Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 41: Situation (below)

"Let's go." Chen Zong retracted his right foot and said without Xu Xuji.

Suddenly, Ghost Wing thought he was dead. After telling all his information, he just asked for a happy one.

"Really let me go?" Guiyi asked in surprise, Chen Zong ignored him, and Guiyi smiled immediately: "If you let me go, I won't be grateful to you. On the contrary, if I have a chance, I will not hesitate To you. "

"Then you have only one way to go." Chen Zong's answer was very direct.

The reason why Ghostwing was let go this time is because Ghostwing has given him a lot of information. In addition, the ghostwing man is not a kind of cartilage, although he is very hot.

Moreover, with this person's strength, there is no threat to himself.

"Maybe, but here, there can't be any kindness and tenderness, otherwise it will only kill yourself." The ghost wing's voice fell, his body flashed, and it turned into a rushing wind, away from Chen Zong quickly.

"Heart is kind and soft." Chen Zong could not help but smile.

Of course, perhaps for those who came to Yusha's Secret Realm earlier, they were a little soft-hearted, but Chen Zong didn't feel anything special.

He did not kill for killing.

However, now that I have basically figured out some situations, in order to leave this rainy secret as soon as possible, it is necessary to kill some people.

Because it is only by killing that you can capture the Yusha mark.

One hundred!

Counting one that you have, you have to kill ninety-nine people. Of course, it may not be necessary. For example, the person killed by himself may have many rain marks.

"I have nothing now, I have to get a sword first," Chen Zong said secretly.

Practice your own sword, almost all of your strength is on the sword, with or without a sword, the strength varies greatly.

Moreover, ordinary swords are not good enough to bear their own super-spiritual power.

Speaking less, it must be Jiupin Magician.

The eight-pin spirit is too reluctant.

Suddenly, Chen Zong came up with an idea. When was the Jiu Pin Pin artifact out of his eyes, he was still very happy to get the 4 Pin Pin artifact.

Before long, there was a drizzle.

This is called the Yusha Secret Realm, and it is precisely because there is often rain.

"Yes, this child can easily defeat a low-level semi-holy level. On the level of genius, it belongs to the Hou level, and it is still a relatively strong Hou level."

"So what, the kind-hearted soft lady's heart, live shortly." The two men in black robes inside the surveillance room stared at the scene on the mirror. Although they couldn't hear the sound, they could see that Chen Zongming was there Opportunity to kill the other side, but let the other side away, then disdain.

In Heixa, soft-heartedness is the biggest taboo.

Not only Heisha, but also among other dark forces.

One of the necessary conditions is why the dark forces can survive and grow under the pressure of the righteous forces.

Those who are not fierce enough either die in the hands of the practitioners of the dark forces, or die in the hands of the practitioners of the right path.

"It's better that we bet on whether this child can get out of the rain." A black robe man suggested.

"Okay, so, then bet on Tianyuandan," said another man in a black robe.

"One ..." The black robe man who offered to bet on the bet immediately surprised: "No, no, no more than fifty yuan."

"Fifty yuan Yuandan is fifty yuan Yuandan." Those in black robes who spoke of a Tianyuandan didn't care. In fact, it was very high for them to bet a Tianyuandan.

Even if it's fifty yuan Yuandan, that's a lot.

Wealth, often related to strength, is relative.

Strong strength, sitting on more wealth, and weak strength sitting on more wealth, is the original sin.


Yu Sha's secret realm is not small, Chen Zong flew forward alone, while paying attention to the consumption of power.

Here, it is difficult to find things that supplement one's own strength, such as elixir, there is almost nothing.

Therefore, we must always pay attention to the consumption of our own power, and slowly absorb the free air and air in the air to replenish ourselves, and make sure that our spirit and spirit are always at the peak.

Here, resupply is very difficult. Although you can sustain your life without eating, you have to calculate everything else.

Chen Zong thought a little and was surprised.

This Heixa way of cultivating new blood is really strict and terrible.

As the forces of darkness, of course, they will not often appear in the sun like the practitioners of the right path. They will lurk, hide, etc. These are the abilities that must be mastered, but also learn to face various harsh environments to ensure In order to survive better in the harsh environment, even in desperate circumstances, we must try our best to survive.

To be ruthless to others and to yourself.

It's as if you're budgeting, using every penny to the extreme.

A ray of light appeared on the gray sky, attracting the attention of Chen Zong, and also attracting the attention of others in Yusha.

"That's ... delivery of materials."

