Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 47: 2 wanted

Gufengfu Heisha Branch is located deep underground, and is very secretive. There are countless secret rooms.

One of the secret rooms stood one after another, the blue and blue faint lights, burning like ghost fire in this dense room, not half warm.

Suddenly, one of the blue and faint lights swayed wildly as if blown by a strong wind, like a candle remaining in the wind, and then extinguished.

The person who was guarding the secret room was startled first, and then quickly drew closer, looked at the sign below the light, and immediately sent a message.

"What, a king of gold is dead."

"Which one?"

"It's Jin Shaliguang."

"Li Guang, he was killed."

For a time, the seniors in the Gufeng Heixa branch were surprised.

"I remember that Li Guang was assigned to watch a newcomer perform baptismal tasks."

"Check." The man in the black robe sitting in the first place had a low, stern voice, as if a gust of wind rolled up flat.

Heixa's work efficiency is extremely high, not long after, everything was investigated.

"The death of Li Guang has something to do with the newcomer, and immediately pursues the newcomer." The head of the black robe made the most accurate judgment instantly.

Without him, order directly and someone will execute it well.

Soon, all the information about Chen Zong was presented. Of course, Chen Zong's information was very simple. It came from the outer domain. As for where the outer domain was, there was no explanation and no one would care.

However, Chen Zong was a newcomer before leaving Yusha's secret place, and performing the baptismal tasks that Heixa must have, it was very simple.

As for the content of the baptism task, it is also clear that it is to kill a Qingpao disciple in Gufengfu, and cut off the first level to leave a code name.

I have to say that Heixa's ability is very terrible. Soon, all actions of Chen Zong were investigated, including whereabouts when he entered Cangyun Mountain.

Although Jin Shaliguang was not found, Chen Zong's whereabouts were also found. It was only that Chen Zong was so far apart. Even if Heixa was more efficient, Chen Zong had already entered the depths of Cangyun Mountain. Consciously erasing the trail left by him, it has increased the difficulty of Heisha's tracking, and it is impossible to catch up with Chen Zong for a while.

"This newcomer is very capable."

"It's really good. Either we missed something or someone else shot it."

"Since he did not complete the baptismal task, we will help him complete it. In addition, he will issue a Hexa Wanting Order, and Want Yunjian will be fully wanted."

Soon, the entire Gufeng Heixa branch knew the contents of the wanted order. Of course, the news of the wanted order did not reach other Heixa branches. After all, it was not a pleasant thing to pass.

Heisha is an organization, but there are many branches, and there is competition between each branch.

If it is known by other branches, their ancient style branch even made such a thing, they will definitely become a joke.

It's just a new person, but it has caused a death of Jinsha, which is not a trivial matter.

And Heixa's approach also allowed Chen Zong to get better.

Five thousand miles deep in Cangyun Mountain, Chen Zong stopped moving forward.

It is not that we do not want to move forward, but that we cannot move forward.

Ahead, there is a powerful monster that enters the Holy Level.

Tianyuan Sanyu's division of monsters follows ancient times.

The low-level monsters are equivalent to the cultivator's foundation, the middle-level monsters are equivalent to the cultivator's extraordinary realm, and the high-level monsters are equivalent to the cultivator's sanctuary.

As for the super monster, it is the practitioner who is equivalent to the Great Holy Land.

The fifty thousand miles that Chen Zong has now reached is already the boundary of high-end monsters.

High-level monsters, but they have the power of the strongest to enter the sacred realm, even though Chen Zong still has a big cloud explosive bomb in his body, the six powers of entering the sacred realm are enough to kill a large number of high-end low-end monsters. How can it be.

There are not many high-level monsters in Cangyun Mountain.

Avoid if you can.

High-level monsters basically have their own territories, and the size of the territories is closely related to the strength of the monsters themselves.

The higher the monster's strength, the stronger the intelligence. Generally speaking, as long as you do not enter the monster territory, you will not provoke the monster. Of course, you may encounter some special cases, such as those in the territory. The beast ran out.

If you are unlucky, you will be killed.

Chen Zong is now sure that he has entered the territory of a high-end monster, but it should be on the edge, and has not really interfered with the monster. All he has to do now is to quietly exit to bypass.

In such a place, I am very dangerous, so it is not safe for the Gufeng Heisha branch.

Even the strongest who is at the top of the sacred realm does not dare to run wild in the land of high-end monsters. If he incurs a powerful high-end monster, he will lose half his life if he does not die.

This is one of the reasons why after a detailed investigation, Chen Zong left the Gufeng Heisha organization with some certainty.

As for now, whether to go to Jinlong Mansion or Zishan Mansion is a problem. After all, Chen Zong does not know much about Jinlong Mansion and Zishan Mansion.

But think about it, it should not be too different.

