Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 54: Endless killing

Blood color, red color, fire color, red color, diffused in all directions, rendered into a blood-red world, exuding an incredible shock.

The weird roar rang out, and the terrible evil swept across all directions like a storm.

One was just over a meter tall, black and red intertwined, his body was as skinny and almost skinny but he had a large round belly, and his mouth continued to flow out of turbid saliva, holding a sharp blade to climb out of the crack, and slaughtered Chen Zong.

Chen Zong looked a little dignified, these demons seemed small, but none of them were weak, all reached the limit of the transcendental realm, and the ordinary limit of the transcendental realm was not their opponent.

The main thing is that there are many such ugly-looking demons, like endless ones. They keep rising from the cracks and siege them to death.

The heavy dragon sword has already been sheathed, and each sword has smashed an astonishingly dark sword light. The sword light fluctuates like water. Like lightning, the sword light passes by. The ugly demons have been beheaded and killed. countless.

The blood of these demons was black and red, astonishing like magma, and spread all around.

Kill kill!

Chen Zong does not know how many times he wields a sword or how many demons have been killed. All he knows is that, as far as he can see, there can be seen many, many corpses that have been cut off. .

Elsewhere, the disciples of the ancient robes of the ancient robes also shot and killed the ugly demons.

"An ugly thing, it's the same for a hundred or a thousand, it's all going to die."

The man's palms continued to blast out, each palm carrying terrible power, as if it could break the sky, the huge palm print brought the whistling wind, raging all directions to crush everything.

All those who were hit by his palm print trembled, shattered in an instant, and turned into pieces of flesh and blood.

Kill kill!

Killed heartily.

For him who entered the sacred realm, the sublime realm is the ants, and there is no difference between a hundred ants and a thousand ants.

It was just that he didn't feel it. With the constant killing, the evil spirit in it gradually affected his mind and became more addictive. He could not wait to kill everything.

In another place, the members of Heisha were erratic in shape, and instantly pulled out dozens of afterimages. The afterimages passed like a knife, and dozens of demons fell to the ground.

Ghostly figure, amazing killing.

Heixa is a dark force. In the initial training of each member, killing was the main factor. Therefore, the Heixa organization is undoubtedly better at killing.

But the prolonged killings also caused the minds of the members of Heisha to be unknowingly affected, and the killer was inspired from the depths of his heart, which was beyond ordinary.

"how so?"

"But this feeling is really wonderful."

He is better than the Zifengpa disciple of that ancient style, and he can realize some bad things. However, he can't extricate himself and sink into it, because the feeling of constantly shooting and killing is really wonderful, it is a kind of venting and supreme enjoyment Let the mind and body be in a state of unspeakable pleasure.

All of this was seen by the old man's income, and they were clearly seen. The three of them, except Chen Zong, were not affected and remained calm.

Although he kept sending out swords to kill the demon, he did not sink into it, and was dominated by the desire to kill.

The old man was secretly excited, and constantly hoped that Chen Zong could keep awake and persevere, and only then could he hope to get the inheritance of his master.

Those who can't control the desire to kill will be dominated and eventually become a killing madness, and any inheritance will be wasted.

The old man directly denied the disciples in Zifeng and the members of Heisha in Gufengfu, and paid special attention to Chen Zonglai.

The evil spirit here is constantly impacting Chen Zong ’s mind, especially under constant killing, the evil spirit seems to be stimulated, becoming more intense, more than several times stronger. In this case, the mind is affected by The impact became more and more intense.

However, Chen Zong's soul is extremely strong and determined, and it is even more horrible and horrifying that he has accumulated through a more amazing killing than this.

It is just that Chen Zong did not research and did not have proper methods and guidance on Shaqi. Therefore, Shaqi will not be applied to him. If he releases his guidance, it will be very scary and amazing.

In this case, how can some wickedness and savage impact affect you?

Kill kill!

The killing was endless, and the scarlet breath completely filled all directions, soaking some.

One thousand!

Two thousand!

Three thousand!

The disciples in the ancient robes of Zifengfu are already crazy, with long hair as if dancing in the wind, blood red diffused, their eyes filled with incomparable coldness and murderous power, no half emotion, only bloodthirsty and ruthless.

The whole body was filled with blood mist that seemed to be substantive. Between the mist rising, there seemed to be a scream of screaming.

Kill the fun, kill the madness.

The members of Heisha also stopped performing the erratic body style, holding the sharp blades in their hands, and blood spewed out, and the amazing evil was as terrifying as the ghost.

Kill crazy, kill crazy.

The old man also noticed this situation and immediately shook his head.

They have eroded their hearts and souls with evil spirits, and have become slaughter mads, puppets dominated by killing desires.

