Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 57: Highest inheritance

The power of the soul is mixed with the storm formed by the violent collision of evil spirits, raging in all directions, and everything is destroyed.

Under this terrible power, Chen Zong was frightened, and quickly cast his body to the extreme. The body of the soul that had become illusory was extremely flexible. The long sword was radiated with a faint purple light, and it was radiated. The terrible power that came came.

However, the physical consumption of the soul has greatly reduced Chen Zong's strength. In the face of this horrible storm raging and destroying, he can no longer support it. At the next breath, he will be destroyed and destroyed by this void.

If the soul collapses and dissipates here, it is tantamount to death.

But at this moment, Chen Zong had no regrets.

That sword was also uttered by exerting one's own strength. It was the pinnacle and the other shore.

No regrets, just a little regret, after all, in the Kendo, I just took a step forward, there is a long way ahead.

Just when Chen Zong thought he would be here, King Gusula drove out loudly and waved flatly, simply and slowly. There didn't seem to be any surprise, but with that wave, the horrible one would be destroyed. The world-like storm also calmed down in an instant.

In the next breath, soul forces poured into Chen Zong's body, so that the body of the soul that had become illusory began to solidify.

After a while, Chen Zong's soul body was restored to the previous heyday, and the broken soul armor was also restored.

This hand is really shocking.

"Before accepting my highest inheritance, I have a wish to talk to you, if there is a chance in the future, please do it for me." King Gusula appeared in front of Chen Zong, his hands deep in voice.

"Senior, please." Chen Zong was not surprised.

"I am a cultivator ten thousand years ago, the master of Shuramon, and a quasi-level sage. I was invited to explore the mysterious world together by my friend King Rakshasa. Unexpectedly, it was a conspiracy. It struck me to death. "King Gusula seemed to be remembering that when he talked about King Gusalak, his tone was full of hate and betrayed hate.

"The purpose of the ancient Rakshasa king was for me to practice the supreme secrets of Ramon, and I always wanted to exchange with me, but I refused, and finally conspired."

"I don't know if Thousands of years have passed.

"Young man, if you want to accept my supreme inheritance, you need to promise me that you have enough strength in the future and you want to get back a fairness for me." King Gusula stared at Chen Zong with solemn tone: "10,000 years ago The ancient Rakshasa king is a quasi-big sacred power. After ten thousand years, it may be possible to break through and become a sacred power. "

"My king doesn't require you to seek revenge from the ancient King Luo Shacha now, but when you have enough strength in the future, you must get back a fair for me." King Shen Shura said.

"Also, look at the existence of Shuramon. If it exists and is strong, then you don't need to pay attention. If it has fallen, I hope you will give my heritage to Shuramon. If it does not exist, then forget it." King Gusula's tone was full of decline.

Thousands of years ago, he was conspired to die by a friend, and was very unwilling, but helpless.

The other person's purpose in calculating himself is to obtain the supreme inheritance of Shuramon, so it is unknown whether Shuramon can still exist after his death.

"Senior, I promise you." Chen Zong took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Okay." King Gusula also breathed a sigh of relief: "I need you to make an oath. If you violate it, the path of cultivation will be destroyed."

"Okay." Chen Zong understood the actions of King Gusula and made an oath.

When the vows were 10%, King Gusula truly relaxed.

"I have seen your talent in my life. Even if I knew it ten thousand years ago, it would be difficult to find someone who can compare with you. You have inherited my supreme secret law. I believe it will not be buried." King Shura smiled: Now, I will pass on the heritage to you, and use the remains of my soul to provide you with the last strength to cultivate mystics. "

The words fell, and the body of King Shura ’s soul collapsed and shattered in an instant, turning into countless souls and rushing to Chen Zong, wrapping up Chen Zong. At the same time, a burst of information also poured into Chen Zong's mind.

"The gods are repairing Luo Gong ..." Chen Zong muttered to himself.

This is the inheritance of the ancient Shura King, the supreme mystery of Shuramon, and the highest secret law that the ancient king of Rakshasa wanted to obtain.

Chen Zong was also very interested and carefully realized.

The gods are practicing Luo Gong. This is actually not a cultivation method, but a very unique secret method.

In other words, it is not a secret method. According to the information in the memory of King Gusula, this secret method has another name, called Little Magic Power.

Among the memories of King Taiyuan, there are memories of supernatural powers.

The so-called supernatural power is above the mystery.

The mystery is divided into nine grades, the ninth grade is the highest, and the tenth grade above is called quasi-supernatural power, above which is a small supernatural power, and above the small supernatural power is a great supernatural power.

Small magical powers and great magical powers are collectively called magical powers, but are the patents of the great sacred powers.

Basically, small magical powers and great magical powers are only qualified to practice in the great holy realm. Below the great holy realm, the quasi-big holy strongholds are qualified to practice, but they must be assisted by foreign objects to succeed.

