Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 44: Yun Jian

How big Yusha's secret realm is, Chen Zong doesn't know, but Yusha's secret territory is often drizzle, sometimes it turns into torrential rain, rarely when the rain stops.

This kind of humidity will undoubtedly make people feel uncomfortable. If you use your strength to resist, the strength will be continuously consumed, and the replenishment will be slow, but if you do not use your own strength to resist, your body will be wet.

The nuances may seem simple, but their meanings are not ordinary.

In Yusha's secret territory, there is no day or night. The sky is always gray and gloomy. Therefore, it is difficult to feel the accurate passage of time.

Chen Zong judged by the small means left in King Taiyuan's memory that he had been in this secret place for fifteen days.

"I've got thirty-eight rain marks." Chen Zong glanced at the back of his left hand.

After fifteen days, Chen Zong kept walking around and encountered other people. He fought and killed each other to seize the other side's mark of rain.

In addition to capturing more than 30 marks of Yusha, Chen Zong also knows more about Yusha's secret realm.

At present, there are three strongest people in Yusha's secret realm. Axe Demon is one of them, which is ranked second, and there is one of the most terrible people, called Daosha.

Of course, Chen Zong is not clear. Now he has become a strong person in many people's hearts, juxtaposed with the axe and other three men, and poses a great threat.

"I want to get a hundred rain marks as soon as possible." Chen Zong said secretly.

In any case, it is better to leave as soon as possible. It is best to have the opportunity to break away from this black evil organization. Chen Zong is not interested in the so-called dark forces.

Perhaps for Chen Zong, there is no absolute justice, no absolute evil, no absolute light, and no absolute darkness, but the forces of darkness are the forces of darkness, and dislike is dislike, and nothing else.

Three days later, there are as many as fifty-three marks of Yusha on the back of Chen Zong's left hand. Among them, several are from the genius of Zhenwu Shangyu.

Together with their own 60 geniuses in Zhenwu Shangyu, they have also entered this Yusha secret realm. They are still alive and have learned all kinds of information. Naturally, they will not let go of any opportunity to kill Yusha's mark.

Coupled with the constant interference and influence from the evil spirits inside, it becomes more aggressive invisibly. When Chen Zong is seen, it is inevitable that he will do something to Chen Zong.

Since he wanted to kill himself, then Chen Zong would not be merciful, but directly killed and seized the Yusha mark.

Here is the weak meat and strong food.

Of course, you can also join forces. For example, now, Chen Zong met two people who joined forces.

Both of them have mid-level and semi-holy practice and strength.

"Kill!" The two men didn't make any nonsense. When they saw Chen Zong, they launched an attack without hesitation.

Sometimes people die from talking too much.

The two were very decisive, killing one left and one right at once, the double knives brought the extremely cold silver light of the forest, cutting the air like a silver silk thread, and cutting through the drizzle.

Amazing evil spirits are also integrated into the silver swordman, with the ultimate killing power to kill without hesitation.

The cooperation of the two was extremely clever, blocking all the evasion routes of Chen Zong, but did Chen Zong need to dodge?

The answer is no.

When the sword in the right hand was turned upside down, it brought a touch of ice-blue light across the sky, and the ice-cold breath spread away instantly, and the sword was absolutely empty.

This sword does not see the sword body, except for a ray of extreme light, extremely fast, as if a thunderbolt tearing the sky.

The three rays of light lit up instantly, staggered, and then went out in an instant.

Chen Zong's sword named Bingfeng Sword was lifted again. The two middle-level semi-sages holding the long and narrow silver knives stood still, maintaining the posture of slashing, as if turning into two statues. same.

The two men's faces twitched slightly, seemingly struggling, and there was a reluctance in their eyes. Eventually, they faded, their breath quickly disappeared, their vitality passed away, and there were sword marks on their necks, each of them reddened.

One sword!

With just one sword, Chen Zong beheaded and killed the two men, and their terrible sword gas destroyed their vitality.

After beheading, it is natural to harvest.

The swords of these two people are only the eight-pin magic weapon. Chen Zong did not accept the ring and discarded them directly. The only thing that was useful was the two people's rain marks.

Not just one.

One is twelve and the other is thirteen. The total is twenty-five.

Counting the fifty-three rainstorm marks that you already have, the total reaches seventy-eight.

Seventy-eight lanes are also very close to one hundred lanes.

After all, some people don't just have a rain mark.

According to what Chen Zong learned these days, in addition to the sixty people from the realm of the realm, many people also entered the same group. In other words, there are at least thousands of people in this Yusha secret territory, and they are separated by a period. Time will add a batch, at least a few hundred or nearly a thousand.

In other words, this Yusha secret realm has been running, someone has been dead, and someone has been leaving.

When Guiyi saw Chen Zong from a distance, he first looked at him, then turned around and left without hesitation.

