Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 45: Life is a black evil, death is a black evil

Only Chen Zong was still in the back room.

"Yun Jian, passed the assessment of Yusha's Secret Realm. From then on, you are a member of Heisha. Do not have the thought of wanting to leave, because the black mark on the back of your hand will always exist." The cold, erratic voice seemed The warning also seemed to remind Chen Zong.

Chen Zong suddenly hesitated and immediately sensed it, looking dignified.

His thoughts were like lightning, and Chen Zong knew it all at once.

After the examination of Yusha's secret territory, you can leave Yusha's secret after getting a hundred Yusha's marks, and the one hundred Yusha's marks will eventually be merged into a black evil mark, which will be imprinted on the back of the hand, forming a unique seal .

"The Hexa Mark cannot be eliminated. No matter where you are, you are my Hexa person."

"Life ... for Heisha, death ... for Heisha."

"Don't make mistakes."

The cold voice went silent, along with Chen Zong's heart.

I did not expect that the dark power of Heisha was so terrible.

As soon as he entered Heisha, he could not escape without being branded. Even if he escaped, he would be sensed by the other party according to Heisha's mark, thus killing him.

"I must leave." As his thoughts turned, Chen Zong's eyes became extremely firm.

Yes, it is absolutely necessary to get rid of Heixa, even if it is chased after.

Such an organization is not what you want.

Since you don't want to like it, why bother yourself.

If you feel wronged, your heart will not go well. If your heart goes wrong, your sword will be damaged.

go away!

Once you find an opportunity, you will definitely leave.

Today, Chen Zong has been regarded as a member of Heisha. He has been arranged in a separate room. The layout of the room is simple, a bed and a set of tables and chairs, and nothing more.

As a member of Heixa, even if Chen Zong himself didn't admit it from the bottom of his heart, the Heixa organization has already determined that this is a fact, and what Chen Zong should know will be delivered to Chen Zong in the form of information.

And Chen Zong also consciously learned more information, especially the information of Tianyuan Sanctuary, one was to know more about Tianyuan Sanctuary, and the other was to prepare for his own escape.

Tianyuan Sacred Realm is very vast, and its territory is far wider than that of Qingtian or Zhenwu.

Even if the four upper realms are combined, they are far inferior to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

This heavenly sacred realm is divided into nine realms, and now one of the nine realms is Xuanyuan realm.

The territory of a single Xuanyuan Realm is more than ten times that of Qingtian Heavenly Realm. Think about how huge it is. You must know that the other eight realms are not inferior to Xuanyuan Realm.

There are divisions in the Xuanyuan Realm.

One Realm, Five Realms, 32 Houses!

To be precise, the place where Chen Zong is now is the ancient style house of the Xuanming Realm in the Xuanyuan Realm.

Heisha is one of the most famous dark forces in Xuanming Realm, and it seems to be the strongest dark force in Xuanming Realm. As for the Heixa of Chen Zong, it is only a branch of Heixa organization.

As for how strong Heixa is in this division, Chen Zong does not have a clear concept, but it is clear that there are many strong sacred people in this division, at least over a hundred.

There are over a hundred strong men in one branch, and there are thirty-two Heixa branches in the entire Xuanming Realm. In addition to the headquarters, the number of strong men in the sanctuary is good. several thousand.

Such a quantity, Baiyun Mountain is simply not comparable.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong couldn't help but be a little creepy.

As a member of Baiyun Mountain, he is also a very important member. Naturally, he has enough understanding of Baiyun Mountain, and the huge and powerful Baiyun Mountain can't even compare with a Heisha organization, which is incredible.

For a time, Chen Zong became more vigilant and buried his thoughts of wanting to leave without thinking or revealing any flaws.

Every day, Chen Zong cultivates and collects information as much as possible to deepen his understanding of the environment.

After various changes, Chen Zong felt that his bottleneck was loosening, and gradually there were signs that he could start practicing the eighth layer of Taiyuan Mo Yungong.

If you practice Taiyuan Mo Yungong on the eighth floor, your strength will be improved again.

No matter where you are, strength is what truly reassures you.

Strong strength brings strong self-confidence, and can calmly face everything.

There is a strict division in the Heisha organization. The lowest-ranking members are Tiesha, upwards are Bronze, followed by Yinsha, followed by Jinsha, which is even higher.

Although the difference between the ranks of the black evil organization has no absolute relationship with the strength, it also has a great relationship, because only when the strength is strong enough, can complete more and higher tasks, thus get more evil points, and promote the level.

However, iron sha and bronze sha are generally at the level below the sanctuary. Silver sha is at least the level of entering the sanctuary, and so is Jinsha. Normally, entering the sanctuary may be at the level of bronze sha, but Jinsha is at least The Holy Land.

Chen Zong's current level in Heixa is Tiesha, and he has no shame at all.

Time flies, and half a month passes.

Chen Zong received the first task. This was not a task of his own choice, but a task that every official member of the Hexa organization must perform, which was called Hexa baptism.

