course, this is also because the other party is only a low-order semi-holy level. Although the strength is good, by comparison, it is a bit more powerful than the ordinary low-order semi-holy level in Zhenwu Shangyu. limited.

In fact, even if Chen Zong didn't evade, with his own defense, it was enough to resist the attack of the opponent.

After all, Chen Zong's super-spiritual power is very tyrannical, forming a layer of protection, plus the protection formed by a super-dragon power, as well as the defense brought by strong physique.

Full triple defense, there is no mid-level semi-holy level attack, I would like to break open.

This man claims to be a ghost wing, and he also called this place Yusha's Secret Realm. Obviously, he knows a lot of information and just asks him to relieve his doubts and confusion.

Only in the face of Chen Zong's forcing, but the other side did not open his mouth.

The right foot exerted a slight force, and amazing power burst out, stepping on it instantly, as if to break the body, the terrible power blasted into the body through the back to destroy it arbitrarily, leaving the body of the ghost wing uncontrollably.

"Don't say, I will crush your bones inch by inch." Chen Zong's tone brought a touch of sensibility: "If you say it, maybe you will be spared."

For those who want to kill themselves, Chen Zongsu has never been softhearted. This time, he did not directly kill the other party, but also because he wanted to learn some information from the other party's mouth.

If the other person's information satisfies himself, it is not impossible to spare the other's life.

Ghost Wing was horrified. He could hear the decisiveness in Chen Zong's words. It was definitely not a threat, but he would really do it.

One inch inch of bone was crushed, and the pain and torture was enough to make people crush.

"I said ..." Guiyi gritted his teeth and said with resentment, "After you finish, give me a happy moment."

He thinks that Chen Zong will not let him go.

Forgiving each other's lives is sometimes an excuse.

"This is Yusha's secret realm. It is a place where Heixa cultivates new blood." The ghost wing opened his mouth and Chen Zong listened carefully, after receiving all kinds of information, and then resolved his guess based on his own thinking.

This ghost wing talked a bit, but in fact he didn't know much, just the basic information, and some others were hearsay and his own guess.

However, this also allows Chen Zong to have a more real understanding of his situation.

In this world, there is day and night, there is light and darkness, where there is justice, there is evil, and everything is in opposition to each other.

Heisha, this is a black force organization, active in darkness, destroying and killing everywhere.

Heisha's enemies are naturally those who practice the right path in the sun.

Chen Zong never thought that he would one day become a practitioner of the dark forces.

However, as Ghost Wing said, Chen Zong knew that it was not that simple.

As a huge black force, Heisha's structure is very complicated ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ghost Wing is also unclear, just mentioned in a word.

Regardless of whether it is the right path or the underworld, of course, it is impossible to exist in a vacuum, and it needs sufficient manpower, sufficient masters, and strong enough to be able to operate in order to continue its long-term existence and continue to strengthen.

Therefore, Heixa will constantly recruit new people, which they call new blood.

The recruiting method of Heisha is not the same as the recruiting method of righteous forces. There are looting, buying, and semi-voluntarily entering Heisha.

Sixty geniuses from Zhenwu Shangyu, such as Chen Zong, entered Heisha by means of purchase.

Ming Daozi brought Chen Zong and others to Tianyuan Sanctuary and sold it to Heisha, and got a fortune from it. Heihe paid some fortune, but got a batch of new blood. This is a win-win approach.

However, after entering Heixa, he did not immediately become a member of Heixa, but first accepted the test of Heixa.

The strong survive and the weak survive.

Elimination often means death and a stepping stone to others.

This ghost wing came a few months earlier than Chen Zong, who belonged to the semi-voluntarily entering Heisha.

Yusha's secret realm is the place where Heixa's new blood is cultivated. Only when he gathers a hundred Yusha's mark in Yusha's secret territory can he leave Yusha's secret realm and truly become a member of Heixa.

As for the method of obtaining the rain mark, it is very simple and straightforward, that is to kill.

Everyone who enters Yusha's Secret Realm will be taken away everything, and then put the Yusha mark on the back of his hand. Only by killing the other party can he capture the other's Yusha mark.


This is the only way to take the opponent's rain mark.

It's cruel.

"Give me something," Guiyi said, his tone calming down.

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