He clearly remembered that the last time he faced Chen Zong, he made a surprise attack and not only did not take any advantage, but he was beaten to death. There is a huge gap between them.

Besides, I heard a message not long ago that this person was shaking the axe positively without falling into the wind, and even finally made the axe to put an end to the war himself. The strength is really terrible.

Don't you run away when you meet such a murderer, do you still have to wait for death?

Chen Zong naturally saw the ghost wing, and the response of the ghost wing made Chen Zong a little bit surprised, but did not mean to chase the other side.

On the twenty-fifth day, Chen Zong's mark of Yusha had reached 97, and he only needed to get three more to leave here.

Chen Zong met Hong Fengling.

Compared with twenty-five days ago, Hong Fengling's eyes were sharper than before.

Hong Fengling stared at Chen Zong, and her eyes seemed to be burning.

"You are not my opponent." Chen Zong said: "If you do, I will kill you."

For the sake of being from a foreign country, Chen Zong would not take the initiative to kill the Red Phoenix spirit, including the previous ones, but they took the initiative to kill Chen Zong. In this case, Chen Zong would not show mercy.

After staring deeply at Chen Zong's breath, Hong Fengling's eyes were hot and restrained, and she turned away quickly.

She is very clear that although her strength has improved, she is indeed not the opponent of the other party, and the words of the other party are not half leave. If she takes the initiative, she will undoubtedly die.

No matter what, she didn't want to die.

"You don't kill me today, I'll pay you back in the next day." Hong Fengling's voice came.

She knew that if Chen Zong shot it, he would probably kill himself.

As an extremely proud person, Hong Fengling regards this as a kind of kindness, such as life-saving grace.

Hearing that, Chen Zong could not help but smile, this red phoenix is ​​really interesting.

On the twenty-eighth day, Chen Zong didn't meet anyone for two days. Only one person was encountered until today, intending to kill himself, and then was killed by himself.

Yusha imprinted 103.

Suddenly, the Yusha mark on the back of the left hand released a burst of light, flying away from the back of the left hand and flying up in the air. When the air condensed into a three-dimensional mark, the light spread, and an idea spread out.


Whether to leave Yusha.

Chen Zong's natural choice was that he was not a person like the Axe Demon. He obviously had a hundred rainmarks but was still reluctant to leave, but continued to stay here and kill.

I don't know how many rain-sharp marks the axe has accumulated.

After Chen Zong made his choice, he got a reply, and allowed Chen Zong to go forward along the east side to leave Yusha's secret realm.

This is actually the final test. Through his own ability to find the portal of Yusha's secret realm to leave, if he is intercepted in the middle, he will die if he is dead. Heisha will not do it for this.

Chen Zong had good luck. He ran all the way east without encountering any obstacles, which was very smooth.

About half a day later, Chen Zong saw a portal opening out of thin air.

Following the guidance of Yusha's mark, Chen Zong stepped into the portal rippling like black water, as if shuttled in the dark water.

I can't see, hear, or smell. The five senses are all lost. It seems to be a long time ago, but only in a flash.

Chen Zong's eyes quickly swept with a trace of sharp cold mang, and found himself in a secret room, the light was a little dark.

This secret room is not large, but it is empty and only one person stands here.

Suddenly, a cold and domineering atmosphere fell when it was empty, locking itself up, and instantly let Chen Zong feel a kind of body cold and straight through the body.

This is the breath of a strong man, at least the breath of the strong man in the late stage of the Holy Land ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I don't know where to lock himself.

"It took 28 days to leave Yusha's secret realm, and you can shake the axe with the axe, you are very good." Some erratic and gloomy voices sounded from all directions, "Newcomer, give yourself a code."


Chen Zong knew that, for example, the axe and ghost wings in Yusha's secret territory were not their real names, but their codes.

In the Hexa organization, the real name is generally not used, and each takes a code.

"Codename ..." Chen Zong groaned a little, and didn't particularly care: "It's called Yun Jian."

In short, it's just a code, and Chen Zong doesn't matter. Anyway, he will try his best to leave Heisha.

"Yun Jian, okay, this code hasn't been used by anyone else yet." The eerie voice sounded again: "Your performance is good, and in view of this, you can make an unreasonable request."

"Get my things back," Chen Zong said, turning without hesitation.

"Get your things back ..." The eerie voice was a little surprised.

Such a request is different from those of the outstanding people in the past. This kind of request was even heard for the first time since he took charge.

But this was not a particularly demanding request, so he answered.

It didn't take long for the things to arrive, but unfortunately, most of the things within the ring were taken away. This time has been divided by people and it is difficult to get them back.

However, all three swords were retrieved and returned to Chen Zong.

Starting with Chonglong Sword and Zhan Yuejian, familiar feelings sprang up. As for the deadly evil sword, Chen Zong's mind was a bit complicated, but he still carried it back, and at the same time, Chen Zong was also very surprised. Didn't Heisha find it What's the difference between Silent Sword?

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