"The opportunity has come." Chen Zong's eyes flashed.

There are a lot of strong people here, even the strongest in the sacred realm sit in the town, even if you use all your cards, you can't leave, but if you go out to perform the task, you have a greater chance to get out.

As for the black mark, let's get out and talk about it.

You can't bind yourself to the Hexa organization all your life because of a Hexa mark.

The task received by Chen Zong was a personal task, requiring him to kill and kill a Qingpao disciple of Gufengfu within ten days, cut off his first level and bring it back to the Heisha branch, and also leave his own code.

Knowing the mission news, Chen Zong was shocked and once again felt the fierceness of Heisha.

Gufeng House, this is not only a regional title, but also a representative of forces.

Within the boundaries of the Gufeng Mansion, there are several righteous forces. Gufeng Mansion is one of them, and it is also the most powerful one. It is stronger than the Heisha Gufeng Division.

The disciples in Gufeng Mansion are divided into three levels, blue robe, blue robe and purple robe.

The blue robe is generally at the level of transcendental realm, the blue robe is semi-sacred, and the purple robe is often at the beginning of the sacred realm.

As the most powerful force in Gufengfu, recruiting disciples is naturally very strict, and each one is a genius. Therefore, even if the disciples of the blue robes are killed, they will lead the Gufengfu to pursue and investigate, let alone the disciples of the blue robes.

The Heixa branch wanted Chen Zong to kill a disciple of blue robes of the ancient style mansion, which was to push Chen Zong to the opposite side of the right path to further ensure that Chen Zong could not escape the control of the Heixa organization.

Because if it is the enemy of the right path, there will be no place to hide other than relying on the dark forces, because the right path will put it on the wanted list, causing many right path practitioners to come and hunt, and the trouble is constant.

Even if you can avoid hunting again and again, eventually it will inevitably be damaged.

Furthermore, the days of dogs being hunted down can be difficult.

For a time, Chen Zong was thinking, countless sparks burst out in his mind, and he kept firing.

The causes and consequences, and the sinister intentions, were all speculated by Chen Zong's analysis.

This is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy.

If you don't do it, Hei Sha will clean you up and do it, then you have to face the pursuit of the righteous forces.

Forcing you to oppose the forces of the right path, this is how the Hexa organization works.

"I can't refuse the mission of Heisha, but I can't kill the disciples of Qingpao in Gufeng House." Chen Zong said secretly.

The requirements of this task are not only as simple as killing the disciples of Qingfeng in the ancient style, but also cutting off their first rank and leaving their own code.

This is purely a great provocation to Gufengfu, and it is an act to directly anger Gufengfu.

Just do it.

You can't refuse the mission, and you can't kill the disciples in Gufeng House.

Anyway, there are three kinds of hole cards on your body. If you use them well, you should have no problem getting out.

"This time, I will witness the entire process of completing your mission." A strong man full of astonishing spirit told Chen Zong, this man was enveloped in a black robe, he could not see his face, and even his voice seemed to change It becomes hoarse and obscure.

Chen Zong's pupils contracted quickly, and through the breath, Chen Zong judged that this is a strong man in the middle stage of the Holy Land, and its level should be fivefold.

Actually, let a strong man who has entered the sacred realm to monitor himself to perform tasks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to further prevent himself from escaping.

This Hexa organization is indeed more and more daunting.

But that's all there is to it.

Fortunately, the people sent by Heisha to monitor themselves are fivefold into the sacred realm, not sixfold into the sacred realm, or even stronger. Otherwise, they will have less chance to escape.

Perhaps with the flying cloud flying sword, it is enough to kill this into the sanctuary five times.

However, there is only one Liuyun Feijian, and it will not be used. Chen Zong does not want to use it that way. Everything depends on opportunity.

Putting on a black robe, Chen Zong left the Heisha branch under the five-fold leadership of the Holy Land. The other person's breath directly covered Chen Zong, as if it blocked Chen Zong's perception, so that Chen Zong did not know himself in the end Where did you leave? In this way, the safety of the Heisha branch is ensured.

Unless, Chen Zong performed the task and was truly recognized by Heixa.

Spicy and cautious, this black evil can exist for so many years, and it has its extraordinary means.

It was dark at this time, and the night was deep and deep. There was no one in the alley except Chen Zong himself.

With amazing eyes, Chen Zong started to take action after seeing everything around him. First, he took off the black robe. After all, the black robe was very conspicuous and easily attracted attention.

And the other party would never know, he could not shield Chen Zong's perception at all, because Chen Zong's realm of soul was up to the late stage of the soul gathering, which was equivalent to the level that a strong man could reach in the late stage of the Holy Land.

The entrance to the Heixa branch has been known by Chen Zong.

The mission time was ten days. Chen Zong stepped out of the alley and stepped into the street.

The streets were brightly lit and looked very beautiful. So late at night, there were still pedestrians and some people were looking for fun.

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