Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 56: King Gusula

The soul dragon rises in the air, the body repels the void between the winding body, the dragon's mouth suddenly spit out a faint ray of light, the edge of that light is rendered with a layer of weird blueness, and the chill is boundless, which is the terrible evil spirit. Condensed from.

This is a mixed attack that directly penetrates the soul's evil spirit and the power of the soul, and flashes across the sky like an aurora.

Chen Zong looked dignified, but did not immediately evade, but split out with a sword, Ziyou Youguang tore through the sky to kill the blow, and in an instant collision, they both collapsed, stirred in all directions, and turned into a storm raging.

The soul dragon yelled, his tail waved suddenly, as if rolling up a thousand waves, bursting into Chen Zong with unparalleled speed, the speed was fierce like thunder.

The purple ray of light in the eyes burned like fire, running through everything.

Chen Zong's figure jumped up, the long sword was shot out of the air, and his exquisite swordplay was revealed.

A sword swept across the sky, like a thorn, a cut, and a collapse. All kinds of power are contained in it. Rigid and flexible, it looks ordinary, but it is mysterious and extreme.

A slight buzzing sounded, and Zi Youjian's light seemed to infiltrate into the void, killing the soul dragon.

The soul dragon is indeed very powerful, and it brings a great threat to Chen Zong, which makes Chen Zong so shocked that he has to come out to fight.

The dragon's tail swept across, sending out a terrifying force, as if it could shoot down like a mountain. Chen Zong's body was erratic, avoiding the dragon's tail, and the long sword smashed through the air. It seemed light and slow, but extremely fast. , Powerless.

The battle was extremely fierce. For a time, the soul could not be Chen Zong, and Chen Zong could not be killed. After all, the soul of the dragon was very strong.

Chen Zong, however, is getting stronger and stronger, with a sword in his hand and playing to the extreme.

Chen Zong also found that the use of the sword to perform the sword is more smooth and free, pointing directly to the mystery, the power of each sword is even more amazing.

All these fall into the eyes of the illusory figure at the end of the soul road. The more you look, the more satisfied you are.

This swordsmanship is really superb.

The battle between Chen Zong and the soul dragon lasted for two and a half minutes before the situation became clear.

Chen Zongyi sword was killed, the sword light was flat, but there was a mysterious anomaly, which was unavoidable. It seemed to kill the soul straight through the soul, leaving a long sword mark on the soul dragon.

The soul Xiaolong was furious and attacked violently, but he couldn't help Chen Zong, but kept hitting the sword.

The more swords, the more sword marks on the body, the more soul power is lost, and the strength is further reduced.


Chen Zong's body flickered and appeared on the side of the soul dragon. He was cut off with a sword and his head was severed.

The body collapsed and turned into countless rays of light, surrounding Chen Zong's whole body, and finally built into the shape of a helmet. Immediately, the purple faint light flowed down and filled the whole body.

The armor looked like it was cast into one body.

This is an armor cast by the power of the soul. Chen Zong only feels that his soul power seems to double and become more powerful.

"Next, what test is there?" Chen Zong stared in front of him, seeing only a dim light.

According to the increase of the previous three tests, if the test of the fourth level is ten times stronger, it is estimated that based on his current ability, he is not an opponent.

But this is the end, there is no retreat, and there is no way forward.

With a firm mind, Jian Feng proved that Chen Zong's eyes flashed through, and his whole body was filled with unparalleled momentum, as if he could tear everything and cut everything.

Even though there is a block of bone in front of me, I also flattened it with a sword.

Even though the sea of ​​blood is up and down in front of me, I split it with a sword.

Unstoppable, thorny, and forward.

For a time, it seemed as if the sword opened up and tore the world.

Step by step, keep moving forward, Chen Zong's speed is getting faster and faster, and his body is getting stronger and stronger.

After about 50,000 meters, Chen Zong saw a figure sitting on the throne. The figure was a bit illusive, as if the smoke shrouded in the wind.

Just taking a look, Chen Zong was shocked, as if the blood and sea of ​​the corpse were swaying and rushing towards his face.


Extremely scary!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong's eyes became sharper and he walked forward again.

"You're here." The stress sounded as if from outside the void, and as if from the deepest heart.

"Senior is King Gusula?" Chen Zong asked.

"It is the King." The illusory figure said, still sitting still on the throne. Although there was a feeling of residual candles in the wind, it seemed that the wind would dissipate when it blew, but it was permeated with a terrible power Suppress all directions.

"Dare to ask the seniors, have I passed the assessment?" Chen Zong asked without fear.

"You did pass my assessment and you are eligible for my highest inheritance." King Gusula smiled slightly: "But before that, I still have to try your ability personally. If I am more satisfied, My King will give you another chance. "

"I don't know how the senior will try?" Chen Zong asked again.