In this case, leave these dangerous places first, and see which side is closer and better, and go where you are.

Chen Zong's understanding of the Hexa organization is actually not deep enough, but through initial contact, he can be sure that the Hexa organization means is fierce and brutal. When he learns that he wants to leave, he will never let himself go, let alone , And therefore caught a strong Jinsha level.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Hefeng Branch of Gufengfu chased and killed itself, but it has not yet pursued itself.

Chen Zong guessed that the Heisha branch of Gufeng House did issue a wanted warrant to hunt him down, but there was another thing that Chen Zong did not expect, or that Chen Zong still didn't know enough about the way Heisha was acting. I don't know if they are fierce.

A Qingpao disciple in Gufengfu was assassinated on the street, and his head was severely severed. The name or title of the murderer was left in place. When the news came out, it immediately rolled away like a storm and was shocked Gufeng Fuzhong people also alarmed other major forces and so on.

"It was made by Heisha."

"This way, it should be the baptism of Heisha's newcomer."

"This Heixa is too mad, even to start directly against the Qingpao disciples in Gufeng."

The new baptism rules of Heisha's newcomer are known to several major forces. After all, this is not a secret, but in the past, it will not be so intense. At most, it is the blue robe disciples who chose the ancient style.

Disciples in blue robes and disciples in blue robes are two concepts that are of much less importance.

Moreover, in the past, the disciples of Gufengfu were rarely chosen, either by cutting off their heads and taking them away, or by leaving their code names. Few things were considered.

This time, it was really shocking.

Gufengfu is naturally furious. Perhaps a Qingpao disciple is important, but it is not a big loss, but after being assassinated on the street, he severely cut off his head and left a code. This is a provocation against Gufengfu.


Immediately, Gufengfu also issued a warrant, and many disciples in Gufengfu took action and began to pursue the so-called Yunjian.

They didn't know yet that Chen Zong, code-named Yun Jian, had already entered Cangyun Mountain.


Chen Zong has gone thousands of miles, and the distance of these thousands of miles is difficult.

Converge your breath fluctuations as much as possible and avoid disturbing any high-level monster.

Invisible pressure seems to come from all sides, making Chen Zong feel suffocating, but with super tenacity, Chen Zong still stubbornly supports it.


The purpose of entering Tianyuan Sanctuary is not to die here and become the dung of a monster, but to pursue a higher cultivation path.

Maybe it's time to run, or is it extremely Thai.

Chen Zong really passed through Cangyun Mountain safely and entered the boundary of Zishan Prefecture.

Although several of them were almost chased by high-level monsters, they managed to avoid it and survived.

Recall that Chen Zong still felt a cold sweat.

It was hapless to be home by being deceived into the heavenly sanctuary by Ming Daozi and sold to the dark forces.

Fortunately, he managed to escape.

However, other people who were deceived together from Zhenwu Shangyu thought about it, Chen Zong's heart sank slightly, and they estimated that it was difficult to get away.

Either he died in Yusha's secret territory, or he was arranged for a baptismal mission after leaving Yusha's secret territory. After this time of Chen Zong, the Heisha organization will definitely be more cautious about the baptismal mission.

Forget it, the Ming Daozi was deceived and trafficked because everyone wanted to enter the Tianyuan sanctuary too ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As for the fate of the future, it has nothing to do with them, after all, they are not related to themselves, even friends Not really.

"There is a Heixa branch in the border of Gufeng House, and there is also a Heixa branch in Zishan House." Chen Zong went out of the forest, but thought: "I don't know if they can also feel the back of my hand The black mark on it? "

This black mark is a big trouble, and we must find a way to eliminate it. Of course, the strong saying in the black mark branch that cannot be eliminated by Chen Zong is unbelievable. Elimination, just because there is no way to eliminate it.

At present, Chen Zong does not know how to eliminate it.

Looking for an expert?

Immediately, Chen Zong rejected this approach.

Heisha is a dark force. If you go to someone to eliminate it, it is tantamount to throwing a net. If you do n’t listen to your own explanation, you will kill yourself. Where can you sue?

After all, you still have to rely on yourself.

Take one step and count one step.

Wrap your left hand with a strip of cloth to block the black mark. It ’s the same thing if you do n’t feel it. You ca n’t see it first.

Now it's a new arrival, so let's get in here and start our new cultivation path.

"The bottleneck of the eighth layer of Taiyuan Mo Yungong has been loosened, and in the next few months, it should be able to be practiced." Chen Zong thought as he went forward.

With his current accumulation, he can completely break through to the semi-holy level, which greatly increases his strength, and the majestic foundation will allow himself to surpass many people, but Chen Zong believes that it is not enough, and it is not yet within the limits that he can present.

At least, you have to reach the limit before you consider the breakthrough, and build a foundation that is perfect for yourself, and you will not leave regrets in this life.

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