Everyone who enters Yusha's secret realm will be taken away from their appetites, weapons, etc., each of them will be thrown here with bare hands and empty punches. In this way, those who practice palm, boxing, fingering, and legging will have an advantage And those who cultivate weapons will lose their advantages.

But this has not always been the case.

Weapons also exist in this rainy mystery, but whether we can get them depends on luck.

However, the weapons existing in the secret territory are relatively ordinary weapons.

To get more powerful weapons, there is only one source, that is, the release of materials.

There are no regular rules for the release of materials.

It may be delivered once a few days, it may be delivered only a dozen days, or even more than a month.

And the materials put in are not single, sometimes they are weapons, they may be one or several kinds, sometimes they are elixir and so on.

I just do n’t know what the supplies will be this time.

According to the ghost wing, each time a material is put in, it will attract a group of people to go there. This will lead to a deadly battle. A group of people will be killed or injured, and someone will take the material before it ends.

The survival of the strong and the death of the weak are iron laws.

"No matter what the material, you should always take a look. Maybe it will be useful to me." Chen Zong secretly said, as soon as his body unfolded, he quickly flew away where the light fell.

"The new supplies are mine." A bald young man grinned, his eyes burst out with an amazing cold light, and stepped out, as if leaping away like a tiger in the mountains, with an amazing speed.

"I hope this batch of supplies is useful." The young man in a scarlet robe relented, the whole body was filled with scarlet mist, and the whole person seemed to lose weight and flutter forward, as fast as a blast.

"The new supplies, those who go, will die in my hands." There was a scar on his face, and the young man who almost divided the front face into two licked his lips. His narrow eyes were horrified. Damn, the scar seemed to be more horrifying, like a red cricket creeping, a glance will make the timid person weeping and fainting.

With a bang, the beam of light fell like a meteor, bombarded the land in Yusha's secret place, and directly exploded a pothole, causing the ground to shake endlessly.

I saw a whole dark box inlaid in the pit.

There was a click, and the black boxy metal box slowly opened, and a few rays burst out.

"Three things are mine." The person who arrived first didn't hesitate, and immediately broke out at a faster speed, stepping out like lightning, approaching those three things that released all kinds of light, grabbed them with a big hand. , They intend to grab those three things, and then quickly leave here.

However, when he was approaching those three things, and was about to take it away, a terrible breath radiated from a distance.

It was a fiercely intense cold light, tearing the sky like a cold lightning, penetrating through layers of rain and shooting.

Fast, ruthless, and accurate!

The first person who arrived here to take away the three materials suddenly changed his face. He didn't hesitate to give up the three materials, and performed to the utmost to bring up a few phantoms, and quickly fled away.

That scorching light penetrated all the afterimages, and the terrible power contained in it even shattered all of them.

With a bang, the cold and lightning-like light hit the grass, it exploded instantly, and the terrible force hit all directions. It shattered countless dark green grass and sputtered all directions, blasting a pit of several meters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The shaman's binding power is very strong, it can blast a few meters of potholes, and its power is extraordinary.

I saw a young man wearing silver armor holding a silver long bow in the distance, and opened the bow again. There was no arrow, but a ray of light condensed and stretched on it. It turned into a sharp arrow and aimed at the previous target. Out.

"Stop me, then kill you first." The first one who rushed screamed and turned into a blast, but his body changed erraticly and rushed towards the other side.

Avoid the opponent's rays and arrows to shoot at the same time, approaching quickly.

The third light arrow condenses again, but it does not shoot out slowly, but slowly adjusts and moves slowly. The bow-bearer's face is cold, his eyes are extremely cold and full of murder.

Here, either killing or being killed, have long been prepared and conscious.

100 meters!

The man had been deceived within a hundred meters and kept approaching.

It is disadvantageous for the bow holder to be bullied by the opponent.

Fifty meters!

The killing on the opponent's face was very clear, and the evil spirit contained in his eyes was extremely strong.

With a loose finger, the light and arrow suddenly shot out of the air, and the speed was astonishing. It flashed across the sky like a lightning, passing by in just 50 meters.

The man's pupils contracted sharply, but at the most critical moment he suddenly moved away from the body, avoiding the ray of arrows, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Thrilling, it was extremely thrilling for an instant, but he avoided it, and the distance was continuously shortening and approaching. Within a short period of time, he could bully himself and kill the other party.

The moment the thought just rose, there seemed to be another flash of light. Immediately, I felt only a pain in my heart, it seemed to be directly penetrated by some terrible power, and the whole heart was also shattered instantly.

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