Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 42: Sword start

The drizzle is endless and the rain is killing.

The bow-bearer smiled coldly, his eyes flashed a bit of evil spirit, then grabbed each other's palm, and seized the rain-stained mark on the back of his opponent's hand.

The capture of Yusha's mark was nothing more than a dying thing, and the man immediately flew away to those three materials.

But at this moment, there are already others rushing here.

Every time the supplies come, it will trigger a **** battle, which will spread widely, and this time it is the same.

When Chen Zong arrived, he saw four figures fighting fiercely.

Every figure has an amazing evil spirit. On the one hand, it is affected by the secret atmosphere of Yusha. On the other hand, it is formed by continuous fighting and killing.

Yuqi secretly kills others, the cohesion of evil spirit is very obvious.

The arrival of Chen Zong naturally attracted the attention of the four people in the melee. Suddenly, four amazing evil spirits spread out and locked Chen Zong far away.

Each of the four evil spirits is different.

The evil spirit is also a kind of breath. How the breath is related to the practitioner.

These four evil spirits are not weak, all of them reach the low-level semi-holy level, it seems to be a little stronger than that ghost wing, but it is nothing to Chen Zong, even if there is no sword in their hands, they are difficult to threaten To Chen Zong.

To be able to threaten Chen Zong who has no sword available in his hand, unless it is a mid-level semi-holy level.

The four seemed to have a tacit understanding. At the same time, when they locked Chen Zong, they all stopped, and then they made a move against Chen Zong.

Four terrible attacks exploded in an instant, and the astonishing force tore the ground, and numerous grasses broke and shattered like a tide.

"Broken!" Chen Zong's eyes flashed brilliantly, one palm raised between the fierce super-dragon force surging, and the palm of his hand was passing by like a roulette, sending out an astonishing mighty power and instantly killing Out.

This palm can destroy the mountains and destroy Yue.

With this palm, the mountains are down.

Lie Shan Palm!

Since Chen Zong practiced this trick, he rarely used it, but over time, with Chen Zong's enlightenment, this palm became more mastered and the power became stronger.

One palm blasted out, terrifying power came out like a volcanic eruption, crushing everything,

The power of this palm was terrible. All the four attacks that were immediately bombarded were crushed, and Chen Zong quickly approached the three shining objects.

Vaguely, through that light, Chen Zong could see those three things.




"Sword!" Chen Zong's eyes flashed with brilliance. The sword must be obtained. As for the elixir, it can be obtained. The shield does not matter.

Approaching shields is of no use to them, the sword is the most important.

Chen Zong was extremely fast, as fast as a blast, and as light as a feather, he went directly to the swords of the three shining things.

Hold the sword in your hand first, and then you will have a place to use your sword skills, and your strength will be better able to come out.

The moment Chen Zong approached those three materials.

"Dead!" The terrible voice sounded suddenly, and the terrifying scourge came like a raging storm. A stunning light came with the terrible power of it, and it seemed to split the earth and tear the sky. .

This blow suddenly changed the face of Chen Zong's hair.

In the corner of my eyes, a glimpse of an overbearing black mang came as a round of huge moonshots. As the road passed by, the ground was torn directly. This blow has surpassed the ordinary middle-level semi-sacred level and is close to the high-order half-sacred level. The level is enough to threaten Chen Zong.

And this slash is not only powerful but also very flexible, locking Chen Zong, it seems inevitable.

When Chen Zong moved, it seemed that he was also led by the air machine to change direction, and then beheaded again.

In the next breath, there were two dark moonlights that smashed into the air, forming a siege circle, further blocking Chen Zong, and attempting to kill Chen Zong on the spot.

On the other side, a blood beam quickly approached, aiming directly at those three materials.

The four people who had been in chaos immediately stopped, all killing the **** figure.

"Go!" The blood-colored figure drank coldly, his voice was full of shocking anger, and his sleeves waved, and he suddenly rolled up the terrible blood-colored vigor, and that vigour sent out an amazing roar, as if the sea was roaring, There was a terrible horror, and Han Han was like a sword.

The power of a single blow was fully exhibited, as if it could break the mountains and break the mountains, making the four people's faces suddenly change, and more powerful forces broke out.

The four of them are low-grade semi-holy, and the person who arrived here is middle-grade semi-holy.

Under normal circumstances, there is a big gap between the strength of the low-order semi-holy level and the middle-order semi-holy level.

Chen Zong blasted out with a palm of his hand, and Lie Shanzhang gave out amazing power, instantly destroying the front, but at the moment of collision with the dark light, the strength of Lie Shanzhang was defeated.

Chen Zong ’s cultivation practice is indeed good, and a blow from the strong palm is enough to defeat the ordinary low-level semi-holy level, but it is not enough. Level is not an opponent.