As for those who are below the Great Lord, it is extremely difficult and impossible to practice successfully.

However, the little magical power of the **** phase Shura Gong is a little different. The difficulty of cultivation is not so high, or the threshold is not so high. Even if it is obtained in an extraordinary state, it may be successful. Of course, it is only possible. After all, the threshold is not high. After getting started, it is difficult to practice.

First, there must be a strong enough soul.

At least it must be a place where souls gather in the sea.

Second, we must absorb enough evil spirits.

Because the cultivation needs of the **** phase Shura Gong are evil spirits.

A strong soul and a large amount of evil spirits, no matter which one, is enough to block many people. It is no wonder that King Gusula would think that Chen Zong is an extremely suitable heir.

Because Chen Zong is just a transcendental realm, his soul has reached the late stage of Juhai. It is stronger than some ordinary sevenfold sacred realms. Relatively speaking, it is really amazing.

In addition, Chen Zong's body is filled with terrible evil spirits, which are the amazing evil spirits formed by the slaughter of millions of demons. Chen Zong's massive evil spirits are difficult to apply by themselves and can be used to cultivate gods. Shura Gong.

The powerful soul allowed Chen Zong to withstand the impact of the information. This information is not only the inheritance of the supreme secrets of the ancient Shura King, the ancient **** Shura Gong, but also the inheritance of other ancient Shura kings, called the Shura Tao. inherited.

The inheritance of Shura Tao is naturally a series of exercises and martial arts of Shuramon. Of course, it is not all. After all, a martial art's martial arts has high, low, strong, and weak. Is the core part.

A technique!

Two martial arts!

A secret method!

Gongfa is the sarcastic shuragong of holy grade, but it is a pity that it is incomplete. It was originally 30th, but it lacked the last three, only 27.

Of course, only twenty-seven is also more brilliant and powerful than most of the holy grades.

As for the two martial arts, one is a martial art that matches the Gongfa. It is known as the Burning Shura Warfare. It can be used for swordsmanship and swordsmanship. It is also a saint-class masterpiece, and it is also incomplete. Lack of the last and most powerful move.

The other martial art is the sacred class martial arts, named Jiu Luo Jiu Bian.

As for the mystery, it is the ten-pin mystery Tiansha force field called quasi-supernatural power.

Chen Zong can't help but feel a bit pity.

Burning Shura Gong is a lot stronger than Taiyuan Mo Yungong, but it is not suitable for cultivation.

Regardless of the practice of martial arts, suiting oneself is the most important. If it is not suitable for forcible cultivation, it will not only be difficult to achieve great achievements, but also leave hidden dangers and cut off the road. At that time, you will have to rebuild it. And energy.

And the Shasha Shura Warfare, or the Shasha Shura Sword Technique, is indeed very powerful, but it cannot be cultivated by itself. One is that the grade is too high to be enlightened, even if there is the memory of the ancient Shura King. You can learn the mystery, and you can't exert the power of its application, because that is the martial arts that is matched with the burning of Shagong.

The only thing that is useful to Chen Zong should be the nine-level transformation of the sacred body of the top grade.

As for the **** decisiveness, this nine-class secret method is also useful to Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can also cultivate.

One method, two martial arts, one secret method, one small magical power, and some cultivation memory experience, and so on, this is what the ancient Shura king passed on to Chen Zong.

In fact, the original King Shura only wanted to inherit the little magical power, but Chen Zong made him very satisfied and very satisfied, so he tried his best to give everything.

When Chen Zong completely watched the small magical power of the **** phase Xiulonggong, he was shocked and shocked. It is hard to imagine that there are such magical powers in this world.

"If I cultivated into the **** phase of Shura Gong, then there will be a place for burning Shura Gong and so on." Chen Zong said secretly, a little excited inside.

The divine power, Shura Gong, can begin to cultivate now, because this little magical power is directly related to the soul.

First of all, it is to split out part of its soul and make it a brand new soul, and there is a close connection between this new soul and the ontological soul.

Then, with a large amount of evil spirits and some treasures, etc., a whole body was built for the new soul, and finally it was condensed to become an avatar of himself and an avatar of Shura.

To put it simply, the ancient King Shura was actually a clone of Shura trained by the **** phase Shura Gong. As for the deity, he died under the hands of the ancient King Luo Shao.

With the memory of King Gusula, coupled with a powerful soul and super strong understanding, Chen Zong immediately realized.

Soon, the mysteries of the **** phase Shura Gong were all realized by Chen Zong.

Difficulty in the cultivation of the **** phase Shuragong lies in the division of the soul and the cohesion of massive evil spirits. If you overcome these two difficulties, you can practice it.

After the enlightenment was completed, Chen Zong was meditation, rid of all distractions, and the whole body was surrounded by arrogant soul power and began to cultivate.

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