It is completely impossible to wake up in this state. Of course, things in the world are not so absolute, and it is possible to wake up, but if you can wake up, it is absolutely amazing and you can achieve amazing achievements.

However, in the eyes and experience of the elderly, they cannot wake up.

On the contrary, Chen Zong's situation made him even more pleased, because until now, Chen Zong has not been eroded by evil spirits. Although he has also been disturbed, he is still calm and calm.

Indeed, Chen Zong can feel a trace of the desire to kill quietly breed in his heart, silently affect himself, but Chen Zong can clearly feel that this killing desire can be suppressed.

But why should we suppress it.

Chen Zong not only did not suppress, but used it to guide him. He shot harder and became more proficient in his own evil spirits.

I do n’t know when the corpse traverses the field, and fewer and fewer demons are crawling out of the cracks. After the last demon was beheaded by Chen Zong, Chen Zong suppressed the urge to kill, and his eyes were slightly surprised. Endlessly.

The corpse was everywhere, at least tens of thousands.

The strong and direct **** smell is everywhere.

Chen Zong himself was slightly surprised, but he slaughtered tens of thousands, but this was nothing. Compared to the original magic land in the blue world, it was completely a small witch. After all, there were hundreds of thousands of people who slaughtered a demonic tribe at that time. Huge.

However, the disciples of the ancient robes of the ancient robes never experienced such battles. At most, they killed more than a hundred, even if there were tens of thousands of kills. In this life, he did not know if he could experience them.

Although members of Heisha have killed more, they have never encountered such a situation of directly killing 10,000 people.

Both of their hearts have been eroded by evil spirits and reduced to killing crickets. Seeing that there are no demons to kill, their scarlet icy murderous eyes swept across, their figures jumped, and they jumped directly into the cracks where the demons appeared.

When this goes on, ten deaths have no life.

In front of Chen Zong, a door and a portal appeared.

Stepping out, Chen Zong returned to the empty hall.

"Congratulations to your little friend, you passed the test." The old man said with a smile, his attitude was obviously very different from before, and he was much more enthusiastic.

"Thank you for the opportunity given by your predecessors." Chen Zong bowed down and saluted. If the other party was unwilling to put himself to the test, there was nothing he could do.

"Originally, my inheritance will be cut off. I didn't expect to meet you." The old man's eyes fluttered with excitement, staring at Chen Zong, the more satisfied he became.

Outstanding talent, extraordinary mind, powerful strength.

This is the perfect successor.

"Senior, what about the other two?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking.

"They can't resist the erosion of evil spirits, they have become killing slugs, and they are all dead now." The old man said indifferently, Chen Zong's heart was a little stunned. If he couldn't stop the evil erosion, he would be the same as those two. Killed by death for killing.

However, they died, which can be considered to relieve Chen Zong's temporary crisis.

"What's your friend's name?" The old man asked again.

"Back to seniors, my name is Chen Zong." Chen Zong responded with an attack.

"Chen Zongyou, you have passed the assessment and are eligible to get my master's inheritance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But my master's inheritance is divided into three levels in total." The old man said with a stern expression, Chen Zong also listened respectfully. .

"The first level is the lowest level, and it can only get the most common inheritance from the owner."

"The second level is Intermediate, which can get a good legacy from the host."

"The third level is advanced, and it has the highest inheritance of the owner."

"Which inheritance does the younger intend to accept?" The old man stared with a clear eye: "Remember, you can only choose one inheritance to accept. With the ability of the younger, when you can accept lower-level inheritance, maybe intermediate inheritance, but advanced inheritance, I am afraid that difficult."

"Please also ask the seniors to make it clear." Chen Zong asked, since inheritance is divided into three levels, naturally the highest level is the best.

"You are very interested in high-level inheritance, right?" The old man smiled slightly: "Low-level and intermediate-level inheritance can be accepted directly, but high-level inheritance is too important, and the host will have another test. Only by passing the host's test can you inherit."

"But I do not know what kind of test?" Chen Zong asked again.

"As far as I know, the test is closely related to the soul. The stronger the soul is, the more likely it is to pass the test," said the old man.

"Senior, I choose advanced inheritance." Chen Zong responded immediately without hesitation.

"You are sure." The old man looked again calmly: "If you fail the test of the master, you will die."

"OK." Chen Zong's tone was firm.

Who is the King of Ancient Shura Chen Zong does not know, but since it is a feudal king, it is not a great sacred power, low-level and intermediate transmission of non-great sacred power, it is estimated that its role is limited, only the high level Only inheritance can be seen.

Moreover, since the test is related to the strength of the soul, it is estimated that there is nothing wrong with the assessment based on the soul.

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