Super-spiritual operation, Chen Zong also refers to as a sword, Jianguang shocked a sword to draw out, that Jianguang as lightning fast fiercely shot through the air.

Jian Guang shattered again, and the two remaining moon rays continued to kill to the air.

A tall and strong figure approached quickly with a giant axe, and its shape jumped into the mid-air of tens of meters, and then fell like a meteor. The giant axe burst into a powerful force when the empty axe united.


The axe was cut off, and the power was shocking. It seemed that the ground would be shattered. The terrible courage shrouded hundreds of meters in a circle, and the blood robe figure was suddenly made. Alas, terrified.

The power of this axe is really terrible, as if it were groundbreaking. Under the pressure of this axe, the five people's faces changed drastically, feeling like they were going to be split and crushed.

too terrifying.

"High-order semi-holy level!" Chen Zong looked dignified.

The power of this axe has suddenly reached a high-level semi-holy level, and it contains a momentum to suppress everything, as if it were a mountain of axe. Can resist this violent blow directly.

The pressure is great, like a mountain, but not enough for Chen Zong.

The burst of power broke the pressure instantly, and if the flying sword stepped out, it turned into an extremely fast sword light. It flew across the sky and went straight to the sword among the three materials.


That axe was cut off directly, and the huge black axe lighted down as if the sky was falling, crushing everything, and the power of terror erupted in an instant.

The 100-meter circle is within the envelope of this attack, and the Blood Robe and the four low-level semi-holy levels have already retreated.

They all knew the horror of the giant axe.

Axe Demon!

This man is called an axe, and it is said that as many as ninety people have died under his giant axe.

In fact, he has gathered enough Yusha marks to leave Yusha's secret place, but instead of leaving, he continues to stay here, and seems to enjoy this thrill of killing.

One of the most unsuspecting people in the entire Yusha secret realm is this axe.

No one can stop the axe from killing.

This man didn't run away, but wanted to fight with the axe demon, and wanted to take the risk to seize the supplies.

The five men stopped fighting and looked at the axe and the man who didn't know how to live or die. Soon after, that person would be crushed and crushed by the axe of the axe like everyone else in the past, and died extremely miserably.

Under the axe of a dozen meters, the ground shook endlessly, like a tremor of a magnitude tens, and the terrible power turned into a shock wave, sweeping away, raging in all directions and crushing everything.

The intensity of this wave is so fierce that the ordinary mid-level and semi-holy levels must retreat, otherwise they will suffer.

But when this terrible wave hit Chen Zong, it only made Chen Zong's speed faster.

Reaching for a hand, catching the light, the super-spiritual movement, the light shattered to reveal the sword in it.

The sword is three feet and three feet long, and the body is ice-blue in color.

"Jiupin Spirit." Chen Zong judged the level of the sword as soon as it started.

Jiu Pin Spirit, this level is a bit low, but it can still withstand its own power infusion.

In this way, with a sword in hand, his strength can be better exerted.

The axe fell to the ground, and the giant axe swept across the sky, as if sweeping thousands of troops, bringing out the terrible light, the light was overbearing and violent and sharp, as if carrying the weight of a mountain to beheaded.

Far away, the five of them felt terrible power fluctuations and came to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

Chen Zong's sword, the sword light ice blue, like a cold ice cast, stroke it a little, hit the violent axe blade that was cut and killed, the axe blade suddenly, the axe's look changed slightly. , Just feel that the sword just hits his weak strength of this axe.

"Dead!" Suddenly, the axe demon's arms swelled, and the arrogant power broke out again. An axe jumped out of amazing power and bombarded again.

Chen Zong leaped with the strength of that sword, and volleyed straight up and down with a sword.

The ice-blue sword turned into a sharp scorching moon and shot down.

"This guy is so strong!"

"You can fight axe demon."

The four low-level semi-holy levels were shocked, and they were frightened.

Only then the four of them attacked Chen Zong. If it wasn't for the axe, the four of them would face each other directly. According to such a comparison of strengths, the four of them were not opponents at all and would die.

The thought of this, the four sweat exuded on the foreheads, heart trembling.

The blood-robed man stared at Chen Zong with cold eyes, and his expression became more gloomy.

"This person hasn't seen this kind of strength. It can't be an unknown person."


"This person is new."

It's too scary to think that this place is getting even more shocked.

Moreover, although the other person ’s breath fluctuations are strong, they are not semi-holy, in other words, this person is not yet semi-holy, but only transcendental.

How could a transcendental state have a face-to-face battle with an axe demon with high-level semi-sacred strength without losing, or even falling behind?

How could such a genius appear here.

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