Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 55: Soul road

The old road is silent and the lights are faint.

Chen Zong stood at the starting point of the road, looking ahead, it seemed that he could not see the end, but there was only a dim stretch that seemed to lead to the endless abyss.

The silence was trembling, and Chen Zong looked down at himself.

This body is the body of the soul, constructed by the power of the soul.

The original level of Chen Zong on the soul was not enough to make the soul condense into the appearance of the body, but entering here is very wonderful, and it was able to condense the body of the soul.

Here is the examination of King Gusula, the master of the old man.

Chen Zong chose high-level inheritance, which can only be obtained through the examination of King Shura.

And if it fails to pass the assessment, there is only a dead end.

However, Chen Zong has a lot of confidence to pass the assessment.

If the strength of the soul in the later stages of gathering with one's own soul cannot pass the assessment, it is worth pondering whether this assessment has any significance.

Withdrawing his thoughts, looking forward, he still couldn't see the end. When Chen Zong thought, the body of the soul seemed to lose all its weight and floated forward quickly.

Silent and fast as the wind.

After a while, Chen Zong saw the source of the green light. It was a light, a light full of high flames. The flame was green and faint. I could not feel half of the heat, nor was it cold, but dull.

When Chen Zong was approaching, the lights were burning violently, as if the mighty power had come. Immediately, the lights began to change, condensing into a blue wolf, and the whole body was burning with a faint flame.

Chen Zong's eyes froze slightly.

This ... turned out to be the blaze blue wolf built by the power of the soul.

Youhuo Qinglang is two meters long, and when it appears, it is filled with astonishing evil spirits. The evil spirits are extremely fierce, like a tide-like rush, which makes Chen Zong's heart startled and secretly startled.

This is directly from the oppression of the soul, but also directly impacts his own soul.

A long howl shook the world, and Youhuo Qinglang's limbs suddenly exerted force, and instantly turned into a Youhuo fire light and struck at an alarming speed.

The sharp minions and the eyes burning with the soul's fire draw out a few rays in the dim light, as if the ancient remains.

Chen Zong instantly felt a creepy feeling.

It's too fast, and the breath of sharpness is persecuted, as if the body of his soul is torn.

When he was in danger, Chen Zong quickly stepped back, and his body was erratic. He avoided the Huoluo Qinglang's assassination again and again, but the Huoluo Qinglang seemed to have gone through hundreds of battles, and his combat experience was extremely rich. It was even more amazing. It fell into the ground instantly, the figure turned upright like a human, and the two claws were furiously grasped. Numerous claws traverse the body of Mahjong Chen Zong in all directions.

Chen Zong's figure became more and more erratic, and each attack of the Huoling Blue Wolf's claws was clearly grasped by Chen Zong, and he avoided it in the slightest.

As long as you get used to it, the Youhuolang doesn't threaten you too much, but Chen Zong still doesn't fight back, but keeps avoiding and adapting to this soul.

After all, the body of the soul is different from the body of flesh.

At the end of this road, on a throne, there is an illusive figure. The figure seems to be swaying like a candle in the wind, but a pair of eyes burst out with endless **** light. The blood is deep and vast like a starry sky, it seems to pass through He stared at nothingness, clearly seeing the battle between Chen Zong and Youhuo Qinglang.

"A powerful soul body may be able to pass the examination of the king and obtain the highest inheritance of the king." This imaginary figure did not move his mouth, but made a vast voice, the voice was erratic and vigorous, condensed within the circle No word.

This illusory figure stared at it like this. At first it was a bit strange. Such a powerful soul body should not be so long as the hulk of the blue flames. The person quickly saw the clue, the other side was hone themselves with the help of the blue flames.

In this regard, the illusory figure became more satisfied.


"Well, this is the end." Chen Zong secretly said, holding his right hand out of thin air, the fire of soul suddenly spread out. When the purple soul fire burned and cooled, a purple sword held in his hand. .

With the sword in hand, the astounding sorrow can't hide and hide. Naturally, it surges like a tsunami, impacting all directions and breaking up the world.

Youhuo Qinglang is already very shocking. The same strength will be affected by the shock of Qiqi, which cannot be fully exerted.

But at this moment, compared with the evil spirits bursting out from Chen Zong, it seems weak.

If Youhuo Qinglang is an evil spirit and is a pond, then Chen Zong's evil spirit is like that ocean. There is an essential difference between the two.

Under such a terrible scourge, Youhuo Qinglang was all over, unable to move, and seemed to be banned. Although it was only a moment, it was enough for masters such as Chen Zong.

Waving his right hand, the sword body was not seen, but only a faint purple light was shining mysteriously deep and rigorous cold mang across the dark void.

Youhuo Qingwolf's body shuddered immediately, then collapsed, turned into countless Qingyouyou soul fire scattered in all directions, and seemed to be inexplicably towed by Chen Zong.