"It's very simple. Fight with the King." The voice dropped, and the illusory figure suddenly stood up, as if the sky and earth were shaking. There seemed to be an invisible void storm sweeping in all directions, making Chen Zong's complexion more serious.

Get up and step, the illusory figure also seems to have solidified, and can vaguely see his face.

Reaching out in the void and grabbing, there was a burst of flames bursting out, condensing into a long knife.

With a long knife in his hand, the shocking blast of energy like a sea of ​​oceans exploded, and the impact came, causing Chen Zong to tremble and instantly become numb and stiff.


It is really terrible. The intensity of this evil spirit is far better than the previous soul dragon.

If the evil spirit of Youhuo Qinglang is likened to a pond, then the evil spirit of Youhuo Qinghu is like a small lake, and the evil spirit of Youhuoqingyu is like a large lake, then the evil spirit of King Ancient Shura is the ocean.

It's amazing.

Chen Zong was so shocked by this wickedness.

The king of Shura ignored the shock of Chen Zong and slashed out. Suddenly, the terrible shame turned into the shocking sword light and smashed into the void, killing Chen Zong, and there was a feeling that his soul would be destroyed.

He did not hesitate to swing a sword, but in an instant, Jian Guang was chopped.

King Gusula's strength is too strong, even more powerful than that of the soul dragon, unfathomable.

As a powerful king, even if it is not the heyday, it is still very scary.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong burst into full force.


Jianguang tore through the sky and killed King Gusula with unparalleled sharpness and sharpness. One sword seemed simple, but there were infinite mysteries contained in it.

King Gusula secretly nodded. From the breath of soul, it can be judged that Chen Zong is very young. It is extremely rare and rare to have such a powerful soul with such a young soul. It is even more amazing to have such a brilliant sword.

But King Gusulao was even more clever. He waved his sword as if to flatten the world. He directly shattered Chen Zong's sword light, killing him like a bamboo, giving Chen Zong a sense of unavoidability.

Under the knife, Chen Zong can only retreat.

That seemed to be a flooding knife.

There is no evasion, and even backing is useless.

Chen Zong was so shocked that this feeling was the first time he had met.

It is useless to evade backing, and even has a sense of irresistibility.

Set aside and live, no matter what, burst out.

In this absolute situation, Chen Zong immediately triggered the potential of the soul and triggered a shocking hidden evil.


As if the sky was falling apart, an unparalleled terror power broke out in an instant, to destroy everything and kill everything.

The fierceness of Chen Zong's eruptiveness was only worse than that of King Gusula.

One sword!

All forces are integrated into this sword, as if annihilating the world.

Jianguang and Daoguang collided in an instant, sending out a terrible force, as if the space was broken up, and cracks spread like lightning, forming a terrible giant net covering all sides.

Chen Zong kept retreating. The strength was too arrogant and rude to the point where it could not be resisted. The body of the soul almost showed signs of collapse. If there was not a body armor, the defense and strength of the body of the soul would be improved. Can't resist.

King Gusula was also uncomfortable. Under the shock of this terrible force, he retreated endlessly. He was not in the heyday, not even one tenth of the heyday.

"Okay." With a loud shout, King Gusula seemed to be motivated to fight, and jumped up like a streamer, and the terrifying horror raged to the end ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The vision of a **** sea of ​​corpses was surging.

This knife is like a knife for killing, born only for the slaughter and only for the killing.

This knife made Chen Zong look extremely dignified.

This knife is a pure knife, only a knife of evil spirit and killing, nothing else, because it is pure, so horrible.

Chen Zong was horrified, only feeling that his soul body was in front of the sword, as if there was no resistance, and the sword was not coming, the terrible pressure and breath made his soul body feel disintegrated.

This knife has exceeded the limit that I can bear.

However, at this moment, Chen Zong is bursting out of unprecedented desperation and will, and can't stop it, he must stop it, exhausting all his strength, regardless of others.


Only the sword!

Only a sword!

Suddenly, Chen Zong ’s eyes burst out with an astonishing ray of light. The armor of the soul on his body burned in a flash, and the body of the soul seemed to burn, emitting an incomparable terror force. Within the sword.

Suddenly, the body of Chen Zong's soul became unreal, but the sword in his hand burst into an incomparable purple brilliance, shining like a round of purple sun.

Strongest blow!

last blow!

Do n’t ask for anything else, just swing the sword for one thought, do n’t retreat and dodge, only a sharp blow from the sky.

The knife light and the sword light collided in an instant, and everything was frozen in an instant, and even the space and time were completely still. The whole dim void was completely silent, silent and weird.

It seems to last forever, and it seems to be from ancient times, but for a moment, the terrible force burst out, destroying everything and destroying everything, and everything in front of it has no half resistance.

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