Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 46: Kill into the Holy Land

Ten days!

Time is actually short.

Instead of rushing, Chen Zong collected information first.

Even if you want to get away, you have to make a look so that the other party will not see the flaws.

The powerful soul gave Chen Zong a sense of being watched, but he didn't know where the heisha quintet who was watching him was.

Xu Yan!

This is a Qingpao disciple in Gufeng House, which was followed by Chen Zong. Chen Zong is collecting some of his information intentionally or unintentionally and paying attention to his whereabouts.

It seems that Chen Zong is using it as a killing target.

Of course, this is not the case. The reason why Chen Zong did this, everything was to confuse the watcher and make him think he was working hard to complete the task.

Heisha just releases the task, as long as the task is completed within the prescribed time, the means are not limited.

Time passed slowly, and there were four days left until the mission was completed.

On this day, Xu Zheng left Gufeng Mansion and planned to go to Cangyun Mountain.

Cangyun Mountain is the largest mountain range in the ancient Fengfu House. It stretches over millions of miles and connects directly to the other two houses. The reason why Chen Zong chose to enter Cangyun Mountain is because Cangyun Mountain connects the other two houses.

To get out of this Heishagufeng branch, you naturally have to leave Gufeng.

Xu Zhe started with a few people. To enter Cangyun Mountain, Chen Zong set out.

The spy spy naturally followed.

He will not help Chen Zong to complete his task. The only role is to monitor Chen Zong's every move. Whenever he does anything against Heisha, he will directly kill him.

Xu Zong is a middle-level semi-holy level. It is not difficult to kill it with Chen Zong's strength. He is accompanied by a middle-level semi-level and two low-level semi-levels. Nothing threatening.

After all, Chen Zong has explored some information clearly.

The monsters in Cangyun Mountain are rampant. Xu Xun and others entered the Cangyun Mountain for the purpose of hunting and killing the monsters.

"Why not?" Secretly following Chen Zong's entry into the sacred realm, the top five are unknown.

Now that he has actually entered Cangyun Mountain, he can completely kill Xu Yan, but the newcomer Yun Jian has no intention of doing anything.

But his task is to monitor, no matter what else.

Going deeper and deeper, you have gone deep into the eight thousand miles of Cangyun Mountain. The monsters here are very powerful and have a semi-holy level.

"It's time to get started," said Wu Zong, who watched Chen Zong's entry into the realm secretly.

But the next scene was beyond his expectation. Chen Zong did act and went in the direction of Xu Yan and others.

However, Chen Zong didn't attack Xu Kun, but passed quickly at a speed not far from Xu Kun, and went to the deeper part of Cangyun Mountain very fast.

The fivefold entry into the sanctuary was a shock first, and then a cruel smile appeared on his face.

Surprisingly trying to escape was a dead end.

His body flickered, and an astonishing speed erupted immediately.

The five-fold speed of entering the sacred realm was revealed at this moment, as if it was a rapid stream of black streamer. If there was any obstruction along the way, the black streamer would pass by in an instant, without touching at all, and extremely flexible.


It's too fast.

Everything Chen Zong has done before is to confuse the other party, otherwise he will be beheaded by the other party once he reveals his intention to get rid of Heixa.

Now that I have entered Cangyun Mountain, my previous efforts have achieved results. It is the time to leave to confuse the other party.

Cangyun Mountain connects the other two provinces. Chen Zong also deliberately waited for Xu Ye and others to go deep enough before he made a move and left.

But Chen Zong's speed is really fast, and the other party's speed is faster.

There is not a small gap between the speed of high-order semi-holy level and entering the holy realm, not to mention that the other party is not the ordinary entering the holy realm, but the fivefold of entering the holy realm, and is relatively good at speed.

Therefore, just for a few short breaths, Chen Zong felt a terrible evil shock pressing on himself, making the membrane slightly numb, and it seemed that a slight current spread rapidly on the membrane, making his body a little bit affected. The numbness felt as if tied by a charged needle.

The five strengths of entering the sacred realm are simply not what I can now compete with.

"You can only use your hole cards." Chen Zong secretly said, three types of life-saving cards: Dayun explosion, Liuyun Feijian and Feiyun Baojie.

One main attack, one main single attack, one main speed.

Chen Zong's original idea was to use the speed of Feiyun Baojie to get away. After all, it had six speeds of entering the sanctuary, and it was very fast.

But now I think about it, the speed of the opponent is faster than the ordinary fivefold into the sacred realm, and the Feiyunbao ring certainly has the speed of sixfold into the sacred realm, which is faster than the other, which is enough to free himself from the pursuit of the other , However, just get rid of it temporarily.

After all, the power of Feiyunbaojie is not infinite. Once the power is exhausted, its speed will drop to its original level. At that time, it is difficult to guarantee that the other party will not chase up with its own breath or the breath of the black mark.