As if the fireflies in the night surround themselves.

Not feeling the slightest crisis, Chen Zong did not shatter the light of that faint soul.

I saw countless green and quiet soul rays permeating the whole body, quickly condensed, and turned into a pair of green and quiet armor covering the body.

After wearing the armor of the blue flame wolf, Chen Zong felt that his soul body seemed a little stronger.

"So amazing." The illusory figure at the end of the soul road was secretly startled.

He couldn't imagine how many creatures would have to kill in order to create such evil spirits.

Millions of souls?

Or more?

It is impossible to imagine, but the illusory figure fluctuated sharply, because he was very excited, it was a perfect introduction.

A strong soul, a tenacious heart, and a sea of ​​evil spirits.

At this moment, the illusory figure is extremely eager for the other person to pass the test set by himself and come to himself.

The Youhuo Qinglang is just the first level, or just the first opponent.

After getting the power of Youhuo Qinglang into armor, Chen Zong proceeded.

About 2 million meters away, the second group of souls was burning, and it was also the faint soul fire, but this group of souls fire was two meters in size.

Immediately, the astonishing sound sounded, as if the Beastmaster roared, the two-meter-high Qingyouyou soul fire condensed into a Youhuqinghu.

The Youhuo Qinghu is larger in size, reaching three meters in length, and the breath emitted by the body is strengthened horizontally.

In comparison, You Huo Qing Wolf was like a kitten.

Chen Zong's heart froze slightly, and he was secretly shocked. The Youhuo Qinghu had made him feel threatened, more than several times stronger than the Youhuo Qinglang.

Youhuo green tiger roared, the evil spirit was raging, and rushed to Chen Zong, then the huge body suddenly rushed out, the ground trembled, and the tiger's claw suddenly raised, as if smashing into the mountains and blasted to Chen Zong.

The power of this blow is at least ten times stronger than that of the Huoling Qinglang.

Chen Zong felt depressed.

The cold mang flashed in his eyes, like the sword in his hand, the sword light was gorgeous and blurred across the sky.

A sword blocked the tiger's blow, and the sword's body trembled. After suddenly breaking the tiger's claws, the sword glanced across the sky like lightning.


Zi Youyou's sword light was extremely sharp, cut through the body of Youhuo Qinghu, and immediately scratched a wound, and the firelight of Qingyouyou sputtered away.

Suddenly wounded, the green fire tiger was furious, the eyes almost sprayed out a substantial light, the cold light burned everything, suddenly fluttered again, the tiger's claws broke, at the same time the body suddenly turned, and the tail swept wildly.

Only in an instant, the Youhuo Qinghu completed three consecutive moves, and the moves were powerful and flawless.

But Chen Zong is more powerful.

Don't evade, just use the sword in your hand to completely resist the triple kill of Youhuo Qinghu, and then fight back with one sword.

Feng Rui's unmatched sword directly cut off the body of Youhuo Qinghu, two swords.

Youhuo Qinghu's final wailing suddenly exploded, but it did not disappear, but turned into countless soul rays flying towards Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to converge on Chen Zong's body to further perfect the armor. Gradually cover the whole body, leaving only the head uncovered.

The lines of Youhuo Qingwol appear in the upper body armor, while the lines of Youhuo Qinghu appear in the lower body armor.

As the armor was further improved, Chen Zong could feel that his soul body was further consolidated and seemed to be more stable.

This can be considered a benefit, and it seems simple, but it is extremely dangerous.

Of course, the danger is relatively speaking.

If Chen Zong's soul is not strong enough, then even the Youhuo Qinglang can't fight, the consequence of being unable to fight is to be killed by Youhuoyou, and the soul becomes the nutrient of Youhuoyou and is absorbed and strengthened.

But Chen Zong's soul is strong enough, and the situation is reversed.

Continue to move on, this time, walking a full 30,000 meters forward, only to see the next soul fire, the same is quiet, but there is a touch of purple.

Moreover, the fire of this soul reached three meters high.

As Chen Zong approached, the three-meter-high soul's fire burst into flames, emitting a burst of high-pitched dragon chants.


The three-meter-long soul fire stretches and condenses into a dragon. The dragon is six meters in length, green and faint, but the eyes are burning with the purple soul fire.

The breath of the dragon is ten times stronger than that of the huohuoqinghu.

Chen Zong could not help but look dignified.

At the same time, I was a little surprised.

If it wasn't for his own soul reaching the late Juhai, I'm afraid that in the face of this soul dragon, he will be directly suppressed by his momentum and difficult to move.


Very strong!

Immediately, Chen Zong was excited again. If such a powerful soul, Dragon Dragon, was beheaded, I don't know how much it can bring to himself?

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