In this way, you can only use the power of Liuyun Feijian to kill the other party. In this way, you don't need to use Feiyun Baojie, go deep into Cangyun Mountain with your own ability, and then leave Gufeng House as far as possible. Pursue the killing of the Heisha Ancient Style Division.

At the thought, Chen Zong made a decision immediately without hesitation.

After a stature, he turned and faced the fivefold of the sanctuary that came quickly.

This person's cultivation is fivefold in the sacred realm, but how strong his strength is, and Chen Zong has no bottom.

There is only one Liuyun Feijian. If you want to use it, you must kill it with one blow. It is best to blind the opponent and then shoot.

"Why didn't you escape?" The sacred realm approached Chen Zong directly, but there was no meaning of pause. It seemed to be a storm like a storm, and there was a murderous infiltration into the bone marrow. , Terrible killing intentions are directly on the soul.

Although the other party talked and asked, it did not mean anything nonsense, and Chen Zong would be killed immediately.

It seems that speaking is just a habit of the other party.

Chen Zong's heart sank slightly, and the result of this man was unexpected.

In the original situation, the other party should stop and force himself to ask him something.

"Since you can't escape, why not escape? It's nothing more than death." Chen Zong said very decisively, an absolute breath permeated from the body, which was an outbreak and counterattack after being hopeless in a desperate situation. , Like a meteor across the night sky just for a momentary bright.

Feeling the absolute breath permeated by Chen Zong, this fivefold focus on entering the sacred realm was slightly hesitated. Although the strength of the other party was very weak, to himself, like an ant, he could easily be crushed to death with one finger.

But the other person's absolute will and mentality before dying surprised him.

If this son is not dead, he might be a generation.

It is a pity that there is no chance to survive. There is a semi-holy strength in the area, and under his own five-fold sacred realm, there is no chance to escape.

After all, when the other party entered the Hexa organization, everything was taken away, and after some inspection, there was nothing left.

Of course, this is also because the relationship between the dripping sword seal and the three secret treasures is integrated into Chen Zong's body. This is very clear. The other thing is that the inspector learned that Chen Zong was brought from outside the heavenly realm to be sold. It is a bit of contempt and inevitable.

In this way, the inspection will not be so detailed and thorough.

All I can say is that Chen Zong has very good luck.

If the examiner is more careful and thorough, maybe the refining things in the body have been checked out. Whether they can be kept or not is still unknown.

Based on this, the fivefold entry into the sacred realm is extremely certain, and the other party will undoubtedly die.

There is no hole card or support, just with a high-level semi-holy strength, such as ants.


As soon as the murderous voice fell, the five strongest men who entered the sacred realm came out with a single finger, and the black energy was highly condensed, glowing with terrible light and murderousness across dozens of meters to kill.

Too fast, almost so fast that Chen Zong couldn't react, but at that moment, that terrible finger was shot.

In this way, I can only fight hard.

Chen Zongyi pointed out, and at the moment, a touch of Jianguang was extremely sharp and shot.

It is Liuyun Feijian.

This Liuyun Feijian can release the sixfold power of entering the sanctuary, and its speed naturally reaches the sixthfold of entering the sanctuary.

This blow directly surprised the opponent.

Too fast.

"How is it possible!" This horror was five-fold horrified to the extreme. The speed of the sword light from that high-level semi-sacred finger was really faster than it was ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ tens of meters Very short and short, the speed of the sixfold into the sanctuary is amazing, and it passes quickly.

The black finger was crushed directly and killed like a bamboo.

In the eyes, the cloud of white sword light quickly hit, flooding the entire world.

When dying, the potential explodes, and the entire humanization can't be possible, and he quickly moves away from him, but the speed that usually takes pride seems to be invalid at this moment.

There seemed to be a slight snoring in the ears, as if it were the last sound that could be heard in the world.

This cloud white sword light penetrated immediately from the heart and was avoided by the heart, but the sword was not so simple. It seems that the Liuyun Taoist is already accurate or better prepared.

Jian Guang entered the body, but did not penetrate the body. Instead, he smashed into the opponent's body and then exploded. The countless clouds of white swords gave off an incredible power, all of which reached the sixth level of entering the sacred realm.

Tearing, strangling, destroying.

Before entering the sacred realm, it was time to rejoice because of avoiding the key points, and then felt a burst of tear-like pain permeating the whole body, and countless blood spurted out from the trembling.

The whole person became a blood man in an instant.

Seeing that the other person was bleeding and falling to the ground, Chen Zong finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not completely relax his vigilance. He slashed out with a sword, and the sword was broken again into the body of the opponent. Turn on so that you can be sure that the other party is really dead.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately took off the opponent's appetite, and Ziyun Heixingyan fell. He immediately ignited the opponent's body. The super high temperature burned the opponent's body to ashes. The ashes were rolled up and taken away and scattered everywhere.

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